954 resultados para Elm Grove


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Kuntarakenneuudistus ja sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen muutosprosessi: Kunnallistieteellisen aikakauskirjan teemanumero.


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Ulli Lustin omaelämäkerrallinen Heute ist der letzte Tag vom Rest deines Lebens (2009) (suom. Tänään on loppuelämäsi viimeinen päivä, 2013) on 2000-luvun kansainvälisesti menestynein saksankielinen sarjakuva. 1980-luvulle sijoittuva teos kuvaa nuoren punkkari-Ullin vaiheikasta matkaa Wienistä Italiaan ja sen halki. Matkakertomus syvenee kasvukertomukseksi, sillä matkan tapahtumat saavat Ullin tarkastelemaan maailmaa ja itseään uusin silmin. Teos edustaa taidesarjakuvaa viime vuosikymmeninä hallinnutta elämäkerrallisen ja dokumentaarisen sarjakuvan kautta. Fiktion rajojen ylittäminen on nähty pyrkimyksenä laajentaa sarjakuvan ilmaisurepertuaaria ja vahvistaa sarjakuvan arvostusta kulttuurin kentällä. Ei-fiktiivisen sarjakuvan aalto on vaikuttanut myös sarjakuvatutkimukseen, jonka piirissä elämäkerrallisuus ja dokumentaarisuus ovat tämän hetken tutkituimpia ilmiöitä. Tutkielmani asettuu osaksi omaelämäkerrallisen sarjakuvan tutkimusta, mutta pyrin huomioimaan analyysissani myös modernin omaelämäkerran laajemman, aina modernin ajan alkuun ulottuvan kirjoittamisen ja tutkimisen perinteen. Tarkastelen erityisesti sitä, miten teos kertoo omaelämäkerrallisen tarinan ja miten se käsittelee omaelämäkertalajille keskeisiä identiteetin, itseymmärryksen ja autonomisen toimijuuden kysymyksiä. Yhdistän sarjakuvailmaisun analyysin tutkielmassani kulttuurihistorialliseen ja sosiologiseen otteeseen. Ymmärrän sarjakuvan omalakisena ilmaisumuotonaan, mutta hyödynnän analyysissani tarpeen mukaan myös kirjallisuuden ja elokuvan tutkimusta. Osoitan tutkielmassani, että teoksen monimuotoinen kerronta korostaa sekä omaelämäkerran kykyä käsitellä erityisiä ja henkilökohtaisia kokemuksia että sen kykyä kurottaa kohti kulttuurien jaettuja ymmärtämisen ja kokemisen tapoja. Ullin identiteetti kiinnittyy teoksessa 1980-luvun vastakulttuureihin, joita kuvataan dokumentaarisen tarkasti. Subjektiivista kokemusmaailmaa, joka kulkee kerronnassa historiallisen todellisuuden rinnalla, lähestytään puolestaan ekspressiivisin ilmaisukeinon. Teoksen lähtökohtana ovat tekijän henkilökohtaiset kokemukset, mutta kerronta punoo tarinan kulttuurimme yhteisiin kertomusmalleihin ja myytteihin. Omaelämäkerrallinen tarina tarjoaa keinon käsitellä tekijän minuuden lisäksi myös historiallis-sosiaalista todellisuutta ja maailmasta kertomisen tapoja. Tässä piilee omaelämäkerran poliittinen potentiaali, jota myös Lustin teos hyödyntää kommentoidessaan sukupuolten välistä epätasa-arvoa.


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Palmetto Grove, 80 acre estate of Frank M. Chapman, located at Cypress and Grand Avenue, Covina, California, ca. 1915.


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Left to right: Grant Chapman, Clarke Chapman, and Frank Chapman Jr., sons of Frank Marion and Wilhelmina Zillen Chapman, on a porch at Palmetto Grove, Covina, California, ca. 1915.


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Grounds of Palmetto Grove, estate of Frank Marion Chapman, Covina, California, ca. 1915.


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Frank Chapman Jr. [?] in a touring car, beside the Palmetto Grove house, Covina, California, August, 1909.


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Data for water vapor adsorption and evaporation are presented for a bare soil (sandy loam, clay content 15%) in a southern Spanish olive grove. Water losses and gains were measured using eight high-precision minilysimeters, placed around an olive tree, which had been irrigated until the soil reached field capacity (similar to 0.22 m(3) m(-3)). They were subsequently left to dry for 10 days. A pair of lysimeters was situated at each of the main points of the compass (N, E, S, W), at a distance of 1 m (the inner set of lysimeters; ILS) and 2 m (the outer set of lysimeters; OLS), respectively, from the tree trunk. Distinct periods of moisture loss (evaporation) and moisture gain (vapor adsorption) could be distinguished for each day. Vapor adsorption often started just after noon and generally lasted until the (early) evening. Values of up to 0.7 mm of adsorbed water per day were measured. Adsorption was generally largest for the OLS (up to 100% more on a daily basis), and increased during the dry down. This was mainly the result of lower OLS surface soil moisture contents (period-average absolute difference similar to 0.005 m(3) m(-3)), as illustrated using various analyses employing a set of micrometeorological equations describing the exchange of water vapor between bare soil and the atmosphere. These analyses also showed that the amount of water vapor adsorbed by soils is very sensitive to changes in atmospheric forcing and surface variables. The use of empirical equations to estimate vapor adsorption is therefore not recommended.


