650 resultados para Dietary Fibre
Clinically and experimentally, a case for omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) cardioprotection in females has not been clearly established. The goal of this study was to investigate whether dietary omega-3 PUFA supplementation could provide ischemic protection in female mice with an underlying genetic predisposition to cardiac hypertrophy. Mature female transgenic mice (TG) with cardiac-specific overexpression of angiotensinogen that develop normotensive cardiac hypertrophy and littermate wild-type (WT) mice were fed a fish oil-derived diet (FO) or PUFA-matched control diet (CTR) for 4 wk. Myocardial membrane lipids, ex vivo cardiac performance (intraventricular balloon) after global no-flow ischemia and reperfusion (15/30 min), and reperfusion arrhythmia incidence were assessed. FO diet suppressed cardiac growth by 5% and 10% in WT and TG, respectively (P < 0.001). The extent of mechanical recovery [rate-pressure product (RPP) = beats/min x mmHg] of FO-fed WT and TG hearts was similar (50 +/- 7% vs. 45 +/- 12%, 30 min reperfusion), and this was not significantly different from CTR-fed WT or TG. To evaluate whether systemic estrogen was masking a protective effect of the FO diet, the responses of ovariectomized (OVX) WT and TG mice to FO dietary intervention were assessed. The extent of mechanical recovery of FO-fed OVX WT and TG (RPP, 50 +/- 4% vs. 64 +/- 8%) was not enhanced compared with CTR-fed mice (RPP, 60 +/- 11% vs. 80 +/- 8%, P = 0.335). Dietary FO did not suppress the incidence of reperfusion arrhythmias in WT or TG hearts (ovary-intact mice or OVX). Our findings indicate a lack of cardioprotective effect of dietary FO in females, determined by assessment of mechanical and arrhythmic activity postischemia in a murine ex vivo heart model.
Dietary fatty acid supply can affect stress response in fish during early development. Although knowledge on the mechanisms involved in fatty acid regulation of stress tolerance is scarce, it has often been hypothesised that eicosanoid profiles can influence cortisol production. Genomic cortisol actions are mediated by cytosolic receptors which may respond to cellular fatty acid signalling. An experiment was designed to test the effects of feeding gilthead sea-bream larvae with four microdiets, containing graded arachidonic acid (ARA) levels (0·4, 0·8, 1·5 and 3·0 %), on the expression of genes involved in stress response (steroidogenic acute regulatory protein, glucocorticoid receptor and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase), lipid and, particularly, eicosanoid metabolism (hormone-sensitive lipase, PPARα, phospholipase A2, cyclo-oxygenase-2 and 5-lipoxygenase), as determined by real-time quantitative PCR. Fish fatty acid phenotypes reflected dietary fatty acid profiles. Growth performance, survival after acute stress and similar whole-body basal cortisol levels suggested that sea-bream larvae could tolerate a wide range of dietary ARA levels. Transcription of all genes analysed was significantly reduced at dietary ARA levels above 0·4 %. Nonetheless, despite practical suppression of phospholipase A2 transcription, higher leukotriene B4 levels were detected in larvae fed 3·0 % ARA, whereas a similar trend was observed regarding PGE2 production. The present study demonstrates that adaptation to a wide range of dietary ARA levels in gilthead sea-bream larvae involves the modulation of the expression of genes related to eicosanoid synthesis, lipid metabolism and stress response. The roles of ARA, other polyunsaturates and eicosanoids as signals in this process are discussed.
Dietary habits of the Irish population: results from SLÃÂÅN Annual Report 2003 The National Nutritional Surveillance Centre was established in 1992, in the Department of Health Promotion, National University of Ireland,Galway. In 2003 the Centre moved to the Department of Public Health Medicine and Epidemiology, University College Dublin. Its main functions are to provide nutrition-related information to relevant organizations in an accessible form and to monitor trends in health status in relation to food supply, availability and consumption. Click here to download PDF 1.8mb
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SLÃÂÅN 2007: Dietary Habits of the Irish Population The third national Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition (SLÃÂÅN) was conducted in 2007, following previous surveys in 1998 and 2002. The 2007 SLÃÂÅN survey involved a nationally representative sample of 10,364 respondents (62% response rate), of whom 9,223 (89%) completed a standard Willett Food Frequency Questionnaire adapted for use in the Irish population. Click here to download PDF 4mb
This research provides fresh insight into the dichotomy between young people's knowledge of food safety and nutrition, and their behaviour.
