916 resultados para Erva mate
The genetic analysis of mate choice is fraught with difficulties. Males produce complex signals and displays that can consist of a combination of acoustic, visual, chemical and behavioural phenotypes. Furthermore, female preferences for these male traits are notoriously difficult to quantify. During mate choice, genes not only affect the phenotypes of the individual they are in, but can influence the expression of traits in other individuals. How can genetic analyses be conducted to encompass this complexity? Tighter integration of classical quantitative genetic approaches with modern genomic technologies promises to advance our understanding of the complex genetic basis of mate choice.
Two further key aspects of prosociality as a sexual signal are explored here. Firstly, the context in which it is used (in particular relationship length), and, second, also the different types of prosocial behaviors that exist in social interactions. Therefore, this commentary can show why prosocial behaviors are biased towards physically attractive individuals, as they can gain valuable information from them.
Al ser un deporte relativamente nuevo, tiene 60 a?os de historia, no se cuenta con la suficiente bibliograf?a para su ense?anza, y mucho menos en las categor?as juveniles, es por eso que se quiere brindar un documento que, a partir de la experiencia en el campo y tomando modelos pedag?gicos de diferentes ?reas que no s?lo incluyen la educaci?n f?sica, con el cual los profesores de educaci?n f?sica y deporte puedan iniciar procesos formativos en menores de 16 a?os. Para llevar a cabo lo anterior, se pretende abordar temas que van m?s all? del entrenamiento deportivo juvenil, con el fin de brindar herramientas que permitan consolidar un grupo de trabajo cooperativo que abarque, desde la convocatoria de los ni?os, el trato y la participaci?n de los padres de familia, la organizaci?n de las sesiones de entrenamiento, hasta la conducci?n de procesos de autorregulaci?n, que incluyen el dialogo y el respeto como herramientas para la soluci?n de conflictos dentro y fuera del entrenamiento. Por lo tanto el presente trabajo de investigaci?n se estructur? en tres cap?tulos fundamentales que son: Capitulo uno hace referencia al planteamiento dial?ctico y epistemol?gico de la investigaci?n en donde se puede apreciar una correcta relaci?n entre el problema y los objetivos. En el cap?tulo dos encontramos una gran variedad de estudios internacionales y nacionales que nos permiten definir las tendencias m?s importantes del ult?mate y a partir de all? se realiza un an?lisis de c?mo han evolucionado en los ?ltimos tiempos el proceso de ense?anza- aprendizaje. Y en el tercer cap?tulo presentamos fase a fase el dise?o y elaboraci?n de la metodolog?a que proponemos para guiar el proceso de ense?anza ? aprendizaje en la muestra objeto de estudio, para finalmente realizar un an?lisis y discusi?n de resultados.
The benefits obtained from mating are usually condition-dependent, favouring the evolution of flexible investment during copulation, for instance, in terms of invested time, energy, or sperm. Flexible investment strategies are predicted to depend on the likelihood of acquiring alternative mates and therefore they should depend on the timing of mate encounter. However, scarce experimental evidence for this hypothesis exists. Here we manipulated the time delay until first mating and the interval between first and second mating in the polygynandrous common lizard, Zootoca vivipara. We determined treatment effects on fertilisation success and copulation duration, the latter being a proxy for investment in mating and for quantity of transferred sperm. The duration of the second copulation decreased with increasing inter-mating interval and depended on the fertilisation success of first mates. The former provides evidence for time-dependent investment strategies, most likely resulting from the progression of the female's reproductive cycle. Fertilisation success of first mates increased with increasing inter-mating interval and was higher when females were closer to ovulation, showing that flexible investment strategies significantly affected male reproductive success. This points to fertilisation assurance, which may mitigate negative effects of low population density on reproductive success, e.g. Allee effects.
Texto relativo ao segundo encontor Perspectivas da investigação e(m) artes: articulações, realizado na Universidade de Évora em dezembro de 2013.
Toxicidade de manipueira de mandioca e erva-de-rato a adultos de Toxoptera citricida Kirkaldy.
Para avaliar a erva medicinal Cymbopogon citratus (capim-limao) no controle de fitopatogenos e de plantas daninhas em feijoeiro, foram instalados experimentos utilizando diferentes subprodutos da planta. O oleo essencial de C. citratus a 10% obtido de folhas inibiu totalmente o crescimento micelial de Fusarium solani f. sp phaseoli, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum e Rhizoctonia solani, ao passo que Sclerotium rolfsii apresentou-se menos sensivel, apesar da substancia reduzir significativamente o diametro medio das colonias do fungo. Tambem o oleo de C. citratus a 10% promoveu inibicao total da germinacao de sementes de Digitaria horizontalis (capim-colchao), Sorghum halepense (capim-massambara), Bidens pilosa (picao-preto), Euphorbia heterophylla (amendoim-bravo, leiteiro) e Raphanus raphanistrum (nabica). O oleo inibiu parcialmente a germinacao de Echinochloa crusgalli (capim-arroz) e nao afetou a germinacao de Portulaca oleracea (beldroega). Em casa de vegetacao, o oleo de folhas a 10% afetou a emergencia do feijoeiro, enquanto o po (folha seca moida) incrementou a emergencia para 97% contra 75% e 88% em solos infestados com R. solani e F. solani, respectivamente. Em condicoes de campo, observou-se reducao da incidencia de F. solani e R. solani nas parcelas tratadas com suspensao aquosa de oleo de C. citratus a 1% e 5% no sulco de plantio e em tratamento de sementes a 0,5%. A analise da producao nao evidenciou diferencas significativas entre os tratamentos. Para verificar o efeito da combinacao do uso de C. citratus e da reducao de doses dos herbicidas, foram ultilizados os herbicidas pos-emergentes fomesafen e fenoxaprop-etil nas doses usadas pelo produtor (0,619 l ia/ha de cada produto) e a 80% destas doses. As especies de plantas daninhas predominantes foram: P. oleracea, Eleusine indica (capim-pe-de-galinha) e Amaranthus deflexus (caruru).
