950 resultados para Early Gastric Cancer
Objectives. The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility of sentinel lymph node (SLN) identification using radioisotopic lymphatic mapping with technetium-99 m-labeled phytate in patients undergoing radical hysterectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy for treatment of early cervical cancer.Methods. Between July 2001 and February 2003, 56 patients with cervical cancer 1160 stage I (it 53) or stage 11 (it 3) underwent sentinel lymph node detection with preoperative lymphoscintigraphy (Te-99m-labeled phytate injected into the uterine cervix, at 3, 6, 9, and 12 o'clock, at a dose of 55-74 MBq in a volume of 0.8 ml) and intratoperative lymphatic mapping with a handheld gamma probe, Radical hysterectomy was aborted in three cases because parametrial invasion was found intraoperatively and we performed only sentinel node resection. The remaining 53 patients underwent radical hysterectomy with complete pelvic lymphadenectomy, Sentinel nodes were detected using a handheld gamma-probe and removed for pathological assessment during the abdominal radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy.Results. One or more sentinel nodes were detected in 52 out of 56 eligible patients (92.8%). A total of 120 SLNs were detected by lymphoscintigraphy (mean 2.27 nodes per patient) and intraoperatively by gamma probe, Forty-four percent of SLNs were found in the external iliac area, 39% in the obturator region, 8.3% in interiliae region, and 6.7),) in the common iliac area. Unilateral sentinel nodes were found in thirty-one patients (59%). The remaining 21 patients (4100 had bilateral sentinel nodes, Microscopic nodal metastases were confirmed in 17 (32%) cases. In 10 of these patients, only SLNs had metastases. The 98 sentinel node.,, that were negative on hematoxylin and eosin were submitted to cytokeratin immunohistochemical analysis. Five (5.1%) micrometastases were identified with this technique. The sensitivity of the sentinel node was 82.3% (CI 95% - 56.6-96.2) and the negative predictive value was 92.1% (CI 95% 78.6 98.3) the accuracy of sentinel node in predicting the lymph node status was 94.2%,Conclusion. Preoperative lymphoscintigraphy and intraoperative lymphatic mapping with Tc-99-labeled phytate are effective in identifying sentinel nodes in patients undergoing radical hysterectomy and to select women in whom lymph node dissection call be avoided. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We evaluated the relationship of amplification and polysomy of both the CCND1 and the ERBB2 (alias HER-2/NEU) genes to the overexpression of their proteins in esophageal and gastric cancers and also their association with clinicopathological features. CCND1 gene amplification (45%) was more prevalent than polysomy (25%) in esophageal carcinoma, but the pattern observed was similar in gastric adenocarcinoma (10% amplification, 15% polysomy). For ERBB2, polysomy was a more frequent mechanism than amplification in both esophageal (32.5 vs. 7.5%) and gastric (15 vs. 5%) cancers. Overexpression of cyclin D1 protein was identified in 37.5% of the specimens of esophageal tumors and 35% of gastric tumors, and overexpression of Her-2/neu protein in 12.5 and 7.5%, respectively. The K-statistics revealed a fair agreement in both types of turners only in overexpression and amplification of the CCND1 ggene; the ERBB2 gene showed a fair agreement in amplification and polysomy and the level of protein expression in gastric adenocarcinorna. Thus, polysomy 17 could contribute to a high Her-2/neu protein level, at least in gastric cancer. Our data indicated an association with alcohol consumption and the CCND1 gene or protein levels, in both esophageal and gastric cancers. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Promoter hypermethylation of CDKN2A (p16INK4A protein) is the main mechanism of gene inactivation. However, its association with Helicobacter pylori infection is a controversial issue. Therefore, we examined a series of gastric adenocarcinomas to assess the association between p16INK4A inactivation and H. pylori genotype (vacA, cagA, cagE, virB11 and flaA) according to the location and histological subtype of the tumors. p16INK4A expression and CDKN2A promoter methylation were found in 77 gastric adenocarcinoma samples by immunohistochemistry and methylation-specific PCR, respectively. Helicobacter pylori infection and genotype were determined by PCR. A strong negative correlation between immunostaining and CDKN2A promoter region methylation was found. In diffuse subtype tumors, the inactivation of p16INK4A by promoter methylation was unique in noncardia tumors (p = 0.022). In addition, H. pylori-bearing flaA was associated with non-methylation tumors (p = 0.008) and H. pylori strain bearing cagA or vacAs1m1 genes but without flaA was associated with methylated tumors (p = 0.022 and 0.003, respectively). Inactivation of p16INK4A in intestinal and diffuse subtypes showed distinct carcinogenic pathways, depending on the tumor location. Moreover, the process of methylation of the CDKN2A promoter seems to depend on the H. pylori genotype. The present data suggest that there is a differential influence and relevance of H. pylori genotype in gastric cancer development.
