871 resultados para Employment of funds


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Translators often follow the established conventions of translations set out by founders like Nida and Taber (1969) or Newmark (1988). The principal convention, one could say, is to adhere to the source text in form and meaning. Another major convention is to keep the flow of the translated text natural, often referred to as ‘readability’ (Baker and Saldanha, 2009; Hatim and Munday, 2004). These two conventions are hard to go together, and one of them is often flouted. To maintain the same position of discoursal elements or information structure of the source text which include thematic information, left-dislocation, contrastiveness, and passive voice in the translated text is not an easy task. This exacerbates the task especially if the source and the target language have different typological features. This paper argues that discoursal elements are determinant in understanding the flow of the texts in the source language and should not, therefore, be frequently switched around in the translated texts to fit the norm of the target language. The order of these information structure elements should be maximally maintained when translating a text into a target language. It is after all the employment of such information structure units by the writer of the source text which is significant at any given point in discourse both cognitively, when processing the text, and interactionally, when communicating with the reader.


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The atmospheric quality and distribution of heavy metals were evaluated throughout a wide region of Argentina. In addition, the biomonitor performance of Tillandsia capillaris Ruiz & Pav. f. capillaris was studied in relation to the accumulation of heavy metals and to its physiologic response to air pollutants. A sampling area of 50,000 km2 was selected in the central region of the Argentine Republic. This area was subdivided into grids of 25 x 25 km. Pools of T. capillaris, where present, were collected at each intersection point. From each pool three sub-samples were analyzed independently. Furthermore, five replicates were collected at 20% of the points in order to analyze the variability within the site. The content of Co, Cu, Fe, Ni, Mn, Pb and Zn was determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. Chemical-physiological parameters were also determined to detect symptoms of foliar damage. Chlorophylls, phaeophytins, hydroperoxy conjugated dienes, malondialdehyde and sulfur were quantified in T. capillaris. Some of these parameters were used to calculate a foliar damage index. Data sets were evaluated by one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis, principal component analysis and mapping. Geographical distribution patterns were obtained for the different metals reflecting the contribution of natural and anthropogenic emission sources. According to our results it can be inferred that Fe, Mn and Co probably originated in the soil. For Pb, the highest values were found in the mountainous area, which can be attributed to the presence of Pb in the granitic rocks. Ni showed mainly an anthropogenic origin, with higher values found in places next to industrial centers. For Zn the highest values were in areas of agricultural development. The same was observed for Cu, whose presence could be related to the employment of pesticides. The foliar damage index distribution map showed that the central and southeastern zones were the ones where the major damage in the bioindicator was found. The central zone coincides with the city of Córdoba whereas the southeastern area is strictly agricultural, so the high values found there could be related to the use of pesticides.


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This paper investigates the employment of elaborative rhetorical strategies in threeresearch papers written in English and published in international sociologicaljournals: the first authored by native speakers of English, the second by a Polishwriter working in an Anglophone discourse community, and the third by a Polishwriter from the Polish discourse community. Elaboration relations are discussedwith respect to their textual function, frequency of employment, hierarchicallocation and recursiveness, and discoursal prominence. I explore how the authorselaborate their texts through amplification, extension, explanation, instantiation,reformulation and addition strategies. The analysis reveals that Elaboration is aprominent feature of the examined texts. It is proposed that the similarities inthe employment of Elaborations across the corpus result from the shared stylisticconventions and traditions of the disciplinary research community of sociologywhile variations in the mode of employment of elaborative structures may becaused by the writers’ differing linguistic backgrounds and discourse communitymemberships.


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This paper aims to investigate the effect of cash flow and free cash flow on corporate failure in the emerging market in particular Jordan using two samples; matched sample and a cross sectional time-series (panel data) sample representative of 167 Jordanian companies in 1989-2003. LOGIT models are used to outline the relationship between firms’ financial health and the probability of default. Our results show that there is firm’s free cash flow increases corporate failure. The result also shows that the firm’s cash flow decreases corporate failure. Firms’ capital structures are fund a mental in predicting default. Capital structure is seen as the main factor affecting the probability of default as it affects a firm’s ability to access external sources of funds. Jordanian firms depend on short-term debt for both short and long term financing.


