338 resultados para Entail


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Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) occur frequently in childhood and entail broad cognitive deficits, particularly in the domain of executive functions (EF). Concerning mild TBI (mTBI), only little empirical evidence is available on acute and postacute performance in EF. Given that EF are linked to school adaptation and achievement, even subtle deficits in performance may affect children's academic careers. The present study assessed performance in the EF components of inhibition, working memory (WM), and switching in children after mTBI. Regarding both acute and postacute consequences, performance trajectories were measured in 13 patients aged between 5 and 10 years and 13 controls who were closely matched in terms of sex, age, and education. Performance in the EF components of inhibition, switching, and WM was assessed in a short-term longitudinal design at 2, 6, and 12 weeks after the mTBI. Results indicate subtle deficits after mTBI, which became apparent in the longitudinal trajectory in the EF components of switching and WM. Compared with controls, children who sustained mTBI displayed an inferior performance enhancement across testing sessions in the first 6 weeks after the injury in switching and WM, resulting in a delayed deficit in the EF component of WM 12 weeks after the injury. Results are interpreted as mTBI-related deficits that become evident in terms of an inability to profit from previous learning opportunities, a finding that is potentially important for children's mastery of their daily lives.


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Visually impaired people show superior abilities in various perception tasks such as auditory attention, auditory temporal resolution, auditory spatial tuning, and odor discrimination. However, with the use of psychophysical methods, auditory and olfactory detection thresholds typically do not differ between visually impaired and sighted participants. Using a motion platform we investigated thresholds of passive whole-body motion discrimination in nine visually impaired participants and nine age-matched sighted controls. Participants were rotated in yaw, tilted in roll, and translated along the y-axis at two different frequencies (0.3 Hz and 2 Hz). An adaptive 3-down 1-up staircase procedure was used along with a two-alternative direction (leftward vs. rightward) discrimination task. Superior performance of visually impaired participants was found in the 0.3 Hz roll tilt condition. No differences between the visually impaired and controls were observed in all other types of motion. The superior performance in the 0.3 Hz roll tilt condition could reflect differences in the integration of extra-vestibular cues and increased sensitivity towards changes in the direction of the gravito-inertial force. In the absence of visual information, roll tilts entail a more pronounced risk of falling, and this could eventually account for the group difference. It is argued that differences in experimental procedures (i.e. detection vs. discrimination of stimuli) explain the discrepant findings across perceptual tasks comparing blind and sighted participants.


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A sense of calling in career is supposed to have positive implications for individuals and organizations but current theoretical development is plagued with incongruent conceptualizations of what does or does not constitute a calling. The present study used cluster analysis to identify essential and optional components of a presence of calling among 407 German undergraduate students from different majors. Three types of calling merged: “negative career self-centered”, “pro-social religious”, and “positive varied work orientation”. All types could be described as vocational identity achieved (high commitment/high self-exploration), high in career confidence and career engagement. Not defining characteristics were centrality of work or religion, endorsement of specific work values, or positivity of core self-evaluations. The results suggest that callings entail intense self-exploration and might be beneficial because they correspond with identity achievement and promote career confidence and engagement while not necessarily having pro-social orientations. Suggestions for future research, theory and practice are suggested.


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We introduce the block numerical range Wn(L) of an operator function L with respect to a decomposition H = H1⊕. . .⊕Hn of the underlying Hilbert space. Our main results include the spectral inclusion property and estimates of the norm of the resolvent for analytic L . They generalise, and improve, the corresponding results for the numerical range (which is the case n = 1) since the block numerical range is contained in, and may be much smaller than, the usual numerical range. We show that refinements of the decomposition entail inclusions between the corresponding block numerical ranges and that the block numerical range of the operator matrix function L contains those of its principal subminors. For the special case of operator polynomials, we investigate the boundedness of Wn(L) and we prove a Perron-Frobenius type result for the block numerical radius of monic operator polynomials with coefficients that are positive in Hilbert lattice sense.


