998 resultados para Etileno acetato de vinilo (EVA)


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O acetato de dexametasona (DXM) é um glicocorticoide com eficácia antiinflamatória e imunossupressora, sendo utilizado nas doenças autoimunes. Sua ação antiinflamatória advém da inibição do acúmulo de células (macrófagos, linfócitos e neutrófilos) na área da inflamação, inibindo também a liberação de mediadores da inflamação como interferon-γ e TNF-α. Já a atividade imunossupressora é alcançada com a redução do concentrado de linfócitos e inibição da síntese e/ou liberação de interleucinas. Porém o uso contínuo do DXM ocasiona uma série de efeitos colaterais sistêmicos, sendo interessante sua aplicação tópica para viabilizar a promoção do aumento da liberação e a estabilização dos níveis plasmáticos do fármaco. Sistemas nanoestruturados como microemulsões (ME) e os cristais líquidos (CL) vêm sendo estudados como novos sistemas de liberação, pois além de se comportarem como reservatórios de fármacos também possibilitam o aumento da estabilidade e da solubilidade dos princípios ativos. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram desenvolver e caracterizar sistemas micro e nanoestruturados, com intuito de incorporar DXM e avaliar sua permeação cutânea in vitro. Foram desenvolvidos sistemas utilizando água, silicone (DC® 193C fluido) e polioxietileno-20-oleil éter (Brij® 98). Os 36 pontos do diagrama de fases foram avaliados, sendo elaboradas formulações com diferentes proporções de água, óleo e tensoativo, sendo possível delimitar regiões como: sistemas transparentes de alta viscosidade (STAV), sistemas transparentes de baixa viscosidade (STBV), sistemas líquido-transparentes (SLT), emulsão viscosa (EV) e emulsão líquida (EL). Três formulações foram selecionadas para os ensaios de caracterização, fixando-se a concentração de tensoativo (T) em 40% e variando-se as concentrações de água e de silicone, denominadas A, B e C. As análises de microscopia de luz polarizada ...


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Cu(II), Cd(II), Mn(II) AND Ni(II). Cellulose acetate polymeric membranes had been prepared by a procedure of two steps, combining the method of phase inversion and the technique of hydrolysis-deposition. The first step was the preparation of the membrane, and together was organomodified with tetraethylortosilicate and 3-aminopropyltrietoxysilane. Parameters that exert influence in the complexation of the metallic ion, as pH, time of complexation, metal concentration, had been studied in laboratory using tests of metal removal. The membranes had presented resistance mechanics and reactivity to cations, being able to be an alternative for the removal, daily pay-concentration or in the study of the lability of metals complexed.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Nous comprenons que la littérature, quelle que soit l'adjectif qui accompagne - enfant, adolescent ou adulte - est l'art. L'art de la parole qui crée des mondes possibles, pas réel, à travers un langage très élaboré et complexe qui permet la compréhension de toute la l'expérience humaine. D'autre part, la réalité de l'éducation brésilienne nous montre que nos étudiants ont de la difficulté à comprendre des textes écrits, ce que compromettre l'apprentissage de toutes les matières du programme. Dans ce sens, cette étude a eu l'óbjective à à souligner les possibilités que nous avons d'incorporer la literature brésilienne pour les enfants e les jeunes - appropriée aux étudiants de l'enseignement de base, les enfants et les jeunes - comme um élément transdisciplinaire, associant toutes les disciplines du programme scolaire de l'école élémentaire, notre découpure. Ainsi, nous le signalons dans Cacoete, d' Eva Furnari (2005), des éléments de toutes les matières du programme d'études de cette étape scolaire Brésilienne, afin de montrer aux les enseignants de tous les domaines qui le travail avec la littérature conduit nécessairement à la compréhension de toutes la connaissance. Notre étude a été réalisée sous une approche qualitative de caractère bibliographique. Pour l'embasement théorique nous utilisons de auteurs qui recherche le concept et les spécificités du texte littéraire, selon Rolland Barthes (2007) et Tzvetan Todorov (2009) aussi que des auteurs qui l'étudient spécifiquement de la littérature pour les enfants, selon Nelly Novaes Coelho (2006) et Fanny Abramovich (1983; 1999). Ils ont été également consultées des auteurs qui recherche sur la lecture, la littérature et l'école, selon John Wanderley Geraldi (2006), Marisa Lajolo (1997), Ana Maria Machado (2011), Iara Conceição Bitencourt Neves et al (2003), Roxane Rojo (2002), Ezequiel Theodoro da Silva (1988)...


