949 resultados para Destination Positioning, Decision Sets, Longitudinal, Short Breaks


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This paper provides a meta-analysis of long/short distance passenger interconnectivity within the European context. The analysis is based on the results of the European project HERMES of the 7th EU R&D Programme. The study collected stakeholders and travelers’ valuation and preferences in 5 interchanges in 3 EU countries. To that end a common survey was conducted in the following sites: Gothenburg Central Station (Sweden), Avenida de America Interchange in Madrid, Lleida-Zaragoza railway stations (Spain), and the Intermodal Station of Part Dieu in Lyon (France). The first survey addresses the analysis of the different stakeholders’ opinion on the interchange management and characteristics. The second survey gives an insight into the key requirements of long/short distance intermodal passengers in the selected case studies. This included the following aspects: on one hand, trip origin and destination, connecting transport services and modes, trip characteristics, type of ticket, trip motive and socioeconomic characteristics of the traveller. On the other hand, it was structured in such a way to ask passengers to rate importance/satisfaction of a series of common quality and functional aspects like information, accessibility, transfer times, service supply, etc. In conclusion, the paper highlights which elements of the interchange are considered as relevant and how different groups of stakeholders value them, both theoretically and in the selected case studies. They also have identified some key barriers as the lack of internal coordination among operators, managers and decision makers, as well as the the poor signage, particularly among connecting services. Travellers seem to have different priorities depending on their age, purpose of trip and mode chosen. In some cases time appears as the most relevant factor, whilst price is decisive in others.


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The global economic structure, with its decentralized production and the consequent increase in freight traffic all over the world, creates considerable problems and challenges for the freight transport sector. This situation has led shipping to become the most suitable and cheapest way to transport goods. Thus, ports are configured as nodes with critical importance in the logistics supply chain as a link between two transport systems, sea and land. Increase in activity at seaports is producing three undesirable effects: increasing road congestion, lack of open space in port installations and a significant environmental impact on seaports. These adverse effects can be mitigated by moving part of the activity inland. Implementation of dry ports is a possible solution and would also provide an opportunity to strengthen intermodal solutions as part of an integrated and more sustainable transport chain, acting as a link between road and railway networks. In this sense, implementation of dry ports allows the separation of the links of the transport chain, thus facilitating the shortest possible routes for the lowest capacity and most polluting means of transport. Thus, the decision of where to locate a dry port demands a thorough analysis of the whole logistics supply chain, with the objective of transferring the largest volume of goods possible from road to more energy efficient means of transport, like rail or short-sea shipping, that are less harmful to the environment. However, the decision of where to locate a dry port must also ensure the sustainability of the site. Thus, the main goal of this article is to research the variables influencing the sustainability of dry port location and how this sustainability can be evaluated. With this objective, in this paper we present a methodology for assessing the sustainability of locations by the use of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) and Bayesian Networks (BNs). MCDA is used as a way to establish a scoring, whilst BNs were chosen to eliminate arbitrariness in setting the weightings using a technique that allows us to prioritize each variable according to the relationships established in the set of variables. In order to determine the relationships between all the variables involved in the decision, giving us the importance of each factor and variable, we built a K2 BN algorithm. To obtain the scores of each variable, we used a complete cartography analysed by ArcGIS. Recognising that setting the most appropriate location to place a dry port is a geographical multidisciplinary problem, with significant economic, social and environmental implications, we consider 41 variables (grouped into 17 factors) which respond to this need. As a case of study, the sustainability of all of the 10 existing dry ports in Spain has been evaluated. In this set of logistics platforms, we found that the most important variables for achieving sustainability are those related to environmental protection, so the sustainability of the locations requires a great respect for the natural environment and the urban environment in which they are framed.


