894 resultados para El Nino Current - Environmental aspects


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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Este artigo discute as dinâmicas de aglomeração industrial, incremento e modernização portuária no município de Barcarena, Estado do Pará, Brasil. Especificamente, discute as causas estruturais que explicam estas dinâmicas, e as mudanças qualitativas e quantitativas locais, acerca dos aspectos espaciais, sociais, demográficos e ambien-tais. Diferentes momentos de produção e exportação de produtos minerais (caulim, bauxita e produtos originados dela – alumina, alumínio) na Amazônia Oriental Brasileira levam a instalação, consolidação e expansão de um distrito industrial e portuário em Barcarena. Na atual década, Barcarena integra um corredor de exportação diretamente ligado a eixos ou sistemas produtivos nacionais e globais. Contudo, as dinâmicas que sustentam este crescimento econômico não apontam para perspectivas de que a produção conduza ao enraizamento social do desenvolvimento, ao estabelecimento de vantagens competitivas que tenham uma base sistêmica; tampouco contribui para a reversão dos impactos sociais e ambientais.


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A ausência de gerenciamento em bacias hidrográficas, na região Amazônica, tem afetado seus recursos hídricos nos últimos anos. Por esta razão, esta tese visa estudar os aspectos sociais e ambientais de dezoito comunidades rurais ao longo da Bacia Hidrográfica do Caeté, bem como o efeito da descarga de água residual lançada no estuário do Caeté e no rio Cereja, na cidade de Bragança. A metodologia adotada para o levantamento do perfil socioeconômico e das condições de vida e moradia foi baseada na aplicação de questionários estruturados e semi-estruturados. Em algumas comunidades, a produção doméstica de lixo foi estimada e catalogada, em 20% das residências. Quanto à qualidade da água subterrânea, análises das variáveis físicoquímicas e microbiológicas (turbidez, cor real, cor aparente, pH, temperatura, ferro dissolvido, nutrientes dissolvidos, coliformes termotolerantes e coliformes totais) foram realizadas nos principais poços que abastecem as comunidades rurais estudadas. Coletas oceanográficas (com medidas de variáveis hidrológicas e hidrodinâmicas) como também análises microbiológicas foram realizadas nas áreas mais urbanizadas do estuário do Caeté e do rio Cereja, para caracterizar a qualidade das águas nos setores estudados. Os principais impactos ambientais foram identificados, georreferênciados, fotografados e mapeados. Diretrizes de gerenciamento foram propostas para minimizar os problemas sócio-ambientais encontrados. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que das 2.207 famílias rurais (~9.573 habitantes), a maioria possui baixa-renda, baixo grau de escolaridade e precárias condições de vida e moradia. Os serviços e infraestrutura disponíveis são ineficientes ou ausentes, como evidenciados pela falta abastecimento de água potável, coleta de lixo, coleta de esgoto, escolas, atendimento médico etc. Por outro lado, a cidade de Bragança tem mais de 72.621 habitantes, vivendo sobre uma área de aproximadamente 16 km², e é uma das mais antigas cidades da região amazônica. Entretanto, os dois rios estudados recebem influência da descarga de esgoto por residências, hospitais, comércio, fábricas etc. e tem apresentado elevado índice de coliformes termotolerantes. A falta de políticas públicas eficazes tem acentuado os problemas ambientais e sócio-econômico. Desta forma, os autores sugerem várias medidas para melhorar a situação atual, incluindo: (i) a regulamentação do uso da terra para reduzir o impacto ambiental do setor econômico; (ii) a implementação de programas de gestão para a exploração sustentável dos recursos naturais (peixes, caranguejos, argila, madeira); (iii) a instalação de serviços públicos, em especial água encanada e saneamento e (iv) o controle e penalização da exploração ilegal dos recursos naturais.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Environmental aspects have been acknowledged as an important issue in decision making at any field during the last two decades. There are several available methodologies able to assess the environmental burden, among which the Ecological Footprint has been widely used due to its easy-to-understand final indicator. However, its theoretical base has been target of some criticisms about the inadequate representation of the sustainability concept by its final indicator. In a parallel way, efforts have been made to use the theoretical strength of the Emergy Accounting to obtain an index similar to that supplied by the Ecological Footprint. Focusing on these aspects, this work assesses the support area (SA) index for Brazilian sugarcane and American corn crop through four different approaches: Embodied Energy Analysis (SA(EE)), Ecological Footprint (SA(EF)), Renewable Empower Density (SA(R)), and Emergy Net Primary Productivity (SA(NPP)). Results indicate that the load on environment varies accordingly to the methodology considered for its calculation, in which emergy approach showed the higher values. Focusing on crops comparison, the load by producing both crops are similar with an average of 0.04 ha obtained by SA(EE), 1.86 ha by SA(EF), 4.24 ha by SA(R), and 4.32 ha by SA(NPP). Discussion indicates that support area calculated using Emergy Accounting is more eligible to represent the load on the environment due to its global scale view. Nevertheless, each methodology has its contribution depending of the study objectives, but it is important to consider the real meaning and the scope of each one. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Energy efficiency has gained significant importance in recent years, mainly due to cyclical climatic conditions and current supply of natural resources. The present work deals with the procedures and requirements necessary to evaluate a building to a level of efficiency corresponding to your project and the actual implemented. To perform this analysis, we adopted the technical regulation efficiency prepared by Procel along with other agencies of the sector. The Regulation aims to create a model for the technical evaluation of the efficiency of buildings, popularize and expand the theme specification of conditions drawn up today. The building analyzed in this study was the library of UNESP, Guaratinguetá. Still, after the completion of the final efficiency analysis, are presented proposals for intervention that can improve and enhance the present situation of the building. The interventions are based on many technical factors and local conditions of climate and supply of resource. The issue of sustainability was explained in order to serve as a tool to expand the options available to upgrade a building in front of their impact on the environment


