904 resultados para ENDOGENOUS INTERLEUKIN-1


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O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar os níveis de interleucina-1β (IL-1 β), IL-2, IL-4, IL-8, interferon-γ (IFN-γ) e a atividade de elastase no fluido gengival (FG) de pacientes com periodontite crônica generalizada (PCG) e periodontite agressiva generalizada (PAgG), e correlacionar com indivíduos de um grupo controle com gengivite apenas. Um objetivo secundário foi analisar o perfil microbiológico subgengival destes indivíduos. Dados clínicos transversais foram obtidos de 20 pacientes com PCG, 17 pacientes com PAgG e 10 indivíduos com gengivite. Amostras de FG foram coletadas com tiras de papel e os níveis de: IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4, IL-8 e IFN-γ foram medidos, utilizando um imunoensaio do tipo multiplex (Luminex). Atividade da elastase foi avaliada por um ensaio enzimático. Amostras de placa subgengival foram analisadas através do checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization. As diferenças de significância entre os grupos para dados imunológicos e microbiológicos foram realizadas utilizando o teste Kruskal-Wallis, ajustando para múltiplas comparações. As médias dos parâmetros clínicos e os volumes de FG foram maiores nos pacientes com PCG e PAgG comparados ao grupo gengivite. Níveis mais elevados de IL-1β e atividade de elastase foram encontrados em sítios profundos quando comparado a sítios rasos em ambos os grupos com periodontite (p <0,05). Os dados microbiológicos apresentaram níveis significativamente mais elevados das espécies do complexo vermelho em pacientes com PCG e PAgG, quando comparados aos indivíduos com gengivite (p <0,05). Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante nos níveis de biomarcadores no FG e nos níveis de espécies bacterianas subgengivais entre pacientes com PCG e pacientes com PAgG. Sendo assim, concluímos que os dados do presente estudo não mostraram diferença estatisticamente significante nos parâmetros imunológicos e microbiológicos medidos entre indivíduos com PCG e PAgG.


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A periodontite é um processo inflamatório crônico de origem bacteriana mediado por citocinas, em especial, interleucina-1 (IL1) e fator de necrose tumoral (TNFα). Polimorfismos genéticos de IL1 e TNFA têm sido associados com a variação de expressão dessas proteínas, o que poderia justificar as diferenças interindividuais de manifestação da doença. O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar possíveis associações entre os genes IL1B, IL1RN e TNFA e a suscetibilidade à periodontite agressiva e à periodontite crônica severa. Foram selecionados 145 pacientes do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 43 com periodontite agressiva (PAgr) (33,1 4,8 anos), 52 com periodontite crônica severa (PCr) (50,6 5,8 anos) e 50 controles (40,1 7,8 anos). Os DNAs genômicos dos integrantes dos grupos PAgr, PCr e controle foram obtidos através da coleta de células epiteliais bucais raspadas da parte interna da bochecha com cotonete. Os SNPs IL1B -511C>T, IL1B +3954C>T e TNFA -1031T>C foram analisados pela técnica de PCR-RFLP, utilizando as enzimas de restrição Ava I Taq I e Bpi I, respectivamente. O polimorfismo de número variável de repetições in tandem (VNTR) no intron 2 do gene IL1RN foi feita pela análise direta dos amplicons. Todos os polimorfismos foram analisados por eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida 8%. As frequências alélica e genotípica do polimorfismo IL1B +3954C>T no grupo PCr foram significativamente diferentes das observadas no grupo controle (p=0,003 e p=0,041, respectivamente). A freqüência do alelo A2 do polimorfismo IL1RN VNTR intron2 no grupo PAgr foi significativamente maior do que no grupo controle (p=0,035). Não houve associação entre os polimorfismos IL1B -511C>T e TNFA -1031T>C e as periodontites agressiva e crônica. A presença dos alelos 2 nos genótipos combinados de IL1RN VNTR intron2 e IL1B +3954C>T no grupo PCr foi significativamente maior quando comparada ao grupo controle (p=0,045). Entretanto, não se observou associação entre as combinações genotípicas IL1B -511C>T / IL1B +3954C>T e IL1RN VNTR / IL1B -511C>T e a predisposição à doença periodontal. De acordo com os nossos resultados podemos sugerir que, para a população estudada, o polimorfismo IL1B +3954C>T interfere no desenvolvimento da periodontite crônica, enquanto a presença do alelo A2 do polimorfismo IL1RN VNTR intron2 pode ser considerado como indicador de risco para a periodontite agressiva. O presente estudo também nos permite sugerir que a ausência de homozigose dos alelos 1 nos genótipos combinados de IL1RN VNTR intron2 e IL1B +3954C>T pode representar maior suscetibilidade à periodontite crônica severa.


