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The increasing number of trials testing management strategies for luminal Crohn's disease (CD) has not fitted all the gaps in our knowledge and thus, in clinical. practice, many decisions for CD patients have to be taken without the benefit of high-quality evidence. Methods: A multidisciplinary European expert panel used the RAND Appropriateness Method to develop and rate explicit criteria for the management of individual patients with active, steroid-dependent (ST-D) and steroid-refractory (ST-R) CD. Results: Overall., 296 indications pertaining to mild-to-moderate, severe, ST-D, and ST-R CD were rated. In anti-TNF naive patients, budesonide and prednisone were found to be appropriate for mild-moderate CD, and infliximab (IFX) was appropriate when these had previously failed or had not been tolerated. In patients with a prior successful treatment by IFX, this drug, with or without co-administration of a thiopurine analog, was favoured. Other anti-TNFs were appropriate in the presence of intolerance or resistance to IFX. High-dose steroids, IFX or adlimumab were appropriate in severe active CD. For the 105 indications for ST-D or ST-R disease, the panel considered the thiopurine analogs, methotrexate, IFX, adalimumab, and surgery for limited resection, to be appropriate, depending on the outcome of prior therapies. Anti-TNFs were generally considered appropriate in ST-R. Conclusion: Steroids, including budesonide for mild-to-moderate CD, remain the first-line therapy for active luminal CD. Anti-TNFs, in particular IFX as shown by the amount of available evidence, remain the second-line therapy for most indications. Thiopurine analogs, methotrexate and anti-TNFs are favoured in ST-D patients and ST-R patients. (C) 2009 European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This article provides expert opinion on the use of cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) in young patients with congenital heart disease (CHD) and in specific clinical situations. As peculiar challenges apply to imaging children, paediatric aspects are repeatedly discussed. The first section of the paper addresses settings and techniques, including the basic sequences used in paediatric CMR, safety, and sedation. In the second section, the indication, application, and clinical relevance of CMR in the most frequent CHD are discussed in detail. In the current era of multimodality imaging, the strengths of CMR are compared with other imaging modalities. At the end of each chapter, a brief summary with expert consensus key points is provided. The recommendations provided are strongly clinically oriented. The paper addresses not only imagers performing CMR, but also clinical cardiologists who want to know which information can be obtained by CMR and how to integrate it in clinical decision-making.


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BACKGROUND: Pain assessment in mechanically ventilated patients is challenging, because nurses need to decode pain behaviour, interpret pain scores, and make appropriate decisions. This clinical reasoning process is inherent to advanced nursing practice, but is poorly understood. A better understanding of this process could contribute to improved pain assessment and management. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to describe the indicators that influence expert nurses' clinical reasoning when assessing pain in critically ill nonverbal patients. METHODS: This descriptive observational study was conducted in the adult intensive care unit (ICU) of a tertiary referral hospital in Western Switzerland. A purposive sample of expert nurses, caring for nonverbal ventilated patients who received sedation and analgesia, were invited to participate in the study. Data were collected in "real life" using recorded think-aloud combined with direct non-participant observation and brief interviews. Data were analysed using deductive and inductive content analyses using a theoretical framework related to clinical reasoning and pain. RESULTS: Seven expert nurses with an average of 7.85 (±3.1) years of critical care experience participated in the study. The patients had respiratory distress (n=2), cardiac arrest (n=2), sub-arachnoid bleeding (n=1), and multi-trauma (n=2). A total of 1344 quotes in five categories were identified. Patients' physiological stability was the principal indicator for making decision in relation to pain management. Results also showed that it is a permanent challenge for nurses to discriminate situations requiring sedation from situations requiring analgesia. Expert nurses mainly used working knowledge and patterns to anticipate and prevent pain. CONCLUSIONS: Patient's clinical condition is important for making decision about pain in critically ill nonverbal patients. The concept of pain cannot be assessed in isolation and its assessment should take the patient's clinical stability and sedation into account. Further research is warranted to confirm these results.


