926 resultados para Electric current measurement
The use of telerobotic systems is essential for remote handling (RH) operations in radioactive areas of scientific facilities that generate high doses of radiation. Recent developments in remote handling technology has seen a great deal of effort being directed towards the design of modular remote handling control rooms equipped with a standard master arm which will be used to separately control a range of different slave devices. This application thus requires a kinematically dissimilar master-slave control scheme. In order to avoid drag and other effects such as friction or other non-linear and unmodelled slave arm effects of the common position-position architecture in nonbackdrivable slaves, this research has implemented a force-position control scheme. End-effector force is derived from motor torque values which, to avoid the use of radiation intolerant and costly sensing devices, are inferred from motor current measurement. This has been demonstrated on a 1-DOF test-rig with a permanent magnet synchronous motor teleoperated by a Sensable Phantom Omni® haptic master. This has been shown to allow accurate control while realistically conveying dynamic force information back to the operator.
Earthquake zones in the upper crust are usually more conductive than the surrounding rocks, and electrical geophysical measurements can be used to map these zones. Magnetotelluric (MT) measurements across fault zones that are parallel to the coast and not too far away can also give some important information about the lower crustal zone. This is because the long-period electric currents coming from the ocean gradually leak into the mantle, but the lower crust is usually very resistive and very little leakage takes place. If a lower crustal zone is less resistive it will be a leakage zone, and this can be seen because the MT phase will change as the ocean currents leave the upper crust. The San Andreas Fault is parallel to the ocean boundary and close enough to have a lot of extra ocean currents crossing the zone. The Loma Prieta zone, after the earthquake, showed a lot of ocean electric current leakage, suggesting that the lower crust under the fault zone was much more conductive than normal. It is hard to believe that water, which is responsible for the conductivity, had time to get into the lower crustal zone, so it was probably always there, but not well connected. If this is true, then the poorly connected water would be at a pressure close to the rock pressure, and it may play a role in modifying the fluid pressure in the upper crust fault zone. We also have telluric measurements across the San Andreas Fault near Palmdale from 1979 to 1990, and beginning in 1985 we saw changes in the telluric signals on the fault zone and east of the fault zone compared with the signals west of the fault zone. These measurements were probably seeing a better connection of the lower crust fluids taking place, and this may result in a fluid flow from the lower crust to the upper crust. This could be a factor in changing the strength of the upper crust fault zone.
Cardiac arrhythmias are a frequent cause of death and morbidity. Conventional antiarrhythmia therapy involving oral or intravenous medication is often ineffective and complicated by drug-associated side effects. Previous studies from our laboratory have demonstrated the advantages of cardiac drug-polymer implants for enhanced efficacy for cardiac arrhythmia therapy compared with conventional administration. However, these studies were based on systems that deliver drugs at a fixed release rate. Modulation of the drug delivery rate has the advantage of regulating the amount of the drug delivered depending upon the disease state of the patient. We hypothesized that iontophoresis could be used to modulate cardiac drug delivery. In this study, we report our investigations of a cardiac drug implant in dogs that is capable of iontophoretic modulation of the administration of the antiarrhythmic agent sotalol. We used a heterogeneous cation-exchange membrane (HCM) as an electrically sensitive and highly efficient rate-limiting barrier on the cardiac-contacting surface of the implant. Thus, electric current is passed only through the HCM and not the myocardium. The iontophoretic cardiac implant demonstrated in vitro drug release rates that were responsive to current modulation. In vivo results in dogs have confirmed that iontophoresis resulted in regional coronary enhancement of sotalol levels with current-responsive increases in drug concentrations. We also observed acute current-dependent changes in ventricular effective refractory periods reflecting sotalol-induced refractoriness due to regional drug administration. In 30-day dog experiments, iontophoretic cardiac implants demonstrated robust sustained function and reproducible modulation of drug delivery kinetics.
A aquisição experimental de sinais neuronais é um dos principais avanços da neurociência. Por meio de observações da corrente e do potencial elétricos em uma região cerebral, é possível entender os processos fisiológicos envolvidos na geração do potencial de ação, e produzir modelos matemáticos capazes de simular o comportamento de uma célula neuronal. Uma prática comum nesse tipo de experimento é obter leituras a partir de um arranjo de eletrodos posicionado em um meio compartilhado por diversos neurônios, o que resulta em uma mistura de sinais neuronais em uma mesma série temporal. Este trabalho propõe um modelo linear de tempo discreto para o sinal produzido durante o disparo do neurônio. Os coeficientes desse modelo são calculados utilizando-se amostras reais dos sinais neuronais obtidas in vivo. O processo de modelagem concebido emprega técnicas de identificação de sistemas e processamento de sinais, e é dissociado de considerações sobre o funcionamento biofísico da célula, fornecendo uma alternativa de baixa complexidade para a modelagem do disparo neuronal. Além disso, a representação por meio de sistemas lineares permite idealizar um sistema inverso, cuja função é recuperar o sinal original de cada neurônio ativo em uma mistura extracelular. Nesse contexto, são discutidas algumas soluções baseadas em filtros adaptativos para a simulação do sistema inverso, introduzindo uma nova abordagem para o problema de separação de spikes neuronais.