The impact that food prepared outside of the home has on the nutrient intakes of adults, has beenstudied previously on the IOI. It was found that food prepared outside the home contains considerably more dietary fat than food prepared within the home and it is also lower in fibre and micronutrients. safefood has commissioned previous nutritional surveys in the takeaway sector.These surveys revealed that certain foods i.e. potato, chicken, pizzas and burgers prepared outside thehome are high in calories, fat and salt. These surveys also reported that there are majordifferences in portion sizes across takeaway outlets on the IOI. Traditional Asian diets are low in fat and high in fruit, vegetables and fibre. However, thesetraditional meals have been adapted to suit Western palates and, in doing so, different ingredients indifferent quantities are added, possibly increasing their fat and salt content. Recent research hasfound that Chinese is the single most popular style of meal across both takeaways and restaurants(excluding pub restaurants) on the IOI. Given the diversity of Chinese dishes available, this surveywas designed to provide an insight into the energy (calorie), total fat, saturated fat, protein and saltcontent of a range of Chinese meals from various Chinese takeaways, and Chinese restaurants with atakeaway service.
The purpose of this study was to assess the validity of two common methods used to assess energy intake. A 3-day weighed dietary record and a dietary history were collected and compared with the total daily energy expenditure (TEE) assessed by the heart rate method in a group of 12 obese and 12 nonobese prepubertal children (mean age 9.3 +/- 1.1 years vs 9.3 +/- 0.4 years). The TEE value was higher in obese than in nonobese children (9.89 +/- 1.08 vs 8.13 +/- 1.39 MJ/day; p < 0.01). Energy intake assessed by the dietary record was significantly lower than TEE in the obese children (7.06 +/- 0.98 MJ/day; p < 0.001) but comparable to TEE in the nonobese children (8.03 +/- 0.99 MJ/day; p = not significant). Energy intake assessed by diet history was lower than TEE in the obese children (8.37 +/- 1.35 MJ/day, p < 0.05) but close to TEE in the nonobese children (8.64 +/- 1.54 MJ/day, p = not significant). These results suggest that obese children underreport food intake and that the dietary record and the diet history are not valid means of assessing energy intake in obese prepubertal children.
OBJECTIVE: To review the mechanisms underlying the metabolic syndrome, or syndrome X, in humans, and to delineate dietary and environmental strategies for its prevention. DESIGN: Review of selected papers of the literature. RESULTS: Hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance play a key role in the development of the metabolic syndrome. Strategies aimed at reducing insulin resistance may be effective in improving the metabolic syndrome. They include low saturated fat intake, consumption of low-glycemic-index foods, physical exercise and prevention of obesity. CONCLUSIONS: Future research, in particular the genetic basis of the metabolic syndrome and the interorgan interactions responsible for insulin resistance, is needed to improve therapeutic strategies for the metabolic syndrome.
Older people have the greatest barriers (mostly in terms of ability/opportunity) to participating in exercise, and thus have the highest incidence of decreased ease in carrying out tasks of daily living. In an ageing society, the negative effects of age on skeletal muscle performance would be reduced if compliance to exercise regimens could be encouraged through simple advice on timing, duration, frequency, intensity, as well as appropriate nutritional interventions. Research into the impact of optimal nutrition/diet supplementation in young and/or athletic populations is extensive. Such data are scarce when considering healthy, older populations. We therefore propose to investigate the impact of healthy eating habits with or without supplementation, on exercise responsiveness. This protocol seeks to maximise training benefits on the neural muscular and tendinous complexes.
