858 resultados para Early Diagnosis
Fundamentos: A literatura tem demonstrado que a detecção precoce e a remoção cirúrgica em fases iniciais reduz a mortalidade do melanoma e que, em conseqüência, a identificação do melanoma em fases curáveis deve ser encorajada. Objetivos: O interesse principal do estudo foi conhecer se os melanomas cutâneos, no meio, estão sendo diagnosticados em fases iniciais, através de método reprodutível e armazenável. Metodologia: Foi realizado um estudo transversal com os casos de melanomas cutâneos primários, analisados nos laboratórios de patologia de Porto Alegre, de 1° de janeiro de 1994 a 30 de junho de 1995, a fim de avaliar se os diagnósticos foram realizados em estágios precoces. Os casos foram revisados por três dermatopatologistas, que classificaram quanto ao tipo histológico e quanto ao nível de invasão de Clark. Foi realizado um consenso com pelo menos duas concordâncias. A espessura de Breslow foi considerada fator prognóstico determinante e foi medida através de um sistema de análise de imagem computadorizada, por dois membros da equipe. Resultados: Do total de 279 casos que preencheram os critérios de inclusão, 2,15% eram intraepiteliais. Dos melanomas invasivos, 52% tinham espessura ≤ 1,5 mm. Quando agrupado por sexo e procedência, as mulheres de Porto Alegre, capital do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, tiveram a mais alta taxa de diagnóstico precoce (75% ≤ 1,5 mm). O tronco foi o sítio predominante no homem e freqüente na mulher. O melanoma de espalhamento superficial foi o tipo histológico mais freqüente (80,9%), seguido pelo nodular (10,1%). Para definir os determinantes do diagnóstico precoce, foram realizados cruzamentos simples, dos melanomas intraepiteliais somados aos de espessura <0,76 mm, com o sexo, a idade, a procedência, a situação previdenciária, a região anatômica e o tipo histológico. A análise de variáveis múltiplas demonstrou que apenas o sexo (feminino), o sítio anatômico (outras regiões exceto membros inferiores) e a procedência (Porto Alegre) mostraram-se variáveis independentes para determinar um diagnóstico precoce. A idade ≥ 40 anos apresentou significância próxima ao limite. O tipo histológico foi excluído do modelo, uma vez que gerou instabilidade estatística. Conclusão: Embora o número de casos fosse pequeno, o diagnóstico do melanoma ainda é tardio (52% com até 1,5 mm de espessura). Entretanto, existe um subgrupo de diagnóstico precoce que são mulheres, sobretudo de Porto Alegre, possivelmente por estarem mais atentas e informadas sobre os riscos do melanoma. As mudanças no estilo de vida, nas últimas décadas, provavelmente são responsáveis pela maior incidência no tronco e pela alta freqüência de melanoma de espalhamento superficial encontrada. A análise da espessura tumoral por projeção em tela de computador mostrou-se um recurso auxiliar vantajoso.
