259 resultados para EWES
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The influence of early weaning and concentrate supplementation strategies on sward characteristics, forage chemical composition and lamb productivity were evaluated in four production systems on Tifton-85 pasture: suckling lambs not supplemented until slaughter; suckling lambs supplemented with concentrate in creep feeding until slaughter; early-weaned lambs not supplemented until slaughter; and early-weaned lambs supplemented with concentrate until slaughter. Structural, morphological and productive characteristics of pasture were measured. The forage was chemically analyzed to estimate its composition. Lambs average daily gain and productivity were calculated. Sward height, forage and morphological components mass were lower in systems without weaning. Forage production was higher in systems with supplementation. Higher levels of neutral and acid detergent fiber were observed in forage ingested by lambs in creep feeding and by weaned and unsupplemented lambs. Average daily gain was higher for lambs in creep feeding (275 g/d) and lower for the weaned and unsupplemented animals (57 g/d). Productivity was higher for weaned and supplemented lambs (21 kg lamb body weight, BW gain/ha/d). Lower productivity was observed in systems without supplementation (5 kg lamb BW gain/ha/d on average). Ewes modify the sward conditions improving the pasture characteristics and the quality of forage produced. Changes in sward conditions affect the chemical composition of forage ingested by lambs. Early weaning may be an alternative to maximize pasture utilization in small areas. Concentrate supplementation may increase lamb performance and productivity in grazing systems. If the objective is to improve lamb individual performance, creep feeding should be used.
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ
This experiment aimed to determine the influence of supplementation with protected fat on nematode infections in periparturient sheep or sheep in their final stage of pregnancy. Fifty Santa Ines ewes received 200 g of concentrate/animal/day, mineral salt and water and were grouped according to their weight, hematocrit and the number of eggs per gram of feces (EPG). Two diets were used: a control treatment and a treatment consisting of supplementation with 30 g/animal/day of protected fat in the concentrate. Three monthly evaluations were performed over a total of 84 days of testing. The variables analyzed were weight, body condition, EPG and coprocultures; blood tests were performed for the determination of packed cell volume, hemoglobin concentration and total plasma protein, and leukograms and eosinophil counts were performed. For weight and hemoglobin concentrations, interactions were observed between diet and collection date (P<0.05); body condition, total plasma protein, packed cell volume and total leukocytes did not differ statistically among treatments (P> 0. 05) but did differ by collection day (P <0.05). The EPG and eosinophil counts did not differ statistically by either diet or collection date (P>0.05). The genus Haemonchus was predominant, followed by the genera Cooperia, Trichostrongylus and Oesophagostomum. The protected fat did not decrease EPG and did not improve the blood parameters of infected sheep.
The development of populations of gastrointestinal parasites resistant to antihelmintics has led to seeks new alternatives its control. Stimulation of natural immunity by means of animal nutrition has shown promising results in controlling nematodes in sheep. The addition of protected fat sources, containing essential fatty acids, may be an alternative due to many effects, among them, regulation of immunity expression and regulation of the inflammatory response by immune effectors. The aim of this study was to estimate correlations between haematological and parasitological patterns, animal performance through weight and body condition, under the influence of protected fat in ewes. Fifty Santa Ines sheep, in the final third of pregnancy or postpartum, in paddocks of Panicum maximum, received, individually, 200 g per day of concentrate, isonitrogenous and isocaloric diets, with or without the addition of protected fat. In general, except for total leukocytes and eosinophils, almost all of Pearson correlation coefficients of other variables were significant. However, the protected fat, in the amount offered, had no antihelmintic effect.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of this work was to examine both the influence of anatomical and technical aspects on fertility rate of sheep based on the performance of transcervical artificial insemination (TCAI). Transcervical artificial insemination was performed with traction of the cervix in 122 ewes using frozen semen from 11 rams, both Santa Ines breed. The data collected were: type of external cervical opening (CO) (P - papilla; FL - flap; DB - duckbill, S - spiral; RO - rosette), duration of cervical manipulation (2-3, 4-5 and 6-7 minutes), degree of difficulty in cervical transposition (low, moderate, high) and presumed semen deposition site (SC - superficial cervical; DC - deep cervical; IU - intrauterine). The influence of these variables on pregnancy rate was evaluated. Cervical opening type and duration of cervical manipulation had no influence (p>0.05) on fertility. The degree of difficulty in cervical manipulation influenced (p<0.05) pregnancy rate, since insemination classified as low grade had 52% of pregnancy, while those classified as high recorded only 20%. The presumed site of semen deposition influenced significantly (p<0.05) fertility. Pregnancy rates of deposition at each site were: UI – 45.8%, DC – 25.7%; SC – 15.4%. As expected, deeper depositions resulted in higher fertility. In conclusion, the performance of TCAI did not depend on the anatomical classification of external cervical opening of ewe and the duration of cervical manipulation within the range tested (2-7 minutes). The TCAI may have higher fertility rates if difficulties in the application were reduced and the semen deposition was deeper.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The farm flock and the fattening of western feeder lambs are the only methods of sheep production of importance in Nebraska. The farm flock is not a major enterprise on Nebraska farms. It serves as a side line on farms having a well-drained place which sheep may call their own. This 1934 extension circular contains information on: Nebraska Sheep-industry facts; market, ewe, ram, and lamb facts; shearing and wool facts; two parasites and one pest; grading and marketing wool; and scouring and carding wool for home use.