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In view of the current environmental concerns and legal requirements, this work aims to achieve a diagnosis and offer subsidies for development of an environmental management plan in an industry. The industry considered to be a subject of study of this research is the aviculture, considered its great importance in Brazil and to present a significant environmental impact. The unit of analysis is a chicken slaughterhouse, located in Rio Claro, SP. The developed methodology for identification and analysis of environmental significative aspects were based in the concepts of environmental impact and in the ABNT NBR ISO 14.001:2004. From the analysis of selected aspects, this research proposed several environmental indicators for the company and identified points of environmental improvement. The results of this study provide methods for identifying its environmental aspects and development of its environmental management plan to chicken slaughterhouse and also to other companies.


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Naturally characterizes the human being the interference in the environment to ensure their survival and also convenience. After numerous environmental accidents caused by unbridled pursuit of this goal, the concern about providing for current needs without compromising the ability of the future generations to supply their own, gained space. In order to contribute to sustainable development the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was implemented. This tool is based on the concept that if the environmental impacts of a product or service are known, it is possible to take better decisions concerning its environmental aspects. The purpose of this research is to conduct the LCA of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), the world’s second most consumed thermoplastic. The methodology described in NBR ISO 14040 and NBR ISO 14044 was followed. As a result, the LCA of polyvinyl chloride produced in Brazil was obtained, and, therefore, the inventory of the product in question adapted to Brazilian reality. The research can be applied to various studies considering that actions were taken to ensure that it represents the Brazilian reality. Moreover, the procedures were described to guarantee the greatest transparency possible


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For centuries have studied the man in a segmented manner, which today, even with the emergence of new forms of research, holistic, we see that the influence of centuries of construction of scientific knowledge has taken root in such a way that even now with new understandings about matter and its structure pointing to systemic relations, studies are still largely dichotomized by dividing body, mind and environment. This paper is a literature review on several sources of knowledge, seeking an interdisciplinary way in physics, chemistry, biology, psychology and physical education, relate the body, mind and their interactions with the environment, building a more current concept of body. The studies showed that the physical, cognitive, emotional, social and environmental aspects involve an interaction continues between human been with the world, which changes shapes, balances and transactions, and thus human behavior. So when we speak of the body should relate all this that makes us conscious organisms in constant internal and external dynamic with the universe


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The acceleration of economic and scientific development caused by the production system and mechanistic science, have created new power structures and new political and social problems, including environmental ones, consolidating a period of widespread crisis in different spheres of society. In this context, reflection about the major causes of environmental problems is necessary in the field of environmental education. Therefore, considering that the current environmental crisis is directly related to the mode and the devices of production of the capitalist system, initiatives on environmental education should reflect, from a historical and dialectical process, on what is advocated by capitalist society. Considering the various theoretical-practical concepts and approaches in environmental education, the principles of Critical Environmental Education can provide conditions to confront the structural crisis that we are facing, through the educational process. It is a political process of reflection and critical appropriation of knowledge, attitudes, values and behaviors that aims to contribute to build a sustainable society from the social and environmental points of view. We intend to articulate it through the theoretical formulations of Historical-Critical Pedagogy with the purpose of presenting a reflection that may contribute to a pedagogic response to environmental issues, especially regarding the formation of teachers who develop projects in schools. Thus, this present study intends to highlight the contributions of the philosophy of praxis in the formation of environmental educators, grounded in theoretical aspects of Critical Environmental Education.