Introduction: Helicobacter pylori infection is an established risk factor for gastric cancer development, but the exact underlying mechanism still remains obscure. The inactivation of tumor suppressor genes such as p53 and p27(KIP1) is a hypothesized mechanism, although there is no consensus regarding the influence of H. pylori cagA(+) in the development of these genetic alterations. Goals: To verify the relationship among H. pylori infection, p53 mutations and p27(Kip1) Protein (p27) expression in gastric adenocarcinomas (GA) seventy-four tissues were assayed by PCR for H. pylori and cagA presence. Mutational analysis of p53 gene was performed by single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP). Seventy tissues were analyzed by an immunohistochemical method for p27 expression. Results: From the samples examined, 95% (70/74) were H. pylori positive, 63% cagA(+). Altered p53 electrophoretic mobility was found in 72% of cases and significantly more frequent in the presence of cagA. Considerable reduction in p27 expression (19%) was found with a tendency for association between cagA(+) and p27(-), although the results were not statistically significant. Concomitant alterations of both suppressor genes were detected in 60% of cases. In the cases cagA(+), 66.7% of them had these concomitant alterations. Conclusions: The data suggest that H. pylori cagA(+) contributes to p53 alteration and indicate that concomitant gene inactivation, with reduced p27 expression, may be a mechanism in which H. pylori can promote the development and progression of gastric cancer. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aim: To evaluate the association between polymorphisms XRCC1 Arg194Trp and Arg399Gln and XRCC3 Thr241Met and the risk for chronic gastritis and gastric cancer, in a Southeastern Brazilian population. Methods: Genotyping by PCR-RFLP was carried out on 202 patients with chronic gastritis (CG) and 160 patients with gastric cancer (GC), matched to 202 (C1) and 150 (C2) controls, respectively. Results: No differences were observed among the studied groups with regard to the genotype distribution of XRCC1 codons 194 and 399 and of XRCC3 codon 241. However, the combined analyses of the three variant alleles (194Trp, 399Gln and 241Met) showed an increased risk for chronic gastritis when compared to the GC group. Moreover, an interaction between the polymorphic alleles and demographic and environmental factors was observed in the CG and GC groups. XRCC1 194Trp was associated with smoking in the CG group, while the variant alleles XRCC1 399Gln and XRCC3 241Met were related with gender, smoking, drinking and H pylori infection in the CG and GC groups. Conclusion: Our results showed no evidence of a rela-tionship between the polymorphisms XRCC1 Arg194Trp and Arg399Gln and XRCC3 Thr241Met and the risk of chronic gastritis and gastric cancer in the Brazilian population, but the combined effect of these variants may interact to increase the risk for chronic gastritis, considered a premalignant lesion. Our data also indicate a gene-environment interaction in the susceptibility to chronic gastritis and gastric cancer. © 2005 The WJG Press and Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Background: Helicobacter pylori infection is usually acquired in childhood and persists into adulthood if untreated. The bacterium induces a chronic inflammatory response, which is associated with epigenetic alterations in oncogenes, tumor-suppressor genes, cell-cycle regulators, and cell-adhesion molecules. Aim: The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of H. pylori infection on the methylation status of Thrombospondin-1 (THBS1), Hypermethylated in cancer 1 (HIC1) and Gata binding protein-4 (GATA-4) in gastric biopsy samples from children and adults infected or uninfected with the bacterium and in samples obtained from gastric cancer patients. Methods: The methylation pattern was analyzed with methylation-specific PCR. Results: Our results showed that H. pylori infection was associated with methylation of the promoter regions of the THBS1 and GATA-4 genes in pediatric and adult samples (p < 0.01). HIC1 showed the lowest level of methylation, which was not an early event during gastric carcinogenesis. Conclusions: The results from this study indicate that methylation of THBS1 and GATA-4 occurs in the early stages of chronic gastritis and gastric cancer in association with H. pylori infection; however, in gastric cancer samples, other mechanisms cooperate with the down-regulation of these genes. Methylation of HIC1 may not be the principal mechanism implicated in its down-regulation in gastric cancer samples. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Gastric cancer is the second most frequent type of neoplasia and also the second most important cause of death in the world. Virtually all the established cell lines of gastric neoplasia were developed in Asian countries, and western countries have contributed very little to this area. In the present study we describe the establishment of the cell line ACP01 and characterize it cytogenetically by means of in vitro immortalization. Cells were transformed from an intestinal-type gastric adenocarcinoma (T4N2M0) originating from a 48-year-old male patient.This is the first gastric denocarcinoma cell line established in Brazil. The most powerful application of the cell line ACP01 is in the assessment of cytotoxicity. Solid tumor cell lines from different origins have been treated with several conventional and investigational anticancer drugs. The ACP01 cell line is triploid, grows as a single, non-organized layer, similar to fibroblasts, with focus formation,heterogeneous division, and a cell cycle of approximately 40 h. Chromosome 8 trisomy, present in 60% of the cells, was the most frequent cytogenetic alteration. These data lead us to propose a multifactorial triggering of gastric cancer which evolves over multiple stages involving progressive genetic changes and clonal expansion.
