788 resultados para Electromyographic (emg)


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The trapezius and serratus anterior muscles were studied in four modalities of rowing exercises executed with two grips, middle and closed, in comparison with the four different modalities of frontal-lateral cross, dumbbells exercise. It was used 24 male volunteers, 18 to 25 years old using a 2-channel TECA TE 4 electromyograph and Hewlett Packard surface electrodes. The results showed that TS acted in a higher significant way in all the modalities of rowing than in the supine lateral raise, inclined supine lateral raise and reverse supine lateral raise, dumbbells exercises, and demonstrated no standing frontal-lateral cross, dumbbells. The SI acted more significantly difference among all the execution modalities of rowing and the inclined supine lateral raise, dumbbells exercises than in all the rowing exercises; even though the activity levels do not make us suggest them as an excellent group of exercises for the development of this muscle.


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Because the lack of textbooks based on electromyographic studies in the area of exercises for physical conditioning, the authors proposed to study the trapezius (upper portion) (TS) and the serratus anterior (lower portion) (SI) muscles during the execution of four different modalities of rowing exercises with middle grip in 24 male volunteers, 18 to 25 years old. For the recordings, it was used a two-channel TECA TE 4 electromyograph and Hewlett Packard surface electrodes. For the movements, a supine bench and a 120 cm-long bar made of low weight wood were used. The results showed that TS acted significantly in upright, sitting and inclined rowing, justifying its inclusion in physical conditioning programmes, while SI, in spite of acting preferentially in upright and sitting rowing, presented activity levels which do not justify its inclusion.


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The double pulley equipment was tested on ten male volunteers during contraction of the semitendinosus and biceps femoris (caput longum) muscles in the following movements of the lower limbs: 1) hip extension with extended knee and erect trunk, 2) hip extension with flexed knee and erect trunk, 3) hip extension with flexed knee and erect trunk, 3) hip extension with extended knee and inclined trunk, 5) hip abduction along the midline, 7) hip abduction with extension beyond the midline, 8) adduction with hip flexion beyond the midline, 8) adduction with hip flexion beyond the midline, and 9) adduction with hip extension beyond the midline. The myoelectric signals were taken up by Lec Tec surface electrodes connected to a 6-channel Lynx electromyographic signal amplifier coupled with a computer equipped with a model CAD 10/26 analogue digital conversion board and with a specific software for signal recording and analysis. The semitendinosus and biceps femoris muscles presented the highest potentials in movements 1; 2; 7, 8 and 9, whereas the potentials in the remaining movements were negligible. The pattern of activity of the semitendinosus and the biceps femoris was similar in exercises 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8. The potentials of the semitendinosus prevailed in movements 5, 6 and 7, and the strongest potentials observed in movement 9 were those of the biceps femoris.


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Because the lack of specialized textbooks, the select of basic exercises for physical conditioning programmes is based on empirical knowledge. This fact led the authors to propose the study on electromyographic activity of the trapezius (upper portion) (TS) and the serratus anterior (lower portion) (SI) muscles in rowing exercises with closed grip in three different modalities. The tests were carried out with 24 male volunteers, 18 to 25 years old, by using a two-channel TECA TE 4 electromyograph and Hewlett Packard surface electrodes. For exercises execution, a long bar made of light wood was used. TS acted significantly in the three different modalities, that is, upright, sitting and bent over, while SI acted preferentially in upright and sitting rowing exercises, justifying their inclusion as basic exercises in physical conditioning programmes.


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Because the lack of specialized textbooks on the select and indication of basic exercises for physical conditioning programmes, an electromyographic study of the trapezius (upper portion) (TS) and the serratus anterior (lower portion) (SI) muscles in rowing exercises with middle and closed grip in three different modalities, upright, sitting and bent over was performed. The tests were carried out with 24 male volunteers, 18 to 25 years old, by using a two-channel TECA TE 4 electromyograph and Hewlett Packard surface electrodes. For exercises execution, a supine bench, a straight board and a 1,20 m-long bar made of light wood were used. The results showed that TS acted preferentially with closed grip sitting and bent over modalities, and presented no difference among the grips for upright rowing. SI acted preferentially with closed grip in all modalities, however, with activity levels that do not justify its indication for physical conditioning programmes.


