294 resultados para Differentials
Meningioma is the most frequently observed primary brain tumour in cats. Usually, it is associated with an intracranial expansion with consequent brain compression, oedema and brain herniation. Typical features of feline intracranial meningiomas are hyperostosis of the adjacent bone and intratumoral mineralisation. We describe a 13-year-old male neutered cat with a 1-year history of behavioural change. At clinical and neurological examination the cat showed signs consistent with right-sided forebrain lesion. Magnetic resonance images showed a right-sided extra-axial contrast enhancing mass in the region of the frontotemporal lobe. The overlying bone of the calvarium showed a marked defect with extracranial expansion of the tissue. Surgery was performed and the tumour could be exposed by a right-sided temporal approach. After extension of the bony defect the mass could be removed properly. The cat recovered well from surgery and a 12-month follow-up showed no persistent neurological deficits. Histopathological assessment of the tumour revealed a transitional grade 1 meningioma. Despite osteolysis and extracranial expansion of the tumour differentials should include menigioma in feline intracranial neoplasms.
Starting from the idea that places are socially constructed, this essay explores how place is established and lived in Xinjiang by the members of the area’s two largest ethnicities, the Uyghur and the Han. This paper demonstrates that there are differences in the ways Han and Uyghur imagine and ‘live’ Xinjiang. At the same time it asserts that Uyghur and Han do not establish distinct spatial relationships just because of their ethnicity, but also to enhance ethnic solidarity and boundaries vis-à-vis the other. This essay also demonstrates that places are historically contingent, and it discusses the ways in which the influx of Han temporary migrants and settlers—and Han capital—has generated new layers of spatial meaning and new power differentials.
The central assumption in the literature on collaborative networks and policy networks is that political outcomes are affected by a variety of state and nonstate actors. Some of these actors are more powerful than others and can therefore have a considerable effect on decision making. In this article, we seek to provide a structural and institutional explanation for these power differentials in policy networks and support the explanation with empirical evidence. We use a dyadic measure of influence reputation as a proxy for power, and posit that influence reputation over the political outcome is related to vertical integration into the political system by means of formal decision-making authority, and to horizontal integration by means of being well embedded into the policy network. Hence, we argue that actors are perceived as influential because of two complementary factors: (a) their institutional roles and (b) their structural positions in the policy network. Based on temporal and cross-sectional exponential random graph models, we compare five cases about climate, telecommunications, flood prevention, and toxic chemicals politics in Switzerland and Germany. The five networks cover national and local networks at different stages of the policy cycle. The results confirm that institutional and structural drivers seem to have a crucial impact on how an actor is perceived in decision making and implementation and, therefore, their ability to significantly shape outputs and service delivery.
We examine the effects of the terms of trade and the expected real interest rate differential on the real exchange rate in a sample of small open developed economies. We employ cointegration analysis to search for possible long-term linkages. We find that while both the terms of trade and the expected real interest rate differentials affect the real exchange rate in the long run, the role of the terms of trade generally proves more consistent across countries. The speed of adjustment for the expected real interest rate differential in the error-correction model, however, is quantitatively larger than it is for the terms of trade.