O câncer do trato gastrointestinal tem sua importância no perfil de mortalidade do Brasil, estando entre os dez mais incidentes do país. A detecção precoce garante uma melhor qualidade de vida para os doentes oncológicos, porém frequentemente estes chegam aos centros de tratamento em fase avançada da doença. O estudo objetiva investigar as dificuldades de acesso ao diagnóstico e tratamento para os pacientes com câncer gastrointestinal atendidos pelo Sistema Único de Saúde. Com este intuito, realizou-se uma pesquisa observacional descritiva e sob a forma de um questionário foram coletados dados de pacientes em tratamento em dois hospitais públicos de Belém, no período de março a junho de 2013. Preencheram os critérios de inclusão 122 pacientes que foram agrupados em diferentes trajetórias de atendimento. Além disso, foram também obtidas informações registradas nos prontuários desses pacientes. A análise dos dados demonstrou que o diagnóstico da doença em 68,1% foi realizado pelo médico generalista; a maior dificuldade, nessa fase, foi o acesso ao diagnóstico gerando gastos com exames, pois a maioria dos pacientes (68,9%) não realizou exames especializados através do Sistema Único de Saúde, mas com recursos próprios. Nos centros/ unidades de referência em oncologia, as dificuldades relatadas por 56 pacientes começam com a marcação da consulta médica, ocorrendo demora do agendamento pela instituição para 94,6% desses doentes. A falta de leito para internação foi apontada como o maior entrave (54.4%) para iniciar a terapêutica cirúrgica, particularmente para o câncer gástrico e de cólon e reto. A análise das trajetórias percorridas pelos doentes, desde o inicio dos sintomas até o atendimento na unidade de referência, revela que o diagnóstico da doença em 50% dos pacientes ocorreu somente após 10 meses do inicio dos sintomas, e o tratamento iniciou só depois de 90 dias do diagnóstico. O tempo que os pacientes permanecem sintomáticos sem um diagnóstico impacta negativamente no prognóstico. Nesta pesquisa, os casos de câncer gástrico e de cólon e reto foram diagnosticados tardiamente (estádio IV e IIIB) e, por conseguinte o tratamento não ocorreu no prazo desejável.