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Congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (CHH) is a rare disorder caused by the deficient production, secretion or action of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which is the master hormone regulating the reproductive axis. CHH is clinically and genetically heterogeneous, with >25 different causal genes identified to date. Clinically, the disorder is characterized by an absence of puberty and infertility. The association of CHH with a defective sense of smell (anosmia or hyposmia), which is found in ∼50% of patients with CHH is termed Kallmann syndrome and results from incomplete embryonic migration of GnRH-synthesizing neurons. CHH can be challenging to diagnose, particularly when attempting to differentiate it from constitutional delay of puberty. A timely diagnosis and treatment to induce puberty can be beneficial for sexual, bone and metabolic health, and might help minimize some of the psychological effects of CHH. In most cases, fertility can be induced using specialized treatment regimens and several predictors of outcome have been identified. Patients typically require lifelong treatment, yet ∼10-20% of patients exhibit a spontaneous recovery of reproductive function. This Consensus Statement summarizes approaches for the diagnosis and treatment of CHH and discusses important unanswered questions in the field.


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There is currently a lack of guidance on methodology and special considerations for transitioning patients from oxcarbazepine (OXC) or carbamazepine (CBZ) to eslicarbazepine acetate (ESL), if deemed clinically necessary. An advisory panel of epilepsy experts was convened to share their experience on the use of adjunctive ESL in clinical practice and to provide practical recommendations to help address this gap. When changing over from OXC to ESL, an OXC:ESL dose ratio of 1:1 should be employed to calculate the ESL target dose, and the changeover can take place overnight. No changes to comedication are required. Since CBZ has a different mechanism of action to ESL and is a stronger inducer of cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes, the transitioning of patients from CBZ to ESL requires careful consideration on a patient-by-patient basis. In general, a CBZ:ESL dose ratio of 1:1.3 should be employed to calculate the ESL target dose, and patients should be transitioned over a minimum period of 1-2weeks. Special considerations include adjustment of titration schedule and target dose in elderly patients and those with hepatic or renal impairment and potential adjustment of comedications metabolized by CYP enzymes. In summary, due to structural distinctions between ESL, OXC, and CBZ, which affect mechanism of action and tolerability, there are clinical situations in which it may be appropriate to consider transitioning patients from OXC or CBZ to ESL. Changing patients over from OXC to ESL is generally more straightforward than transitioning patients from CBZ to ESL, which requires careful consideration.


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This article provides expert opinion on the use of cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) in young patients with congenital heart disease (CHD) and in specific clinical situations. As peculiar challenges apply to imaging children, paediatric aspects are repeatedly discussed. The first section of the paper addresses settings and techniques, including the basic sequences used in paediatric CMR, safety, and sedation. In the second section, the indication, application, and clinical relevance of CMR in the most frequent CHD are discussed in detail. In the current era of multimodality imaging, the strengths of CMR are compared with other imaging modalities. At the end of each chapter, a brief summary with expert consensus key points is provided. The recommendations provided are strongly clinically oriented. The paper addresses not only imagers performing CMR, but also clinical cardiologists who want to know which information can be obtained by CMR and how to integrate it in clinical decision-making.


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The number of qualitative research methods has grown substantially over the last twenty years, both in social sciences and, more recently, in the health sciences. This growth came with questions on the quality criteria needed to evaluate this work, and numerous guidelines were published. The latters include many discrepancies though, both in their vocabulary and construction. Many expert evaluators decry the absence of consensual and reliable evaluation tools. The authors present the results of an evaluation of 58 existing guidelines in 4 major health science fields (medicine and epidemiology; nursing and health education; social sciences and public health; psychology / psychiatry, research methods and organization) by expert users (article reviewers, experts allocating funds, editors, etc.). The results propose a toolbox containing 12 consensual criteria with the definitions given by expert users. They also indicate in which disciplinary field each type of criteria is known to be more or less essential. Nevertheless, the authors highlight the limitations of the criteria comparability, as soon as one focuses on their specific definitions. They conclude that each criterion in the toolbox must be explained to come to broader consensus and identify definitions that are consensual to all the fields examined and easily operational.


