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Positive and negative ion electrospray ionization (ESI) mass spectra of complexes of positively charged small molecules (distamycin, Hoechst 33258, [Ru(phen)2dpq]Cl2 and [Ru(phen)2dpqC]Cl2) have been compared. [Ru(phen)2dpq]Cl2 and [Ru(phen)2dpqC]Cl2 bind to DNA by intercalation. Negative ion ESI mass spectra of mixtures of [Ru(phen)2dpq]Cl2 or [Ru(phen)2dpqC]Cl2 with DNA showed ions from DNA-ligand complexes consistent with solution studies. In contrast, only ions from freeDNAwere present in positive ion ESI mass spectra of mixtures of [Ru(phen)2dpq]Cl2 or [Ru(phen)2dpqC]Cl2 with DNA, highlighting the need for obtaining ESI mass spectra of non-covalent complexes under a range of experimental conditions. Negative ion spectra of mixtures of the minor groove binder Hoechst 33258 with DNA containing a known minor groove binding sequence were dominated by ions from a 1:1 complex. In contrast, in positive ion spectra there were also ions present from a 2:1 (Hoechst 33258: DNA) complex, suggesting an alternative binding mode was possible either in solution or in the gas phase. When Hoechst 33258 was mixed with a DNA sequence lacking a high affinity minor groove binding site, the negative ion ESI mass spectra showed that 1:1 and 2:1 complexes were formed, consistent with existence of binding modes other than minor groove binding. The data presented suggest that comparison of positive and negative ion ESI-MS spectra might provide an insight into various binding modes in both solution and the gas phase.


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Pressurized capillary electrochromatography (pCEC) was coupled with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) using a coaxial sheath liquid interface. It was used for separation and analysis of peptides and proteins. The effects of organic modifier and applied voltage on separation were investigated, and the effects of pH value of the mobile phase and the concentration of the electrolyte on ESI-MS signal were investigated. The resolution and detection sensitivity with different separation methods (pCEC, capillary high-performance liquid chromatography) coupled on-line with mass spectrometry were compared for the separation of a peptide mixture. To evaluate the feasibility and reliability of the experimental setup of the system, tryptic digests of cytochrome c and modified protein as real samples were analyzed by using pCEC-ESI-MS.


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In this study, electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) was used to investigate the binding interactions of ten flavonoid aglycones and ten flavonoid glycosides with DNA duplexes. Relative binding affinities of the flavonoids toward DNA duplexes were estimated based on the fraction of bound DNA. The results revealed that the 4'-OH group of flavonoid aglycones was essential for their DNA-binding properties. Flavonoid glycosides with sugar chain linked on ring A or ring B showed enhanced binding toward the duplexes over their aglycone counterparts, whereas glycosylation of the flavonol quercetin on ring C exhibited a less pronounced effect.


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Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) was used to investigate the binding of 13 alkaloids to two GC-rich DNA duplexes which are critical sequences in human survivin promoter. Negative ion ESI-MS was first applied to screen the binding of the alkaloids to the duplexes. Six alkaloids (including berberine, jatrorrhizine, palmatine, reserpine, berbamine, and tetrandrine) show complexation with the target DNA sequences. Relative binding affinities were estimated from the negative ion ESI data, and the alkaloids show a binding preference to the duplex with higher GC content. Positive ion ESI mass spectra of the complexes were also recorded and compared with those obtained in negative ion mode.


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Formation and stabilities of four 14-mer intermolecular DNA triplexes, consisting of third strands with repeating sequence CTCT, CCTT, CTT, or TTT, were studied by electrospray ionization Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI-FTICR-MS) in the gas phase. The gas-phase stabilities of the triplexes were compared with their CD spectra and melting behaviors in solution, and parallel correlation between two phases were obtained. In the presence of 20 mm NH4+ (pH 5.5), the formation of the TTT triplex was not detected in both solution and the gas phase.


