955 resultados para EEG, Tilt, Zero gravity, Weightlessness, Brain hemodynamics
We investigated brain electric field signatures of subjective feelings after chewing regular gum or gum base without flavor. 19-channel eyes-closed EEG from 20 healthy males before and after 5 minutes of chewing the two gum types in random sequence was source modeled in the frequency domain using the FFT-Dipole-Approximation. 3-dimensional brain locations and strengths (Global Field Power, GFP) of the equivalent sources of five frequency bands were computed as changes from pre-chewing baseline. Gum types differed (ANOVA) in pre-post changes of source locations for the alpha-2 band (to anterior and right after regular gum, opposite after gum base) and beta-2 band (to anterior and inferior after regular gum, opposite after gum base), and of GFP for delta-theta, alpha-2 and beta-1 (regular gum: increase, gum base: decrease). Subjective feeling changed to more positive values after regular gum than gum base (ANOVA).—Thus, chewing gum with and without taste-smell activates different brain neuronal populations.
Global complexity of spontaneous brain electric activity was studied before and after chewing gum without flavor and with 2 different flavors. One-minute, 19-channel, eyes-closed electroencephalograms (EEG) were recorded from 20 healthy males before and after using 3 types of chewing gum: regular gum containing sugar and aromatic additives, gum containing 200 mg theanine (a constituent of Japanese green tea), and gum base (no sugar, no aromatic additives); each was chewed for 5 min in randomized sequence. Brain electric activity was assessed through Global Omega (Ω)-Complexity and Global Dimensional Complexity (GDC), quantitative measures of complexity of the trajectory of EEG map series in state space; their differences from pre-chewing data were compared across gum-chewing conditions. Friedman Anova (p < 0.043) showed that effects on Ω-Complexity differed significantly between conditions and differences were maximal between gum base and theanine gum. No differences were found using GDC. Global Omega-Complexity appears to be a sensitive measure for subtle, central effects of chewing gum with and without flavor.
Inappropriate response tendencies may be stopped via a specific fronto/basal ganglia/primary motor cortical network. We sought to characterize the functional role of two regions in this putative stopping network, the right inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) and the primary motor cortex (M1), using electocorticography from subdural electrodes in four patients while they performed a stop-signal task. On each trial, a motor response was initiated, and on a minority of trials a stop signal instructed the patient to try to stop the response. For each patient, there was a greater right IFG response in the beta frequency band ( approximately 16 Hz) for successful versus unsuccessful stop trials. This finding adds to evidence for a functional network for stopping because changes in beta frequency activity have also been observed in the basal ganglia in association with behavioral stopping. In addition, the right IFG response occurred 100-250 ms after the stop signal, a time range consistent with a putative inhibitory control process rather than with stop-signal processing or feedback regarding success. A downstream target of inhibitory control is M1. In each patient, there was alpha/beta band desynchronization in M1 for stop trials. However, the degree of desynchronization in M1 was less for successfully than unsuccessfully stopped trials. This reduced desynchronization on successful stop trials could relate to increased GABA inhibition in M1. Together with other findings, the results suggest that behavioral stopping is implemented via synchronized activity in the beta frequency band in a right IFG/basal ganglia network, with downstream effects on M1.
The aim of the present study was (i) to investigate the effect of inner speech on cerebral hemodynamics and oxygenation, and (ii) to analyze if these changes could be the result of alternations of the arterial carbon dioxide pressure (PaCO2). To this end, in seven adult volunteers, we measured changes of cerebral absolute [O2Hb], [HHb], [tHb] concentrations and tissue oxygen saturation (StO2) (over the left and right anterior prefrontal cortex (PFC)), as well as changes in end-tidal CO2 (PETCO2), a reliable and accurate estimate of PaCO2. Each subject performed three different tasks (inner recitation of hexameter (IRH) or prose (IRP) verses) and a control task (mental arithmetic (MA)) on different days according to a randomized crossover design. Statistical analysis was applied to the differences between pre-baseline, two tasks, and four post-baseline periods. The two brain hemispheres and three tasks were tested separately. During the tasks, we found (i) PETCO2 decreased significantly (p < 0.05) during the IRH ( ~ 3 mmHg) and MA ( ~ 0.5 mmHg) task. (ii) [O2Hb] and StO2 decreased significantly during IRH ( ~ 1.5 μM; ~ 2 %), IRP ( ~ 1 μM; ~ 1.5 %), and MA ( ~ 1 μM; ~ 1.5 %) tasks. During the post-baseline period, [O2Hb] and [tHb] of the left PFC decreased significantly after the IRP and MA task ( ~ 1 μM and ~ 2 μM, respectively). In conclusion, the study showed that inner speech affects PaCO2, probably due to changes in respiration. Although a decrease in PaCO2 is causing cerebral vasoconstriction and could potentially explain the decreases of [O2Hb] and StO2 during inner speech, the changes in PaCO2 were significantly different between the three tasks (no change in PaCO2 for MA) but led to very similar changes in [O2Hb] and StO2. Thus, the cerebral changes cannot solely be explained by PaCO2.