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Após o estímulo deflagrador de um trauma ou infecção, a liberação de citocinas na circulação sanguínea desempenha um importante papel efetor e também modulador da resposta imune sistêmica. Essas citocinas podem ser pró-inflamatórias, que estimulam a liberação de diversos tipos celulares e de outras citocinas, como fator de necrose tumoral-alfa (TNF-α), interleucina 1 (IL-1), IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, IL-12 e interferon-gama (INF-); ou citocinas com efeitos antiinflamatórios, que inibem o processo inflamatório, em parte pela redução da produção de diversas citocinas que regulam positivamente a resposta, minimizando o comprometimento orgânico resultante, como IL-4, IL-10, IL-13. A L-glutamina é o aminoácido mais abundante no organismo, com importante papel no metabolismo protéico. Sua ação trófica sobre a mucosa do intestino delgado é bastante conhecida, o que o torna componente essencial para a manutenção estrutural e funcional do intestino. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da suplementação dietética com L-glutamina na modulação da resposta inflamatória em animais submetidos a sepse abdominal induzida por ligadura e perfuração cecal. Foram utilizados 24 ratos Wistar machos adultos, com peso inicial entre 200 e 230 g, distribuídos em três grupos, cada um com oito animais, da seguinte forma: grupo I (controle) submetidos a operação simulada (laparotomia e manipulação de alças intestinais); grupo II submetidos a laparotomia, com indução de sepse abdominal; e grupo III receberam suplementação dietética com L-glutamina por sete dias e, após, foram submetidos a indução de sepse abdominal. Foram coletadas amostras sanguíneas de todos os animais antes (tempo 0) e duas e quatro horas (tempos 1 e 2) após a indução da sepse abdominal. Foram verificados o número de leucócitos, a dosagem da concentração plasmática de citocinas pró- e antiinflamatórias (INF-γ, IL-6 e IL-10) e análise microbiológica de líquido peritoneal. A glicemia apresentou aumento significativo em todos os grupos, comparando-os ao início e ao final do experimento (p<0,05). No que concerne à IL-10, observou-se aumento significativo nos animais do grupo III entre os tempos 0 e 2, e entre os tempos 1 e 2 (p=0,0331 e p=0,0155, respectivamente). Não se observou qualquer outra diferença ao serem analisadas as demais citocinas (IFN- e IL-6), em todos os grupos e em todos os momentos analisados. Nossos achados sugerem que a suplementação dietética com L-glutamina em animais submetidos à indução de sepse abdominal com modelo CLP parece potencializar a resposta antiinflamatória, aumentando a concentração plasmática de IL-10, enquanto as concentrações de INF-γ e IL-6 não apresentaram variação significativa.