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Data available on continuous-time diffusions are always sampled discretely in time. In most cases, the likelihood function of the observations is not directly computable. This survey covers a sample of the statistical methods that have been developed to solve this problem. We concentrate on some recent contributions to the literature based on three di§erent approaches to the problem: an improvement of the Euler-Maruyama discretization scheme, the employment of Martingale Estimating Functions, and the application of Generalized Method of Moments (GMM).


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This paper infers the impact the publication Guia Exame (the guide) has on the Brazilian fund industry, more specifically on the ability the concerned funds develop on attracting new investment. The impact is measured using the event-study analysis based on the variation of net worth subsequently to the event of being rated, according to the methodology applied by the guide to rank the funds. We used five years of fund ratings according to Guia Exame (2000-2004) and analyzed the changes of these funds net worth. We also compared the event amongst different categories of funds. The results found confirm the expected effects according to star rankings and asset manager size in all years.


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This paper evaluates how information asymmetry affects the strength of competition in credit markets. A theory is presented in which adverse selection softens competition by decreasing the incentives creditors have for competing in the interest rate dimension. In equilibirum, although creditors compete, the outcome is similar to collusion. Three empirical implications arise. First, interest rate should respond asymmetrically to changes in the cost of funds: increases in cost of funds should, on average, have a larger effect on interest rates than decreases. Second, aggressiveness in pricing should be associated with a worseing in the bank level default rates. Third, bank level default rates should be endogenous. We then verify the validity of these three empirical implications using Brazilian data on consumer overdraft loans. The results in this paper rationalize seemingly abnormallly high interest rates in unsecured loans.


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Building on recent evidence on the functioning of internal capital markets in financial conglomerates, this paper conducts a novel test of the balance sheet channel of monetary policy. It does so by comparing monetary policy responses of small banks that are affiliated with the same bank holding company, and this arguably face similar constraints in accessing internal/external sources of funds, but that operate in different geographical regions, and thus face different pools of borrowers. Because these subsidiaries typically concentrate their lending with small local businesses, we can use cross-sectional differences in state-level economic indicators at the time of changes of monetary policy to study whether or not the strength of borrowers' balance sheets influences the response of bank lending. We find evidence that the negative response of bank loan growth to a monetary contraction is significantly stronger when borrowers have 'weak balance sheets. Our evidence suggests that the monetary authority should consider the amplification effects that financial constraints play following changes in basic interest rates and the role of financial conglomerates in the transmission of monetary policy.


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This paper investigates the importance of the fiow of funds as an implicit incetive provided by investors to portfolio managers in a two-period relationship. We show that the fiow of funds is a powerful incentive in an asset management contract. We build a binomial moral hazard model to explain the main trade-ofIs in the relationship between fiow, fees and performance. The main assumption is that efIort depend" on the combination of implicit and explicit incentives while the probability distrioutioll function of returns depends on efIort. In the case of full commitment, the investor's relevant trade-ofI is to give up expected return in the second period vis-à-vis to induce efIort in the first período The more concerned the investor is with today's payoff. the more willing he will be to give up expected return in the following periods. That is. in the second period, the investor penalizes observed low returns by withdrawing resources from non-performing portfolio managers. Besides, he pays performance fee when the observed excess return is positive. When commitment is not a plausible hypothesis, we consider that the investor also learns some symmetríc and imperfect information about the ability of the manager to generate positive excess returno In this case, observed returns reveal ability as well as efIort choices exerted by the portfolio manager. We show that implicit incentives can explain the fiow-performance relationship and, conversely, endogenous expected return determines incentives provision and define their optimal leveIs. We provide a numerical solution in Matlab that characterize these results.


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This dissertation main goal is to overview the Brazilian equity mutual funds returns. We find that active management is not effective for Ibovespa index, since Ibovespa active funds do not outperform the Ibovespa referenced funds. However, for IBrX index, active management do outperform the passive strategy. We found that Sustainable funds returns do not outperform the market, Endowment funds show poor performance, which could indicate strong regulation imposition over endowment funds portfolios. The size of a fund shows positive correlation to mean average returns and alphas. A fund’s lifetime is positively correlated to returns and to alphas, which could be related to more risk-taking by younger managers in order to pursue higher expected returns and, consequently, bigger inflows. Younger funds tend to have lower performance probably because, in taking more risks, they do not perform as expected. In addition, we find that the decreasing trend of the alpha evolution along the time is a sign of the industry decreasing returns of scale, which entails that managers have more difficulties to beat the market portfolio. Top 10s rankings show that funds appear more than once on the top 10s, which shows persistence of funds’ performance. Finally, concerning the deciles and quartiles rankings, the frequency of appearances changes among performance measures. There are measures which, when compared to others, strongly change the top and bottom for the decile and quartile members.