A beta-alumina de sódio é uma cerâmica condutora de íons Na+ utilizada como eletrólito sólido em baterias de sódio para armazenamento de energias intermitentes como energia solar e eólica. Devido ao alto teor de sódio, esse material é instável a altas temperaturas, podendo sofrer variações de composição durante a etapa de sinterização convencional que utiliza altas temperaturas por longos períodos de tempo. A sinterização flash é uma técnica de sinterização ativada por corrente elétrica que proporciona a densificação de compactos cerâmicos em poucos segundos, a temperaturas notavelmente mais baixas que as convencionais. Uma vez obrigatória a passagem de corrente elétrica através da amostra, a sinterização flash de qualquer material condutor parece bastante razoável. Não obstante, até o presente momento a maioria dos trabalhos publicados sobre o assunto aborda apenas condutores de vacância de oxigênio ou semicondutores, materiais compatíveis com eletrodos de platina (Pt). Nesse trabalho a sinterização flash de um condutor catiônico foi estudada utilizando-se a beta-alumina como material modelo. A beta-alumina foi sintetizada pelo método dos precursores poliméricos, caracterizada e então submetida à sinterização flash. O material de eletrodo padrão (platina) provou ser um eletrodo bloqueador em contato com a beta-alumina. O sucesso da sinterização flash foi determinado pela troca do material de eletrodo por prata (Ag), o que possibilitou uma reação eletroquímica reversível nas interfaces eletrodo-cerâmica e possibilitou a obtenção de um material densificado com morfologia e composição química homogêneas. Devido à metaestabilidade da beta-alumina, a atmosfera dos experimentos precisou ser alterada para manter a integridade desse material rico em um metal alcalino (Na+). A sinterização flash de um condutor catiônico é apresentada pela primeira vez na literatura e ressalta a importância da reação de eletrodo, que é um fator limitante para o sucesso da sinterização flash e precisa ser estudada e adaptada para cada tipo de material.
This research studies the self-heating produced by the application of an electric current to conductive cement pastes with carbonaceous materials. The main parameters studied were: type and percentage of carbonaceous materials, effect of moisture, electrical resistance, power consumption, maximum temperature reached and its evolution and ice melting kinetics are the main parameters studied. A mathematical model is also proposed, which predicts that the degree of heating is adjustable with the applied voltage. Finally, the results have been applied to ensure that cementitious materials studied are feasible to control ice layers in transportation infrastructures.
v.1. Water consumption, costs and savings.--v.2. Electric current consumption costs and savings.
"August 1956."
"October 1963."
"20 May 1985."
"5 March 1985."
Modern engineering requirements are frequently near the limits of application of conventional materials. For many purposes, particularly tribological, the most satisfactory solution is frequently the application of a resistant coating to the surface of a common metal. Electrodeposited cermet coatings have proved very satisfactory: some of the factors underlying the cernet electrodeposition process have been investigated. A ceramic particle in contact with an electrolyte solution will carry a charge which may affect the kinetics of the suspended particle under electroplating conditions. Measurerment has been made of this charge on particles of silicon carbide, chrornium diboride and quartz, in contiact with solutions of copper sulphate/ sulphuric acid in terms of the electrokinetic (zeta) potential and also as surface charge density. The methocl used was that of streaming potential and streaming current measurement
This work intent to study the motive power provided by the plane linear induction motor, in a lock condition. It uses a method of imposition of the electric current to the stator via a frequency convertor PWM driven by a refed platform. The reading of the motive power was performed by a load cell using an electronic circuit for reading and conditioning of the signal. Aiming a complete analysis of the linear motor, it was performed a computational modeling that employs all relevant parameters to the study of the locked machine. At the end it was held a theoric-experimental confrontation that evaluated the effectiveness of the proposed method.
The industrial production of aluminium is an electrolysis process where two superposed horizontal liquid layers are subjected to a mainly vertical electric current supplied by carbon electrodes. The lower layer consists of molten aluminium and lies on the cathode. The upper layer is the electrolyte and is covered by the anode. The interface between the two layers is often perturbed, leading to oscillations, or waves, similar to the waves on the surface of seas or lakes. The presence of electric currents and the resulting magnetic field are responsible for electromagnetic (Lorentz) forces within the fluid, which can amplify these oscillations and have an adverse influence on the process. The electrolytic bath vertical to horizontal aspect ratio is such, that it is advantageous to use the shallow water equations to model the interface motion. These are the depth-averaging the Navier-Stokes equations so that nonlinear and dispersion terms may be taken into account. Although these terms are essential to the prediction of wave dynamics, they are neglected in most of the literature on interface instabilities in aluminium reduction cells where only the linear theory is usually considered. The unknown variables are the two horizontal components of the fluid velocity, the height of the interface and the electric potential. In this application, a finite volume resolution of the double-layer shallow water equations including the electromagnetic sources has been developed, for incorporation into a generic three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics code that also deals with heat transfer within the cell.
O presente trabalho descreve um estudo sobre a metodologia matemática para a solução do problema direto e inverso na Tomografia por Impedância Elétrica. Este estudo foi motivado pela necessidade de compreender o problema inverso e sua utilidade na formação de imagens por Tomografia por Impedância Elétrica. O entendimento deste estudo possibilitou constatar, através de equações e programas, a identificação das estruturas internas que constituem um corpo. Para isto, primeiramente, é preciso conhecer os potencias elétricos adquiridos nas fronteiras do corpo. Estes potenciais são adquiridos pela aplicação de uma corrente elétrica e resolvidos matematicamente pelo problema direto através da equação de Laplace. O Método dos Elementos Finitos em conjunção com as equações oriundas do eletromagnetismo é utilizado para resolver o problema direto. O software EIDORS, contudo, através dos conceitos de problema direto e inverso, reconstrói imagens de Tomografia por Impedância Elétrica que possibilitam visualizar e comparar diferentes métodos de resolução do problema inverso para reconstrução de estruturas internas. Os métodos de Tikhonov, Noser, Laplace, Hiperparamétrico e Variação Total foram utilizados para obter uma solução aproximada (regularizada) para o problema de identificação. Na Tomografia por Impedância Elétrica, com as condições de contorno preestabelecidas de corrente elétricas e regiões definidas, o método hiperparamétrico apresentou uma solução aproximada mais adequada para reconstrução da imagem.