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Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) participates in the innate immune response by recognizing viral pathogens. To investigate grass carp immune system responding to GCRV (grass carp reovirus) infection, the full-length cDNA sequence and genomic organization of grass carp TLR3 (CiTLR3) was identified and characterized. The full-length genome sequence of CiTLR3 is composed of 5668 nucleotides, including five exons and four introns. The full-length of CiTLR3 cDNA is 3681 bp in length and encodes a polypeptide of 904 amino acids with an estimated molecular mass of 102,765 Da and a predicted isoelectric point of 8.35. Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence indicated that CiTLR3 has four main structural domains, including a signal peptide sequence, 14 LRR (leucine-rich repeat) motifs, a transmembrane region and a TIR (Toll/interleukin-1 receptor) domain. It is most similar to the crucian carp (Carassius auratus) TLR3 amino acid sequence with an identity of 99%. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis showed that CiTLR3 transcripts were significantly up-regulated starting at day 1 and continued through day 7 following GCRV infection (P < 0.05). These data implied that CiTLR3 is involved in antiviral defense, provide molecular and functional information for grass carp TLR3, and implicate their role in mediating immune protection against grass carp viral diseases. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) is critical for LPS recognition and cellular responses. It also recognizes some viral envelope proteins. Detection mostly results in the inflammation rather than specific antiviral responses. However, it's unclear in fish. In this report, a TLR4 gene (named as GrTLR4b) was cloned and characterized from rare minnow Gobiocypris rarus. The full length of GrTLR4b cDNA consists of 2766 nucleotides and encodes a polypeptide of 818 amino acids with an estimated molecular mass of 94,518 Da and a predicted isoelectric point of 8.41. The predicted amino acid sequence comprises a signal peptide, six leucine-rich repeat (LRR) motifs, one leucine-rich repeat C-terminal (LRRCT) motif, followed by a transmembrane segment of 23 amino acids, and a cytoplasmic region of 167 amino acids containing one Toll - interleukin 1 - receptor (TIR) motif. It's closely similar to the zebrafish (Danio rerio) TLR4b amino acid sequence with an identity of 77%. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis showed GrTLR4b mRNA was constitutive expression in gill, heart, intestine, kidney, liver, muscle and spleen tissues in healthy animals and up-regulated by viruses and bacteria. After being infected by grass carp reovirus or Aeromonas hydrophila, GrTLR4b expressions were up-regulated from 24 h post-injection and lasted until the fish became moribund (P < 0.05). These data implied that TLR4 signaling pathway could be activated by both viral and bacterial infection in rare minnow. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Recent studies in mammals have revealed that the cyanobacterial toxin MC-LR suppresses immune functions. Nevertheless, immunotoxic effects of microcystins have been little studied in fish. In this paper, we present the profiles of the immune modulation of MC-LR in grass carp, and quantitative real-time PCR methodology was developed for the measurement of relative transcription changes of six immune-related genes in the spleen and head kidney of the grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella, which were intraperitoneally injected with 50 mu g MC-LR center dot kg(-1) body weight in a three-week period. This study was focused exclusively on gene transcription level changes at different time points after MC-LR exposure, so, only one dose was given. The investigated genes were interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), type I interferon (Type I IFN), peptidoglycan recognition protein-L (PGRP-L), immunoglobulin M (IgM) and major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) genes. The results demonstrated that the transcription levels of the TNF-alpha, type I IFN, and PGRP-L genes in the spleen and head kidney were significantly low at all time points, and those of IL-1 beta were significantly low in the head kidney at different time points. In addition, IgM and MHC-I transcription levels were only significantly low in the spleen and head kidney at 21 d postinjection. The changes in the transcription levels of immune-related genes induced by MC-LR confirmed its effect on inhibiting immune function at the transcription level.


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以 2a生中国沙棘为试验材料 ,研究了土壤干旱胁迫下沙棘苗木水分生理状况 ,内源GA1 3 及ABA水平与萌芽率的关系 ,结果表明 :土壤干旱胁迫导致苗体含水量、水势、自由水含量下降 ,显著提高冬季休眠与春季萌动期的内源ABA水平而降低内源GA1 3 含量 ,GA1 3 ABA降低 ,较晚达到萌动所需的调控阈值 ,萌芽延迟。重度胁迫下苗木延迟达 2 5d且萌芽后生长缓慢。长期土壤中度干旱条件下沙棘苗萌芽期亦略有延迟 ,萌芽后生长略有抑制