The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of different speech tasks (recitation of prose (PR), alliteration (AR) and hexameter (HR) verses) and a control task (mental arithmetic (MA) with voicing of the result) on endtidal CO2 (ET-CO2), cerebral hemodynamics; i.e. total hemoglobin (tHb) and tissue oxygen saturation (StO2). tHb and StO2 were measured with a frequency domain near infrared spectrophotometer (ISS Inc., USA) and ET-CO2 with a gas analyzer (Nellcor N1000). Measurements were performed in 24 adult volunteers (11 female, 13 male; age range 22 to 64 years) during task performance in a randomized order on 4 different days to avoid potential carry over effects. Statistical analysis was applied to test differences between baseline, 2 recitation and 5 recovery periods. The two brain hemispheres and 4 tasks were tested separately. Data analysis revealed that during the recitation tasks (PR, AR and HR) StO2 decreased statistically significant (p < 0.05) during PR and AR in the right prefrontal cortex (PFC) and during AR and HR in the left PFC. tHb showed a significant decrease during HR in the right PFC and during PR, AR and HR in the left PFC. During the MA task, StO2 increased significantly. A significant decrease in ET-CO2 was found during all 4 tasks with the smallest decrease during the MA task. In conclusion, we hypothesize that the observed changes in tHb and StO2 are mainly caused by an altered breathing during the tasks that led a lowering of the CO2 content in the blood provoked a cerebral CO2 reaction, i.e. a vasoconstriction of blood vessels due to decreased CO2 pressure and thereby decrease in cerebral blood volume. Therefore, breathing changes should be monitored during brain studies involving speech when using functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to ensure a correct interpretation of changes in hemodynamics and oxygenation.
Introduction In several studies, we found that during guided rhythmic speech exercises, a decrease in cerebral hemodynamics and oxygenation occurred as the result of a decrease in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the arterial blood (PaCO2) during speaking. To further explore the effect of PaCO2 variations on cerebral hemodynamics and oxygenation, the aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of spoken, inner and heard speech tasks on these parameters. Material and Methods Speech tasks included recitation or inner recitation or listening to hexameter, alliteration, prose, or performing mental arithmetic. The following physiological parameters were measured: tissue oxygen saturation (StO2) and absolute concentrations of oxyhemoglobin, deoxyhemoglobin, total hemoglobin (over the left and right anterior prefrontal cortex, using an ISS OxiplexTS frequency domain near-infrared spectrometer) and end-tidal CO2 (PETCO2; using Nellcor N1000 and Datex NORMOCAP capnographs). Statistical analysis was applied to the differences between baseline, 2 tasks, and 3 post-baseline periods. Data of 3 studies with 24, 7 and 29 healthy subjects, respectively, were combined, and linear regression analyses were calculated. Results Linear regression analyses revealed significant relations between changes in oxyhemoglobin, deoxyhemoglobin, total hemoglobin or StO2 and the participants’ age, the baseline PETCO2 or certain speech tasks. While hexameter verses affected changes during the tasks, alliteration verses only affected changes during the recovery phase. Discussion and Conclusion The observed effects in hemodynamics and oxygenation indicate a combination of neurovascular coupling (increased neuronal activity leading to an increase in the cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen resulting in an increase in cerebral flood flow/volume) and CO2 reactivity (increased breathing during speech tasks causing a decrease in PaCO2 leading to vasoconstriction and decrease in cerebral blood flow). The neurovascular coupling characteristics are task-dependent. References Scholkmann F, Gerber U, Wolf M, Wolf U. End-tidal CO2: An important parameter for a correct interpretation in functional brain studies using speech tasks. Neuroimage 2013;66:71-79. Scholkmann F, Wolf M, Wolf U. The effect of inner speech on arterial CO2, cerebral hemodynamics and oxygenation – A functional NIRS study. Adv Exp Med Biol 2013;789:81-87.