High fructose consumption is associated with obesity and characteristics of metabolic syndrome. This includes insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, type II diabetes and hepatic steatosis, the hepatic component of metabolic syndrome. Short term high fructose consumption in healthy humans is considered as a study model to increase intrahepatocellular lipids (IHCL). Protein supplementation added to a short term high fructose diet exerts a protective role on hepatic fat accumulation. Fructose disposal after an acute fructose load is well established. However, fructose disposal is usually studied when a high intake of fructose is ingested. Interaction of fructose with other macronutrients on fructose disposal is not clearly established. We wanted to assess how fructose disposal is modulated with nutritional factors. For the first study, we addressed the question of how would essential amino acid (EAA) supplemented to a high fructose diet have an impact on hepatic fat accumulation? We tried to distinguish which metabolic pathways were responsible for the increase in IHCL induced by high fructose intake and how those pathways would be modulated by EAA. After 6 days of hypercaloric high fructose diet, we observed, as expected an increase in IHCL modulated by an increase in VLDL-triglycerides and an increase in VLDL-13C-palmitate production. When adding a supplementation in EAA, we observed a decrease in IHCL but we could not define which mechanism was responsible for this process. With the second study, we were interested to observe fructose disposal after a test meal that contained lipid, protein and a physiologic dose of fructose co-ingested or not with glucose. When ingested with other macronutrients, hepatic fructose disposal is similar as when ingested as pure fructose. It induced oxidation, gluconeogenesis followed by glycogen synthesis, conversion into lactate and to a minor extent by de novo lipogenesis. When co- ingested with glucose decreased fructose oxidation as well as gluconeogenesis and an increased glycogen synthesis without affecting de novo lipogenesis or lactate. We were also able to observe induction of intestinal de novo lipogenesis with both fructose and fructose co- ingested with glucose. In summary, essential amino acids supplementation blunted increase in hepatic fat content induced by a short term chronic fructose overfeeding. However, EAA failed to improve other cardiovascular risk factors. Under isocaloric condition and in the frame of an acute test meal, physiologic dose of fructose associated with other macronutrients led to the same fructose disposal as when fructose is ingested alone. When co-ingested with glucose, we observed a decrease in fructose oxidation and gluconeogenesis as well as an increased in glycogen storage without affecting other metabolic pathways. - Une consommation élevée en fructose est associée à l'obésité et aux caractéristiques du syndrome métabolique. Ces dernières incluent une résistance à l'insuline, une dyslipidémie, un diabète de type II et la stéatose hépatique, composant hépatique du syndrome métabolique. À court terme une forte consommation en fructose chez l'homme sain est considérée comme un modèle d'étude pour augmenter la teneur en graisse hépatique. Une supplémentation en protéines ajoutée à une alimentation riche en fructose de courte durée a un effet protecteur sur l'accumulation des graisses au niveau du foie. Le métabolisme du fructose après une charge de fructose aiguë est bien établi. Toutefois, ce dernier est généralement étudié quand une consommation élevée de fructose est donnée. L'interaction du fructose avec d'autres macronutriments sur le métabolisme du fructose n'est pas connue. Nous voulions évaluer la modulation du métabolisme du fructose par des facteurs nutritionnels. Pour la première étude, nous avons abordé la question de savoir quel impact aurait une supplémentation en acides aminés essentiels (AEE) associé à une alimentation riche en fructose sur l'accumulation des graisses hépatiques. Nous avons essayé de distinguer les voies métaboliques responsables de l'augmentation des graisses hépatiques induite par l'alimentation riche en fructose et comment ces voies étaient modulées par les AEE. Après 6 jours d'une alimentation hypercalorique riche en fructose, nous avons observé, comme attendu, une augmentation des graisses hépatiques modulée par une augmentation des triglycérides-VLDL et une augmentation de la production de VLDL-13C-palmitate. Lors de la supplémentation en AEE, nous avons observé une diminution des graisses hépatiques mais les mécanismes responsables de ce processus n'ont pas pu être mis en évidence. Avec la seconde étude, nous nous sommes intéressés à observer le métabolisme du fructose après un repas test contenant des lipides, des protéines et une dose physiologique de fructose co-ingéré ou non avec du glucose. Lorsque le fructose était ingéré avec les autres macronutriments, le devenir hépatique du fructose était similaire à celui induit par du fructose pur. Il a induit une oxydation, suivie d'une néoglucogenèses, une synthèse de glycogène, une conversion en lactate et dans une moindre mesure une lipogenèse de novo. Lors de la co-ngestion avec du glucose, nous avons observé une diminution de l'oxydation du fructose et de la néoglucogenèse et une augmentation de la synthèse du glycogène, sans effet sur la lipogenèse de novo ni sur le lactate. Nous avons également pu mettre en évidence que le fructose et le fructose ingéré de façon conjointe avec du glucose ont induit une lipogenèse de novo au niveau de l'intestin. En résumé, la supplémentation en acides aminés essentiels a contrecarré l'augmentation de la teneur en graisse hépatique induite par une suralimentation en fructose sur le court terme. Cependant, la supplémentation en AEE a échoué à améliorer d'autres facteurs de risque cardiovasculaires. Dans la condition isocalorique et dans le cadre d'un repas test aiguë, la dose physiologique de fructose associée à d'autres macronutriments a conduit aux mêmes aboutissants du métabolisme du fructose que lorsque le fructose est ingéré seul. Lors de la co-ngestion avec le glucose, une diminution de l'oxydation du fructose est de la néoglucogenèse est observée en parallèle à une augmentation de la synthèse de glycogène sans affecter les autres voies métaboliques.