O citomegalovírus (CMV), está entre os principais agentes infecciosos que acometem pacientes transplantados renais. A infecção por CMV está relacionada ao status sorológico do doador e receptor, bem como o tipo e intensidade da imunossupressão utilizada. A infecção, e em especial a doença citomegálica, determinam aumento da morbi-mortalidade após o transplante. O espectro da doença varia desde formas assintomáticas até a doença sistêmica grave com comprometimento de vários órgãos. A doença por CMV é diagnosticada através da evidência laboratorial de infeção, associada a quadro clínico compatível. A técnica da antigenemia identifica a presença do antígeno viral p65 em leucócitos do sangue periférico através de reação de imunoperoxidase utilizando-se anticorpos monoclonais. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi o de determinar a incidência de infecção por CMV em uma coorte de pacientes transplantados renais usando a antigenemia como ferramenta diagnóstica. Secundariamente buscou-se avaliar o impacto desta infecção nas sobrevidas dos pacientes e dos enxertos em 6 anos de acompanhamento. No período de inclusão no estudo, janeiro de 1994 a fevereiro de 1995, foram realizados 74 transplantes renais na Santa Casa de Porto Alegre–RS. As amostras de sangue para a detecção da antigenemia foram obtidas semanalmente durante a internação hospitalar e posteriormente, sempre que houvesse suspeita clínica de infecção por citomegalovírus. Das 229 amostras analisadas, 51 (22,3%) foram positivas, em 24 pacientes, dos quais 41,6% (10/24) evoluíram de forma assintomática, 33,3% (8/24) apresentaram sintomas leves, e 25% (6/24) desenvolveram sintomas compatíveis com doença citomegálica. Desta forma, coorte estudada, a incidência de infecção e doença por CMV foram de 33,3% e 8,4%, respectivamente. Não houve associação entre as doses de imunossupressores, o uso de anticorpos monoclonais e número de episódios de rejeição com o desenvolvimento de infecção e doença por CMV. Nos transplantes realizados com doadores vivos, a incidência de infecção por CMV nos receptores de rins de doadores com sorologia positiva foi 61,9%, e nos receptores de doadores com sorologia negativa foi 14,3% (p=0,005). Os transplantes com receptores com sorologia negativa transplantados com rins de doadores soropositivos apresentaram incidência significativamente maior de infecção (75%) e doença (75%) por CMV do que os receptores com sorologia positiva transplantados com órgãos de doadores com soronegativos, 13,3% e 0%, respectivamente (p<0,05). A sensibilidade da antigenemia em detectar os pacientes que desenvolveram doença citomegálica foi de 100% e a especificidade foi 72,7%, com valor preditivo positivo de 25% e valor preditivo negativo de 100%. No grupo de pacientes que apresentou doença por CMV, ao término do seguimento, ocorreu um número significativamente mais elevado de perdas do enxerto (85%) do que no grupo de pacientes em que a infecção foi assintomática (29%), acarretando impacto negativo nas curvas de sobrevida de enxertos e pacientes (LogRank; p<0,05). A antigenemia mostrou ser uma ferramenta diagnóstica importante no manejo dos pacientes transplantados renais, possibilitando o diagnóstico precoce da infecção e auxiliando na identificação dos pacientes infectados que estão sob maior risco de desenvolvimento da doença.
Introdução e Objetivos: O esôfago de Barrett (BE) desenvolve-se como conseqüência de uma agressão acentuada sobre a mucosa esofágica causada pelo refluxo gastresofágico crônico. É uma lesão precursora e exerce papel importante no desenvolvimento do adenocarcinoma esofágico (ACE). Inúmeras alterações genéticas estão presentes ao longo da transformação tumoral de uma célula, sendo o c-Myc um dos principais genes envolvidos na carcinogênese humana. O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar a expressão do c-myc em pacientes com EB e com adenocarcinoma esofágico, e avaliar esta prevalência relacionada com a seqüência metaplasia-displasia-adenocarcinoma. Métodos: A expressão da proteína do C-myc foi determinada através da análise imunohistoquímica em quatro grupos diferentes: 31 pacientes com tecido normal, 43 pacientes com EB sem displasia, 11 pacientes com displasia em EB e 37 pacientes com o adenocarcinoma esofágico. O material foi obtido de peças de biópsias ou de ressecção cirúrgica de pacientes atendidos pelo Grupo de Cirurgia de Esôfago, Estômago e Intestino Delgado (GCEEID) do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA) no período de janeiro 1998 a fevereiro 2004. Dados demográficos e endoscópicos (sexo, idade, raça, tamanho hiatal da hérnia e extensão do epitélio colunar esofágico), e as características morfológicas e histopatológicas tumorais (invasão tumoral, comprometimento linfonodal, e diferenciação histológica do tumor) foram analisados. A expressão de c-Myc foi avaliada usando o sistema de escore de imunorreatividade (Immunoreactive Scoring System – ISS). Resultados: Expressão aumentada do c-myc foi encontrada em apenas 9,7% das amostras de epitélio normal, em 37,2% dos pacientes com EB, em 45,5% dos pacientes com displasia e em 73% dos pacientes com adenocarcinoma, com diferença estatística significativa entre os grupos. Nenhuma associação foi identificada quando a expressão do c-Myc foi comparada as características morfológicas e histológicas do tumor ou aos dados endoscópicos. Entretanto, uma correlação linear da expressão do c-myc ao longo da seqüência metaplasia-displasia-adenocarcinoma foi observada. Conclusão: O estudo demonstrou um aumento significativo da expressão do c-Myc no EB, na displasia, e no adenocarcinoma em relação aos controles, bem como uma progressão linear da positividade deste gene ao longo desta seqüência. Estes resultados apontam para um papel importante deste marcador no desenvolvimento do ACE a partir do EB. Esta expressão aumentada do c-Myc em pacientes com EB poderá ajudar a identificar pacientes com risco elevado para o desenvolvimento de adenocarcinoma, contribuindo para um diagnóstico precoce desta doença.