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a common gastric pathogen that has infected more than 50% of the population of the world and it has been associated with chronic gastritis, gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcer, and gastric cancer. Although, almost all infected people develop gastritis, there is a variety of clinical outcomes, and only a minority (<1%) of infected individuals develop gastric cancer. There are evidences which suggest that the chronic inflammatory reaction caused by the bacterial infection may be involved in the production of reactive oxygen species or reactive nitrogen species. It may lead to DNA damage, which together with the cellular response could lead to gene mutations, chromosomal aberrations characterizing genomic instability that may represent the early step in gastric carcinogenesis. The extent and severity of gastric mucosal inflammation, as well as the clinical outcome of the infection, depend on a number of factors, including the host genetic susceptibility such SNP T3801 CYP1A1, immune response, age at which the infection was acquired, environmental factors, especially dietary and bacterial virulence factors. Due to the risk of developing gastric cancer in humans infected by H. pylori, we used the Comet Assay to investigate the influence of the SNP T3801C CYP1A1 on levels of oxidative DNA damage in gastric epithelial cells. The study was conducted with biopsies from the gastric antrum and corpus of 103 H. pylori-infected patients and 24 uninfected control patients. Genotype of SNP T3801C CYP1A1 was determined by PCR-RFLP and DNA damage levels were measured in gastric mucosal cells from antrum and corpus by the Comet assay. Levels of DNA damage in gastric mucosa cells from antrum and corpus of H. pylori-infected patients with mild, moderate, severe gastritis, and gastric cancer were significantly higher compared to uninfected normal mucosa cells. However, levels... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
This study aimed to investigate the frequency of symptoms of depression in patients with cancer of the head and neck undergoing radiotherapy treatment, in the initial, middle and final stages of the treatment. This is a prospective exploratory quantitative study of 41 patients with head and neck cancer, undergoing radiotherapy treatment in the Oncology Outpatient Clinic of the Beneficencia Portuguese Hospital of Ribeirao Preto. Data were collected through the Beck Depression Inventory instrument, and analyzed quantitatively by means of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Symptoms of dysphoria were found to increase throughout the treatment, as well as the number of patients with depression. The results show the importance for the healthcare professionals to detect the prevalence and the levels of the symptoms of depression, since these symptoms tend to increase and may lead to consequences such as a lack of adherence to treatment and a decrease in the quality of life of these patients.
Breast cancer metastasis is a leading cause of death by malignancy in women worldwide. Efforts are being made to further characterize the rate-limiting steps of cancer metastasis, i.e. extravasation of circulating tumor cells and colonization of secondary organs. In this study, we investigated whether angiotensin II, a major vasoactive peptide both produced locally and released in the bloodstream, may trigger activating signals that contribute to cancer cell extravasation and metastasis. We used an experimental in vivo model of cancer metastasis in which bioluminescent breast tumor cells (D3H2LN) were injected intra-cardiacally into nude mice in order to recapitulate the late and essential steps of metastatic dissemination. Real-time intravital imaging studies revealed that angiotensin II accelerates the formation of metastatic foci at secondary sites. Pre-treatment of cancer cells with the peptide increases the number of mice with metastases, as well as the number and size of metastases per mouse. In vitro, angiotensin II contributes to each sequential step of cancer metastasis by promoting cancer cell adhesion to endothelial cells, trans-endothelial migration and tumor cell migration across extracellular matrix. At the molecular level, a total of 102 genes differentially expressed following angiotensin II pretreatment were identified by comparative DNA microarray. Angiotensin II regulates two groups of connected genes related to its precursor angiotensinogen. Among those, up-regulated MMP2/MMP9 and ICAM1 stand at the crossroad of a network of genes involved in cell adhesion, migration and invasion. Our data suggest that targeting angiotensin II production or action may represent a valuable therapeutic option to prevent metastatic progression of invasive breast tumors.
Adjuvant therapy has improved the survival of women with early breast cancer (BC). Meta-analyses suggest that anthracycline-based regimens reduced the annual BC death rate by 40% in women below the age of 50 and 20% in older women. Novel agents designed to modulate abnormal growth factor signaling in and around the BC cell further increase patients' chances of survival. However, both conventional chemotherapeutic agents as well as some of the novel signaling inhibitors can induce important cardiovascular side-effects, potentially attenuating the progress made in recent years. The mechanism of cancer drug-induced cardiovascular complications varies greatly with some compounds inducing irreversible myocardial cell damage, while others lead to temporary cell dysfunction. The challenge of the future will be to prospectively discriminate between irreversible damage which can lead to progressive cardiovascular disease and reversible cardiovascular dysfunctions without further prognostic implications. Since adjuvant therapy for BC is potentially curative, emphasis must be placed on finding treatments combining maximum efficacy with the minimum of long-term side-effects in order to achieve survival with preserved quality of life.
Postmenopausal women with hormone receptor-positive early breast cancer have persistent, long-term risk of breast-cancer recurrence and death. Therefore, trials assessing endocrine therapies for this patient population need extended follow-up. We present an update of efficacy outcomes in the Breast International Group (BIG) 1-98 study at 8·1 years median follow-up.
We have developed a multifactorial histopathological prognostic score (PRSC) for patients with gastric cancer treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy before surgery for the accurate discrimination of patient subgroups with differing outcomes.