855 resultados para Disruptive Technologies, Strategic Management, Music Industry


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Industry clockspeed has been used in earlier literature to assess the rate of change of industries but this measure remains limited in its application in longitudinal analyses as well as in systemic industry contexts. Nevertheless, there is a growing need for such a measure as business ecosystems replace standalone products and organisations are required to manage their innovation process in increasingly systemic contexts. In this paper, we firstly derive a temporal measure of technological industry clockspeed, which evaluates the time between successively higher levels of performance in the industry's product technology, over time. We secondly derive a systemic technological industry clockspeed for systemic industry contexts, which measures the time required for a particular sub-industry to utilise the level of technological performance that is provisioned by another, interdependent sub-industry. In turn, we illustrate the use of these measures in an empirical study of the systemic personal computer industry. The results of our empirical illustration show that the proposed clockspeeds together provide informative measures of the pace of change for sub-industries and systemic industry. We subsequently discuss the organisational considerations and theoretical implications of the proposed measures.


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In response to the call for sustainability education in construction courses, higher education institutions have started to incorporate sustainability components into their construction courses to some extent. This research aims to investigate sustainability embedded in construction management (CM) courses using the Queensland University of Technology as a case study. A content analysis of its CM course structure, unit aims, learning objectives and lecture materials is conducted to examine the sustainability elements incorporated into the CM curriculum. The results show that the course incorporates sustainability components into the existing course structure mainly through horizontal integration, embedding sustainability into general units rather than as an add-on subject. Additionally, the sustainability topics embedded in the course cover a comparatively broad and balanced range of sustainability categories, i.e. background knowledge, policies and regulations, environmental issues, social issues and economic issues as well as technology and innovation, although social sustainability aspects need to be further strengthened. This research addresses the need for urgency in the development of an effective sustainability education framework for construction courses. It is expected that the findings from this study will facilitate the improvement of sustainability education in construction courses generally.


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Research background: Echoes-World Music in Queensland is a full-length album produced in collaboration with the Brisbane Multicultural Arts Centre (BEMAC). The project involved the recording and production of 13 different artists’ original compositions and arrangements of traditional works, drawing on hybrid digital-analog production techniques. The recording of the album was informed by prior scholarly work by Taylor, Feld, Wong and others. These existing studies have discussed the complexities of intercultural collaboration, and the types of cultural politics that are involved in the recording and distribution of what has been known by the term ‘World Music.’ Aspects of applied ethnomusicology have informed the creative work, as a means of interpreting the implicit and explicit complexities that arise through the recording and dissemination of intercultural creative practice. The project asked the research question, in what ways is intercultural music making effected by collaborative practices in the recording studio? Research contribution: This project has identified that the recording and production of intercultural music making involves a complex amalgam of aspects of live or ‘authentic’ performance practices, alongside highly mediated production practices that are influenced by new forms of digital recording technology. Research significance: The compact disc was launched at a live performance showcase as part of the 2014 Big Sound music industry conference, and was added to feature album rotation for all Virgin Australia flights in February-March 2015. The album has received airplay on Radio National, Edge Radio (Hobart) and Radio Adelaide, and was a Feature Album on PBS FM (Melbourne), 2SER (Sydney), and ArtsoundFM Canberrra. The research context of the work is detailed in Gavin Carfoot (in press), ‘Musical discovery, colonialism and the possibilities of intercultural communication through music’ in Popular Communication.


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Land condition monitoring information is required for the strategic management of grazing land and for a better understanding of ecosystem processes. Yet, for policy makers and those land managers whose properties are situated within north-eastern Australia's vast Great Barrier Reef catchments, there has been a general lack of geospatial land condition monitoring information. This paper provides an overview of integrated land monitoring activity in rangeland areas of two major Reef catchments in Queensland: the Burdekin and Fitzroy regions. The project aims were to assemble land condition monitoring datasets that would assist grazing land management and support decision-makers investing public funds; and deliver these data to natural resource management(NRM) community groups, which had been given increased responsibility for delivering local environmental outcomes. We describe the rationale and processes used to produce new land condition monitoring datasets derived from remotely sensed Landsat thematic mapper (TM) and high resolution SPOT 5 satellite imagery and from rapid land condition ground assessment. Specific products include subcatchment groundcover change maps, regional mapping of indicative very poor land condition, and stratified land condition site summaries. Their application, integration, and limitations are discussed. The major innovation is a better understanding of NRM issues with respect to land condition across vast regional areas, and the effective transfer of decision-making capacity to the local level. Likewise, with an increased ability to address policy questions from an evidence-based position, combined with increased cooperation between community, industry and all levels of government, a new era has emerged for decision-makers in rangeland management.


