953 resultados para Diretrizes Orçamentárias


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The aim of this study was to add to the debate about Family Health Support Centers (FHSCs), starting from reflections about the support function. Support is generally presented, in official documents from the Ministry of Health and in academic-scientific publications, accompanied by descriptors that characterize it. Differences in terminology are commonly encountered: “institutional support”, “managerial support”, “matrix support” and so on. With regard to FHSCs, published papers have highlighted the central role played by matrix support. However, we pose the question: what are the faces that the support function has been taking on in implementing such programs? To reflect on this and other issues, we developed a study of qualitative nature within a FHSC team in Paraná, outside of the state capital, using the methodological tools of participant observation, semi-structured interviews and discussion groups. We sought to demonstrate that the dynamics of the support function in FHSCs make it possible for both matrix support and institutional support to emerge.


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To establish guidelines based on cientific evidences for the management of cryopyrin associated periodic syndromes. The Guideline was prepared from 4 clinical questions that were structured through Pico (Patient, Intervention or indicator, Comparison and Outcome), to search in key primary scientific information databases. After defining the potential studies to support the recommendations, these were graduated considering their strength of evidence and grade of recommendation. 1215 articles were retrieved and evaluated by title and abstract; from these, 42 articles were selected to support the recommendations. 1. The diagnosis of Caps is based on clinical history and clinical manifestations, and later confirmed by genetic study. Caps may manifest itself in three phenotypes: FCAS (mild form), MWS (intermediate form) and Cinca (severe form). Neurological, ophthalmic, otorhinolaryngological and radiological assessments may be highly valuable in distinguishing between syndromes; 2. The genetic diagnosis with NLRP3 gene analysis must be conducted in suspected cases of Caps, i.e., individuals presenting before 20 years of age, recurrent episodes of inflammation expressed by a mild fever and urticaria; 3. Laboratory abnormalities include leukocytosis and elevated serum levels of inflammatory proteins; 4. Targeted therapies directed against interleukin-1 lead to rapid remission of symptoms in most patients. However, there are important limitations on the long-term safety. None of the three anti-IL-1β inhibitors prevents progression of bone lesions.


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To establish guidelines based on scientific evidence for the management of periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis and adenitis (PFAPA) syndrome. The Guideline was prepared from 5 clinical questions that were structured through PICO (Patient, Intervention or indicator, Comparison and Outcome), to search in key primary scientific information databases. After defining the potential studies to support the recommendations, these were graduated considering their strength of evidence and grade of recommendation. 806 articles were retrieved and evaluated by title and abstract; from these, 32 articles were selected to support the recommendations. 1. PFAPA is a diagnosis of exclusion established on clinical grounds, and one must suspect of this problem in children with recurrent and periodic febrile episodes of unknown origin, or with recurrent tonsillitis interspersed with asymptomatic periods, especially in children in good general condition and with preservation of weight and height development; 2. Laboratory findings are nonspecific. Additional tests do not reveal pathognomonic changes; 3. The evidence supporting an indication for surgical treatment (tonsillectomy with or without adenoidectomy), is based on two non-blinded randomized clinical trials with small numbers of patients; 4. The use of prednisone at the onset of fever in patients with PFAPA proved to be an effective strategy. There is still need for more qualified evidence to support its use in patients with PFAPA; 5. Despite promising results obtained in studies with IL-1ß inhibitors, such studies are limited to a few case reports.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The work shows the importance of process modeling in industrial flat field fashion design. This was achieved by a qualitative study identifying vision of modelers, students and teachers about this stage of development and production clothing product in the regional center of Londrina – PR. This research allowed the development of methodological guidelines for the teaching and preparation Modeling Industrial flat clothing.