BACKGROUND: Non-invasive diagnostic strategies aimed at identifying biomarkers of cancer are of great interest for early cancer detection. Urine is potentially a rich source of volatile organic metabolites (VOMs) that can be used as potential cancer biomarkers. Our aim was to develop a generally reliable, rapid, sensitive, and robust analytical method for screening large numbers of urine samples, resulting in a broad spectrum of native VOMs, as a tool to evaluate the potential of these metabolites in the early diagnosis of cancer. METHODS: To investigate urinary volatile metabolites as potential cancer biomarkers, urine samples from 33 cancer patients (oncological group: 14 leukaemia, 12 colorectal and 7 lymphoma) and 21 healthy (control group, cancer-free) individuals were qualitatively and quantitatively analysed. Dynamic solid-phase microextraction in headspace mode (dHS-SPME) using a carboxenpolydimethylsiloxane (CAR/PDMS) sorbent in combination with GC-qMS-based metabolomics was applied to isolate and identify the volatile metabolites. This method provides a potential non-invasive method for early cancer diagnosis as a first approach. To fulfil this objective, three important dHS-SPME experimental parameters that influence extraction efficiency (fibre coating, extraction time and temperature of sampling) were optimised using a univariate optimisation design. The highest extraction efficiency was obtained when sampling was performed at 501C for 60min using samples with high ionic strengths (17% sodium chloride, wv 1) and under agitation. RESULTS: A total of 82 volatile metabolites belonging to distinct chemical classes were identified in the control and oncological groups. Benzene derivatives, terpenoids and phenols were the most common classes for the oncological group, whereas ketones and sulphur compounds were the main classes that were isolated from the urine headspace of healthy subjects. The results demonstrate that compound concentrations were dramatically different between cancer patients and healthy volunteers. The positive rates of 16 patients among the 82 identified were found to be statistically different (Po0.05). A significant increase in the peak area of 2-methyl3-phenyl-2-propenal, p-cymene, anisole, 4-methyl-phenol and 1,2-dihydro-1,1,6-trimethyl-naphthalene in cancer patients was observed. On average, statistically significant lower abundances of dimethyl disulphide were found in cancer patients. CONCLUSIONS: Gas chromatographic peak areas were submitted to multivariate analysis (principal component analysis and supervised linear discriminant analysis) to visualise clusters within cases and to detect the volatile metabolites that are able to differentiate cancer patients from healthy individuals. Very good discrimination within cancer groups and between cancer and control groups was achieved.