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Problématique : La douleur aux soins intensifs adultes est un problème majeur auquel l'équipe soignante est confrontée quotidiennement. Elle nécessite un traitement adéquat et, pour ce faire, une évaluation systématique et précise est requise. Les patients hospitalisés aux soins intensifs sont vulnérables de par leurs pathologies et les multiples stimulations douloureuses auxquelles ils sont exposés. L'évaluation de la douleur est rendue complexe par le fait qu'ils ne peuvent pas la communiquer verbalement. L'utilisation d'échelles d'évaluation de la douleur est recommandée, mais les scores obtenus doivent être interprétés et contextualisés. Evaluer la douleur chez ce type de patient demande aux infirmières des connaissances et compétences élevées, à même d'être mobilisées lors d'un processus complexe lié au raisonnement clinique. But : l'objectif de cette étude descriptive observationnelle est de décrire les indicateurs influençant le raisonnement clinique de l'infirmière1 experte lors de l'évaluation de la douleur chez les patients ventilés, sédatés et non communicants aux soins intensifs. Les résultats produisent une meilleure compréhension de l'évaluation et de la gestion de la douleur en pratique et, finalement, participent à l'amélioration de la qualité de son évaluation et de sa gestion. Méthode : un échantillon de convenance de sept infirmières expertes travaillant dans une unité de soins intensifs d'un hôpital universitaire de Suisse Romande a été constitué pour cette étude. Les données ont été récoltées en situation réelle lors de l'évaluation de la douleur de sept patients en utilisant la méthode du think aloud, par une observation non participative et par un entretien semistructuré. Les données ont été analysées en utilisant une méthode d'analyse de contenu déductive sur la base d'un modèle de raisonnement clinique, comprenant les suivantes: le contexte, la situation du patient, la génération d'hypothèses, les actions infirmières et l'évaluation de l'action. Résultats : la moyenne d'expérience des infirmières participantes est de 15 ans (ÉT 4.5) en soins et de 7.85 ans (ÉT 3.1) en soins intensifs. Sept patients étaient ventilés, sédatés et non communicants ayant une moyenne de score APACHE II2 de 19. Les résultats montrent que les infirmières se basent principalement sur des indicateurs physiologiques pour évaluer la douleur. Elles cherchent à prévenir la douleur pour le patient. Elles se réfèrent régulièrement à des situations déjà vécues (pattern). Elles mobilisent leurs connaissances pour pondérer l'agitation liée à la douleur ou à d'autres causes en générant des hypothèses, puis réalisent un test antalgique pour confirmer ou infirmer l'hypothèse retenue. Conclusion : le contexte clinique joue un rôle important dans le raisonnement clinique de l'infirmière et la gestion de la douleur. Pour faciliter cette tâche, l'évaluation de la douleur doit être combinée avec l'évaluation de la situation clinique du patient et du niveau de sédation des patients de soins intensifs.


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OBJECTIVE: To review and update the conceptual framework, indicator content and research priorities of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development's (OECD) Health Care Quality Indicators (HCQI) project, after a decade of collaborative work. DESIGN: A structured assessment was carried out using a modified Delphi approach, followed by a consensus meeting, to assess the suite of HCQI for international comparisons, agree on revisions to the original framework and set priorities for research and development. SETTING: International group of countries participating to OECD projects. PARTICIPANTS: Members of the OECD HCQI expert group. RESULTS: A reference matrix, based on a revised performance framework, was used to map and assess all seventy HCQI routinely calculated by the OECD expert group. A total of 21 indicators were agreed to be excluded, due to the following concerns: (i) relevance, (ii) international comparability, particularly where heterogeneous coding practices might induce bias, (iii) feasibility, when the number of countries able to report was limited and the added value did not justify sustained effort and (iv) actionability, for indicators that were unlikely to improve on the basis of targeted policy interventions. CONCLUSIONS: The revised OECD framework for HCQI represents a new milestone of a long-standing international collaboration among a group of countries committed to building common ground for performance measurement. The expert group believes that the continuation of this work is paramount to provide decision makers with a validated toolbox to directly act on quality improvement strategies.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to review highly cited articles that focus on non-publication of studies, and to develop a consistent and comprehensive approach to defining (non-) dissemination of research findings. SETTING: We performed a scoping review of definitions of the term 'publication bias' in highly cited publications. PARTICIPANTS: Ideas and experiences of a core group of authors were collected in a draft document, which was complemented by the findings from our literature search. INTERVENTIONS: The draft document including findings from the literature search was circulated to an international group of experts and revised until no additional ideas emerged and consensus was reached. PRIMARY OUTCOMES: We propose a new approach to the comprehensive conceptualisation of (non-) dissemination of research. SECONDARY OUTCOMES: Our 'What, Who and Why?' approach includes issues that need to be considered when disseminating research findings (What?), the different players who should assume responsibility during the various stages of conducting a clinical trial and disseminating clinical trial documents (Who?), and motivations that might lead the various players to disseminate findings selectively, thereby introducing bias in the dissemination process (Why?). CONCLUSIONS: Our comprehensive framework of (non-) dissemination of research findings, based on the results of a scoping literature search and expert consensus will facilitate the development of future policies and guidelines regarding the multifaceted issue of selective publication, historically referred to as 'publication bias'.