948 resultados para Eco-Efficienza, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA),rete di distribuzione idrica,Embodied energy


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Biodieselhas attracted considerable attention as a renewable, biodegradable, and nontoxic fuel and can contribute to solving the energy problems, significantly reducing the emission of gases which cause global warming. The first stage of this work was to simulate different alternative processes for producing biodiesel. The method used for the production of biodiesel is the transesterification of vegetable oilswith an alcohol in the presence of a catalyst. The raw materials used were palm oils and waste cooking oil. The second stage was a life cycle analysis for all alternatives under study, followed by an economic analysis for the alternatives that present minor impacts and which are more promising from an economic point of view. Finally,we proceeded to compare the different alternatives fromboth the point of view of life cycle and economic analysis. The feasibility of all processes was proven and the biodiesel obtained had good specifications. From the standpoint of life cycle analysis, the best alternative was the process of alkaline catalysiswith acid pretreatment for waste cooking oil. The economic analysis was done to the previous mentioned process and to the process that uses raw virgin oils, methanol, and sodium hydroxide. This process has lower investment costs but the process of alkaline catalysis with acid pre-treatment, whose main raw material is waste oil, is much more profitable and has less environmental impacts.


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The research described in this thesis has been developed as a part of the Reliability and Field Data Management for Multi-Component Products (REFIDAM) Project. This project was funded under the Applied Research Grants Scheme administered by Enterprise Ireland. The project was a partnership between Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology and an industrial company, Thermo King Europe. The project aimed to develop a system to manage the information required for maintenance costing, cost of ownership, reliability assessment and improvement of multi-component products, by establishing information flows between the customer network and across the Thermo King organisation.


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Life cycle costing (LCC) practices are spreading from military and construction sectors to wider area of industries. Suppliers as well as customers are demanding comprehensive cost knowledge that includes all relevant cost elements through the life cycle of products. The problem of total cost visibility is being acknowledged and the performance of suppliers is evaluated not just by low acquisition costs of their products, but by total value provided through the life time of their offerings. The main purpose of this thesis is to provide better understanding of product cost structure to the case company. Moreover, comprehensive theoretical body serves as a guideline or methodology for further LCC process. Research includes the constructive analysis of LCC related concepts and features as well as overview of life cycle support services in manufacturing industry. The case study aims to review the existing LCC practices within the case company and provide suggestions for improvements. It includes identification of most relevant life cycle cost elements, development of cost breakdown structure and generic cost model for data collection. Moreover, certain cost-effective suggestions are provided as well. This research should support decision making processes, assessment of economic viability of products, financial planning, sales and other processes within the case company.


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Forests are a store of carbon and an eco-system that continually removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. If they are sustainably managed, the carbon store can be maintained at a constant level, while the trees removed and converted to timber products can form an additional long term carbon store. The total carbon store in the forest and associated ‘wood chain’ therefore increases over time, given appropriate management. This increasing carbon store can be further enhanced with afforestation. The UK’s forest area has increased continually since the early 1900s, although the rate of increase has declined since its peak in the late 1980s, and it is a similar picture in the rest of Europe. The increased sustainable use of timber in construction is a key market incentive for afforestation, which can make a significant contribution to reducing carbon emissions. The case study presented in this paper demonstrates the carbon benefits of a Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) solution for a multi-storey residential building in comparison with a more conventional reinforced concrete solution. The embodied carbon of the building up to completion of construction is considered, together with the stored carbon during the life of the building and the impact of different end of life scenarios. The results of the study show that the total stored carbon in the CLT structural frame is 1215tCO2 (30tCO2 per housing unit). The choice of treatment at end of life has a significant effect on the whole life embodied carbon of the CLT frame, which ranges from -1017 tCO2e for re-use to +153tCO2e for incinerate without energy recovery. All end of life scenarios considered result in lower total CO2e emissions for the CLT frame building compared with the reinforced concrete frame solution.