Hypertensive syndromes in pregnancy (HSP) are configured as one of the major complications in the pregnancy and postpartum period and can lead premature newborn and subsequent hospitalization of the newborn to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). This study aimed to analyze the perceptions, meanings and feelings of mothers on the hypertensive syndromes in pregnancy and premature obstetric labor. The research was qualitative and has a theoretical methodological the Social Representations Theory(SRT) in the approach to the Central Nucleus Theory. The study included 70 women, mean age 29 years, predominantly school to high school, most of them married or in consensual union, primiparous and prevalence of cesarean delivery occurred between 32 and 37 weeks of pregnancy.The data were collected from may to december 2008 in the Maternity School Januário Cicco in Natal , and obtained through the following instruments for data collection: questionnaire including questions about socio-demographic status; the Free Words Association Test (FWAT) and and verbalized mental image construction used three stimuli: such as pregnancy with high blood pressure, preterm birth and NICU, and interview with the following guiding question: what it meant for you to have a pregnancy with high blood pressure and consequently the birth of a premature baby? Data analysis was performed using multi-method obtained from the data processing by EVOC (Ensemble Programmes Permettant L 'Analyze des Évocations) and ALCESTE (Analyse Lexicale par Contexte d'un Ensemble de Segment de Texte) and thematic analysis in categories. The results will be presented in four thematic units under the following representative universes: HSP, prematurity as a result of HSP, NICU and the social representations of mothers on the hypertensive disorder of pregnancy sequenced premature birth and hospitalization of the child in the NICU. The results obtained by multimethod analyses showed similar constructions and point to death as the central nucleus and negative aspects, coping strategies, need of care, knowledge about the disease, fragility and meanings of the NICU as peripheral elements. It is considered that the perceptions, meanings and feelings of puerperal women in relation to HSPs and to premature delivery are a negative social representation, with representational elements that may have influenced the adverse effects on the disease and its consequences. We suggest action on the peripheral elements of this representation, with adequate orientation, early diagnosis, effective conduct, receptive attitude on the part of the team, health promotion measures and effective public policies, in order to improve the care provided to puerperal women, making them feel welcome and minimizing their suffering
The metabolic syndrome (MetS) involves a group of risk factors and is associated with a significantly higher risk of developing cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and type 2 diabetes. Recent studies have shown the importance of preventing CVD through early diagnosis and treatment of patients with MetS. The objective of our study was to determine the prevalence of MetS by different diagnostic criteria in postmenopausal women and analyze the influence of socioeconomic factors on cardiovascular risk in this sample of the population. A cross-sectional study involving 127 postmenopausal women (45 to 64 years) from Natal and Mossoró, Brazil. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. The experimental protocol consisted of applying structured interview, clinical examination and implementation of dosages blood. The diagnosis of MetS was based on NCEP-ATP III (National Cholesterol Education Program-Adult Treatment Panel III) and IDF (International Diabetes Federation) criteria. The research was accomplished with the participation of an interdisciplinary team in their several phases. The result of the sample studied had mean age of 53.9 ± 4.6 years and per capita income of 54.5 dollars. The prevalence of MetS, according to NCEP-ATP III and IDF criteria, was 52.8% and 61.4$, respectively. The agreement rate between NCEP-ATP III and IDF criteria was 81.9%, with a kappa value of 0.63 (CI 95%, 0.49-0.76), indicating good agreement between the two definitions. The most prevalent cardiovascular risk factor was HDL < 50 mg/dl, observed in 96.1% of the women analyzed, followed by increased waist circumference (≥ 80 cm) in 78.0%, elevated blood pressure in 51.2%, triglycerides ≥ 150 mg/dl in 40.9% and glycemia ≥ 100 mg/dl in 37.0% of the women. The occurrence of MetS was significantly associated with schooling and body mass index (BMI). High blood pressure was significantly associated with low family income, low schooling and weight gain. There was no significant association between the intensity of climacteric symptomatology and the occurrence of MetS. The conclusions of the research were that MetS and its individual components show a high prevalence in postmenopausal Brazilian women, and significant associations with weight gain and low socioeconomic indicators. The data point to the need for an interdisciplinary approach at the basic health care level, directed toward the early identification of risk factors and the promotion of cardiovascular health of climacteric women.