517 resultados para Elettrolizzatore,PEM,Elettrolisi,Idrogeno


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We introduce the notion that the energy of individuals can manifest as a higher-level, collective construct. To this end, we conducted four independent studies to investigate the viability and importance of the collective energy construct as assessed by a new survey instrument—the productive energy measure (PEM). Study 1 (n = 2208) included exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses to explore the underlying factor structure of PEM. Study 2 (n = 660) cross-validated the same factor structure in an independent sample. In study 3, we administered the PEM to more than 5000 employees from 145 departments located in five countries. Results from measurement invariance, statistical aggregation, convergent, and discriminant-validity assessments offered additional support for the construct validity of PEM. In terms of predictive and incremental validity, the PEM was positively associated with three collective attitudes—units' commitment to goals, the organization, and overall satisfaction. In study 4, we explored the relationship between the productive energy of firms and their overall performance. Using data from 92 firms (n = 5939employees), we found a positive relationship between the PEM (aggregated to the firm level) and the performance of those firms. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Proton exchange membranes (PEM’s) are currently under investigation for membrane water electrolysis (PEMWE) to deliver efficient production of the high purity hydrogen needed to supply emerging clean-energy technologies such as hydrogen fuel cells. The microblock aromatic ionomer described in this work achieves high mechanical strength in an aqueous environment as a result of its designed, biphasic morphology and displays many of the qualities required in a PEM. The new ionomer membrane thus shows good proton conductivity (63 mS cm−1 at 80 °C and 100% RH), while retaining mechanical integrity under high temperature, hydrated conditions. Testing in electrolysis has shown good energy efficiency (1.67 V at 1 A cm−2 and 80 °C, corresponding to 4 kWh/Nm3 of H2), making this ionomer a potential candidate for commercial application in PEMWE.


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We report in this paper the occurrence of potential oscillations in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) with a Pd-Pt/C anode, fed with H(2)/100 ppm CO, and operated at 30 degrees C. We demonstrate that the use of Pd-Pt/C anode enables the emergence of dynamic instabilities in a PEMFC. Oscillations are characterized by the presence of very high oscillation amplitude, ca. 0.8 V. which is almost twice that observed in a PEMFC with a Pt-Ru/C anode under similar conditions. The effects of the H(2)/CO flow rate and cell current density on the oscillatory dynamics were investigated and the mechanism rationalized in terms of the CO oxidation and adsorption processes. We also discuss the fundamental aspects concerning the operation of a PEMFC under oscillatory regime in terms of the benefit resulting from the higher average power output. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Electrochemical systems are ideal working-horses for studying oscillatory dynamics. Experimentally obtained time series, however, are usually associated with a spontaneous drift in some uncontrollable parameter that triggers transitions among different oscillatory patterns, despite the fact that all controllable parameters are kept constant. Herein we present an empirical method to stabilize experimental potential time series. The method consists of applying a negative galvanodynamic sweep to compensate the spontaneous drift and was tested for the oscillatory electro-oxidation of methanol on platinum. For a wide range of applied currents, the base system presents spontaneous transitions from quasi-harmonic to mixed mode oscillations. Temporal patterns were stabilized by galvanodynamic sweeps at different rates. The procedure resulted in a considerable increase in the number of oscillatory cycles from 5 to 20 times, depending on the specific temporal pattern. The spontaneous drift has been associated with uncompensated oscillations, in which the coverage of some adsorbed species are not reestablished after one cycle; i.e., there is a net accumulation and/or depletion of adsorbed species during oscillations. We interpreted the rate of the galvanodynamic sweep in terms of the time scales of the poisoning processes that underlies the uncompensated oscillations and thus the spontaneous slow drift.


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The main objective for this degree project is to implement an Application Availability Monitoring (AAM) system named Softek EnView for Fujitsu Services. The aim of implementing the AAM system is to proactively identify end user performance problems, such as application and site performance, before the actual end users experience them. No matter how well applications and sites are designed and nomatter how well they meet business requirements, they are useless to the end users if the performance is slow and/or unreliable. It is important for the customers to find out whether the end user problems are caused by the network or application malfunction. The Softek EnView was comprised of the following EnView components: Robot, Monitor, Reporter, Collector and Repository. The implemented system, however, is designed to use only some of these EnView elements: Robot, Reporter and depository. Robots can be placed at any key user location and are dedicated to customers, which means that when the number of customers increases, at the sametime the amount of Robots will increase. To make the AAM system ideal for the company to use, it was integrated with Fujitsu Services’ centralised monitoring system, BMC PATROL Enterprise Manager (PEM). That was actually the reason for deciding to drop the EnView Monitor element. After the system was fully implemented, the AAM system was ready for production. Transactions were (and are) written and deployed on Robots to simulate typical end user actions. These transactions are configured to run with certain intervals, which are defined collectively with customers. While they are driven against customers’ applicationsautomatically, transactions collect availability data and response time data all the time. In case of a failure in transactions, the robot immediately quits the transactionand writes detailed information to a log file about what went wrong and which element failed while going through an application. Then an alert is generated by a BMC PATROL Agent based on this data and is sent to the BMC PEM. Fujitsu Services’ monitoring room receives the alert, reacts to it according to the incident management process in ITIL and by alerting system specialists on critical incidents to resolve problems. As a result of the data gathered by the Robots, weekly reports, which contain detailed statistics and trend analyses of ongoing quality of IT services, is provided for the Customers.