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This paper infers the impact the publication “Guia Exame” (the guide) has on the Brazilian fund industry, more specifically on the ability the concerned funds develop on attracting new investment. The impact is measured using the event-study analysis based on the variation of net worth subsequently to the event of being rated, according to the methodology applied by the guide to rank the funds. We used five years of fund ratings according to Guia Exame (2000-2004) and analyzed the changes of these funds’ net worth. We also compared the event amongst different categories of funds. The results found confirm the expected effects according to star rankings and asset manager size in all years.


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Guanabara Bay (GB) comprises of estuarine and marine environments of high ecological and socio-economic relevance, together with port, industrial and urban areas. The anthropogenic activities produce environmental impacts, including the aquatic pollution. The sediment quality assessment is important to evaluate the effects of contamination, once sediments are a repository for most of the contaminants. In this Study, the quality of sediments from GB was evaluated, in rainy and dry periods, throughout the employment of acute toxicity tests with the amphipod Tiburonella viscana, and chronic bioassays with embryos of the sea-urchin Lytechinus variegatus. In the dry period, acute toxicity was found in the sediments from stations 1, 2 3 (NW) and 7 (near Guapimirim Environmental Protection Area). The bioassays with liquid phases showed effects, but were strongly influenced by the unionized ammonia levels, which were high in this period. In the rainy period, acute toxicity was found in sediments samples from stations 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12 and 15. Chronic toxicity could be clearly detected, as ammonia concentrations tended to be low in the most part of the samples. The results showed that the sediment toxicity is influenced by precipitation rates, which increase the input of contaminants to the Bay, and also allowed subdividing GB in three main zones: northwest (stations 1, 2, 3, 5), northeast (stations 6, 7, 8, 9) and centre-south (stations 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15). Results also showed that the quality of GB sediments is poor, and that toxicity tests could determine the combined effects of pollutants.


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Aims: Detection of Xylella fastidiosa in citrus plants and insect vectors.Methods and Results: Chelex 100 resin matrix was successfully standardized allowing a fast DNA extraction of X. fastidiosa. An amplicon of 500 bp was observed in samples of citrus leaf and citrus xylem extract, with and without symptoms of citrus variegated chlorosis, using PCR with a specific primer set indicating the presence of X. fastidiosa. The addition of insoluble acid-washed polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVPP) prior to DNA extraction of insect samples using Chelex 100 resin together with nested-PCR permitted the detection of X. fastidiosa within sharpshooter heads with great sensitivity. It was possible to detect up to two bacteria per reaction. From 250 sharpshooter samples comprising four species (Dilobopterus costalimai, Oncometopia facialis, Bucephalogonia xanthopis and Acrogonia sp.), 87 individuals showed positive results for X. fastidiosa in a nested-PCR assay.Conclusions: the use of Chelex 100 resin allowed a fast and efficient DNA extraction to be used in the detection of X. fastidiosa in citrus plants and insect vectors by PCR and nested-PCR assays, respectively.Significance and Impact of the study: the employment of efficient and sensitive methods to detect X. fastidiosa in citrus plants and insect vectors will greatly assist epidemiological studies.


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The main goal of this study was the identification of the items of the diet of the L. spinosa, based on the stomach contents analysis. The crabs were obtained from Ubatuba region north-eastern shore of São Paulo State. In the laboratory, all the individuals were dissected, the stomach was retreated and fixed in 10% formaline. The alimentary items were identified under stereomicroscope and analysed by the method of Frequency of Occurrence. A total of 194 stomachs was analysed and nine alimentary items were obtained. Unindentified material was found in 98% of analysed stomach and poriferan were present in less then 1% of stomachs. These results pointed a diversified diet explored by this crab, as well as the employment of some different methods for food intake. This suggested that these crabs could occupy different position in the trophic chain.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)