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Avaliou-se histologicamente a próstata de 30 cães adultos e idosos sexualmente intactos que apresentavam ou não sintomatologia clínica de doença prostática, e verificou-se a incidência de possíveis alterações da glândula. Dentre as alterações encontradas, a hiperplasia prostática benigna constituiu o diagnóstico mais comum, 85,6% (n=24), seguida por prostatite crônica, 64,3% (n=18), displasia do epitélio glandular, 42,8% (n=12), atrofia do epitélio glandular, 39,3% (n=11), infiltrado inflamatório focal, 25% (n=7), dilatação glandular focal, 21,4% (n=6), prostatite aguda, 7,1% (n=2), metaplasia escamosa, 3,6%, (n=1), metástase de neoplasia sistêmica, 3,6% (n=1) e abscesso prostático, 3,6% (n=1). Como em muitos casos os cães são assintomáticos, ressalta-se a importância da realização rotineira de exames clínicos específicos, como o toque retal e a ultrassonografia, para o diagnóstico precoce e o tratamento das afecções prostáticas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Background: Pythiosis in horses is a proliferative and ulcerative disease that primarily affects the skin and subcutaneous tissue of limbs, thoracic-abdominal region and head. This disease sometimes can also affect limb bones or cause tumoral masses in abdomen. Usually, the cutaneous cases are confused with habronemiasis. The disease is more common in marshy areas, places with formation of slow drainage ponds and aquatic vegetation under high temperatures. The aim of this study was to describe the development of facial lesions in a horse caused by pythiosis in Cuiaba, Mato Grosso, and, additionally to discuss relevant issues regarding the diagnosis, clinical course and response to immunotherapy treatment.Case: One five years old mare of unknown breed, created in property located in the Cerrado region, had a wound on its face difficult to be healed and non-responsive to several treatments based on ivermectin and organophosphate administrated by either topical or systemic via. The animal was assisted on the farm of origin by the veterinary team of the Clinical Medicine sector, of the Veterinary Hospital, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (HOVET-UFMT). on the occasion of the visit, which occurred 60 days after onset of signs, the animal showed a circular single large lesion, ulcerative with serous discharge on the right part of its face, between the eyes and nostrils. There were some necrotic foci with sinus, from which kunkers were extracted; a condition compatible with pythiosis. The diagnosis was confirmed by histology, ELISA and PCR.Discussion: Assuming pythiosis from data obtained from the survey and profile of the lesion (secretory aspect, emaciation and presence of sinus and kunkers), immunotherapy treatment was immediately applied. The advanced clinical aspects and the fact that early diagnosis and treatment are essentials to satisfactory therapeutic response were also taken into consideration for starting the treatment. The remission of signs was achieved after five subcutaneous applications with 14 days between each application. From the second application, it was observed clinical improvement and after 60 days of treatment there was almost complete remission of signs. The signs for a satisfactory response in the injury site followed the order of decreasing secretory aspect, decreasing borders, decrease the itching and bringing the edges together with the formation of a thin layer of crust on the surface. Pythiosis cases with lesions on the face and lower abdomen are commonly confused with habronemiasis by macroscopic and widespread similarity between technicians and attendants, and essential support to the diagnosis through laboratory tests, which in turn are still underutilized. In this case, the authors demonstrated the therapeutic efficacy of immunotherapy as an advantage, considering the possibility of applying it in cases of lesions in areas of difficult surgical access, treatment conditions in the field, with low cost and ease of application. Further studies approaching this alternative therapy are necessary, since side effects have been observed in some cases.
Foram estudados tumores de mama em cadelas, comparando o seu padrão citológico, obtido através da Citologia Aspirativa por Agulha Fina (CAAF), com os resultados da histopatologia. Num período de um ano, as cadelas trazidas ao Hospital Veterinário -- UNESP -- Câmpus de Jaboticabal foram submetidas a exérese cirúrgica dos tumores mamários. As amostras foram avaliadas de acordo com parâmetros estruturais utilizados nos tumores mamários humanos, como grau de atipia, critérios nucleares, padrão de cromatina e nucléolos, alta celularidade e pouca coesão intercelular. Utilizaram-se estes critérios para diferenciar tumores mamários benignos de malignos com 63% de diagnósticos concordantes, sensibilidade de 73% e especificidade de 83%. Nossos dados mostraram ter uma correlação positiva com o prognóstico, demonstrando que é possível reconhecer variáveis estruturais de malignidade na citopatologia para obter um diagnóstico precoce e um prognóstico seguro.