While numerous studies have found similar mortality rates for Hispanics compared to non-Hispanic whites, surprisingly little is known about years of potential life lost (YPLL) differentials in mortality. The primary purpose of this paper is to quantify the effect that YPLL has on Hispanics in order to determine if YPLL differs between Hispanics and non-Hispanic whites. Using YPLL may bring attention to dissimilarities that are often obscured through traditional measures. Bexar County 2000-2004 data from the Texas Department of State Health Services, Vital Statistics Unit was analyzed for the descriptive analysis and 2003 Bexar County Multiple Cause Death data was analyzed for the regression analysis. The multiple regression models were used to examine Hispanic and non-Hispanic white differences in years of potential life lost (YPLL) before age 75 from all-causes of death. For this analysis, YPLL was regressed on ethnicity, education level and marital status for men and women. The descriptive analysis found YPLL from all-causes was greater among non-Hispanic whites than Hispanics. However, the regression analysis found Hispanics lost more year of potential from all-causes of death compared to non-Hispanic whites. This indicates that the effect of ethnicity on YPLL differs for different methods of analysis. Future research efforts should keep in mind the method of analysis when using YPLL. Understanding differences in mortality among Hispanics and non-Hispanic whites is important for targeting future health policies and research to aid in eliminating Hispanic health disparities. ^
This study describes the incidence and mortality of uterine cervical cancer among Texas Anglo and Hispanic women, compares these data with respective data from the U.S. SEER Program, and determines factors which explain observed differences between the Texas ethnic groups and between Texas and SEER women. A total of 1,052 invasive and 1,852 in situ cervical cancer cases diagnosed during 1976-1985 among Texas residents were identified from the Texas Cancer Registry for study.^ The effect of ethnicity on the incidence of cervical cancer was found to be strongly modified by age. Texas Hispanic women 35 years and older were found to be at significantly greater risk (two- to four-fold) of invasive cervical cancer than Texas Anglos, and the risk was greatest among women 55-69 years. Compared with SEER females, both Texas ethnic groups exhibited excess risks of invasive cancer, but the magnitude varied with age. In contrast, Texas females were diagnosed less frequently with in situ cervical cancer than SEER females, and Hispanics had the largest differentials.^ As an indicator of differences in screening utilization between Texas and SEER ethnic groups, comparisons of in situ with invasive rates revealed both Texas ethnic groups in all age groups to have lower ratios than respective SEER females. Texas Hispanics had the lowest ratios. A larger percentage of squamous cell tumors were diagnosed among SEER females compared with Texas females, also supporting the finding of less screening. Texas invasive cases did not differ by ethnic group in the distribution of cell types. Hispanics 35-54 years had higher rates than Texas Anglos and SEER Hispanics for all four cell types.^ Declines in the incidence of invasive tumors over time were seen among Texas Anglos 35-54 years and Hispanics 55+ years. The mortality of cervical cancer also declined among Texas Anglo and Hispanic females 55+ years, but the rates still remained highest among these groups.^ In summary, these data indicate increased risks of invasive cervical cancer and less screening among subgroups of Texas females. Prevention efforts should be directed toward these Texas women at high risk of invasive cervical tumors. ^
HANES 1 detailed sample data were used to operationalize a definition of health in the absence of disease and to describe and compare the characteristics of the normal (healthy) group versus an abnormal (unhealthy) group.^ Parallel screening gave a 3.8 percent prevalence proportion of physical health, with a female:male ratio of 2:1 and younger ages in the healthy group. Statistically significant Mantel-Haenszel gender-age-adjusted odds ratios (MHOR) were estimated among abnormal non-migrants (1.53), skilled workers/unemployed (1.76), annual family incomes of less than $10,000 (1.56), having ever smoked (1.58), and started smoking before 18 years of age (1.58). Significant MHOR were also found for abnormals for health promoting measures: non-iodized salt use (1.94), needed dental care (1.91); and for fair to poor perceived health (4.28), perceiving health problems (2.52), and low energy level (1.68). Significant protective effects for much to moderate recreational exercise (MHOR 0.42) and very active to moderate non-recreational activity (MHOR 0.49) were also obtained. Covariance analysis additive models detected statistically significant higher mean values for abnormals than normals for serum magnesium, hemoglobin, hematocrit, urinary creatinine, and systolic and diastolic blood pressures, and lower values for abnormals than normals for serum iron. No difference was detected for serum cholesterol. Significant non-additive joint effects were found for body mass index.^ The results suggest positive physical health can be measured with cross-sectional survey data. Gender differentials, and associations between ecologic, socioeconomic, hazardous risk factors, health promoting activities and physical health are in general agreement with published findings on studies of morbidity. Longitudinal prospective studies are suggested to establish the direction of the associations and to enhance present knowledge of health and its promoting factors. ^