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C-reactive protein (CRP) is the prototypic human acute-phase protein and is found at increased levels in the blood during episodes of inflammation. CRP was generally thought to be produced only by hepatocytes; however, several studies have shown extrahepatic synthesis of CRP. A previous study showed that PM10 and ultrafine carbon black (ufCB) were able to induce CRP expression in A549 cells. This study aims to examine the factors that lead to the production of CRP in A549 cells. A549 human lung epithelial cells were treated with cytokines (interleukin 6, tumor necrosis factor , interferon , or interleukin 1) or carbon particles (CB and ufCB) for 18 h. It was found that CRP could be expressed within the cells and that CRP was secreted from the cells particularly with tumor necrosis factor , CB and ufCB treatments. It was also found that this expression of CRP with CB and ufCB treatments was dependent on nuclear factor kappa B (NFB). The expression of CRP in A549 cells may indicate an important role for CRP expression and secretion from lung epithelial cells in response to inflammatory stimuli.


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Post-translational modification of the γ-secretase protease complexes and their substrates has an important role in controlling receptor-initiated signalling events, which are critically important in the pathogenesis of cancer, inflammatory and Alzheimer’s disease. Our lab has previously characterised an interaction between TRAF6 and presenilin-1, which lead to the identification of interleukin-1 (IL-1) receptor type 1 (IL-1R1) and Toll-like receptor-4 (TLR4) as novel γ-secretase substrates. Subsequently our group showed that TRAF6 promoted ubiquitination and γ-secretase cleavage of IL-1R1. The aim of this project is to study the association between TRAF6 and the presenilins, the critical γ-secretase complex components, and to determine the functional importance of TRAF6-mediated ubiquitination of γ-secretase substrates. Firstly, we show that the full-length presenilins are novel substrates of TRAF6-mediated Lysine-63-linked polyubiquitination. Secondly, we show that co-expression of TRAF6 and the presenilins increases the stability and alters the turnover of the presenilins. Thirdly, we reveal that TRAF6-mediated ubiquitination of presenilin does not affect γ-secretase enzyme activity, but may regulate the full-length presenilin functions such as ER Ca2+ signalling. Previously, we have reported IL-1R1 as a novel substrate of TRAF6-mediated ubiquitination. In this study, we identified five lysine residues in the IL-1R1 intracellular domain targeted by TRAF6-mediated polyubiquitination. Furthermore, mutagenesis of these five lysine residues led to decreased IL-1R1 cell surface expression, precluded the ectodomain shedding and attenuated the responsiveness to IL-1β stimulation, demonstrating the critical role of TRAF6 in IL-1R1 trafficking.


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The γ-secretase protease complexes and associated regulated intramembrane proteolysis play an important role in controlling receptor-mediated intracellular signalling events, which have a central role in Alzheimer’s disease, cancer progression and immune surveillance. It has previously been reported that the Interleukin-1 receptor, type 1, (IL-1R1) is a substrate for regulated intramembrane proteolysis, mediated by presenilin (PS)-dependent γ-secretase activity. The aims of this project were twofold. Firstly, to determine the conservation of regulated intramembrane proteolysis as a physiological occurrence amongst other cytokine receptors. In this regard, similar to IL-1R1, we identified the Tumour necrosis factor receptor type 1 (TNFR1) and the Toll like receptor 4 (TLR4) as novel γ-secretase substrates. Secondly, given that the diversity of signalling events mediated by the IL-1R1, TLR4 and TNFR1 are spatially segregated, we investigated the spatial distribution, subcellular trafficking and subcellular occurrence of regulated intramembrane proteolysis of IL-1R1, TLR4 and TNFR1. Using dynasore an inhibitor of clathrin-dependent receptor endocytosis, both ectodomain shedding and γ-secretase-mediated cleavage of IL-1R1 were observed post-internalization. In contrast, TNFR-1 underwent ectodomain shedding at the cell surface followed by endosomal γ-secretase-mediated cleavage. Furthermore, immortalised fibroblasts from PS1-deficient mice showed impaired γ-secretasemediated cleavage of IL-1R1 and TNFR1, indicating that both are cleaved by PS1-and not PS2-containing γ-secretase complexes. Subcellular fractionation and immunofluorescence studies revealed that the γ-secretase generated IL-1R1 ICD translocates to the nucleus on IL-1β stimulation. These observations further demonstrate the novel PS-dependent means of modulating IL-1β, LPS and TNFα- mediated immune responses by regulating IL-1R1/TLR4/TNFR1 protein levels within the cells.