The objective of this work - which is characterized analyze the search for symptomatic tuberculosis in practice and perspective of the Community Health Agent (ACS) in the districts of Natal. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study. The study population was 646 professionals, and conducted a probabilistic random sampling, stratified by districts. The data were collected from one instrument to collect data based on Primary Care Assesment Toll (PCAT) and analyzed by descriptive statistics. The sample consisted of ACS was 87% female. Among the study participants 58% completed high school and 120 months of exercise training (95% CI 111.9 to 129.5) on average. 90% were USF. The average follow-up of cases found were 2 cases of TB since the beginning of the career of the ACS and the last three years the average is presented in a case accompanied. The ACS received satisfactory ratings on the bond of trust with the user, so as access to homes in the community. The ACS reported for denying the fear of being positive result was the biggest reason for not performing the sputum. All units have a professional that responds to the Tuberculosis Control Program. Regarding the structural capacity of primary care settings for the diagnosis of TB, we observed satisfactory levels in different districts of pots for sputum collection, however, a point that deserves attention from managers is lack of materials for packaging sputum. Fear of positive result was one of the reasons for the refusal of sputum collection, followed by alcoholism. With regard to TB suspects, all responded that ACS always suspect when the user has TB coughs, but in all districts were noticed at low delivery of requests for applications for smear. BSR in TB control, is characterized in practice as a complex action goes beyond technical expertise and contact with the family that breaks with the Cartesian. The BSR is part of the ACS can perform them from the daily visits. We conclude that the ACS is difficult to achieve. This practice should not be the privilege of this actor, but the entire team of primary care. We must rethink the practices of TB care, seeing the health surveillance while aegis of the working process of primary care teams for early diagnosis and thereby reduce TB in communities
Leprosy is an ancient disease that still stands as a public health problem worldwide, especially in the considered developing countries. Of these, Brazil still has large areas of endemicity. The disease remains high among those younger than 15 years old. In this group, the national index achieves 0.6 every 10 000 inhabitants and reaches 2 in the North and Midwest of Brazil. Therefore, the plan of the Ministry of Health is to prioritize the fight against disease in critical areas, providing early diagnosis and timely treatment, especially for patients under 15 years old. This research aimed to: identify the knowledge of students from three schools of basic education in Parnamirim/RN about the risk of getting ill in leprosy; conduct them health education on this topic. An exploratory-descriptive study with quantitative and qualitative nature. Data collection consists of two steps: questionnaire and health education on leprosy. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee (REC) of UFRN through the opinion nº 204/2009. Quantitative data obtained were organized, categorized, typed and submitted to the Microsoft Office - Excel for quantitative analysis with simple percentage. Qualitative data were subjected to a content analysis according to Bardin. The sample consisted of 164 students of basic education, most of which is: 1st year of high school, from 11 to 15 years, in the afternoon shift, female gender, skin color white and residents in the municipality of Parnamirim/RN. Still, each student living with four people curiously did not respond in relation to occupation of the father. But the same answered their mother as a housewife and a family income of one to less than four minimum wages. There have been significant results compared the performance of health education in leprosy. Initially, students possessed little knowledge about leprosy. Subsequent to health education, most knew the answer about the disease, transmission, cause, where to get help in case of suspicion of leprosy and the need for the people who lives with leprosy patients to also seek for help, the understanding about if it is treatable or not. Content analysis has established the following themes: axis I, what I do not know about leprosy: cure, fear and prejudice. Axis II, what I know about leprosy, we identified: cure, effectiveness of health education and social exclusion in the past. It is considered the scope of the proposed objectives by matching the effectiveness of health education on leprosy in basic education in Parnamirim/RN; emphasizes, therefore, the importance of understanding the knowledge of public school students. It is expected of them to detect early cases of leprosy in their communities; encourage adherence to treatment as quickly as possible; prevent disability; reduce the stigma surrounding the disease.