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Relatório Científico do Projeto de Pesquisa “Discursos e Representações acerca da docência em História: perspectivas sobre o ensino de História no Ciclo II da Educação Fundamental”


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Os impactos negativos provocados ao ambiente natural pelo crescimento sem limites, faz aumentar a cada dia a preocupação com a proteção ambiental, representada pela criação de órgaos públicos e pela edição de normas coercitivas.O mundo moderno exige, cada vez mais, a apropriação da natureza para atender á crescente demanda social, ocasionando por vezes, agressões ao meio ambiente.Ações humanas, sem controle objetivo, especilamentepor parte das pessoas jurídicas, põem em risco o atual patrimônio ambiental brasileiro e compromete as futuras gerações.O equilíbrio ecológico necessário para a sobrevivência de todos, está ameaçado, devido a condutas ou atividades lesivas ao meio ambiente.A Constituição Federal de 1988, ao inovar em máteria doutrinária incorporou a responsabilidade criminal da pessoa jurídica por danos ambientais.A Lei.9.605/98, ao regulamentar a Carta Política, definiu o bem jurídico tutelado dispondo sobre as sanções penais e administrativas derivadas de condutas e atividades lesivas ao meio ambiente.Esta pesquisa acadêmica desenvolvida, ao enfocar tal questão, buscou compatibizar os princípios do Direito Penal com a necessidade de se estabelecer sanções mais severas ás pessoas jurídicas e com isso garantir o necessário desenvolvimento sustentável.


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Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar e problematizar os significados produzidos sobre Matemática nos cartuns. Não se trata de propor uma utilização pedagógica, mas de fazer uma tentativa de mostrar o que eles ensinam com os saberes que inventam sobre Matemática. Para isso, analiso as representações de Matemática presentes nos discursos dos cartuns, entendendo-os como artefatos da cultura que produzem narrativas que põem em circulação significados na arena de uma política cultural. Como referencial teórico, utilizo-me do campo dos Estudos Culturais em suas versões contemporâneas inspiradas no pós-modernismo e no pós-estruturalismo. Autores e autoras como Stuart Hall, Michel Foucault, Valerie Walkerdine, Kathryn Woodward, Alfredo Veiga-Neto, Guacira Lopes Louro, Marisa Vorraber Costa, Rosa Hessel Silveira, Tomaz Tadeu da Silva, entre outros/as, a partir de suas produções nesse campo, contribuem para as análises de cartuns que circulam em nosso meio nos jornais, revistas, gibis e sites da Internet. Os significados sobre Matemática produzidos nos cartuns foram agrupados, para fins de análise, em três focos: a metanarrativa da onisciência, onde abordo aqueles significados que conferem ao conhecimento matemático um caráter diabólico, complexo, inacessível, transcendental, que apresentam a crença de que o mundo é matematizado segundo leis divinas; o gênero da Matemática, relativo àqueles que opondo as mulheres aos homens, colocando estes num pólo privilegiado de raciocínio e aquelas num pólo oposto, deficitário, generificam a área da Matemática como sendo masculina, assim como se generifica o trabalho docente como feminino; e o terror das provas, apresentando aqueles que mostram os momentos de avaliação nas aulas de Matemática sempre povoados por sentimentos de desespero, pavor e sofrimento.