Ilustração estática com tabela de exemplos de interações medicamentosas da Erva de São João
Yerba mate´ (Ilex paraguariensis) is rich in polyphenols, especially chlorogenic acids. Evidence suggests that dietary polyphenols could play a role in glucose absorption and metabolism. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antidiabetic properties of yerba mate´ extract in alloxan-induced diabetic Wistar rats. Animals (n ) 41) were divided in four groups: nondiabetic control (NDC, n=11), and diabetic yerba maté (DY, n = 10). The intervention consisted in the administration of yerba mate´ extract in a 1 g extract/ kg body weight dose for 28 days; controls received saline solution only. There were no significant differences in serum glucose, insulin, and hepatic glucose-6-phosphatase activity between the groups that ingested yerba maté extract (NDY and DY) and the controls (NDC and DC). However, the intestinal SGLT1 gene expression was significantly lower in animals that received yerba maté both in upper (p = 0.007) and middle (p < 0.001) small intestine. These results indicate that bioactive compounds present in yerba maté might be capable of interfering in glucose absorption, by decreasing SGLT1 expression
Processed tea and herbal infusions were Studied for their phenol content, antioxidant activity and main flavonoids. Total phenolics were determined by Folin-Ciocalteu method and ranged from N.D. to 46.46 +/- 0.44 mg/g GAE. Flavonoids were investigated by HPLC, and myricetin, quercetin, kaempferol were identified in black, green, and chamomile tea. Antioxidant activity was evaluated using two methods: DPPH and beta-carotene bleaching test (BCB). Using the BCB, the highest activities were found for infusions of black tea, mate, lemongrass, chamomile, and fennel; whereas fresh herbal infusions presented the lowest activities. Using the DPPH method, fresh herbal infusions presented the highest activities. Processed leaves with the lowest IC50 values were green and black tea (147.63 and 288.60 mu g/mL, respectively). The results of this research show that the infusions studied are good Source of compounds presenting antioxidant activity in vitro.
Benthic marine invertebrates may form metapopulations connected via propagule dispersal. Conservation efforts often target potential source coastlines to indirectly benefit areas depending on allochthonous offspring production. Besides population density, adult size structure, sex ratio, brooding frequency and the proportion of breeding individuals may significantly influence the reproductive output of benthic populations, but these effects have seldom been tested. We used rocky shore crabs to assess the spatial variability of such parameters at relevant scales for conservation purposes and to test their consistency over 2 consecutive years; we then used the data to address whether bottom-up processes or biological interactions might explain the patterns observed. We decomposed egg production rates into their components for the 2 most abundant brachyuran species inhabiting the intertidal rocky habitat. Adult density and brooding frequency varied consistently among shores for both species and largely explained the overall spatial trends of egg production. Temporally consistent patterns also included among-shore differences in the size of ovigerous females of the grapsid Pachygrapsus transversus and between-bay differences in the fecundity of the spider crab Epialtus brasiliensis. Sex ratio was remarkably constant in both. We found no positive or negative correlations between adult density and brooding frequency to support either the existence of a component Allee effect (lack of mate encounters) or an effect of intra-specific competition. Likewise, shore-specific potential growth in P. transversus does not negatively correlate with frequency of ovigerous individuals, as would be expected under a critical balance between these 2 processes. The patterns observed suggest that bottom-up drivers may best explain spatial trends in the reproductive output of these species.
Polymerase chain reaction screening revealed that Armigeres subalbatus (Coquillett), a vector of filariasis, was infected with the intracellular bacteria Wolbachia. Laboratory crosses between infected males and uninfected females resulted in less than half the number of offspring than control crosses between uninfected individuals when young (2- to 3-d-old) males were used in the cross. However, incompatibility was lost when old (14- to 17-d-old) males were used. Field-collected females did not show detectable cytoplasmic incompatibility, and this may be because of the age at which males mate in the field. We used head pigment fluorescence levels to age field males collected from mating swarms, and found that 25-63% of swarming males were older than 13 d. Male age may be one factor influencing the observed low levels of cytoplasmic incompatibility detected in the field.
The effects on estrus and fertility of 3 estrus synchronization protocols were studied in Brahman beef heifers. In Treatment 1 (PGF protocol; n=234), heifers received 7.5 mg, im prostianol on Day 0 and were inseminated after observed estrus until Day 5. Treatment 2 (10-d NOR protocol; n=220) consisted of norgestomet (NOR; 3 mg, sc implant and 3 mg, im) and estradiol valerate (5 mg, im) treatment on Day -10, NOR implant removal and 400 IU, im PMSG on Day 0, and AI after observed estrus through to Day 5. Treatment 3 (14-d NOR+PGF protocol; n=168) constituted a NOR implant (3 mg, sc) on Day -14, NOR implant removal on Day 0, PGF on Day 16, and AI after observed estrus through to Day 21. All heifers were examined for return to estrus at the next cycle and inseminated after observed estrus. The heifers were then exposed to bulls for at least 21 d. During the period of estrus observation (5 d) after treatment, those heifers treated with the PGF protocol had a lower (P