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Esta tesis trata sobre la construcción modular ligera, dentro del contexto de la eficiencia energética y de cara a los conceptos de nZEB (near Zero Energy Building) y NZEB (Net Zero Energy Building) que se manejan en el ámbito europeo y específicamente dentro del marco regulador de la Directiva 2010/31 UE. En el contexto de la Unión Europea, el sector de la edificación representa el 40% del total del consumo energético del continente. Asumiendo la necesidad de reducir este consumo se han planteado, desde los organismos de dirección europeos, unos objetivos (objetivos 20-20-20) para hacer más eficiente el parque edificatorio. Estos objetivos, que son vinculantes en términos de legislación, comprometen a todos los estados miembros a conseguir la meta de reducción de consumo y emisiones de GEI (Gases de Efecto Invernadero) antes del año 2020. Estos conceptos de construcción modular ligera (CML) y eficiencia energética no suelen estar asociados por el hecho de que este tipo de construcción no suele estar destinada a un uso intensivo y no cuenta con unos cerramientos con niveles de aislamiento de acuerdo a las normativas locales o códigos de edificación de cada país. El objetivo de nZEB o NZEB, e incluso Energy Plus, según sea el caso, necesariamente (y así queda establecido en las normativas), dependerá no sólo de la mejora de los niveles de aislamiento de los edificios, sino también de la implementación de sistemas de generación renovables, independientemente del tipo de sistema constructivo con el que se trabaje e incluso de la tipología edificatoria. Si bien es cierto que los niveles de industrialización de la sociedad tecnológica actual han alcanzado varias de las fases del proceso constructivo - sobre todo en cuanto a elementos compositivos de los edificios- también lo es el hecho de que las cotas de desarrollo conseguidas en el ámbito de la construcción no llegan al nivel de evolución que se puede apreciar en otros campos de las ingenierías como la aeronáutica o la industria del automóvil. Aunque desde finales del siglo pasado existen modelos y proyectos testimoniales de construcción industrializada ligera (CIL) e incluso ya a principios del siglo XX, ejemplos de construcción modular ligera (CML), como la Casa Voisin, la industrialización de la construcción de edificios no ha sido una constante progresiva con un nivel de comercialización equiparable al de la construcción masiva y pesada. Los términos construcción industrializada, construcción prefabricada, construcción modular y construcción ligera, no siempre hacen referencia a lo mismo y no siempre son sinónimos entre sí. Un edificio puede ser prefabricado y no ser modular ni ligero y tal es el caso, por poner un ejemplo, de la construcción con paneles de hormigón prefabricado. Lo que sí es una constante es que en el caso de la construcción modular ligera, la prefabricación y la industrialización, casi siempre vienen implícitas en muchos ejemplos históricos y actuales. Con relación al concepto de eficiencia energética (nZEB o incluso NZEB), el mismo no suele estar ligado a la construcción modular ligera y/o ligera industrializada; más bien se le ve unido a la idea de cerramientos masivos con gran inercia térmica propios de estándares de diseño como el Passivhaus; y aunque comúnmente a la construcción ligera se le asocian otros conceptos que le restan valor (corta vida útil; función y formas limitadas, fuera de todo orden estético; limitación en los niveles de confort, etc.), los avances que se van alcanzando en materia de tecnologías para el aprovechamiento de la energía y sistemas de generación renovables, pueden conseguir revertir estas ideas y unificar el criterio de eficiencia + construcción modular ligera. Prototipos y proyectos académicos– como el concurso Solar Decathlon que se celebra desde el año 2002 promovido por el DOE (Departamento de Energía de los Estados Unidos), y que cuenta con ediciones europeas como las de los años 2010 y 2012, replantean la idea de la construcción industrializada, modular y ligera dentro del contexto de la eficiencia energética, con prototipos de viviendas de ± 60m2, propuestos por las universidades concursantes, y cuyo objetivo es alcanzar y/o desarrollar el concepto de NZEB (Net Zero Energy Building) o edificio de energía cero. Esta opción constructiva no sólo representa durabilidad, seguridad y estética, sino también, rapidez en la fabricación y montaje, además de altas prestaciones energéticas como se ha podido demostrar en las sucesivas ediciones del Solar Decathlon. Este tipo de iniciativas de desarrollo de tecnologías constructivas, no sólo apuntan a la eficiencia energética sino al concepto global de energía neta, Energía plus o cero emisiones de CO2. El nivel de emisiones por la fabricación y puesta en obra de los materiales de construcción depende, en muchos casos, no solo de la propia naturaleza del material, sino también de la cantidad de recursos utilizados para producir una unidad de medida determinada (kg, m3, m2, ml, etc). En este sentido podría utilizarse, en muchos casos, el argumento válido de que a menos peso, y a menos tamaño, menos emisiones globales de gases de efecto invernadero y menos contaminación. Para el trabajo de investigación de esta tesis se han tomado como referencias válidas para estudio, prototipos tanto de CML (Modular 3D) como de CIL (panelizado y elementos 2D), dado que para los fines de análisis de las prestaciones energéticas de los materiales de cerramiento, ambos sistemas son equiparables. Para poder llegar a la conclusión fundamental de este trabajo de tesis doctoral - que consiste en demostrar la viabilidad tecnológica/ industrial que supone la combinación de la eficiencia energética y la construcción modular ligera - se parte del estudio del estado de la técnica ( desde la selección de los materiales y los posibles procesos de industrialización en fábrica, hasta su puesta en obra, funcionamiento y uso, bajo los conceptos de consumo cero, cero emisiones de carbono y plus energético). Además -y con un estado de la técnica que identifica la situación actual- se llevan a cabo pruebas y ensayos con un prototipo a escala natural y células de ensayo, para comprobar el comportamiento de los elementos compositivos de los mismos, frente a unas condicionantes climáticas determinadas. Este