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The objective of this study objective was to evaluate the selectivity of pre-emergence applications the herbicide clomazone cotton seeds treated with dietholate and zinc acetate. The 4 x 2 factorial arrangement was adopted (4 seed treatment methods and 2 clomazone dosages), distributed in a randomized block design with 4 repetitions. In treatments where dietholate and zinc acetate were applied, rates of 0.4 kg ha(-1) and 8 ml per kg of seeds were used respectively. The clomazone rates used refer to 0.8 and 1.0 kg ha(-1). The cotton cultivar used was the Fiber Max 966 LL. Independent of treatment, all seeds were treated with tiametoxam insecticide and fludioxonil + metalaxyl-M fungicide at rates of 2.24 and 0.08 + 0.03 g per kg of seed, respectively, to control pests early and limit losses caused by pathogens in germination and seedling emergence. Dietholate and zinc acetate treatment had greater initial effect on cotton plants at 21, 30 and 45 days after application. In phytointoxication symptoms were observed for treatment with dietholate and zinc acetate during the evaluation periods. Seeds treated with dietholate, dietholate and zinc acetate or zinc acetate alone provided a higher number of bolls and seed cotton production compared to the control.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Mary Eva Hite Papers consists of correspondence, speeches, newspaper clippings, family history data, photographs, awards, scrapbooks, and other records relating to Mary Eva Hite’s career as an educator and prominent South Carolina public servant. The photograph file provides a visual record of South Carolina elementary school life in the first half of the twentieth century. Correspondence relates to Dr. Hite’s many career activities, including her 1970 correspondence highlighting her work promoting the welfare of senior citizens. The speeches focus on her work with the aged, her travels abroad, and acceptances for awards presented to her by educational and civic organizations. Newspaper clippings provide information concerning awards presented to Dr. Hite and chronicle the advances in education made by the state of South Carolina. Scrapbooks relate to college friends and Dr. Hite’s work with Delta Kappa Gamma. There are also records relating to teacher retirement in South Carolina.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The improved workability effect of latex in dry mortars has not been fully clarified. The purpose of this research was to investigate the influence cif the EVA copolymer on the cement hydration and on the rheological properties of cement pastes. The results pointed to a minor influence of EVA on cement hydration and to a ball-bearing effect. In fact, the shear thinning behavior of reference paste at 15 min after mixing changed to shear thickening owing to the EVA addition. This behavior could be explained by the decrease in the interparticle separation distance as consequence of the solid content increase in case of shearing detachment of weakly adhered EVA particles from the cement particles surfaces. The expected EVA plasticizing effect was observed at 60 min. Such behavior points to the stabilization of EVA on the cement particles surfaces, thus resulting in a steric barrier effect. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The known paddlewheel, tetrakis(acetato)chloridodiruthenium(II,III), offers a versatile synthetic route to a novel class of antitumor diruthenium(II,III) metallo drugs, where the equatorial ligands are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory carboxylates. This complex was studied here as a soluble starting prototype model for antitumor analogues to elucidate the reactivity of the [Ru-2(CH3COO)(4)](+) framework. Thermodynamic studies on equilibration reactions for axial substitution of water by chloride and kinetic studies on reactions of the diaqua complexes with the amino acids glycine, cysteine, histidine, and tryptophan were performed. The standard thermodynamic reaction parameters Delta H degrees, Delta S degrees, and Delta V degrees were determined and showed that both of the sequential axial substitution reactions are enthalpy driven. Kinetic rate laws and rate constants were determined for the axial substitution reactions of coordinated water by the amino acids that gave the corresponding aqua(amino acid)-Ru-2 substituted species. The results revealed that the [Ru-2(CH3COO)(4)](+) paddlewheel framework remained stable during the axial ligand substitution reactions and was also mostly preserved in the presence of the amino acids.


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The improved workability effect of latex in dry mortars has not been fully clarified. The purpose of this research was to investigate the influence of the EVA copolymer on the cement hydration and on the rheological properties of cement pastes. The results pointed to a minor influence of EVA on cement hydration and to a ball-bearing effect. In fact, the shear thinning behavior of reference paste at 15 min after mixing changed to shear thickening owing to the EVA addition. This behavior could be explained by the decrease in the interparticle separation distance as consequence of the solid content increase in case of shearing detachment of weakly adhered EVA particles from the cement particles surfaces. The expected EVA plasticizing effect was observed at 60 min. Such behavior points to the stabilization of EVA on the cement particles surfaces, thus resulting in a steric barrier effect.