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Software developers often ask questions about software systems and software ecosystems that entail exploration and navigation, such as who uses this component?, and where is this feature implemented?. Software visualisation can be a great aid to understanding and exploring the answers to such questions, but visualisations require expertise to implement effectively, and they do not always scale well to large systems. We propose to automatically generate software visualisations based on software models derived from open source software corpora and from an analysis of the properties of typical developers queries and commonly used visualisations. The key challenges we see are (1) understanding how to match queries to suitable visualisations, and (2) scaling visualisations effectively to very large software systems and corpora. In the paper we motivate the idea of automatic software visualisation, we enumerate the challenges and our proposals to address them, and we describe some very initial results in our attempts to develop scalable visualisations of open source software corpora.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: In stroke patients, neglect diagnostic is often performed by means of paper-pencil cancellation tasks. These tasks entail static stimuli, and provide no information concerning possible changes in the severity of neglect symptoms when patients are confronted with motion. We therefore aimed to directly contrast the cancellation behaviour of neglect patients under static and dynamic conditions. Since visual field deficits often occur in neglect patients, we analysed whether the integrity of the optic radiation would influence cancellation behaviour. METHODS: Twenty-five patients with left spatial neglect after right-hemispheric stroke were tested with a touchscreen cancellation task, once when the evenly distributed targets were stationary, and once when the identic targets moved with constant speed on a random path. The integrity of the right optic radiation was analysed by means of a hodologic probabilistic approach. RESULTS: Motion influenced the cancellation behaviour of neglect patients, and the direction of this influence (i.e., an increase or decrease of neglect severity) was modulated by the integrity of the right optic radiation. In patients with an intact optic radiation, the severity of neglect significantly decreased in the dynamic condition. Conversely, in patients with damage to the optic radiation, the severity of neglect significantly increased in the dynamic condition. CONCLUSION: Motion may influence neglect in stroke patients. The integrity of the optic radiation may be a predictor of whether motion increases or decreases the severity of neglect symptoms.


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We prove exponential rates of convergence of hp-version discontinuous Galerkin (dG) interior penalty finite element methods for second-order elliptic problems with mixed Dirichlet-Neumann boundary conditions in axiparallel polyhedra. The dG discretizations are based on axiparallel, σ-geometric anisotropic meshes of mapped hexahedra and anisotropic polynomial degree distributions of μ-bounded variation. We consider piecewise analytic solutions which belong to a larger analytic class than those for the pure Dirichlet problem considered in [11, 12]. For such solutions, we establish the exponential convergence of a nonconforming dG interpolant given by local L 2 -projections on elements away from corners and edges, and by suitable local low-order quasi-interpolants on elements at corners and edges. Due to the appearance of non-homogeneous, weighted norms in the analytic regularity class, new arguments are introduced to bound the dG consistency errors in elements abutting on Neumann edges. The non-homogeneous norms also entail some crucial modifications of the stability and quasi-optimality proofs, as well as of the analysis for the anisotropic interpolation operators. The exponential convergence bounds for the dG interpolant constructed in this paper generalize the results of [11, 12] for the pure Dirichlet case.


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PURPOSE To investigate whether the effects of hybrid iterative reconstruction (HIR) on coronary artery calcium (CAC) measurements using the Agatston score lead to changes in assignment of patients to cardiovascular risk groups compared to filtered back projection (FBP). MATERIALS AND METHODS 68 patients (mean age 61.5 years; 48 male; 20 female) underwent prospectively ECG-gated, non-enhanced, cardiac 256-MSCT for coronary calcium scoring. Scanning parameters were as follows: Tube voltage, 120 kV; Mean tube current time-product 63.67 mAs (50 - 150 mAs); collimation, 2 × 128 × 0.625 mm. Images were reconstructed with FBP and with HIR at all levels (L1 to L7). Two independent readers measured Agatston scores of all reconstructions and assigned patients to cardiovascular risk groups. Scores of HIR and FBP reconstructions were correlated (Spearman). Interobserver agreement and variability was assessed with ĸ-statistics and Bland-Altmann-Plots. RESULTS Agatston scores of HIR reconstructions were closely correlated with FBP reconstructions (L1, R = 0.9996; L2, R = 0.9995; L3, R = 0.9991; L4, R = 0.986; L5, R = 0.9986; L6, R = 0.9987; and L7, R = 0.9986). In comparison to FBP, HIR led to reduced Agatston scores between 97 % (L1) and 87.4 % (L7) of the FBP values. Using HIR iterations L1 - L3, all patients were assigned to identical risk groups as after FPB reconstruction. In 5.4 % of patients the risk group after HIR with the maximum iteration level was different from the group after FBP reconstruction. CONCLUSION There was an excellent correlation of Agatston scores after HIR and FBP with identical risk group assignment at levels 1 - 3 for all patients. Hence it appears that the application of HIR in routine calcium scoring does not entail any disadvantages. Thus, future studies are needed to demonstrate whether HIR is a reliable method for reducing radiation dose in coronary calcium scoring.