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The crisis that affected the capitalist states during the last decade of the 20th century, put an end to the period of greatest expansion of the state, demanding alterations that brought, especially in economic terms, the ideals of the liberal state. The main goal of these changes was to optimize the administration of the public service by introducing into it more efficiency, transparency, and morality because the state had shown to be incapable of attending the demands of the society and its way of doing was inefficient and did not reach out to the public interest. In Brazil, like in other part of the world, recent scandals of corruption and misuse of public funds put in doubt the efficiency of the financial control system. Like any other political system Brazil has a complex set of external and internal control, institutions that work to prevent misuse of public funds and identify responsibilities if bad use occurred. All these elements highlight the mechanisms of control of the public administration, which came to be seen as essential instruments for the improvement of the management of the public resources, targeting the collective interest. Therefore, along with the traditional mechanisms of power suppression, such as the system of checks and balances, social control arises. This, when used together with the monitoring exercised by public inspection agencies, is defined as horizontal accountability activated by civil society, in which citizens and institutions gather efforts in order to promote a more effective charge of responsibility from public agents and politicians in case of misconducts. This study aimed to identify the opportunities and limitations of social control exercised by the complaint under the TCE-RJ. The results point to the need to develop measures to guarantee the anonymity of denouncers, to simplify the forms of access the TCE-RJ and to improve information spread to the citizen.


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Este relatório é resultado de uma pesquisa efetuada em novembro de 1998 junto a 94 oficiais da Marinha que estavam cursando os seguintes cursos da Escola de Guerra Naval (EGN): Curso de Política e Estratégia Marítimas (CPEM), Curso de Estado Maior para Oficiais (C-EMOS) e Curso Superior (CSup). 1 A EGN, situada na Praia Vermelha, Rio de Janeiro, é o estabelecimento de ensino de mais alto nível da Marinha. Os três cursos mencionados têm as seguintes características: o C-PEM, criado em 1984, é destinado a complementar a qualificação dos oficiais, para o exercício de cargos da alta administração naval;2 o C-EMOS tem por finalidade o exercício de funções de estado-maior e de assessoria de alto nível, com ênfase em planejamento estratégico e operações navais, e o C-Sup visa ao exercício de funções de assessoria de alto nível, com ênfase em administração. O C-EMOS e o C-Sup são cursados por oficiais com a patente de capitão-de-corveta,3 e o C-PEM pelos capitães-de-mar-e-guerra, os comandantes.


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Os leilões para concessão de blocos de petróleo no Brasil utilizam uma equação para formar a pontuação que define o vencedor. Cada participante deve submeter ao leiloeiro um lance composto por três atributos: Bônus de Assinatura (BA), Programa Exploratório Mínimo (PEM) e Conteúdo Local (CL). Cada atributo possui um peso na equação e a nota final de cada participante também depende dos lances ofertados pelos outros participantes. Apesar de leilões de petróleo serem muito estudados na economia, o leilão multi-atributos, do tipo máxima pontuação, ainda é pouco analisado, principalmente como mecanismo de alocação de direitos minerários. Este trabalho destaca a inserção do CL como atributo que transforma a estrutura, do que poderia ser um leilão simples de primeiro preço, em um leilão multi-atributos de máxima pontuação. Demonstra-se como o CL, através da curva de custos do projeto, está relacionado também ao Bônus de Assinatura, outro importante atributo da equação. Para compreender o impacto do fenômeno da inserção do CL, foram criados três casos de leilões hipotéticos, onde, dentre outras simplificações, o programa exploratório mínimo foi fixado para todas as empresas envolvidas. No caso base (Sem CL), simula-se a estrutura de um leilão de primeiro preço, onde apenas o BA define o vencedor do leilão. Já no caso forçado (CLO=CLR), há inserção do atributo CL, sendo o participante obrigado a cumprir o CL ofertado. Por fim, o caso completo (Com Multa) permite que o participante preveja a aplicação de multa por descumprimento do CL ofertado e, caso haja benefício econômico, descumpra efetivamente o CL ofertado. Considerando estes casos, argumenta-se que, apesar do o lucro das empresas e a eficiência do leilão não serem alterados, a inclusão do conteúdo local na estrutura do leilão pode ter reflexos consideráveis na receita do governo.


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O estágio pedagógico (EP) é um momento de experimentação muito importante, onde os professores estagiários põem em prática os conteúdos aprendidos e estudados ao longo da sua formação, que servirão de base para sua intervenção enquanto profissional na Educação Física. Complementarmente, realizamos este relatório para relatar, refletir e fundamentar o que foi feito ao longo do ano letivo nas várias atividades propostas para o EP. A prática letiva incluiu a orientação e gestão do processo ensino-aprendizagem de duas turmas (9º e 12º ano) e a assistência a aulas de dois professores. As atividades de integração no meio dividiram-se nas atividades no âmbito da direção de turma (caracterização da turma e estudo caso) e na ação de extensão curricular. Através da caracterização da turma e estudo caso desenvolvemos um conhecimento mais aprofundado da turma em questão, enquanto a ação de extensão curricular permitiu a inter-relação entre professores, encarregados de educação e alunos em torno da promoção do desporto na natureza e da multidisciplinaridade. A atividade de intervenção na comunidade escolar foi direcionada para toda a comunidade educativa e promoveu a criação de hábitos de vida saudáveis, o desenvolvimento do espírito crítico, estético, cultural e a promoção da interatividade entre a Escola e a Comunidade. Esta atividade teve uma boa adesão por parte da comunidade escolar e recebeu um louvor no Conselho Pedagógico. As atividades de natureza científico-pedagógica abordaram o ensino do judo na escola (individual) e a realização da avaliação diagnóstica em educação física (coletiva), discutindo ideias e metodologias das mesmas. Verificamos que os participantes ficaram interessados e sensibilizados para os temas debatidos, principalmente através da utilização de alguns dos conteúdos da ação individual. A realização de todas estas atividades foi contributiva para a formação enquanto professor estagiário, na medida em que nos prepara para qualquer tipo de situação enquanto professor.