Background: The aim of the present study was to contributing to researching physiological effects of arts speech therapy by (i) investigating effects of inner and heard speech on cerebral hemodynamics and oxygenation, and (ii) analyzing if these changes were affected by alterations of the arterial carbon dioxide pressure (PaCO2). Methods: In 29 healthy adult volunteers we measured changes in cerebral absolute oxyhemoglobin ([O2Hb]), deoxyhemoglobin ([HHb]), total hemoglobin ([tHb]) concentrations and tissue oxygen saturation (StO2) (over the left and right anterior prefrontal cortex (PFC)) using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) as well as changes in end-tidal CO2 (PETCO2) using capnography. Each subject performed six different tasks: three types of task modalities, i.e. inner speech, heard speech from a person and heard speech from a record, and, two recitation texts, i.e. hexameter and alliteration on different days according to a randomized crossover design. Statistical analysis was applied to the differences between the baseline, two task and four recovery periods. The two brain hemispheres, i.e. left and right PFC, and six tasks were tested separately. Results: During the tasks we found in general a decrease in PETCO2 (significantly only for inner speech), StO2, [O2Hb], [tHb] as well as in an increase in [HHb]. There was a significant difference between hexameter and alliteration. Particularly, the changes in [tHb] at the left PFC during tasks and after them were statistically different. Furthermore we found significant relations between changes in [O2Hb], [HHb], [tHb] or StO2 and the participants’ age, the baseline PETCO2, or certain speech tasks. Conclusions: Changes in breathing (hyperventilation) during the tasks led to lower PaCO2 (hypocapnia) for inner speech. During heard speech no significant changes in PaCO2 occurred, but the decreases in StO2, [O2Hb], [tHb] suggest that changes in PaCO2 were also relevant here. Different verse types (hexameter, alliteration) led to different changes in [tHb]. Consequently, StO2, [O2Hb], [HHb] and [tHb] are affected by interplay of both PaCO2 reactivity and task dependent functional brain activity.
Syncope describes a sudden and brief transient loss of consciousness (TLOC) with postural failure due to cerebral global hypoperfusion. The term TLOC is used when the cause is either unrelated to cerebral hypoperfusion or is unknown. The most common causes of syncopal TLOC include: (1) cardiogenic syncope (cardiac arrhythmias, structural cardiac diseases, others); (2) orthostatic hypotension (due to drugs, hypovolemia, primary or secondary autonomic failure, others); (3) neurally mediated syncope (cardioinhibitory, vasodepressor, and mixed forms). Rarely neurologic disorders (such as epilepsy, transient ischemic attacks, and the subclavian steal syndrome) can lead to cerebal hypoperfusion and syncope. Nonsyncopal TLOC may be due to neurologic (epilepsy, sleep attacks, and other states with fluctuating vigilance), medical (hypoglycemia, drugs), psychiatric, or post-traumatic disorders. Basic diagnostic workup of TLOC includes a thorough history and physical examination, and a 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG). Blood testing, electroencephalogram (EEG), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain, echocardiography, head-up tilt test, carotid sinus massage, Holter monitoring, and loop recorders should be obtained only in specific contexts. Management strategies involve pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic interventions, and cardiac pacing.
Objective: The attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) shows an increased prevalence in arrested offenders compared to the normal population. ADHD and delinquency seem to share some neurophysiological abnormalities. In recent studies, a subgroup of subjects with ADHD as well as delinquents displayed excessive EEG activity in the beta band compared to controls, which has been associated with antisocial behavior and aggression in ADHD children. The goal of the present study was to investigate whether delinquent behavior in ADHD is related to excessive beta activity. Methods: We compared the resting state EEGs (eyes closed and eyes open) of 13 non-delinquent and 13 delinquent subjects with ADHD and 13 controls regarding power spectra and topography of the EEG activity. Results: Offenders with ADHD showed more beta power mainly at frontal, central and parietal brain regions than non-delinquent subjects with ADHD. Conclusions: Excessive beta power may represent a risk-factor for delinquent behavior in adults with ADHD. Significance: The awareness of such risk-factors may be helpful in the assessment of the risk for delinquent behavior in a psychiatric context and may provide a neurobiological background for therapeutic interventions.
BACKGROUND: Accurate projection of implanted subdural electrode contacts in presurgical evaluation of pharmacoresistant epilepsy cases by invasive EEG is highly relevant. Linear fusion of CT and MRI images may display the contacts in the wrong position due to brain shift effects. OBJECTIVE: A retrospective study in five patients with pharmacoresistant epilepsy was performed to evaluate whether an elastic image fusion algorithm can provide a more accurate projection of the electrode contacts on the pre-implantation MRI as compared to linear fusion. METHODS: An automated elastic image fusion algorithm (AEF), a guided elastic image fusion algorithm (GEF), and a standard linear fusion algorithm (LF) were used on preoperative MRI and post-implantation CT scans. Vertical correction of virtual contact positions, total virtual contact shift, corrections of midline shift and brain shifts due to pneumencephalus were measured. RESULTS: Both AEF and GEF worked well with all 5 cases. An average midline shift of 1.7mm (SD 1.25) was corrected to 0.4mm (SD 0.8) after AEF and to 0.0mm (SD 0) after GEF. Median virtual distances between contacts and cortical surface were corrected by a significant amount, from 2.3mm after LF to 0.0mm after AEF and GEF (p<.001). Mean total relative corrections of 3.1 mm (SD 1.85) after AEF and 3.0mm (SD 1.77) after GEF were achieved. The tested version of GEF did not achieve a satisfying virtual correction of pneumencephalus. CONCLUSION: The technique provided a clear improvement in fusion of pre- and post-implantation scans, although the accuracy is difficult to evaluate.