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The electromyographic activity of the shoulder muscles deltoid - anterior portion (DA) and pectoralis major - clavicular portion (PMC) was tested on 24 male volunteers using a 2 channel TEC A TE4 electromyograph and Hewlett Packard surface electrodes during the execution of four different modalities of frontal-lateral cross, dumbbells exercises. The results showed that all of the tested exercises developed high levels of action potential for both muscles. So, we jusfity the indication of all of them for physical fitness programmes for DA and PMC. Some suggestions to the use of the tested exercises are presented.


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The action potential level for shoulder muscles deltoid-anterior portion (DA) and pectoralis major-clavicular portion (PMC) determined by four different modalities of execution of rowing exercises, each one with two different grips, was recorded. These were compared with the action potential level determined for the same muscles by four different modalities of execution of the frontal-lateral cross, dumbbells exercises. Twenty-four male volunteers were examined using a 2 channel TECA TE4 electromyograph and Hewlett Packard surface electrodes. The statistic analysis showed significant (p<0,05) superiority for all the frontal-lateral cross, dumbbells exercises in comparison to all rowing exercises for the PMC, for the DA this generalized supremacy was not observed.


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Purpose: To identify the electromyographic fatigue threshold in the erector spinae muscle. Methods: Eight 19 to 24-year-old male volunteers participated in this study, in which surface electrodes were used, as well as a biological signals acquisition module (Lynx) with a sampling frequency of 1000Hz, a 1000 times gain, a 20Hz high pass filter and a 500Hz low pass filter. The test consisted of repeated isometric contractions of the erector spinae muscle in a 45° hip flexion posture, with 30%, 40%, 50% and 60% of the maximum voluntary isometric contraction. Results: A positive correlation of the RMS (root mean square) value as a function of time was found for most of the subjects with 40% (N = 6), 50% (N = 7) and 60% (N = 8) loads of the maximum voluntary isometric contraction. Conclusions: It was concluded, from this study, that the proposed protocol provides evidence, through the electromyographic signal, of the development of fatigue in the erector spinae muscle with loads of 40%, 50% and 60% of the maximum voluntary isometric contraction. The protocol also allows the electromyographic fatigue threshold and its probable applicability in the diagnosis of this phenomenon during repetitive activities to be determined.


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The effective activity of the pectoralis major and deltoideus anterior muscles in horizontal flyer exercises with external loads of 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the maximum load was studied in 11 male volunteers. The electromyographic analysis was done by using MEDI-TRACE-200 surface electrodes connected to a biological signal acquisition mode coupled to a PC/AT computer. The electromyographic signals were processed and the values obtained were normalized through maximum voluntary isometric contraction. It was statistically observed that in all types and loads of this exercise, the muscles presented significant differences in the concentric and eccentric phases. In the concentric phase, when different loads were compared, the muscles were more active with 75 and 100% of the maximum load, while in the eccentric phase, higher activity was observed with 100% of the maximum load. By analyzing each load effect in the concentric phase, it was verified that the muscles on the left side were more active than those on the right side with 25, 75 and 100% of the maximum load.


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The electromyographic activity of the biceps brachii - BB (long head), triceps brachii - TB (long head) and deltoideus - DA (clavicular portion) muscles, during the going (G) and return (R) phases in front support exercise, as well the efficacy of this exercise for the development of these muscles strength were studied in 10 male volunteers. The values were normalized through maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC = 100%) and statistically analyzed using the Friedman, DMS and Wilcoxon non-parametric test. A value of p≤0.05 indicated significance (Campos, 1983). All the muscles presented higher electromyographic activity in the return phase of the movement. The triceps brachii was the muscle which had higher activity in both phases of the movement. It was concluded that the front support exercise is efficient for strength development mainly in the triceps brachii muscle.


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Inverted flying exercise with external loads of 25, 50, 75 and 100% of each individual maximum load in the pectoralis major and deltoideus anterior muscles was electromyographically analyzed in eleven male volunteers, using surface electrodes MEDI-TRACE-200 connected to a biological signals acquisition module coupled to a PC/AT computer. Electromyographic signals were processed and the effective values obtained were standardized through maximum voluntary isometric contraction. When the concentric phase of each muscle with the same load was statistically compared with the eccentric phase, it was observed that for all loads all the muscles presented significant electromyographic difference, and that the concentric phase was always higher. By analyzing the different loads for each muscle, it was noticed that in the concentric phase all the muscles presented significant electromyographic activity, being it higher with maximum load. When the effect of each load on different muscle in the concentric and eccentric phases was analyzed, the muscles presented a distinct activity profile.