La profundización del modelo neoliberal en Argentina durante los '90 alteró los patrones económicos cambiando la estructura económica y su base social de sustentación. El eje organizador del sistema económico pasó de la producción industrial a la especulación financiera. Aunque a principios de la década, y entre 1996-1997, la economía exhibió niveles de crecimiento altos, tuvo pocas repercusiones en la industria, llevando a un empeoramiento de los indicadores del mercado de trabajo. La estructura de la economía demostró no ser apta para la creación de empleo. Distintos estudios ensayan la hipótesis de un proceso de fragmentación/ heterogenización y segmentación de la estructura socio-ocupacional como producto de estas políticas económicas y sociales que afectan a los distintos grupos ocupacionales según distinción por género. En este contexto empírico y teórico, esta investigación profundizó en las características de este fenómeno en Mendoza, con el objetivo de analizar la estructura ocupcional del mercado de trabajo durante el periodo 1991-2002, atendiendo a las particularidades adquiridas según las diferentes etapas del ciclo económico y haciendo referencia a las modalidades adoptadas en torno al género y en relación a las condiciones de inserción laboral, las oportunidades laborales y el papel de la demanda sobre la fragmentación de la fuerza de trabajo.
El crecimiento de la población puneña durante el siglo XX resulta de la evolución de tres circunstancias centrales. La primera consiste en que la sociedad puneña, especialmente la rural, ha sido, y en buena medida lo es, una sociedad tradicional, es decir, no moderna, preindustrial, con estructura social poco diferenciada, con pautas culturales diferenciales. La otra se relaciona con el proceso de articulación entre esa sociedad tradicional y la moderna, capitalista, extra-puneña. La conjetura es que la consolidación del capitalismo en el Noroeste argentino a partir del último tercio del siglo XIX no desplazó ni reemplazó a la sociedad tradicional: convivió con ella durante décadas generando cambios sustanciales en numerosos aspectos. La tercera tiene que ver con la acción del Estado: al menos durante las primeras décadas del XX operó en el contexto del positivismo, asociado con el concepto de desarrollo no lejano al de progreso. A través del progreso, la sociedad tradicional se transforma en una sociedad racional, secular, con estructuras sociales diferenciadas.
Las transformaciones ocurridas en el sector agrícola del Chaco en los ´90, constituyen un ejemplo concreto de procesos de desarrollo geográfico desigual. A partir de 1999 esta provincia, dejó de ser la principal productora algodonera argentina para incorporarse a la siembra de soja genéticamente modificada, convertida en el principal cultivo nacional. El reemplazo de una lógica productiva que sustentó la organización económica y social provincial durante más de cuatro décadas por otra que privilegió la eficiencia y los menores costos comparativos, suscitó conflictos y reacciones diferenciales en el sector según la vulnerabilidad selectiva de los actores involucrados. El objetivo del trabajo es profundizar en ese proceso de reemplazo, estableciendo las principales características de las transformaciones acontecidas y dimensionando tanto sus efectos, como las respuestas de los distintos agentes del sector (una mayoría de pequeños productores tradicionales apoyados por organizaciones no gubernamentales, una minoría de medianos y grandes productores empresarios y el gobierno provincial)
El presente estudio se enfoca en la inversión en infraestructura en la provincia de Buenos Aires como un elemento central del cambio estructural pregonado para minimizar los diferenciales de productividad que constituyen la clave de los problemas del ciclo económico argentino. En el enfoque se asume la relación bidireccional entre territorio y escala nacional. Se diferencian para el análisis la infraestructura social, productiva y aquella que es consecuencia de la estructura económica dominante. Se incluye un estudio descriptivo del peso de cada tipo de infraestructura y de la lógica de localización de la inversión, y también se realiza una regresión econométrica mediante la cual se buscan variables explicativas significativas
El crecimiento de la población puneña durante el siglo XX resulta de la evolución de tres circunstancias centrales. La primera consiste en que la sociedad puneña, especialmente la rural, ha sido, y en buena medida lo es, una sociedad tradicional, es decir, no moderna, preindustrial, con estructura social poco diferenciada, con pautas culturales diferenciales. La otra se relaciona con el proceso de articulación entre esa sociedad tradicional y la moderna, capitalista, extra-puneña. La conjetura es que la consolidación del capitalismo en el Noroeste argentino a partir del último tercio del siglo XIX no desplazó ni reemplazó a la sociedad tradicional: convivió con ella durante décadas generando cambios sustanciales en numerosos aspectos. La tercera tiene que ver con la acción del Estado: al menos durante las primeras décadas del XX operó en el contexto del positivismo, asociado con el concepto de desarrollo no lejano al de progreso. A través del progreso, la sociedad tradicional se transforma en una sociedad racional, secular, con estructuras sociales diferenciadas.