tipo de resultados se contrastan con los obtenidos mediante simulaciones informáticas basadas en los mismos parámetros y realizadas en su mayoría mediante métodos simplificados de cálculos, validados por los organismos competentes en materia de eficiencia energética en la edificación en España y de acuerdo a la normativa vigente. ABSTRACT This thesis discusses lightweight modular construction within the context of energy efficiency in nZEB (near Zero Energy Building) and NZEB (Net Zero Energy Building) both used in Europe and, specifically, within the limits of the regulatory framework of the EU Directive 2010/31. In the European Union the building sector represents 40% of the total energy consumption of the continent. Due to the need to reduce this consumption, European decision-making institutions have proposed aims (20-20-20 aims) to render building equipment more efficient. These aims are bound by law and oblige all member States to endeavour to reduce consumption and GEI emissions before the year 2020. Lightweight modular construction concepts and energy efficiency are not generally associated because this type of building is not normally meant for intensive use and does not have closures with insulation levels which fit the local regulations or building codes of each country. The objective of nZEB or NZEB and even Energy Plus, depending on each case, will necessarily be associated (as established in the guidelines) not only with the improvement of insulation levels in buildings, but also with the implementation of renewable systems of generation, independent of the type of building system used and of the building typology. Although it is true that the levels of industrialisation in the technological society today have reached several of the building process phases - particularly in the composite elements of buildings - it is also true that the quotas of development achieved in the area of construction have not reached the evolutionary levelfound in other fields of engineering, such as aeronautics or the automobile industry. Although there have been models and testimonial projects of lightweight industrialised building since the end of last century, even going back as far as the beginning of the XX century with examples of lightweight modular construction such as the Voisin House, industrialisation in the building industry has not been constant nor is its comercialisation comparable to massive and heavy construction. The terms industrialised building, prefabricated building, modular building and lightweight building, do not always refer to the same thing and they are not always synonymous. A building can be prefabricated yet not be modular or lightweight. To give an example, this is the case of building with prefabricated concrete panels. What is constant is that, in the case of lightweight modular construction, prefabrication and industrialisation are almost always implicit in many historical and contemporary examples. Energy efficiency (nZEB or even NZEB) is not normally linked to lightweight modular construction and/or industrialised lightweight; rather, it is united to the idea of massive closureswith high thermal inertia typical of design standards such as the Passive House; and although other concepts that subtract value from it are generally associated with lightweight building (short useful life, limited forms and function, inappropriate toany aesthetic pattern; limitation in comfort levels, etc.), the advances being achieved in technology for benefitting from energy and renewable systems of generation may well reverse these ideas and unify the criteria of efficiency + lightweight modular construction. Academic prototypes and projects - such as the Solar Decathlon competition organised by the US Department of Energy and celebrated since 2002, with its corresponding European events such as those held in 2010 and 2012, place a different slant on the idea of industrialised, modular and lightweight building within the context of energy efficiency, with prototypes of homes measuring approximately 60m2, proposed by university competitors, whose aim is to reach and/or develop the NZEB concept, or the zero energy building. This building option does not only signify durability, security and aesthetics, but also fast manufacture and assembly. It also has high energy benefits, as has been demonstrated in successive events of the Solar Decathlon. This type of initiative for the development of building technologies, does not only aim at energy efficiency, but also at the global concept of net energy, Energy Plus and zero CO2 emissions. The level of emissions in the manufacture and introduction of building materials in many cases depends not only on the inherent nature of the material, but also on the quantity of resources used to produce a specific unit of measurement (kg, m3, m2, ml, etc.). Thus in many cases itcould be validly arguedthat with less weight and smaller size, there will be fewer global emissions of greenhouse effect gases and less contamination. For the research carried out in this thesis prototypes such as the CML (3D Module) and CIL (panelled and elements) have been used as valid study references, becauseboth systems are comparablefor the purpose of analysing the energy benefits of closure materials. So as to reach a basic conclusion in this doctoral thesis - that sets out to demonstrate the technological/industrial viability of the combination of energy efficiency and lightweight modular construction - the departure point is the study of the state of the technique (from the selection of materials and the possible processes of industrialisation in manufacture, to their use on site, functioning and use, respecting the concepts of zero consumption, zero emissions of carbon and Energy Plus). Moreover, with the state of the technique identifying the current situation, tests and practices have been carried out with a natural scale prototype and test cells so as to verify the behaviour of the composite elements of these in certain climatic conditions. These types of result are contrasted with those obtained through computer simulation based on the same parameters and done, principally, using simplified methods of calculation, validated by institutions competent in energy efficiency in Spanish building and in line with the rules in force.