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La abundancia y bajo costo del recurso hídrico en el Alto Valle de Río Negro combinados con un manejo ineficiente del mismo, principalmente durante la primera parte de la primavera, época en la que los productores riegan con mayor frecuencia para luchar pasivamente contra las probables heladas tardías, permiten inferir que los nitratos presentes en el suelo, así como el aportado por los fertilizantes nitrogenados, están sujetos al lixiviado durante una gran parte del ciclo productivo. En la actualidad no existen estudios regionales que ilustren la variación estacional de la concentración de nitratos en la zona de exploración radical de frutales, por lo que se inició el presente trabajo con el propósito de: a) medir la concentración de los nitratos en el perfil del suelo cultivado con manzanos, desde el período de floración hasta el inicio de caída de hojas, con fertilización nitrogenada en dos dosis y sin fertilización a distintas profundidades de extracción; b) determinar la eficiencia del riego a manto de dicho monte. Se ensayaron dos concentraciones de nitrógeno, adicionado como nitrato de amonio en dos oportunidades: el 50% a la caída de los pétalos y el 50% restante cercano a la cosecha, correspondiendo a dosis de 100 kg ha-1 (N1), 200 kg ha-1 (N2) y un testigo sin agregado de N (N0), durante el período 2004-2005 y 2005-2006. Para determinar los niveles de N en el suelo, expresado como nitratos, se extrajeron muestras del mismo a tres profundidades 0-30; 30-60; 60-90 cm, al inicio de floración, antes del primer riego y después de cada riego. La lámina de agua empleada para el riego a manto osciló entre 1712 y 2400 mm, con un aprovechamiento a campo del 30%. La concentración de nitratos fue baja cuando no se fertilizó, manteniéndose alrededor de 22 mg kg-1 en superficie y reduciéndose a la mitad a la profundidad de 30-60 cm, durante el período de muestreo. En ambas dosis empleadas, el contenido de nitratos del suelo fue mayor llegando a 175 y 300 mg kg-1, respectivamente. Estos valores se igualan a los del testigo a los 30 días en el caso de N1 y a los 60 días para N2. Los resultados permiten inferir que la concentración de nitratos fue efímera en el perfil del suelo y mejoró la eficiencia de riego, principalmente durante la primavera con el fin de minimizar pérdidas de nitrógeno.


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The aerosol climatology at the coastal Antarctic Neumayer Station (NM) was investigated based on continuous, 25-yr long observations of biogenic sulphur components (methanesulfonate and non-sea salt sulphate), sea salt and nitrate. Although significant long-term trends could only be detected for nitrate (-3.6 ± 2.5% per year between 1983 and 1993 and +4.0 ± 3.2% per year from 1993-2007), non-harmonic periodicities between 2 and 5 yr were typical for all species. Dedicated time series analyses revealed that relations to sea ice extent and various circulation indices are weak at best or not significant. In particular, no consistent link between sea ice extent and sea salt loadings was evident suggesting only a rather local relevance of the NM sea salt record. Nevertheless, a higher Southern Annular Mode index tended to entail a lower biogenic sulphur signal. In examining the spatial uniformity of the NM findings we contrasted them to respective 17 yr records from the coastal Dumont d'Urville Station. We found similar long-term trends for nitrate, indicating an Antarctic-wide but not identifiable atmospheric signal, although any significant impact of solar activity or pollution could be ruled out. No inter-site variability on the multiannual scale was evident for the other ionic compounds.