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Much has been discussed lately about reusing waste in new construction materials and countless studies have been carried out based on this objective. However, before these products can be called “sustainable” and a recycling system can be effectively implemented, it is fundamental for all the aspects involved in this action to be understood, and more important, what are the true gains for the productive sector and what are the benefits for the environment if this was to occur. In order to obtain a general framework for all environmental aspects and potential impacts associated with these products, over their entire life cycle, the most appropriate methodology is the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). In view of the above, the objective of this work is to provide an overview of current studies of LCA, its history, its importance, its standards and the methodology employed and its applications related to civil construction. It is expected, to obtain a more complete scenario of the influences from a study of LCA, as well as establishing a contribution for the assessment of specific products and processes for civil construction, disseminating the importance of the use of this tool within the sector.


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Within the current context of environmental degradation, primarily caused by unsustainable pat terns of production and consumption (AGENDA 21, 1992), the Protected Areas (PAs) are considered internationally as one of the most successful measures for the conservat ion of biodiversity, according to the Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The city of Rio Claro (Sao Paulo, Brazi l ) has a significant conservation area in both environmental aspects as historical and cultural, the State Forest 'Edmundo Navarro de Andrade' (FEENA). Beyond the conservation measures, there is a need to develop environmental education that encourages community participation and appreciation in the unit 's maintenance and protection, as well as provide moments of reflection that could conduct perceptual changes, behavioral, attitudinal and evaluative on relations between human beings and their environment . This work brings the proposal to create an interpretive trail in the area of public use of FEENA to contribute to the Unit Management Plan in order to make it an Environmental Education tool. To prepare the planning of the interpretive trail, a deep bibliographic and cartographic review was performed on the subject. It was applied questionnaires in order to know the visitors better and map the features of public visitation, as well as map the visitor preferences about how they would like to receive information on the area and expose field studies in the track site. The trail was traced taking into account the environmental and social aspects, we propose a track suspended above the ground, in order to affect as little as possible and to include the area in the context of PAs people with reduced mobility and visually impaired


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It's devised in this work the starting project for the implementation of a residential condominium, focused in the use of technics and technologies to attain sustainability, also stretching to the pilot project for the model house. It's highlighted the methods for exploitation and reuse of water, energy conservation and reduction of environmental impacts. The proposal is to demonstrate the possibility of the use of simple, but effective, ecology technics to make an environmentally sustainable and economically viable project. The main motivators for this work is the growing hydric crisis faced by São Paulo state and the unpaired importance of the sustainability concept as the fundamental term to surmount the challenge of supplying the needs of the current generation without jeopardizing the future of the next generations


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PREPARATION OF COATED MICROTOOLS FOR ELECTROCHEMICAL MACHINING APPLICATIONS Ajaya K. Swain, M.S. University of Nebraska, 2010 Advisor: K.P. Rajurkar Coated tools have improved the performance of both traditional and nontraditional machining processes and have resulted in higher material removal, better surface finish, and increased wear resistance. However, a study on the performance of coated tools in micromachining has not yet been adequately conducted. One possible reason is the difficulties associated with the preparation of coated microtools. Besides the technical requirement, economic and environmental aspects of the material and the coating technique used also play a significant role in coating microtools. This, in fact, restricts the range of coating materials and the type of coating process. Handling is another major issue in case of microtools purely because of their miniature size. This research focuses on the preparation of coated microtools for pulse electrochemical machining by electrodeposition. The motivation of this research is derived from the fact that although there were reports of improved machining by using insulating coatings on ECM tools, particularly in ECM drilling operations, not much literature was found relating to use of metallic coating materials in other ECM process types. An ideal ECM tool should be good thermal and electrical conductor, corrosion resistant, electrochemically stable, and stiff enough to withstand electrolyte pressure. Tungsten has almost all the properties desired in an ECM tool material except being electrochemically unstable. Tungsten can be oxidized during machining resulting in poor machining quality. Electrochemical stability of a tungsten ECM tool can be improved by electroplating it with nickel which has superior electrochemical resistance. Moreover, a tungsten tool can be coated in situ reducing the tool handling and breakage frequency. The tungsten microtool was electroplated with nickel with direct and pulse current. The effect of the various input parameters on the coating characteristics was studied and performance of the coated microtool was evaluated in pulse ECM. The coated tool removed more material (about 28%) than the uncoated tool under similar conditions and was more electrochemical stable. It was concluded that nickel coated tungsten microtool can improve the pulse ECM performance.


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It's devised in this work the starting project for the implementation of a residential condominium, focused in the use of technics and technologies to attain sustainability, also stretching to the pilot project for the model house. It's highlighted the methods for exploitation and reuse of water, energy conservation and reduction of environmental impacts. The proposal is to demonstrate the possibility of the use of simple, but effective, ecology technics to make an environmentally sustainable and economically viable project. The main motivators for this work is the growing hydric crisis faced by São Paulo state and the unpaired importance of the sustainability concept as the fundamental term to surmount the challenge of supplying the needs of the current generation without jeopardizing the future of the next generations