In patients diagnosed with pharmaco-resistant epilepsy, cerebral areas responsible for seizure generation can be defined by performing implantation of intracranial electrodes. The identification of the epileptogenic zone (EZ) is based on visual inspection of the intracranial electroencephalogram (IEEG) performed by highly qualified neurophysiologists. New computer-based quantitative EEG analyses have been developed in collaboration with the signal analysis community to expedite EZ detection. The aim of the present report is to compare different signal analysis approaches developed in four different European laboratories working in close collaboration with four European Epilepsy Centers. Computer-based signal analysis methods were retrospectively applied to IEEG recordings performed in four patients undergoing pre-surgical exploration of pharmaco-resistant epilepsy. The four methods elaborated by the different teams to identify the EZ are based either on frequency analysis, on nonlinear signal analysis, on connectivity measures or on statistical parametric mapping of epileptogenicity indices. All methods converge on the identification of EZ in patients that present with fast activity at seizure onset. When traditional visual inspection was not successful in detecting EZ on IEEG, the different signal analysis methods produced highly discordant results. Quantitative analysis of IEEG recordings complement clinical evaluation by contributing to the study of epileptogenic networks during seizures. We demonstrate that the degree of sensitivity of different computer-based methods to detect the EZ in respect to visual EEG inspection depends on the specific seizure pattern.
Using electroencephalography (EEG), psychophysiology, and psychometric measures, this is the first study which investigated the neurophysiological underpinnings of spatial presence. Spatial presence is considered a sense of being physically situated within a spatial environment portrayed by a medium (e.g., television, virtual reality). Twelve healthy children and 11 healthy adolescents were watching different virtual roller coaster scenarios. During a control session, the roller coaster cab drove through a horizontal roundabout track. The following realistic roller coaster rides consisted of spectacular ups, downs, and loops. Low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA) and event-related desynchronization (ERD) were used to analyze the EEG data. As expected, we found that, compared to the control condition, experiencing a virtual roller coaster ride evoked in both groups strong SP experiences, increased electrodermal reactions, and activations in parietal brain areas known to be involved in spatial navigation. In addition, brain areas that receive homeostatic afferents from somatic and visceral sensations of the body were strongly activated. Most interesting, children (as compared to adolescents) reported higher spatial presence experiences and demonstrated a different frontal activation pattern. While adolescents showed increased activation in prefrontal areas known to be involved in the control of executive functions, children demonstrated a decreased activity in these brain regions. Interestingly, recent neuroanatomical and neurophysiological studies have shown that the frontal brain continues to develop to adult status well into adolescence. Thus, the result of our study implies that the increased spatial presence experience in children may result from the not fully developed control functions of the frontal cortex.
Meditation is a self-induced and willfully initiated practice that alters the state of consciousness. The meditation practice of Zazen, like many other meditation practices, aims at disregarding intrusive thoughts while controlling body posture. It is an open monitoring meditation characterized by detached moment-to-moment awareness and reduced conceptual thinking and self-reference. Which brain areas differ in electric activity during Zazen compared to task-free resting? Since scalp electroencephalography (EEG) waveforms are reference-dependent, conclusions about the localization of active brain areas are ambiguous. Computing intracerebral source models from the scalp EEG data solves this problem. In the present study, we applied source modeling using low resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA) to 58-channel scalp EEG data recorded from 15 experienced Zen meditators during Zazen and no-task resting. Zazen compared to no-task resting showed increased alpha-1 and alpha-2 frequency activity in an exclusively right-lateralized cluster extending from prefrontal areas including the insula to parts of the somatosensory and motor cortices and temporal areas. Zazen also showed decreased alpha and beta-2 activity in the left angular gyrus and decreased beta-1 and beta-2 activity in a large bilateral posterior cluster comprising the visual cortex, the posterior cingulate cortex and the parietal cortex. The results include parts of the default mode network and suggest enhanced automatic memory and emotion processing, reduced conceptual thinking and self-reference on a less judgmental, i.e., more detached moment-to-moment basis during Zazen compared to no-task resting.