The experiment aimed to study the effect of physiological stress on cortisol levels, quality and quantity of milk through punctual administration of ACTH. Twelve Saanen goats were divided in two experimental groups: ACTH group (0,5 mu g of ACTH/Kg.L.W); Placebo group (placebo solution). Milk production, and percentages of protein, fat, lactose and SCC (somatic cells counting) of the milk were analyzed before, during and after the administration of ACTH/placebo. Simultaneously to the ACTH/placebo administration and during three sequential days, blood was collected to evaluate cortisol concentrations. At times -30 and zero, both groups presented basal concentrations of cortisol. The increase of cortisol contents was significant at times 60 (group ACTH: 59.00 +/- 5.70 and groups placebo: 5.23 +/- 1.37ng/mL) and 120 (group ACTH: 47.96 +/- 9.72 and group placebo: 4.38 +/- 1,14ng/mL) since the cortisol content was higher on the ACTH group. The values returned to the basal level at 300 minutes. Concerning milk production, no differences were found between ACTH and placebo groups. Milk, protein, fat, lactose and SCC did not distinguish one group from another. The results indicated that the physiological stress induced during three days was not harmful to milk production and milk quality of Saanen goats.
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do congelamento e da incubação do leite de ovelhas da raça Santa Inês sobre os resultados da cultura bacteriológica. Desta forma, 45 amostras de leite ovino foram coletadas, e submetidas aos seguintes tratamentos: cultura bacteriológica (T1), e simultaneamente incubadas a 37°C por 18 horas (T2) e congeladas a -20°C por 24 horas (T3). Após esses períodos, as amostras dos T2 e T3 foram submetidas à cultura bacteriológica. O T2 possibilitou aumento no isolamento de estafilococos coagulase-negativo (ECN) comparadas ao T1, não ocorrendo o mesmo com o T3. No entanto, o T2 permitiu o desenvolvimento de bactérias normalmente presentes na microbiota dos ductos dos tetos em ovelhas sadias, como o Bacillus spp. Os resultados do presente estudo indicam que a incubação pode ser aplicada para a detecção de ECN na tentativa de reduzir resultados falso-negativos na cultura bacteriológica do leite de ovelhas da raça Santa Inês, determinando o uso mais eficiente dos recursos laboratoriais e a redução dos custos para os proprietários.
This research work is aimed at the valorization of two types of pomace deriving from the extra virgin olive oil mechanical extraction process, such as olive pomace and a new by-product named “paté”, in the livestock sector as important sources of antioxidants and unsaturated fatty acids. In the first research the suitability of dried stoned olive pomace as a dietary supplement for dairy buffaloes was evaluated. The effectiveness of this utilization in modifying fatty acid composition and improving the oxidative stability of buffalo milk and mozzarella cheese have been proven by means of the analysis of qualitative and quantitative parameters. In the second research the use of paté as a new by-product in dietary feed supplementation for dairy ewes, already fed with a source of unsaturated fatty acids such as extruded linseed, was studied in order to assess the effect of this combination on the dairy products obtained. The characterization of paté as a new by-product was also carried out, studying the optimal conditions of its stabilization and preservation at the same time. The main results, common to both researches, have been the detection and the characterization of hydrophilic phenols in the milk. The analytical detection of hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol in the ewes’ milk fed with the paté and hydroxytyrosol in buffalo fed with pomace showed for the first time the presence in the milk of hydroxytyrosol, which is one of the most important bioactive compounds of the oil industry products; the transfer of these antioxidants and the proven improvement of the quality of milk fat could positively interact in the prevention of some human cardiovascular diseases and some tumours, increasing in this manner the quality of dairy products, also improving their shelf-life. These results also provide important information on the bioavailability of these phenolic compounds.
An indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was modified and validated to detect antibodies against Salmonella Abortusovis in naturally infected sheep. The ELISA was validated with 44 positive and 45 negative control serum samples. Compared with the immunoblot, the sensitivity and specificity of the assay were 98% and 100%, respectively. To follow antibody levels over time, samples from 12 infected ewes were collected at 1, 3, and 10 months after abortion. All animals showed antibody levels above the cutoff value throughout the observation period. One and 3 months after abortion, high antibody levels could be detected in all but one animal, whereas after 10 months, 9 animals had markedly lower but still positive antibody levels. The test characteristics and evidence for the persistence of detectable antibody levels in all infected animals for up to 10 months indicates that the ELISA can be used for herd surveillance testing.
Linear models were used to analyse the relationships between the prion protein genotypes and the height at the withers and rump, the heart girth and the length of the trunk of 440 East Friesian milk sheep. Significant associations were found between the ARR allele and the height of the withers and rump, and heart girth. The average height at the withers of the homozygous ARR/ARR sheep was 1.9 cm less than that of ARQ/ARQ sheep and 1.6 cm less than in sheep heterozygous for ARR; the height at the rump, length of the trunk and heart girth were similarly smaller. In the ARR/ARR ewes, the average height at the withers was 2.6 cm less and the height at the rump was 1.9 cm less than in the ARQ/ARQ ewes.