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Funding The International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG) provided funding for this research project as an UNLOCK group study for which the funding was obtained through an unrestricted grant by Novartis AG, Basel, Switzerland. The latter funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript. Database access for the OPCRD was provided by the Respiratory Effectiveness Group (REG) and Research in Real Life; the OPCRD statistical analysis was funded by REG. The Bocholtz Study was funded by PICASSO for COPD, an initiative of Boehringer Ingelheim, Pfizer and the Caphri Research Institute, Maastricht University, The Netherlands.


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5′-End fragments of two genes encoding plastid-localized acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase; EC of wheat (Triticum aestivum) were cloned and sequenced. The sequences of the two genes, Acc-1,1 and Acc-1,2, are 89% identical. Their exon sequences are 98% identical. The amino acid sequence of the biotin carboxylase domain encoded by Acc-1,1 and Acc-1,2 is 93% identical with the maize plastid ACCase but only 80–84% identical with the cytosolic ACCases from other plants and from wheat. Four overlapping fragments of cDNA covering the entire coding region were cloned by PCR and sequenced. The wheat plastid ACCase ORF contains 2,311 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 255 kDa. A putative transit peptide is present at the N terminus. Comparison of the genomic and cDNA sequences revealed introns at conserved sites found in the genes of other plant multifunctional ACCases, including two introns absent from the wheat cytosolic ACCase genes. Transcription start sites of the plastid ACCase genes were estimated from the longest cDNA clones obtained by 5′-RACE (rapid amplification of cDNA ends). The untranslated leader sequence encoded by the Acc-1 genes is at least 130–170 nucleotides long and is interrupted by an intron. Southern analysis indicates the presence of only one copy of the gene in each ancestral chromosome set. The gene maps near the telomere on the short arm of chromosomes 2A, 2B, and 2D. Identification of three different cDNAs, two corresponding to genes Acc-1,1 and Acc-1,2, indicates that all three genes are transcriptionally active.


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Positioned nucleosomes contribute to both the structure and the function of the chromatin fiber and can play a decisive role in controlling gene expression. We have mapped, at high resolution, the translational positions adopted by limiting amounts of core histone octamers reconstituted onto 4.4 kb of DNA comprising the entire chicken adult beta-globin gene, its enhancer, and flanking sequences. The octamer displays extensive variation in its affinity for different positioning sites, the range exhibited being about 2 orders of magnitude greater than that of the initial binding of the octamer. Strong positioning sites are located 5' and 3' of the globin gene and in the second intron but are absent from the coding regions. These sites exhibit a periodicity (approximately 200 bp) similar to the average spacing of nucleosomes on the inactive beta-globin gene in vivo, which could indicate their involvement in packaging the gene into higher-order chromatin structure. Overlapping, alternative octamer positioning sites commonly exhibit spacings of 20 and 40 bp, but not of 10 bp. These short-range periodicities could reflect features of the core particle structure contributing to the pronounced sequence-dependent manner in which the core histone octamer interacts with DNA.