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Cette thèse est une étude ethnographique sur un temple populaire, connue comme As Covinhas, situé dans Rodolfo Fernandes, une municipalité de Rio Grande do Norte. L'objectif de cette étude est d'analyser la formation et la dynamique de l'espace des rapports sociaux et symboliques que les établir et les promouvoir comme référence religieuse de la région où il se trouve. Dans cette intention, est exploré trois dimensions: de les pratiques, quand c‟est activités permit rituellement la (re)produisant de les significations que mis la dévotion aux Meninas das Covinhas em marche ; de les conflits, que suggérant la qualité polyphonique du sanctuaire, quand les différentes sujects impliquées dans ce lieu mettre em relation les sens et les intérêts qui recueillent souvent ; et les changements, qui aboutissent à des degrés divers des perceptions, des disposions et des opérations des sujects qui vivant le sanctuaire dans la pratique, afin de le maintenir dans le processus constant de l'invention


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The judicial intervention in limited liability company goes through several issues of legislative and hermeneutics origin, based considerably on the small importance given to freedom of economic initiative by the participants in the process of formation and application of the law. In addition, Brazilian law, due to incompleteness, inconsistency or lack of valid grounds, put the judge in a procedural delicate situation. Being forced to judge, the judiciary faces severe uncomfortable interpretive situations, of which derive solutions of dubious constitutionality and affecting, significantly, the dynamics of business activity. In this context, and considering the limited liability company as an expression of free enterprise, corresponding to a lawful association of people in order to undertake economically, in exercise of his freedom of contracting and professional action, intended to be offered safe parameters of constitutionality for judicial intervention in limited liability company in the hypothesis of (i) transfer of corporate shares, (ii) attachment of corporate shares, (iii) dismissal of directors, (iv) appointment of judicial stakeholders, (v) exclusion of shareholders and (vi ) trespass. The hypothetical-deductive approach was adopted, building hypotheses to overcome the gaps and unconstitutionality of the law and subjecting them to tests, reviews, and comparisons with hypothetical facts and case law in order to determine the constitutional validity of the proposed solutions. The procedure aimed to reconcile the historical, comparative, dialectical and scientific methods. The roots of temporal institutes were researched as well as current solutions provided by national and compared law. From problematizations point, addressed by the constitutional interpretation of the law and jurisprudence, responses that bring out the unconstitutionality of certain conceptions were headed


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This thesis describes and analyzes the trajectory of education of an educator-teacher group to become tutor of memorials (final work of the course Normal Superior in Instituto de Educação superior President Kennedy IFESP-Natal-RN). The writing of memorials (self-biographical writing) propitiates to the pupil that writes a reflection on his/her student and professional life, and to whom guides an evolution in his/her professional education. From the methodological point of view, we adopt an etnomethodological perspective of qualitative approach which describes the reality of real citizens inserted in a real situation of education. It is constituted of participants of the research of 32 educator-teachers, deriving of three different areas of academic formation. The instruments of data collection consist of eight life histories, 32 contextualization applications of the participants of the research, interviews with two consultants of the project, as well as some documents. The results of the analyses put in evidence that the education of the educator-teacher goes for two parallel ways: the first deals with the experiences, interactions and elements of daily practice; the second with the academy experiences where the educator-teacher searches the post-graduation courses. The integration of these two ways defines the educator-teacher identity with foundation in knowings that constitute in the exercise of guidance of memorials. The teachers knowings are considered insufficient by the majority and others knowings are mobilized to the knowing to be educator-teacher, memorial tutor. The thesis concludes that the trajectory of the educator-teacher constitutes an educator experience, in the direction of that implies an articulation among the learnings, abilities and knowings, to support the pupil in self-discovery, and that these multiple experiences favor the education of these teachers