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Constant social, cultural and political changes influence directly people’s life and define their needs and tastes. Trends have the role of signaling through these facts people’s preferences regarding to objects and can, therefore be connected with great design, as it works with project that is a planning activity for future. In this context, this study aimed to characterize trend jobs in Brazilians home designing methodology. For both: theoretical aspects were studied that led to reasoning, a field research in five Furniture industries Pole of Arapongas/PR was done, and a research for possible developmental reference of furniture in Brazil. Results indicated: misused and mistaken concepts of trend and ignorance on how they operate lack of knowledge about industries sector consumer profile, the concern about sales and not with consumer as “furniture user” and finally, the existence of Brazilian referential sources, but the lack of skilled professionals that could decode these sources.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The law of Guidelines and Bases for National Education-LDB established the need to ensure at Universities a greater flexibility in the Organization of courses and careers, taking into account the heterogeneity of prior education and training, as well as the expectations and interests of students. Since the deployment of the first courses of Physical Education in Brazil, in the 30 's decade, the formation was only in Degree Course. On a pioneer way, resolution CFE 031987 allowed the Universities could organise their own pedagogical projects and curriculum, allowing even the Bachelor Course contemplating the dynamics of the evolution of the area and encouraging a change in attitudes of professionals. The Bachelor Course, with an offer of disciplines to other areas higher than education, openness also allowed to research, promoting an increasing interaction of the Physical Education with other professions od health. Physical education stands out as interareas instrument in the promotion of health and quality of life of the population. With the regulation of the Profession through the law No. 9696/98, grows the discussion around the definition of professional delimitations in this close relationship with other areas. With the need for a reformulation in teaching projects, Degree and Bachelor Courses, express the new curricular guidelines and resolutions of the MEC, as well as the professional delimitations by CONFEF for each formation. Given these aspects, the objective of the present study was to describe the chronology of such facts and a expose a critical opinion of the authors about the course and consequences of this process.


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Currently, too much visual information present in all media is form vehemently, for example, in print media and interfaces used for publicity in conjunction with informational design. This visual information has great influence in the lives of human beings, since the vision of these individuals is the sense most used. Studies on visual identity have not explored this issue in a satisfactory manner, favoring thus the subject of this little development projects in the area. Note the need for analyzes to enable implementation principles of projective, making them accessible to the understanding of most individuals. This study aimed to propose an evaluation of visual identities, which were analyzed by means of visual concepts of usability, design methodologies and Gestalt. We contacted design firms specializing in visual identity projects, places where interviews were conducted to collect the marks allowed for analysis. The results point to a frequent demand the employment of visual usability principles, design methodologies and design in Gestalt visual identities.


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Over the last few years, Brazil has some problems related to the management of solid waste, mainly related to the final disposal of materials, resulting in serious environmental risks to the municipalities that suffer from this type of situation. Poorly designed landfills and weak management systems after the termination of their employment, for example, is currently showing as a major problem for urban expansion and the subsoil of these sites, endangering all the environmental quality of the areas where they are located . Because of this scenario, this work produced a diagnosis of the current situation of the management of solid waste in the city of Rio Claro (SP) from its generation, through selective collection and sorting, as well as its final destination, in order to propose a reflection on current form management, in order to present some guidelines based on Federal Law 12.305 / 2010 - National Solid Waste Policy for improvement of this issue in the city. Although the situation found in the city can be considered reasonable for good, there is a need to improve and how to manage, especially in the operational issue of selective collection and also the participation of society in the category Environmental Education, converging in the search for improvements to the common good


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As atividades exercidas em uma Instituição acadêmica resultam na formação de diversos tipos de resíduos entre eles um volume considerável daqueles provenientes de celulose, principalmente variedades de papel e papelão, sendo o primeiro utilizado em larga escala para a confecção de objetos para os mais variados fins, de atividades didáticas, usos para fins de limpeza, até documentos. O presente trabalho foi realizado integrado às práticas do projeto PGR (Plano de Gerenciamento de Resíduos) desenvolvido no campus da Unesp de Rio Claro, tendo como objetivo o diagnóstico do gerenciamento dos resíduos de papel e papelão, tais como as práticas de descarte, reciclagem e/ou reutilização vigentes para posterior elaboração de um manual para o gerenciamento ambientalmente correto de tais tipos de resíduos. Para esse levantamento foi elaborado um questionário (Check-list) que foi aplicado nos diferentes setores da UNESP entre Novembro de 2014 e Abril de 2015. A partir desse levantamento preliminar e da quantificação aproximada do montante de resíduos e das porcentagens reutilizadas/recicladas e as descartadas, visou-se propor melhorias no processo de gerenciamento deste tipo de resíduo. O montante de resíduos provenientes de papel gerado nos 50 setores avaliados, sendo 27 do Instituto de Biociências, 21 do Instituto de Geociências e Ciências Exatas e dois de uso comum entre os dois institutos, foi de aproximadamente 190kg de material, embora observado que na maioria das vezes os papéis tenham sido eliminados junto a resíduos de outra natureza, até mesmo orgânicos. Também foram constatadas a proporção de setores que procuram reduzir e reutilizar seus resíduos, sendo que a reutilização de papéis diversos para rascunhos e a utilização de caixas de papelão para o armazenamento de variados objetos foram as práticas mais comumente observadas, sendo apresentadas em maior ou menor grau em 62% dos setores visitados