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The music business is one of the most international of all the cultural industries. Music, industry practices, and people travel easily across country borders and the major music companies are dominating national music markets across the globe. However, at the same time the music industries in different countries are very idiosyncratic. Music is an ingrained part of a country’s history, its culture and heritage. One aspect of this idiosyncrasy is related to how creatives, audiences and music organizations are affected by and is able to take advantage of the ongoing digitization of society.


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Broadscale irrigation is a major land use in many of the priority neighbourhood catchments (45,218 hectares in Central Highlands and Dawson) and there is a requirement to provide technical support to sub-regional group field officers and landholders in these priority catchments. This technical support will assist field staff and land managers to identify and implement appropriate, sustainable technologies and management practices.


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Stock assessment of the eastern king prawn (EKP) fishery, and the subsequent advice to management and industry, could be improved by addressing a number of issues. The recruitment dynamics of EKP in the northern (i.e., North Reef to the Swain Reefs) parts of the fishery need to be clarified. Fishers report that the size of the prawns from these areas when they recruit to the fishing grounds is resulting in suboptimal sizes/ages at first capture, and therefore localised growth overfishing. There is a need to assess alternative harvest strategies of the EKP fishery, via computer simulations, particularly seasonal and monthly or lunar-based closures to identify scenarios that improve the value of the catch, decrease costs and reduce the risk of overfishing, prior to implementing new management measures.


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A high proportion of the Australian and New Zealand dairy industry is based on a relatively simple, low input and low cost pasture feedbase. These factors enable this type of production system to remain internationally competitive. However, a key limitation of pasture-based dairy systems is periodic imbalances between herd intake requirements and pasture DM production, caused by strong seasonality and high inter-annual variation in feed supply. This disparity can be moderated to a certain degree through the strategic management of the herd through altering calving dates and stocking rates, and the feedbase by conserving excess forage and irrigating to flatten seasonal forage availability. Australasian dairy systems are experiencing emerging market and environmental challenges, which includes increased competition for land and water resources, decreasing terms of trade, a changing and variable climate, an increasing environmental focus that requires improved nutrient and water-use efficiency and lower greenhouse gas emissions. The integration of complementary forages has long been viewed as a means to manipulate the home-grown feed supply, to improve the nutritive value and DM intake of the diet, and to increase the efficiency of inputs utilised. Only recently has integrating complementary forages at the whole-farm system level received the significant attention and investment required to examine their potential benefit. Recent whole-of-farm research undertaken in both Australia and New Zealand has highlighted the importance of understanding the challenges of the current feedbase and the level of complementarity between forage types required to improve profit, manage risk and/or alleviate/mitigate against adverse outcomes. This paper reviews the most recent systems-level research into complementary forages, discusses approaches to modelling their integration at the whole-farm level and highlights the potential of complementary forages to address the major challenges currently facing pasture-based dairy systems.


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[ES] Actualmente, el sistema sanitario público en España se encuentra en una etapa de modernización, marcadamente orientada hacia los destinatarios de sus servicios, es decir, el conjunto de los ciudadanos. Entre el amplio conjunto de acciones que se están implementando, destaca la implantación de nuevas fórmulas organizativas, la instalación de tecnologías avanzadas en información y comunicación, la gestión estratágica de los recursos humanos o la aplicación de técnicas de calidad total.