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The UK has adopted legally binding carbon reduction targets of 34% by 2020 and 80% by 2050 (measured against the 1990 baseline). Buildings are estimated to be responsible for more than 50% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the UK. These consist of both operational, produced during use, and embodied, produced during manufacture of materials and components, and during construction, refurbishments and demolition. A brief assessment suggests that it is unlikely that UK emission reduction targets can be met without substantial reductions in both Oc and Ec. Oc occurs over the lifetime of a building whereas the bulk of Ec occurs at the start of a building’s life. A time value for emissions could influence the decision making process when it comes to comparing mitigation measures which have benefits that occur at different times. An example might be the choice between building construction using low Ec construction materials versus building construction using high Ec construction materials but with lower Oc, although the use of high Ec materials does not necessarily imply a lower Oc. Particular time related issues examined here are: the urgency of the need to achieve large emissions reductions during the next 10 to 20 years; the earlier effective action is taken, the less costly it will be; future reduction in carbon intensity of energy supply; the carbon cycle and relationship between the release of GHG’s and their subsequent concentrations in the atmosphere. An equation is proposed, which weights emissions according to when they occur during the building life cycle, and which effectively increases Ec as a proportion of the total, suggesting that reducing Ec is likely to be more beneficial, in terms of climate change, for most new buildings. Thus, giving higher priority to Ec reductions is likely to result in a bigger positive impact on climate change and mitigation costs.


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I rifiuti come oggetti impegnano tutte le istituzioni umane in una lotta di definizione del posto che occupano e quindi del valore che assumono. In tale dinamica la gestione dei rifiuti diventa un fatto sociale totale che coinvolge tutte le istituzioni umane in una lotta di definizione territorializzata. La storia del movimento ambientalista ci mostra come partendo dal disagio nei confronti dell’oggetto si è passati ad un disagio nei confronti delle idee che lo generano. Modernizzazione ecologica e modernizzazione democratica sembrano andare per un certo periodo d’accordo. Nei casi di conflittualità recente, e nello studio di caso approfondito di un piano provinciale della gestione rifiuti, il carattere anticipatore dell’attivismo ambientalista, sta rendendo sempre più costosi e incerti, investimenti e risultati strategici . Anche i principi delle politiche sono messi in discussione. La sostenibilità è da ricercare in una relativizzazione dei principi di policy e degli strumenti tecnici di valutazione (e.g. LCA) verso una maggiore partecipazione di tutti gli attori. Si propone un modello di governance che parta da un coordinamento amministrativo territoriale sulle reti logistiche, quindi un adeguamento geografico degli ATO, e un loro maggior ruolo nella gestione del processo di coordinamento e pianificazione. Azioni queste che devono a loro volta aprirsi ai flussi (ecologici ed economici) e ai loro attori di riferimento: dalle aziende multiutility agli ambientalisti. Infine è necessario un momento di controllo democratico che può avere una funzione arbitrale nei conflitti tra gli attori o di verifica. La ricerca si muove tra la storia e la filosofia, la ricerca empirica e la riflessione teorica. Sono state utilizzate anche tecniche di indagine attiva, come il focus group e l’intervista.


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The subject of my thesis is to develop an assessment of minimum environmental criteria of the Plan National Action of Green Public Procurement for the cleaning service in the Conegliano’s hospital, used as case of study, through the Life Cycle Assessment methodology, to improve the hospital cleaning service.


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One of the main problems recognized in sustainable development goals and sustainable agricultural objectives is Climate change. Farming contributes significantly to the overall Greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere, which is approximately 10-12 percent of total GHG emissions, but when taking in consideration also land-use change, including deforestation driven by agricultural expansion for food, fiber and fuel the number rises to approximately 30 percent (Smith et. al., 2007). There are two distinct methodological approaches for environmental impact assessment; Life Cycle Assessment (a bottom up approach) and Input-Output Analysis (a top down approach). The two methodologies differ significantly but there is not an immediate choice between them if the scope of the study is on a sectorial level. Instead, as an alternative, hybrid approaches which combine these two approaches have emerged. The aim of this study is to analyze in a greater detail the agricultural sectors contribution to Climate change caused by the consumption of food products. Hence, to identify the food products that have the greatest impact through their life cycle, identifying their hotspots and evaluating the mitigation possibilities for the same. At the same time evaluating methodological possibilities and models to be applied for this purpose both on a EU level and on a country level (Italy).