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A fundamental catalytic principle for protein enzymes in the use of binding interactions away from the site of chemical transformation for catalysis. We have compared the binding and reactivity of a series of oligonucleotide substrates and products of the Tetrahymena ribozyme, which catalyzes a site-specific phosphodiester cleavage reaction: CCCUCUpA+G<-->CCCUCU-OH+GpA. The results suggest that this RNA enzyme, like protein enzymes, can utilize binding interactions to achieve substantial catalysis via entropic fixation and substrate destabilization. The stronger binding of the all-ribose oligonucleotide product compared to an analog with a terminal 3' deoxyribose residue gives an effective concentration of 2200 M for the 3' hydroxyl group, a value approaching those obtained with protein enzymes and suggesting the presence of a structurally well defined active site capable of precise positioning. The stabilization from tertiary binding interactions is 40-fold less for the oligonucleotide substrate than the oligonucleotide product, despite the presence of the reactive phosphoryl group in the substrate. This destabilization is accounted for by a model in which tertiary interactions away from the site of bond cleavage position the electron-deficient 3' bridging phosphoryl oxygen of the oligonucleotide substrate next to an electropositive Mg ion. As the phosphodiester bond breaks and this 3' oxygen atom develops a negative charge in the transition state, the weak interaction of the substrate with Mg2+ becomes strong. These strategies of "substrate destabilization" and "transition state stabilization" provide estimated rate enhancements of approximately 280- and approximately 60-fold, respectively. Analogous substrate destabilization by a metal ion or hydrogen bond donor may be used more generally by RNA and protein enzymes catalyzing reactions of phosphate esters.


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Introdução: A prevalência de doenças crônicas, sobretudo na população idosa, nos coloca diante da necessidade de modelos longitudinais de cuidado. Atualmente os sujeitos estão sendo cada vez mais responsabilizados pelo gerenciamento de sua saúde através do uso de dispositivos de monitoramento, tais como o glicosímetro e o aferidor de pressão arterial. Esta nova realidade culmina na tomada de decisão no próprio domicílio. Objetivos: Identificar a tomada de decisão de idosos no monitoramento domiciliar das condições crônicas; identificar se as variáveis: sexo, escolaridade e renda influenciam a tomada de decisão; identificar a percepção dos idosos quanto às ações de cuidado no domicílio; identificar as dificuldades e estratégias no manuseio dos dispositivos de monitoramento. Materiais e métodos: Estudo quantitativo, exploratório e transversal. Casuística: 150 sujeitos com 60 anos de idade ou mais, sem comprometimento cognitivo, sem depressão e que façam uso do glicosímetro e/ou do aferidor de pressão arterial no domicílio. Instrumentos para seleção dos participantes: (1) Mini Exame do Estado Mental; (2) Escala de Depressão Geriátrica e (3) Escala de Atividades Instrumentais de Vida Diária de Lawton e Brody; Coleta de dados: realizada na cidade de Ribeirão Preto - SP entre setembro de 2014 e outubro de 2015. Instrumentos: (1) Questionário Socioeconômico; (2) Questionário sobre a tomada de decisão no monitoramento da saúde no domicílio (3) Classificação do uso de dispositivos eletrônicos voltados aos cuidados à saúde. Análise dos dados: Realizada estatística descritiva e quantificações absolutas e percentuais para identificar a relação entre tomada de decisão de acordo com o sexo, escolaridade e renda. Resultados: Participaram 150 idosos, sendo 117 mulheres e 33 homens, com média de idade de 72 anos. Destes, 113 são hipertensos e 62 são diabéticos. Quanto à tomada de decisão imediata, tanto os que fazem uso do aferidor de pressão arterial (n=128) quanto do glicosímetro (n=62) referem em sua maioria procurar ajuda médica, seguida da administração do medicamento prescrito e opções alternativas de tratamento. Em médio prazo destaca-se a procura por ajuda profissional para a maioria dos idosos em ambos os grupos. Foi notada pequena diferença na tomada de decisão com relação ao sexo. Quanto à escolaridade, os idosos com mais anos de estudos tendem a procurar mais pelo serviço de saúde se comparado aos idosos de menor escolaridade. A renda não mostrou influencia entre os usuários do glicosímetro. Já entre os usuários do aferidor de pressão arterial, idosos de maior renda tendem a procurar mais pelo serviço de saúde. A maioria dos participantes se refere ao monitoramento domiciliar da saúde de maneira positiva, principalmente pela praticidade em não sair de casa, obtenção rápida de resultados e possibilidade de controle contínuo da doença. As principais dificuldades no manuseio do glicosímetro estão relacionadas ao uso da lanceta e fita reagente, seguida da checagem dos resultados armazenados. Já as dificuldades no uso do aferidor de pressão arterial estão relacionadas a conferir o resultado após cada medida e ao posicionamento correto do corpo durante o monitoramento. Em ambos os grupos as estratégias utilizadas são pedir o auxílio de terceiros e tentativa e erro. Conclusão: Os idosos tem se mostrado favoráveis às ações de monitoramento domiciliar da saúde. De maneira geral, de imediato decidem por ações dentro do próprio domicílio para o controle dos sintomas e isto reforça a necessidade do investimento em informação de qualidade e educação em saúde para que o gerenciamento domiciliar possa vir a ser uma vertente do cuidado integral no tratamento das condições crônicas.