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[EN] Purpose. This work aims to present, from the company viewpoint, a structured account of management proposals and practices directed toward improving the intensity and effectiveness of continuous management training (CMT). Design/methodology/approach. The article takes as its main theoretical referents the Theory of Human Capital, the Resource-Based Vision and the contributions made via the new institutional economy with regard to the problems of information asymmetry between companies, employees and training providers and completes the proposals that derive from this theoretical approach. To do this, experience-based contributions are collected from a selection of company training and HR managers from twelve Basque companies characterised by their strong investment in management training. The methodology used was qualitative and obtained by different qualitative techniques: Focus Groups, Nominal Groups and the Delphi Method, which make up the so-called Hybrid Delphi. Findings and implications. The proposals are aimed at the main agents in training activity: training providers, associations and public agents engaged in management training and, particularly, companies themselves. The initiatives seek above all to increase training market transparency, to improve mutual commitments between companies and managers, and to link training and development with culture and strategic management, so that firms make optimal investment in management training. Originality/value. The methodology used is original, and the contributions are consistent with the theory, have a proven practical utility, and are presented in a hierarchy, which facilitates decision making.


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A competição atualmente vivida pelas organizações tem despertado o interesse em desenvolver formas de superar a concorrência e com isso, prosperar no mercado. Uma das formas de superar a concorrência é gerir os custos de forma estratégica para que seja possível superar a concorrência. A gestão estratégica de custos tem por finalidade ampliar os horizontes da análise de custos, ou seja, ela visa cobrir as deficiências existentes nos sistemas tradicionais de custeio, pois em sua análise irá considerar a cadeia de valor como um todo e não somente os processos internos em que há agregação de valor por parte da empresa. Assim, o objetivo da presente pesquisa foi investigar as características dos sistemas de custos e como as empresas da indústria de construção naval do Estado do Rio de Janeiro estão utilizando informações de custos para dar suporte à gestão estratégica, procurando investigar aspectos relativos a esta prática; assim, tem-se como propósito verificar a aplicação da teoria no setor. Para isso, foram realizados estudos casos em cinco empresas da indústria de construção naval, as empresas estudadas, constituem uma amostra não probabilística, ou seja, amostra por acessibilidade. O estudo constatou que mesmo às empresas não utilizando o método de custeio recomendando pela literatura, é dada uma especial atenção nas transações ocorridas ao longo da cadeia de valor, o que permite gerir os custos de maneira eficiente. Isso mostra a proximidade de diversas ações tomadas pelas empresas estudadas e a literatura sobre gestão estratégica de custos


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O advento das tecnologias digitais permitiu alterações significativas na maneira de produzir, divulgar e consumir música. As grandes gravadoras deixaram de ser os principais agentes articuladores da indústria da música, que está cada vez mais organizada em rede. A produção musical cresce de forma exponencial e está atomizada e espalhada por uma miríade de artistas de todos os níveis. Entretanto, só alguns se destacam em meio a essa galáxia de produtores de conteúdo e conseguem atingir algum grau de sustentabilidade. Estes são aqueles que conhecem as regras de funcionamento dessa rede, ainda que não saibam explicitá-las. O objetivo do presente trabalho é contribuir para a construção do enunciado dessas regras. Para tanto, consultou-se literatura sobre música e comunicação produzida por pesquisadores ligados aos Estudos Culturais, na qual se pôde identificar o grande número de variáveis envolvidas na questão, e por isso buscou-se uma articulação com a noção de sistemas complexos. Em função do tipo de objeto e da abordagem propostos, foi realizado um estudo de caso sobre a banda de rock Forfun, que possibilitou, a partir da comparação com outros casos de sustentabilidade, identificar linhas gerais de conduta e oportunidade que acabam por revelar certas regras


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The National Marine Fisheries Service’s Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC) has a long and successful history of conducting research in cooperation with the fishing industry. Many of the AFSC’s annual resource assessment surveys are carried out aboard chartered commercial vessels and the skill and experience of captains and crew are integral to the success of this work. Fishing companies have been contracted to provide vessels and expertise for many different types of research, including testing and evaluation of survey and commercial fishing gear and development of improved methods for estimating commercial catch quantity and composition. AFSC scientists have also participated in a number of industry-initiated research projects including development of selective fishing gears for bycatch reduction and evaluating and improving observer catch composition sampling. In this paper, we describe the legal and regulatory provisions for these types of cooperative work and present examples to illustrate the process and identify the requirements for successful cooperative research.