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O escritor Dalcídio Jurandir (1909-1979) teve uma longa e profícua produção literária, da qual resultou em dez romances de ambientação amazônica e um – Linha do Parque –de orientação comunista. Entretanto, seu contato com o universo letrado não se restringiu a sua criação ficcional, o escritor exerceu intensa atividade na imprensa de modo geral e na imprensa comunista de modo particular. Essa última, em razão de seu envolvimento com o Partido Comunista Brasileiro (PCB), o qual foi substancial para a fundamentação do pensamento dalcidiano, tanto no que se refere ao modo enxergar a realidade e o seu funcionamento, quanto ao direcionamento da sua criação artística. Dois importantes periódicos para os quais Dalcídio colaborou nas cidades em que residiu foram O Estado do Pará e Diretrizes, ambos de orientações políticas esquerdistas, embora não organicamente ligados ao PCB. Nesses dois periódicos, é possível termos contanto com outra face do romancista, que além de compor seus romances, aventurou-se pelo caminho das crônicas. Dessa forma, objetivamos, com este trabalho, fazer um estudo dessas crônicas, nos dois jornais, entre os anos de 1937 a 1944, a fim de divulgar esses textos cronísticos do escritor marajoara e de compreender como ele se comportou na criação de outro gênero literário.


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As atividades exercidas em uma Instituição acadêmica resultam na formação de diversos tipos de resíduos entre eles um volume considerável daqueles provenientes de celulose, principalmente variedades de papel e papelão, sendo o primeiro utilizado em larga escala para a confecção de objetos para os mais variados fins, de atividades didáticas, usos para fins de limpeza, até documentos. O presente trabalho foi realizado integrado às práticas do projeto PGR (Plano de Gerenciamento de Resíduos) desenvolvido no campus da Unesp de Rio Claro, tendo como objetivo o diagnóstico do gerenciamento dos resíduos de papel e papelão, tais como as práticas de descarte, reciclagem e/ou reutilização vigentes para posterior elaboração de um manual para o gerenciamento ambientalmente correto de tais tipos de resíduos. Para esse levantamento foi elaborado um questionário (Check-list) que foi aplicado nos diferentes setores da UNESP entre Novembro de 2014 e Abril de 2015. A partir desse levantamento preliminar e da quantificação aproximada do montante de resíduos e das porcentagens reutilizadas/recicladas e as descartadas, visou-se propor melhorias no processo de gerenciamento deste tipo de resíduo. O montante de resíduos provenientes de papel gerado nos 50 setores avaliados, sendo 27 do Instituto de Biociências, 21 do Instituto de Geociências e Ciências Exatas e dois de uso comum entre os dois institutos, foi de aproximadamente 190kg de material, embora observado que na maioria das vezes os papéis tenham sido eliminados junto a resíduos de outra natureza, até mesmo orgânicos. Também foram constatadas a proporção de setores que procuram reduzir e reutilizar seus resíduos, sendo que a reutilização de papéis diversos para rascunhos e a utilização de caixas de papelão para o armazenamento de variados objetos foram as práticas mais comumente observadas, sendo apresentadas em maior ou menor grau em 62% dos setores visitados