Las transformaciones ocurridas en el sector agrícola del Chaco en los ´90, constituyen un ejemplo concreto de procesos de desarrollo geográfico desigual. A partir de 1999 esta provincia, dejó de ser la principal productora algodonera argentina para incorporarse a la siembra de soja genéticamente modificada, convertida en el principal cultivo nacional. El reemplazo de una lógica productiva que sustentó la organización económica y social provincial durante más de cuatro décadas por otra que privilegió la eficiencia y los menores costos comparativos, suscitó conflictos y reacciones diferenciales en el sector según la vulnerabilidad selectiva de los actores involucrados. El objetivo del trabajo es profundizar en ese proceso de reemplazo, estableciendo las principales características de las transformaciones acontecidas y dimensionando tanto sus efectos, como las respuestas de los distintos agentes del sector (una mayoría de pequeños productores tradicionales apoyados por organizaciones no gubernamentales, una minoría de medianos y grandes productores empresarios y el gobierno provincial)
El presente estudio se enfoca en la inversión en infraestructura en la provincia de Buenos Aires como un elemento central del cambio estructural pregonado para minimizar los diferenciales de productividad que constituyen la clave de los problemas del ciclo económico argentino. En el enfoque se asume la relación bidireccional entre territorio y escala nacional. Se diferencian para el análisis la infraestructura social, productiva y aquella que es consecuencia de la estructura económica dominante. Se incluye un estudio descriptivo del peso de cada tipo de infraestructura y de la lógica de localización de la inversión, y también se realiza una regresión econométrica mediante la cual se buscan variables explicativas significativas
To evaluate the mechanical stress on the volcanic edifice that results from lava lake level variations, we deployed a self-recording, differential capacitance (MEMS Inertial Sensor STMicroelectronics LIS3LV02DQ), 3-axis X6-1A accelerometer (Gulf Coast Data Concepts, LLC) at a distance of ~100m from the center of the Nyiragongo lava lake on freshly erupted lava flows. The device range was used in high (12-bit) resolution mode, which corresponds to a sensitivity of about 1 mg. The device was set to high-sensitivity mode with four additional bits to improve resolution, yet with a much lower signal-noise ratio. Once in position, the accelerometer continuously recorded data for three-day periods in June 2010. The system was oriented so that the X- and Y-axes form a plain parallel to the lava lake. During data collection, we did not attempt to calibrate the precision of the angle because relative G-force measurements were required instead of absolute G-force measurements. To distinguish the tiny accelerations caused by temperature differentials of the atmosphere, from the forces caused by magma movements, the temperature of the X6-1A device was continuously recorded. Temperature variations were corrected for by applying a de-correlation method to the recorded signal. Data was collected at 20 Hz, regrouped into batches that cover 1 hour per observation and associated with one averaged temperature measurement. This method was reproducible because diurnal temperature variations were the main cause for heating and cooling.