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É importante que as redes elétricas tenham altos índices de confiabilidade, de forma a se manter a agilidade e a manutenção ideais para um melhor funcionamento. Por outro lado, o crescimento inesperado da carga, falhas em equipamentos e uma parametrização inadequada das funções de proteção tornam a análise de eventos de proteção mais complexas e demoradas. Além disso, a quantidade de informações que pode ser obtida de relés digitais modernos tem crescido constantemente. Para que seja possível uma rápida tomada de decisão e manutenção, esse projeto de pesquisa teve como objetivo a implementação de um sistema completo de diagnóstico que é ativado automaticamente quando um evento de proteção ocorrer. As informações a serem analisadas são obtidas de uma base de dados e de relés de proteção, via protocolo de comunicação IEC 61850 e arquivos de oscilografia. O trabalho aborda o sistema Smart Grid completo incluindo: a aquisição de dados nos relés, detalhando o sistema de comunicação desenvolvido através de um software com um cliente IEC61850 e um servidor OPC e um software com um cliente OPC, que é ativado por eventos configurados para dispará-lo (por exemplo, atuação da proteção); o sistema de pré-tratamento de dados, onde os dados provenientes dos relés e equipamentos de proteção são filtrados, pré-processados e formatados; e o sistema de diagnóstico. Um banco de dados central mantém atualizados os dados de todas essas etapas. O sistema de diagnóstico utiliza algoritmos convencionais e técnicas de inteligência artificial, em particular, um sistema especialista. O sistema especialista foi desenvolvido para lidar com diferentes conjuntos de dados de entrada e com uma possível falta de dados, sempre garantindo a entrega de diagnósticos. Foram realizados testes e simulações para curtos-circuitos (trifásico, dupla-fase, dupla-fase-terra e fase-terra) em alimentadores, transformadores e barras de uma subestação. Esses testes incluíram diferentes estados do sistema de proteção (funcionamento correto e impróprio). O sistema se mostrou totalmente eficaz tanto no caso de disponibilidade completa quanto parcial de informações, sempre fornecendo um diagnóstico do curto-circuito e analisando o funcionamento das funções de proteção da subestação. Dessa forma, possibilita-se uma manutenção muito mais eficiente pelas concessionárias de energia, principalmente no que diz respeito à prevenção de defeitos em equipamentos, rápida resposta a problemas, e necessidade de reparametrização das funções de proteção. O sistema foi instalado com sucesso em uma subestação de distribuição da Companhia Paulista de Força e Luz.