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Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease that can result in joint pain, loss of joint function, and deleterious effects on activity levels and lifestyle habits. Current therapies for OA are largely aimed at symptomatic relief and may have limited effects on the underlying cascade of joint degradation. Local drug delivery strategies may provide for the development of more successful OA treatment outcomes that have potential to reduce local joint inflammation, reduce joint destruction, offer pain relief, and restore patient activity levels and joint function. As increasing interest turns toward intra-articular drug delivery routes, parallel interest has emerged in evaluating drug biodistribution, safety, and efficacy in preclinical models. Rodent models provide major advantages for the development of drug delivery strategies, chiefly because of lower cost, successful replication of human OA-like characteristics, rapid disease development, and small joint volumes that enable use of lower total drug amounts during protocol development. These models, however, also offer the potential to investigate the therapeutic effects of local drug therapy on animal behavior, including pain sensitivity thresholds and locomotion characteristics. Herein, we describe a translational paradigm for the evaluation of an intra-articular drug delivery strategy in a rat OA model. This model, a rat interleukin-1beta overexpression model, offers the ability to evaluate anti-interleukin-1 therapeutics for drug biodistribution, activity, and safety as well as the therapeutic relief of disease symptoms. Once the action against interleukin-1 is confirmed in vivo, the newly developed anti-inflammatory drug can be evaluated for evidence of disease-modifying effects in more complex preclinical models.


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Natural killer (NK) cells play an essential role in innate immune control of poxviral infections in vivo. However, the mechanism(s) underlying NK cell activation and function in response to poxviruses remains poorly understood. In a mouse model of infection with vaccinia virus (VV), the most studied member of the poxvirus family, we identified that the Toll-like receptor (TLR) 2-myeloid differentiating factor 88 (MyD88) pathway was critical for the activation of NK cells and the control of VV infection in vivo. We further showed that TLR2 signaling on NK cells, but not on accessory cells such as dendritic cells (DCs), was necessary for NK cell activation and that this intrinsic TLR2-MyD88 signaling pathway was required for NK cell activation and played a critical role in the control of VV infection in vivo. In addition, we showed that the activating receptor NKG2D was also important for efficient NK activation and function, as well as recognition of VV-infected targets. We further demonstrated that VV could directly activate NK cells via TLR2 in the presence of cytokines in vitro and TLR2-MyD88-dependent activation of NK cells by VV was mediated through the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)-extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway. Taken together, these results represent the first evidence that intrinsic TLR signaling is critical for NK cell activation and function in the control of a viral infection in vivo, indicate that multiple pathways are required for efficient NK cell activation and function in response to VV infection, and may provide important insights into the design of effective strategies to combat poxviral infections.


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BACKGROUND: Stimulation of beta(1)- and beta(2)-adrenergic receptors (ARs) in the heart results in positive inotropy. In contrast, it has been reported that the beta(3)AR is also expressed in the human heart and that its stimulation leads to negative inotropic effects. METHODS AND RESULTS: To better understand the role of beta(3)ARs in cardiac function, we generated transgenic mice with cardiac-specific overexpression of 330 fmol/mg protein of the human beta(3)AR (TGbeta(3) mice). Hemodynamic characterization was performed by cardiac catheterization in closed-chest anesthetized mice, by pressure-volume-loop analysis, and by echocardiography in conscious mice. After propranolol blockade of endogenous beta(1)- and beta(2)ARs, isoproterenol resulted in an increase in contractility in the TGbeta(3) mice (30%), with no effect in wild-type mice. Similarly, stimulation with the selective human beta(3)AR agonist L-755,507 significantly increased contractility in the TGbeta(3) mice (160%), with no effect in wild-type mice, as determined by hemodynamic measurements and by end-systolic pressure-volume relations. The underlying mechanism of the positive inotropy incurred with L-755,507 in the TGbeta(3) mice was investigated in terms of beta(3)AR-G-protein coupling and adenylyl cyclase activation. Stimulation of cardiac membranes from TGbeta(3) mice with L-755,507 resulted in a pertussis toxin-insensitive 1.33-fold increase in [(35)S]GTPgammaS loading and a 1.6-fold increase in adenylyl cyclase activity. CONCLUSIONS: Cardiac overexpression of human beta(3)ARs results in positive inotropy only on stimulation with a beta(3)AR agonist. Overexpressed beta(3)ARs couple to G(s) and activate adenylyl cyclase on agonist stimulation.