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Two new multi-proxy records of environmental change are provided from Horton Kirby Paper Mill and Old Seager Distillery in the Lower Thames Valley. Each site has evidence for a decline in elm woodland, which at Horton Kirby Paper Mill is recorded earlier than any other published record from the British Isles: sometime between 7320 and 7240 cal BP. Scolytus scolytus/S. multistriatus (the vectors for Dutch elm disease) are recorded after the decline in both sequences, adding to the number of sites with such evidence in the British Isles. Evidence of paludification and human activity are also recorded at the time of the elm decline reinforcing the multi-causal hypothesis. Integration of these results with 21 palaeoenvironmental records has produced a large number of well-dated, multiproxy records of the elm decline in this part of the UK. On the basis of this dataset, a classification system for categorising the relationships between the causal factors of the elm decline is proposed and recommended for future studies.


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In Mediterranean areas, conventional tillage increases soil organic matter losses, reduces soil quality, and contributes to climate change due to increased CO2 emissions. CO2 sequestration rates in soil may be enhanced by appropriate agricultural soil management and increasing soil organic matter content. This study analyzes the stratification ratio (SR) index of soil organic carbon (SOC), nitrogen (N) and C:N ratio under different management practices in an olive grove (OG) in Mediterranean areas (Andalusia, southern Spain). Management practices considered in this study are conventional tillage (CT) and no tillage (NT). In the first case, CT treatments included addition of alperujo (A) and olive leaves (L). A control plot with no addition of olive mill waste was considered (CP). In the second case, NT treatments included addition of chipped pruned branches (NT1) and chipped pruned branches and weeds (NT2). The SRs of SOC increased with depth for all treatments. The SR of SOC was always higher in NT compared to CT treatments, with the highest SR of SOC observed under NT2. The SR of N increased with depth in all cases, ranging between 0.89 (L-SR1) and 39.11 (L-SR3 and L-SR4).The SR of C:N ratio was characterized by low values, ranging from 0.08 (L-SR3) to 1.58 (NT1-SR2) and generally showing higher values in SR1 and SR2 compared to those obtained in SR3 and SR4. This study has evaluated several limitations to the SR index such as the fact that it is descriptive but does not analyze the behavior of the variable over time. In addition, basing the assessment of soil quality on a single variable could lead to an oversimplification of the assessment. Some of these limitations were experienced in the assessment of L, where SR1 of SOC was the lowest of the studied soils. In this case, the higher content in the second depth interval compared to the first was caused by the intrinsic characteristics of this soil's formation process rather than by degradation. Despite the limitations obtained SRs demonstrate that NT with the addition of organic material improves soil quality.


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O estudo do raio de ação das abelhas na coleta de néctar e pólen é de extrema importância para se saber até que distância a polinização por este inseto é promovida com eficiência. Para tanto, cinco colônias de abelhas africanizadas marcadas com 32P foram levadas a um pomar de maçã, sendo agrupadas no centro de uma área de 0,8 ha, a partir do qual foram colocadas estacas a cada 10m, formando quatro alas correspondentes às direções Norte, Sul, Leste e Oeste. As abelhas foram capturadas duas vezes por dia e por dez dias consecutivos, quando visitavam as flores das macieiras, até 50m do centro. Verificou-se que o número de abelhas marcadas coletadas, diminuiu linearmente à medida em que as mesmas se afastavam das colméias. Não houve interferência das orientações geográficas no comportamento de vôo das abelhas.


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In groves of ectomycorrhizal caesalpiniaceous species in the Atlantic coastal forest of Central Africa the dominant tree Microberlinia bisulcata, which is shade-intolerant as a seedling but highly light-responding as a sapling, shows very limited regeneration. M. bisulcata saplings were mapped in an 82.5-ha plot at Korup and found to be located significantly far (>40 m) away from adults, a result confirmed by direct testing in a second 56-ha plot. Sapling growth over 6 years, the distribution of newly emerging seedlings around adults, recruitment of saplings in a large opening and the outward extent of seedlings at the grove edge were also investigated. Two processes appear to have been operating: (1) a very strong and consistent restriction of the very numerous seedlings establishing after masting close to adults, and (2) a strong but highly spatially variable promotion of distant survivors by increased light from the deaths of large trees of species other than M. bisulcata (which itself has very low mortality rate). This leads to an apparent escape-from-adults effect. To maintain saplings in the shade between multiple short periods of release ectomycorrhizal connections to other co-occurring caesalp species may enable a rachet-type mechanism. The recorded sapling dynamics currently contribute an essential part of the long-term cycling of the groves. M. bisulcata is an interesting example of an important group of tropical trees, particularly in Africa, which are both highly light-demanding when young yet capable also of forming very large forest emergents. To more comprehensively explain tropical tree responses, the case is made for adding a new dimension to the trade-off concept of early tree light-response versus adult longevity.


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This presentation describes research at Montana Tech to improve oil recovery rates in the Elm Coulee Oil Field in the Bakken Reservoir, Richmond County, Montana. The slides display current recovery rate predictions, enhanced oil recovery methods, reservoir model building and history matching strategies. Recommended development strategies include implementing hydrocarbon gas injection operations to improve current oil recovery rates by more than 75%. The impact of increased production on Production Engineers is also described. The Principal Investigators include John Evans, Leo Heath, David Reichhardt and Burt Todd in the Petroleum Engineering Department.