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We have examined interactions between mitoxantrone (MXT) and DNA duplexes or triplexes with different base compositions by using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), respectively. MXT interacts preferentially with DNA duplexes compared to the triplexes. In the mass spectrum of the duplex-MXT mixture, the complex peaks dominated in the ratios of duplex/MXT of 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3, and the 1:2 duplex/MXT peak was the most abundant. In contrast, only 1:1 triplex-MXT complexes were observed in the mass spectrum of the triplex-MXT mixture, and the most intensive peak was a free triplex ion without MXT.


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Seven compounds, four flavones and three triterpenoids from Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. extract are identified by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization multi-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-MSn). The fragmentation pathways of these compounds are investigated by ESI-MSn and Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance multiple-stage tandem mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MSn). Comparing the retention times (t(R)) and mass spectra with those of reference compounds, seven components are identified in Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. and their MSn data proposed plausible schemes for their fragmentation. All the experimental results show that ESI-MSn and FT-ICR-MSn are powerful tools for the structural characterization of triterpenoids and flavones


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The binding interactions of 22 flavonoids (9 aglycones and 13 glycosides) with DNA triplexes were investigated using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). The results revealed that the hydroxyl positions of aglycones. the locations and numbers of saccharide, as well as the aglycone skeletons play roles in the triplex-binding properties of flavonoids. The presence of 3-OH, or 3'-OH, or replacement of 4'-OH with methoxy group in aglycones decreased the fraction of bound DNA sharply. Flavonoid glycosides exhibit higher binding affinities towards the DNA triplexes than their aglycone counterparts. Glycosylations of flavones at the 8-C position and isoflavones at the 7-O position show higher binding affinities than those on the other positions of ring A of aglycones. Glycosylation with a disaccharide on 0 position of flavonol results in higher binding affinity than that with monosaccharide. Flexibility of the ring B is favorable for its interaction with DNA triplex. According to sustained off-resonance irradiation collision-induced dissociation (SORI-CID) experiments, glycosylation and non-planarity of flavonoid aglycones lead to different dissociation pathways of the flavonoid/triplex complexes.


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1:1 complexes of beta-cyclodextrin (CD) with three amino acids (Gly, Phe and Trp) have been detected as ions in the gas phase using infusion positive and negative ion electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). In contrast with the positive ion ESI mass spectra of simple aqueous solutions, the aggregates and adducts usually formed in the ESI process did not appear in the positive ion ESI spectra of solutions buffered with ammonium acetate (NH4Ac), even at higher analyte concentrations, These studies suggest that addition of buffer and/or use of a low analyte concentration should be used to overcome formation of aggregates and metal ion adducts in such mass spectrometry studies. Also, the deprotonated complexes are dissociated by collision induced dissociation (CID) to form an abundant product ion, the deprotonated CD, requiring transfer of a proton to the amino acid carboxyl group, To understand formation of complexes in the gas phase, gel permeation chromatography (GPC) was used to separate free amino acids (AAs) from complexes in an incubated solution. The ESI mass spectra of the GPC fractions show the presence of 1:1 complexes of both CD-aromatic amino acids and CD-aliphatic amino acids. Compared with CD-aliphatic amino acid complexes, CD-aromatic amino acid complexes appear to be destabilized in the gas phase, possibly because the hydrophobic interaction which binds the aromatic group of amino acids in the CD cavity in solution may become repulsive when solvent evaporates from the droplets during the electrospray process, whereas those complex ions formed as proton bound dimers are stabilized by electrostatic forces, the major binding force for such complexes in the gas phase. In addition, the GPC technique coupled with off-line ESI-MS can rapidly separate CD complexes by size, and provides some information on the character of the complexes in solution. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Pressurized capillary electrochromatography (pCEC) and electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) have been hyphenated for protein analysis. Taken cytochrome c, lysozyme, and insulin as samples, the limits of detection (LODs) for absolute concentrations are 10(-11) mol (signal-to-noise ratio S/N = 3) with relative standard deviations (RSDs) of retention time and peak area, respectively, of less than 1.7% and 4.8%. In order to improve the detection sensitivity, on-line concentration by field-enhanced sample-stacking effect and chromatographic zone-sharpening effect has been developed, and parameters affecting separation and detection, such as pH and electrolyte concentration in the mobile phase, separation voltage, as well as enrichment voltage and time, have been studied systematically. Under the optimized conditions, the LODs of the three proteins could be decreased up to 100-fold. In addition, the feasibility of such techniques has been further demonstrated by the analysis of modified insulins at a concentration of 20 mu g/mL.