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In Shelby County v. Holder the Supreme Court invalidated key provisions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 based on Congress’s failure to justify the formula used to determine which jurisdictions would be subject to the Act’s pre-clearance requirement of submitting all changes to voting procedures to the Justice Department for prior approval. This short essay explores one problematic feature of the Court’s analysis: its refusal to consider the legislative record as adequate because it was created to justify the coverage formula after the fact, rather than to facilitate deliberation on the coverage formula before a decision had been made. This reasoning essentially imports from administrative law a rule called the Chenery principle, and as this essay explains, it does so without justification. The differences between administrative and legislative decision making processes compel different treatment by the courts, and treating legislative records like administrative ones, in essence, asks of Congress something it is institutionally ill-equipped to perform. It sets Congress up to fail.


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Many destination marketing organizations in the United States and elsewhere are facing budget retrenchment for tourism marketing, especially for advertising. This study evaluates a three-stage model using Random Coefficient Logit (RCL) approach which controls for correlations between different non-independent alternatives and considers heterogeneity within individual’s responses to advertising. The results of this study indicate that the proposed RCL model results in a significantly better fit as compared to traditional logit models, and indicates that tourism advertising significantly influences tourist decisions with several variables (age, income, distance and Internet access) moderating these decisions differently depending on decision stage and product type. These findings suggest that this approach provides a better foundation for assessing, and in turn, designing more effective advertising campaigns.


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Outliers are objects that show abnormal behavior with respect to their context or that have unexpected values in some of their parameters. In decision-making processes, information quality is of the utmost importance. In specific applications, an outlying data element may represent an important deviation in a production process or a damaged sensor. Therefore, the ability to detect these elements could make the difference between making a correct and an incorrect decision. This task is complicated by the large sizes of typical databases. Due to their importance in search processes in large volumes of data, researchers pay special attention to the development of efficient outlier detection techniques. This article presents a computationally efficient algorithm for the detection of outliers in large volumes of information. This proposal is based on an extension of the mathematical framework upon which the basic theory of detection of outliers, founded on Rough Set Theory, has been constructed. From this starting point, current problems are analyzed; a detection method is proposed, along with a computational algorithm that allows the performance of outlier detection tasks with an almost-linear complexity. To illustrate its viability, the results of the application of the outlier-detection algorithm to the concrete example of a large database are presented.


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Tese de doutoramento, Psicologia (Psicologia Clínica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2016


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From the Preface. Pursuant to Article 13(3) of Council Decision 2010/427/EU of 26 July 2010 establishing the organisation and functioning of the European External Action Service, the High Representative is held to provide a review of the organisation and functioning of the EEAS by mid-­‐2013. This review will cover, inter alia, the implementation of Article 6(6), (8) and (11), so as to ensure an adequate geographical and gender balance and a meaningful presence of nationals from all member states in the EEAS. If necessary, the review will be accompanied by appropriate proposals for the revision of the 2010 Council Decision (e.g., suggestions for additional specific measures to correct possible imbalances of staffing). In that case, the Council will, in accordance with Article 27(3) TEU, revise the Decision in light of the review by the beginning of 2014. This short and user-­‐friendly legal commentary on the 2010 Council Decision is the first of its kind and is intended to inform those involved in the review process and to serve as a reference document for practitioners and analysts dealing with the EEAS. This commentary is not an elaborate doctrinal piece, but rather a textual and contextual analysis of each article, that takes account of i) other relevant legal provisions (primary, secondary, international), ii) the process leading to the adoption of the 2010 Council Decision (i.e. travauxpréparatoires), iii) the preamble of the Council Decision, and iv) insofar as it is possible at this stage, early implementation. Wherever relevant, cross-­‐references to other provisions of the EEAS Council Decision have been made so as to tie in the different commentaries and ensure overall consistency.


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This short and user-friendly legal commentary on the 2010 Council Decision establishing the organisation and functioning of the EEAS is the first of its kind. It is intended to inform those involved in the review process and to serve as a reference document for practitioners and analysts dealing with the EEAS. Rather than an elaborate doctrinal piece, this legal commentary is a textual and contextual analysis of each article that takes account of i) other relevant legal provisions (primary, secondary, international); ii) the process leading to the adoption of the 2010 Council Decision; iii) the preamble of the Council Decision and iv) insofar as it is possible at this stage, early implementation. Wherever relevant, cross-references to other provisions of the Council Decision have been made so as to tie in the different commentaries and ensure overall consistency.