INTRODUÇÃO: A mortalidade infantil em Presidente Prudente, SP (Brasil), foi estudada no período de 1990 a 1992, a partir de aplicação de métodos para obtenção de diagnóstico coletivo que orientassem a identificação e escolha de estratégias de controle de problemas locais. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram utilizadas declarações de óbito colhidas no cartório, cujos dados originais foram corrigidos por meio de pesquisa documental nos serviços de saúde e entrevistas domiciliares. Para estudar variáveis como idade materna e peso ao nascer foram utilizados os dados do Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos (SINASC). A qualidade dos dados originais das declarações de óbitos foi inicialmente analisada pela quantidade de informações, sensibilidade, especificidade e valor de Kappa. RESULTADO: A sensibilidade global para a causa básica de óbito foi 78,84% e Kappa igual a 71,32 para o total de causas. Ocorreram 189 óbitos, sendo 66,15% no período neonatal (41,28% durante o primeiro dia de vida) e 33,85% no infantil tardio. O peso ao nascer de 58,28% dos óbitos foi menor que 2.500g. As causas básicas de óbito foram estudadas segundo a possibilidade de serem prevenidas (método desenvolvido por Erica Taucher) por grupos de causas reduzidas utilizadas no International Collaborative Effort (ICE), causas múltiplas e distribuição geográfica. Observou-se que nos óbitos ocorridos até 27 dias, 22,23% poderiam ser evitados por adequada atenção ao parto, 20,64% seriam redutíveis por diagnóstico e tratamento precoce, 13,75% por bom controle da gravidez e apenas 7,94% não evitáveis. Das mortes ocorridas no período infantil tardio, 12,17% foram classificadas como outras preveníveis e 4,23% foram consideradas não evitáveis. Segundo os grupos do ICE, 58,74% faleceram por imaturidade ou asfixias; 19,58% por infecções e, 12,17%, por anomalias congênitas. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados sugerem prioridade para assistência obstétrica no trabalho de parto e atenção pediátrica por baixo peso ao nascer, entre outras. A análise por causas múltiplas mostra que 76,05% dos óbitos têm as causas básicas relacionadas a causas perinatais e confirma a relação entre as deficiências de peso e as complicações respiratórias do recém-nascido. As complicações maternas também relacionaram-se com o baixo peso. Identificaram-se grandes diferenças no coeficiente de mortalidade infantil entre as áreas da zona urbana não somente restritas aos valores, como também ao tipo de doenças responsáveis pela ocorrência do óbito. Conclui-se haver vantagem no uso associado das quatro técnicas que são complementares, tanto para estudo, como para planejamento de ações dirigidas à prevenção da mortalidade infantil.
The Oral Epithelial Dysplasia (OED) is the lesion that precedes or co-exists with the Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC), presenting molecular and/or histological similar alterations. The divergences about the malignization potential of OEDs and the role of inflammation in this process make hard the early diagnosis and evaluation of OSCCs aggressiveness. Thus, it became the goal of this study to evaluate the role of inflammation in oral carcinogenesis and tumoral aggressiveness. For this purpose a morphological study was performed in 20 OED cases and 40 OSCC cases to detect the malignization potential of OEDs and the histologic malignancy grading (HMG) of OSCCs, analyzing superficial masses for dismorphism evaluation and the invasive front for evaluation of tumoral growing; and immunohistochemical, using anti-CD8, anti-FOXP3, anti-TGFβ, anti-TNFα and anti-NF-кB antibodies, comparing their with the types lesion, histological degree and intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate. The results were statistically significant for the parameters: cell maturity (p=0,0001), masses presence (p=0,038) and dismorphism (p=0,037), when associated to HMG. To compare the expression of the markers with the types lesion, a significantly higher expression of CD8 (p=0,001) and NF-кB (p=0,002) in the OED, and also a smaller expression of the epithelial TGFβ in the severe OEDs (p=0,011), without significant expression between OSCC degrees. By relating the expression of the studied markers with the inflammatory infiltrate intensity, a positive relation was observed with: inflammatory TNFα(p=0,003), epithelial TNFα and NF-кB (p=0,051 and p=0,004), in OEDs; and with CD8 (p=0,021) and TNFα (p=0,015) in conjunctive OSCCs; and a negative relation with epithelial TNFα (p=0,034) in OSCCs. No significant relation was found between FOXP3 with any of the studied variables. These findings lead to the conclusion that, the study of the invasive front is as important as the study of superficial masses for the evaluation of tumoral aggressiveness; the intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate has no use as a parameter for prognostic evaluation of OSCC in routine exams, but, the molecular events detected in this study may be necessary to give basis for determining the malignant potential in OEDs and aggressiveness in OSCCs