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Most commercial recombinant proteins used as molecular biology tools, as well as many academically made preparations, are generally maintained in the presence of high glycerol concentrations after purification to maintain their biological activity. The present study shows that larger proteins containing high concentrations of glycerol are not amenable to analysis using conventional electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) interfaces. In this investigation the presence of 25% (v/v) glycerol suppressed the signals of Taq DNA polymerase molecules, while 1% (v/v) glycerol suppressed the signal of horse heart myoglobin. The signal suppression was probably caused by the interaction of glycerol molecules with the proteins to create a shielding effect that prevents the ionization of the basic and/or acidic groups in the amino acid side chains. To overcome this difficulty the glycerol concentration was decreased to 5% (v/v) by dialyzing the Taq polymerase solution against water, and the cone voltage in the ESI triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer was set at 80-130 V. This permitted observation of a mass spectrum that contained ions corresponding to protonation of up to 50% of the ionizable basic groups. In the absence of glycerol up to 85% of the basic groups of Taq polymerase became ionized, as observed in the mass spectrum at relatively low cone voltages. An explanation of these and other observations is proposed, based on strong interactions between the protein molecules and glycerol. For purposes of comparison similar experiments were performed on myoglobin, a small protein with 21 basic groups, whose ionization was apparently suppressed in the presence of 1% (v/v) glycerol, since no mass spectrum could be obtained even at high cone voltages. Copyright (C) 2003 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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Arrabidaea chica (crajiru) is an important Amazonian plant. Its extracts are used as red pigments, antimicrobial agents and astringents. Three different varieties of this species are cultivated in the Amazon region. In this work, direct infusions of A. chica extracts from these three varieties were analyzed via electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI(+)-MS) fingerprinting. Derived data from the spectra were classified by using a multivariate method (PLS-DA, partial least squares-discriminant analysis). The direct method that is herein presented relies on extraction of dry, powdered leaves with acidified methanol/water solution with no further sample preparation. The resulting supernatants were analyzed by direct infusion ESI(+)-MS, which provides characteristic fingerprints of the sample composition. 3-Deoxyanthocyanidins are important substances in A. chica, their ions were used as markers in the PLS-DA data treatment. PLS-DA was able to differentiate the three varieties. ESI(+)-MS fingerprinting works as a simple and fast method to differentiate varieties of A. chica.


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Electrospray ionization time-of-flight (ESI-TOF) mass spectrometry was used to study the quaternary structure of 4-oxalocrotonate tautomerase (EC 5.3.2; 4OT), and four analogues prepared by total chemical synthesis. Wild-type 4OT is a hexamer of 62 amino acid subunits and contains no cysteine residues. The analogues were: (desPro1)4OT, a truncated construct in which Pro1 was deleted; (Cpc1)4OT in which Pro1 was replaced with cyclopentane carboxylate; a derivative [Met(O)45]4OT in which Met45 was oxidized to the sulfoxide; and an analogue (Nle45)4OT in which Met45 was replaced with norleucine. ESI of (Nle45)4OT, (Cpc1)4OT, and 4OT from solution conditions under which the native enzyme was fully active (5 mM ammonium bicarbonate buffer, pH 7.5) gave the intact hexamer as the major species detected by TOF mass spectrometry. In contrast, analysis of [Met(O)45]4OT and (desPro1)4OT under similar conditions yielded predominantly monomer ions. The ESI-TOF measurements were consistent with structural data obtained from circular dichroism spectroscopy. In the context of kinetic data collected for 4OT and these analogues, ESI-TOF mass spectrometry also provided important evidence for the structural and mechanistic significance of the catalytically important Pro1 residue in 4OT.