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Según Leo Strauss, la filosofía política no es más que el intento por responder una pregunta fundamental: la pregunta por el mejor régimen de gobierno que haga posible la “vida buena". Esta pregunta admite dos direcciones distintas como respuesta, y éstas se identifican con lo que el Autor denomina solución clásica y solución moderna al problema de la filosofía política. Sin embargo, sólo la primera puede considerarse una respuesta apropiada al problema, aun cuando debe enfrentar algunas dificultades y contradicciones que en este artículo se analizan en detalle.


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Este trabajo aborda la temática de una concepción que ha tenido vigencia en el ámbito de la enfermedad odontológica. Se realiza una referencia a la vinculación entre el comienzo de las prácticas de intervención junto al modelo de creencias religiosas como respuesta al problema del dolor en la cavidad bucal. La figura de Santa Apolonia es un ejemplo del entrecruzamiento de la crónica histórica y las creencias de orden religioso en el proceso de desarrollo de la odontología.


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El territorio y el espacio son claves para comprender la problemática de los pueblos originarios latinoamericanos, pues involucran varias dimensiones de análisis. De esta manera, podemos articular tanto dimensiones materiales (sociales, económicas, etc.) como simbólicas (políticas, cosmológicas, culturales, etc.) de la apropiación del espacio y la construcción de una determinada territorialidad, atendiendo también a los contextos concretos de tensión que las condicionan. El carácter urbano de muchas comunidades originarias, y las transformaciones que ello supone, pueden ser abordados desde una concepción materialista de la cultura, como el enfoque del control cultural de Guillermo Bonfil Batalla. Este estudio de la Tekoá Anhetenguá, la comunidad mbyá-guaraní de Lomba do Pinheiro, en Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil), buscará poner en tensión estos elementos en los espacios de socialización concretos, extra e intracomunitarios, en los que se desenvuelven los miembros de la comunidad. Además, se realizará una reflexión política y metodológica sobre la experiencia del trabajo de campo.


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La finalidad de este trabajo es examinar qué rol puede desempeñar la historia comparada en el futuro de la historia antigua. Mi propósito es mostrar por qué la historia comparada es importante, así como explorar las diferentes formas de realizar una historia comparada y las ventajas y desventajas que estas formas implican. Los historiadores antiguos utilizaron la historia comparada para completar la carencia de evidencia antigua, para estudiar las similitudes entre áreas y períodos separados en el tiempo y en el espacio, para "desfamiliarizar lo familiar", o para analizar cómo habían tratado problemas similares los otros historiadores. Este artículo analiza los problemas metodológicos que los diferentes abordajes de la historia comparada implican y provee una revisión de cómo esos abordajes afectaron diversas áreas de la historia antigua. Aunque cada abordaje puede ofrecer su propia y valiosa contribución, existen razones importantes para preferir un abordaje entre otros.


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La sintaxis de una lengua se halla motivada semántica y pragmáticamente. La dimensión pragmática establece qué formas lingüísticas -y sus significados- son más apropiadas para qué contexto. En este trabajo intentamos mostrar cómo el lenguaje es modelado por la cultura cuando lo pragmático es etnopragmático. Los sesgos en la frecuencia relativa de uso de los clíticos de tercera persona en distintas variedades del español americano constituyen un ámbito adecuado. La naturaleza deíctica de los clíticos del español hace que se pongan en juego al menos dos tipos de dimensión pragmática: la dimensión referencial y la dimensión relacional. El valor que cobra la referencia es, ciertamente, cultural, asignado por la comunidad. En efecto, es esperable que diferentes grupos culturales asignen diferentes valores a los mismos referentes y que estos valores culturales influyan en la conformación de los paradigmas de la lengua. Ejemplificaremos la propuesta mediante la observación de la expansión del empleo de le y la ausencia del clítico en el campo de los acusativos en el español guaranítico argentino y del uso categórico y variable de los clíticos respecto de algunos verbos en el español de bolivianos residentes en la Argentina