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It is usual to find athletes that can perform de curl up test easily, but are unable to maintain the stabilization of the low back during the double straight leg lowering (DSLL). In spite of having strong abdominal muscles, its stabilization role seems not to be effective. Thus, the purpose of this study was to verify the relation among individuals with strong abdominal muscles and the ability in perform posterior pelvic tilt (PPT); the ability to stabilize the low back during the DSLL and the eletromyographic activity of the abdominal muscles. Eighteen male subjects (aged 19.27 ± 3.5), without history of muscle skeletal dysfunction, performed both the PPT and DSLL tests. During these tests electromyographic signals of the rectus abdominis (RA), obliquus internus abdominis (01) and obliquus externus abdominis (OE) were recorded, the angle of the hip and the pressure under the low back were measured The results of analyses of variance (ANOVA) show that most volunteers accomplished the PPT test, actively flattening the low back with regular or good quality. However, none of them was able to stabilize the low back during the DSLL test. During the PPT test all abdominal muscle portions analysed were activated without significant differences. In an attempt of maintaining the lumbo-pelvic region stabilized during the DSLL, it was observed a tendency of higher bilateral activation of OE when compared to RA and 01 muscle portions between 70 and 20 degrees of hip flexion.


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Due to a shortage of textbooks with specific data on muscular activity concerning physical conditioning and sports, we analysed electromyographically the muscles pectoralis major and deltoideus anterior, bilaterally, in inclined flying exercises, during the concentric and eccentric phases, with external loads of 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the maximum load. The electromyographic analysis was performed in eleven male volunteers with MEDITRACE-200 surface electrodes connected to a six-channel biologic signal acquisition module coupled to a PC/AT computer. The electromyographic signals were processed and the obtained effective values were normalized through maximum voluntary isometric contraction. Statistically, the results showed that all the muscles studied presented significant differences between the concentric and the eccentric phases, with higher electromyographic activity during the concentric phase. By analysing the different loads for each muscle in both phases, significant electromyographic activity was observed for all muscles. When the effect of each load on each muscle during the concentric phase was analysed, it was noticed that the muscles on the left were more active than those on the right side, while in the eccentric phase the muscles had different behavior.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the existence of myofunctional alterations before and after first premolar extraction in Class II/1 malocclusion patients that could endanger the long-term dental arch stability. Materials and Methods: The study was performed by means of morphological, functional and electromyographic analyses in 17 Class II/1 malocclusion patients (group T) and 17 Class I malocclusion patients (group C), both groups with 12-30-year age range (mean age: 20.93 ± 4.94 years). Results: Data analyzed statistically by Student's t-test showed a significant decrease in the maxillary and mandibular dental arch perimeters after orthodontic treatment (p<0.05). The Kruskal-Wallis test analyzed data from tongue posture at rest and during swallowing, not showing significant differences after treatment (groups Tb and Ta) (p>0.05). However, group T differed significantly from group C (p<0.05). The electromyographic data showed that the anterior right and left suprahyoid muscles acted synergistically in both groups, while having a lower myoelectric activity in group T during swallowing. Conclusions: Myofunctional alterations observed after the orthodontic treatment in Class II/1 malocclusion seemed to jeopardize the long-term orthodontic stability, making recurrence possible. Further research should be conducted to compare electromyographic data before and after orthodontic treatment in order to corroborate the results of the present investigation.


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This study aims at quantifying through electromyography the actions of the biceps brachii-BB (long head), tríceps brachii- TB (long head) and deltoideus-DA (clavicular portion) muscles, during the going (G) and return (R) phases in back support exercises. Surface electrodes were placed at the muscles, according to DELAGI (1981). It was used a specific software and a AID plate to take the signals. After being collected, the records were processed resulting in efficient values (RMS), were normalized by maximum isometric contraction (MVIC=100%) and statistically analysed using the Friedman, DSM and Wilcox non-parametric tests. All the muscles presented electromyographic activity of the movements. The triceps brachii was the muscle with higher activity in both phases of the movement. It was concluded that the exercise is indicated for the arm muscle strength development.