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I rifiuti rappresentano un’opportunità di crescita sostenibile in termini di riduzione del consumo di risorse naturali e di sviluppo di tecnologie per il riciclo di materia ed il recupero energetico. Questo progetto di ricerca si occupa di valutare, attraverso l’approccio dello studio del ciclo di vita, la valorizzazione energetica di una particolare categoria di rifiuti: i fanghi derivanti dalla depurazione delle acque. Si è studiata la valorizzazione dei fanghi attraverso l’applicazione del Thermo Catalytic Re-forming (TCR)®, tecnologia che consente di trasformare i fanghi in un carburante per la produzione di energia elettrica (bioliquido). Le valutazioni sono effettuate per una linea di processo generale e due configurazioni progettuali declinate in due scenari. Il caso di studio è stato riferito al depuratore di S. Giustina (Rimini). Per la linea di processo, per ognuna delle configurazioni e i relativi scenari, è stato compilato il bilancio energetico e di massa e, conseguentemente, valutata l’efficienza energetica del processo. Le regole della Renewable Energy Directive (RED), applicate attraverso lo strumento ‘BioGrace I’, permettono di definire il risparmio di gas serra imputabile al bioliquido prodotto. I risultati mostrano che adottare la tecnologia TRC® risulta essere energeticamente conveniente. Infatti, è possibile ricavare dal 77 al 111% del fabbisogno energetico di una linea di processo generale (linea fanghi convenzionale e recupero energetico TCR®). Questo permette, quindi, di ricavare energia utile al processo di depurazione. La massima performance si realizza quando la tecnologia si trova a valle di una linea di trattamento fanghi priva di digestione anaerobica e se il biochar prodotto viene utilizzato come combustibile solido sostitutivo del carbone. La riduzione delle emissioni imputabile al bioliquido prodotto va dal 53 al 75%, valori che soddisfano il limite definito dalla RED del 50% di riduzione delle emissioni (2017) per ogni configurazione progettuale valutata.


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La tesi tratta l’analisi preliminare dell’Organization Environmental Footprint (OEF) dell’ente gestore dell’aeroporto Falcone - Borsellino di Palermo (GES.A.P.). Viene inoltre sviluppato un nuovo metodo per la classificazione degli aspetti ambientali utilizzabile all’interno del Sistema di Gestione Ambientale (SGA) attualmente utilizzato dall’ente GES.A.P. Dopo un'introduzione sulle ragioni che hanno portato allo sviluppo di questi strumenti, vengono approfondite le fasi necessarie per la loro applicazione, specificate nella guida metodologica sull’OEF e nella norma ISO 14001. I dati raccolti per il calcolo dell’OEF sono stati inseriti in un modello dell’organizzazione creato con il software GaBi7 al fine di stimare gli impatti ambientali dell’organizzazione negli anni analizzati. In questo lavoro viene effettuata un’analisi del metodo EMRG (Environmental Management Research Group) utilizzato per l’individuazione e la classificazione degli aspetti ambientali nell’ambito del SGA (certificato ISO 14001:2004) di GESAP e delle innovazioni introdotte nella versione 2015 della norma ISO 14001. Viene suggerito un metodo alternativo basato sull’integrazione dei risultati di un'analisi Life Cicle Assessment (LCA), svolta tramite l’OEF, con la metodologia EMRG, attualmente impiegata, al fine di avviare il processo di transizione del SGA verso l’aggiornamento-consegna richiesto dalla ISO14001:2015. Dall’applicazione del metodo viene ricavata una nuova gerarchia degli aspetti ambientali di GESAP utilizzabile per l’implementazione del suo SGA.