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The role of tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) is controversial. Although most studies on different cancer types associate them with a poorer prognosis, interestingly in colon cancer, most articles indicate that TAMs prevent tumor development; patients with high TAMs have better prognosis and survival rate. M1-polarized macrophages produce high level of tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-1 beta or reactive oxygen species, which can effectively kill susceptible tumor cells. In contrast, M2-polarized macrophages can secrete different factors that promote tumor cell growth and survival or favor angiogenesis and tissue invasion. Considering the beneficial role of TAMs in colon cancer, we speculated that they may not display the M2 polarization commonly observed in tumor microenvironment, but rather develop M1 properties. Therefore, we used an in vitro model to analyze the effects of supernatants from M1-polarized macrophages on DLD-1 colon cancer cells. Our data indicate that the conditioned medium from LPS-activated macrophages (CM-LAM) contains a high level of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, interleukins-1 beta, -6, -8 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and that it exerts a marked growth inhibitory activity on DLD-1 cells. Prolonged exposure to CM-LAM results in cell death by apoptosis. Such exposure to CM-LAM leads to the modulation of gal-3 expression: we observed a marked downregulation of gal-3 mRNA and protein expression following CM-LAM treatment. We also describe that the knockdown of gal-3 sensitizes DLD-1 cells to CM-LAM. These data suggest an involvement of gal-3 in the response of colon cancer cells to proinflammatory stimuli, such as the conditioned medium from activated macrophages.


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The aim of this study was to further investigate the role of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the pathogenesis of fetal cererbral white matter injury associated with chorioamnionitis by charaterizing the time course of the cytokine response in the pregnant guinea pig following a maternal inflammatory insult. Chorioamnionitis increases the risk for fetal brain injury. In the guinea pig, a threshold maternal inflammatory response must be reached for significant fetal brain injury to occur. However, a previous study demonstrated that, by seven days after an acute maternal inflammatory insult, cytokine levels in both maternal and fetal compartments are not different from controls. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to test the hypothesis that a significant cytokine response occurs within the first seven days following an acute maternal inflammatory response. Pregnant guinea pigs (n=34) were injected intraperitoneally with 100µg/kg lipopolysaccharide (LPS) at 70% gestation and euthanized at 24 hours, 48 hours or 5 days following endotoxin exposure. Control animals were euthanized at 70% gestation without exposure. Concentrations of interleukin-6, interleukin 1-β and tumour necrosis factor-α (IL-6, IL-1β, TNF-α) were quantified in the maternal serum and amniotic fluid by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. IL-6 and IL-1β concentrations were elevated in the maternal serum at 24 hours and returned to control levels by five days. In the amniotic fluid, IL-6 peaked at 48 hours and IL-1β at 24 hours. TNF-α levels were not significantly increased. A single maternal LPS injection produces transient increases in cytokine concentrations in the maternal serum and amniotic fluid. This further implicates the cytokines as potential mediators of fetal white matter damage. Although this response might not be sufficient to produce the brain injury itself, it may initiate harmful pro-inflammatory cytokine cascades, which could even continue to harm the fetus following delivery. A human diagnostic protocol was developed to assess the use of serial serum biomarkers, including IL-6 and TNF-α, in the prediction of histological chorioamnionitis. Preliminary analysis of the pilot study suggests that certain biomarkers might be worthy of further investigation in a larger-scale study.