Specific metabolic pathways are activated by different nutrients to adapt the organism to available resources. Although essential, these mechanisms are incompletely defined. Here, we report that medium-chain fatty acids contained in coconut oil, a major source of dietary fat, induce the liver ω-oxidation genes Cyp4a10 and Cyp4a14 to increase the production of dicarboxylic fatty acids. Furthermore, these activate all ω- and β-oxidation pathways through peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR) α and PPARγ, an activation loop normally kept under control by dicarboxylic fatty acid degradation by the peroxisomal enzyme L-PBE. Indeed, L-pbe(-/-) mice fed coconut oil overaccumulate dicarboxylic fatty acids, which activate all fatty acid oxidation pathways and lead to liver inflammation, fibrosis, and death. Thus, the correct homeostasis of dicarboxylic fatty acids is a means to regulate the efficient utilization of ingested medium-chain fatty acids, and its deregulation exemplifies the intricate relationship between impaired metabolism and inflammation.
Exogenous oxidized cholesterol disturbs both lipid metabolism and immune functions. Therefore, it may perturb these modulations with ageing. Effects of the dietary protein type on oxidized cholesterol-induced modulations of age-related changes in lipid metabolism and immune function was examined using differently aged (4 weeks versus 8 months) male Sprague-Dawley rats when casein, soybean protein or milk whey protein isolate (WPI) was the dietary protein source, respectively. The rats were given one of the three proteins in diet containing 0.2% oxidized cholesterols mixture. Soybean protein, as compared with the other two proteins, significantly lowered both the serum thiobarbituric acid reactive substances value and cholesterol, whereas it elevated the ratio of high density lipoprotein-cholesterol/cholesterol in young rats, but not in adult. Moreover, soybean protein, but not casein and WPI, suppressed the elevation of Delta6 desaturation indices of phospholipids in both liver and spleen, particularly in young. On the other hand, WPI, compared to the other two proteins, inhibited the leukotriene B4 production of spleen, irrespective of age. Soybean protein reduced the ratio of CD4(+)/CD8(+) T-cells in splenic lymphocytes. Therefore, the levels of immunoglobulin (Ig)A, IgE and IgG in serum were lowered in rats given soybean protein in both age groups except for IgA in adult, although these observations were not shown in rats given other proteins. Thus, various perturbations of lipid metabolism and immune function caused by oxidized cholesterol were modified depending on the type of dietary protein. The moderation by soybean protein on the change of lipid metabolism seems to be susceptible in young rats whose homeostatic ability is immature. These observations may be exerted through both the promotion of oxidized cholesterol excretion to feces and the change of hormonal release, while WPI may suppress the disturbance of immune function by oxidized cholesterol in both ages. This alleviation may be associated with a large amount of lactoglobulin in WPI. These results thus showed a possibility that oxidized cholesterol-induced perturbations of age-related changes of lipid metabolism and immune function can be moderated by both the selection and combination of dietary protein.
More than one hundred years ago the "protein hypothesis" of the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and its association with cardiovascular disease was put forward on the basis of animal experiments; however, it has so far never been verified in humans. This theory was soon replaced by the "lipid hypothesis", which was confirmed in humans as of 1994. Epidemiological ecological studies in the 1960 s showed significant associations between dietary animal protein and mortality from cardiovascular disease. However, animal protein intake was also significantly correlated with saturated fatty acid and cholesterol intake. In the last decades two prospective cohort studies demonstrated a decreased cardiovascular risk in women during high- versus low-protein intake when adjusting for other dietary factors (e. g., saturated fats) and other cardiovascular risk factors. A direct cholesterol lowering effect of proteins has not been shown. Despite earlier research indicating that soy protein has cardioprotective effects as compared to other proteins, these observations have not been confirmed by randomized placebo-controlled trials. However, most experts recommend the consumption of foods rich in plant proteins as alternatives to meat and dairy products rich in saturated fat and containing cholesterol. There are no scientific arguments to increase the daily protein intake to more than 20 % of total energy intake as recommended by the guidelines, in order to improve cardiovascular health.
Stable carbon and oxygen isotope analyses were conducted on pedogenic needle fibre calcite (NFC) from seven sites in areas with roughly similar temperate climates in Western Europe, including the Swiss Jura Mountains, eastern and southern France, northern Wales, and north-eastern Spain. The δ(13)C values (-12.5 to-6.8 0/00 Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite (VPDB)) record the predominant C(3) vegetation cover at the sites. A good correlation was found between mean monthly climatic parameters (air temperature, number of frost days, humidity, and precipitation) and δ(18)O values (-7.8 to-3.40/00 VPDB) of all the NFC. Similar seasonal variations of δ(18)O values for monthly NFC samples from the Swiss sites and those of mean monthly δ(18)O values of local precipitation and meteorological data point out precipitation and preferential growth/or recrystallisation of the pedogenic needle calcite during dry seasons. These covariations indicate the potential of stable isotope compositions of preserved NFC in fossil soil horizons as a promising tool for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions.