908 resultados para Database As A Tool For Hospitality Management


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The objective of this work is to stimulate a debate about the idea of a possible foreign language policy. It seeks to do so from an overview of the structural changes of recent decades - those affecting the economy, information and communication technologies, geopolitics and identities - in order to draw attention to the renewed importance and the role that the language management issues are assuming in this new context. Considering the foreign language policy a theoretical and practical essential tool for the management of language in a globalized world, the focus of the discussion rests on four main aspects: the origins of the notion of foreign language policy; the relationship with the foreign policy of the State; its effectiveness through the intervention on corpus, status and acquisition of the language; and the possibility of their formulation by agents other than the State


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The use of insecticide plants is an important tool in the management of insect pests. Aiming to control Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), neem nanoformulations were evaluated. After estimating the LC50 for a commercial neem oil formulation, selection bioassays were performed with 22 nanoformulations. In order to do that, newly emerged caterpillars were fed on leaflets treated with nanoformulation solutions for 10 days. The effect on the development and longevity of the insect was evaluated with the two most promising nanoformulations, aqueous NC40 and powdered NC40 (NC 40 = Poly- -hydroxibutirate nanocapsules). The LC50 for neem oil was estimated in 0.20% or 1.31mgL(-1) of azadiractin. The nanoformulations aqueous NC40 and powdered NC40 affected the insect development.


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The existence and stability of three-dimensional (3D) solitons, in cross-combined linear and nonlinear optical lattices, are investigated. In particular, with a starting optical lattice (OL) configuration such that it is linear in the x-direction and nonlinear in the y-direction, we consider the z-direction either unconstrained (quasi-2D OL case) or with another linear OL (full 3D case). We perform this study both analytically and numerically: analytically by a variational approach based on a Gaussian ansatz for the soliton wavefunction and numerically by relaxation methods and direct integrations of the corresponding Gross-Pitaevskii equation. We conclude that, while 3D solitons in the quasi-2D OL case are always unstable, the addition of another linear OL in the z-direction allows us to stabilize 3D solitons both for attractive and repulsive mean interactions. From our results, we suggest the possible use of spatial modulations of the nonlinearity in one of the directions as a tool for the management of stable 3D solitons.


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Este artigo insere-se nos estudos de políticas públicas e gestão ambiental municipal. Tem por objetivo discutir como o uso da percepção ambiental pode ser relevante para a gestão ambiental municipal. O caso de estudo escolhido para guiar esta discussão foi o Distrito de Paranapiacaba e Parque Andreense, Município de Santo André-SP. A metodologia utilizada envolveu aplicação de questionário quali-quantitativo junto à população local, buscando coletar a percepção acerca do meio ambiente e de instrumentos da gestão ambiental local. Os resultados indicaram que o uso da percepção da comunidade pode atuar como uma ferramenta de apoio à gestão do meio ambiente, e subsidiar um processo participativo para uma gestão compartilhada entre poder público e sociedade.


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Dopo aver analizzato il conflitto, le sue funzioni e le modalità di gestione, l'autore si sofferma dapprima sulle varie tipologie di mediazione per poi focalizzare l'attenzione sulla mediazione civile e commerciale evidenziando i dati disponibili dall'entrata in vigore del tentativo obbligatorio come condizione di procedibilità della domanda giudiziale per le materie civili, alla fine del 2013.


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Larven der Eulenfalter, Gattung Agrotis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), sind Schädlinge in der Landwirtschaft, welche gravierende Fraßschäden an bodennahen Pflanzenteilen verursachen. Häufig kommt es zum Absterben der noch jungen Pflanzen oder zu Beschädigungen der pflanzlichen Produkte, was zu finanziellen Ertragsverlusten führt. Zwei der wichtigsten landwirtschaftlichen Schädlinge der Gattung Agrotis sind die Larven der Saateule (Agrotis segetum) und der Ypsiloneule (Agrotis ipsilon), welche bisher überwiegend mittels chemischer Pestizide bekämpft werden. Als eine umweltfreundliche, nachhaltige und vielversprechende Alternative in der Bekämpfung wird der Einsatz von Baculoviren berücksichtigt. Baculoviren zeichnen sich durch eine hohe Virulenz und einem sehr engen Wirtsbereich aus. Häufig werden nur wenige nah verwandte Arten der gleichen Gattung infiziert. Aus der Gattung Agrotis wurden bisher mindestens vier Baculoviren isoliert und charakterisiert, welche als potentielle biologische Pflanzenschutzmittel in Frage kommen; sie gehören zu zwei Gattungen der Baculoviren: rnAlphabaculovirusrn(i) Agrotis segetum nucleopolyhedrovirus A (AgseNPV-A)rn(ii) Agrotis segetum nucleopolyhedrovirus B (AgseNPV-B)rn(iii) Agrotis ipsilon nucleopolyhedrovirus (AgipNPV)rnBetabaculovirusrn(i) Agrotis segetum granulovirus (AgseGV).rnDie Genome der AgseNPV-A, AgipNPV sowie des AgseGV wurden in vorherigen Studien bereits vollständig sequenziert und publiziert. In der vorgelegten Dissertation wurde das AgseNPV-B sequenziert und umfassend mit AgseNPV-A und AgipNPV verglichen. Das Genom von AgseNPV-B ist 148981 Kbp groß und kodiert ….. offene Leseraster. Phylogenetische Analysen zeigen eine enge Verwandtschaft dieser drei Viren und klassifizieren AgseNPV-B als eine neue Art innerhalb der Gattung Alphabaculovirus. Auf Basis der vorhandenen Genomsequenzen konnte eine PCR-basierende Methode zur Detektion und Quantifizierung on AgseNPV-A, AgseNPV-B, AgipNPV und AgseGV etabliert werden. Dises Verfahren ermöglichte die Quantifizierung von AgseNPV-B und AgseGV in Larven von A. segetum, die von beiden Viren zeitgleichinfiziert waren. Durch das gemeinsame Auftreten dieser beiden Wiren innerhalb eines Wirtsindividuums stellte sich die Frage, welche Art der Interaktion bei einer Ko-Infektion vorliegt. Durch Mischinfektionsversuche von AgseNPV-B und AgseGV konnte gezeigt werden, dass beide Viren um die Ressourcen der Larven konkurrieren. Eine für landwirtschaftliche Zwecke vorteilige Interaktion, wie das vorzeitige Verenden der Larven, das bereits für andere interagierende Baculoviren nachgewiesen wurde, konnte ausgeschlossen werden. Neben den Mischinfektionsversuchen wurden auch AgseGV und AgseNPV-B einzeln auf ihre Eignung als biologisches Pflanzenschutzmittel getestet. AgseGV zeigte in den Laborversuchen eine relativ langsame Wirkung, während AgseNPV-B durchaus Potential für ein rasche Abtötung besitzt. rnDie durchgeführten Aktivitätsstudien und die Charakterisierung von AgseNPV-B als neue Art erlauben ein vertieftes biologisches und molekulares Verständnis des Virus legen den Grundstein für und eine mögliche spätere Zulassung als Pflanzenschutzmittel. Die Methode zur Identifizierung und Quantifizierung der Agrotis-Baculoviren stellt ein wichtiges Instrument in der Qualitätskontrolle für Produzenten dar und ermöglicht zudem weitere Untersuchungen von Agrotis-Baculoviren in Mischinfektionen.


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This paper aims to deepen the search for ecosystem-like concepts in indigenous societies by highlighting the importance of place names used by Quechua indigenous farmers from the central Bolivian Andes. Villagers from two communities in the Tunari Mountain Range were asked to list, describe, map and categorize the places they knew on their community’s territory. Results show that place names capture spatially explicit units which integrate biotic and abiotic nature and humans, and that there is an emphasis on topographic terms, highlighting the importance of geodiversity. Farmers’ perspectives differ from the classical view of ecosystems because they ‘humanize’ places, considering them as living beings with agency. Consequently, they do not make a distinction between natural and cultural heritage. Their perspective of the environment is that of a personalized, dynamic relationship with the elements of the natural world that are perceived as living entities. A practical implication of the findings for sustainable development is that since places names make the links between people and the elements of the landscape, toponymy is a tool for ecosystem management rooted in indigenous knowledge. Because place names refer to holistic units linked with people’s experience and spatially explicit, they can be used as an entry point to implement an intercultural dialogue for more sustainable land management.


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In this contribution the experiences with e-Learning 2.0 applications by using a Wiki for the education in hydraulic engineering are shown. Up to now important information for the students has been prepared by the instructor. For this project the students were asked to collaborate and search on their own for the information they needed. Therefore a Wiki-system was used. For the engineering practice a self dependent realisation of tasks is an important requirement which students should be prepared for. With the help of online communication there should be shown the possibilities for students for working together in an interdisciplinary team. The positive experiences as well as the results of the evaluation of this project plead for a continuation of the application of e-Learning 2.0 for education. The comparison of results of tests without using Wiki and with using Wiki shows a qualitative tendency of better marks. In this contribution we present the application of Wiki in hydraulic engineering but the results can also be used for other engineering disciplines.


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Master production schedule (MPS) plays an important role in an integrated production planning system. It converts the strategic planning defined in a production plan into the tactical operation execution. The MPS is also known as a tool for top management to control over manufacture resources and becomes input of the downstream planning levels such as material requirement planning (MRP) and capacity requirement planning (CRP). Hence, inappropriate decision on the MPS development may lead to infeasible execution, which ultimately causes poor delivery performance. One must ensure that the proposed MPS is valid and realistic for implementation before it is released to real manufacturing system. In practice, where production environment is stochastic in nature, the development of MPS is no longer simple task. The varying processing time, random event such as machine failure is just some of the underlying causes of uncertainty that may be hardly addressed at planning stage so that in the end the valid and realistic MPS is tough to be realized. The MPS creation problem becomes even more sophisticated as decision makers try to consider multi-objectives; minimizing inventory, maximizing customer satisfaction, and maximizing resource utilization. This study attempts to propose a methodology for MPS creation which is able to deal with those obstacles. This approach takes into account uncertainty and makes trade off among conflicting multi-objectives at the same time. It incorporates fuzzy multi-objective linear programming (FMOLP) and discrete event simulation (DES) for MPS development.


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BACKGROUND Biomarkers are a promising tool for the management of patients with atherosclerosis, but their variation is largely unknown. We assessed within-subject and between-subject biological variation of biomarkers in peripheral artery disease (PAD) patients and healthy controls, and defined which biomarkers have a favorable variation profile for future studies. METHODS Prospective, parallel-group cohort study, including 62 patients with stable PAD (79% men, 65±7years) and 18 healthy control subjects (44% men, 57±7years). Blood samples were taken at baseline, and after 3-, 6-, and 12-months. We calculated within-subject (CVI) and between-subject (CVG) coefficients of variation and intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). RESULTS Mean levels of D-dimer, hs-CRP, IL-6, IL-8, MMP-9, MMP-3, S100A8/A9, PAI-1, sICAM-1, and sP-selectin levels were higher in PAD patients than in healthy controls (P≤.05 for all). CVI and CVG of the different biomarkers varied considerably in both groups. An ICC≥0.5 (indicating moderate-to-good reliability) was found for hs-CRP, D-Dimer, E-selectin, IL-10, MCP-1, MMP-3, oxLDL, sICAM-1 and sP-selectin in both groups, for sVCAM in healthy controls and for MMP-9, PAI-1 and sCD40L in PAD patients. CONCLUSIONS Single biomarker measurements are of limited utility due to large within-subject variation, both in PAD patients and healthy subjects. D-dimer, hs-CRP, MMP-9, MMP-3, PAI-1, sP-selectin and sICAM-1 are biomarkers with both higher mean levels in PAD patients and a favorable variation profile making them most suitable for future studies.


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Aims Reintroduction has become an important tool for the management of endangered plant species. We tested the little-explored effects of small-scale environmental variation, genotypic composition (i.e. identity of genotypes), and genotypic diversity on the population survival of the regionally rare clonal plant Ranunculus reptans. For this species of periodically inundated lakeshores genetic differentiation had been reported between populations and between short-flooded and long-flooded microsites within populations.Methods We established 306 experimental test populations at a previously unoccupied lake shore, comprising either monocultures of 32 genotypes, mixtures of genotypes within populations or mixtures of genotypes between populations. In 2000, three years after planting out at the experimental site, a long-lasting flood caused the death of half of the experimental populations. In 2003, an extreme drought resulted in the lowest summer water levels ever measured.Important findings Despite these climatic extremes, 27 of the established populations survived until the end of the experiment in December 2003. The success of experimental populations largely differed between microsites. Moreover, the success of genotype monocultures depended on genotype and source population. Genetic differentiation between microsites played a minor role for the success of reintroduction. After the flood, populations planted with genotypes from different source populations increased in abundance, whereas populations with genotypes from single source populations and genotype monocultures decreased. We conclude that sources for reintroductions need to be selected carefully. Moreover, mixtures of plants from different populations appear to be the best choice for successful reintroduction, at least in unpredictably varying environments.


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Monitoring the impact of sea storms on coastal areas is fundamental to study beach evolution and the vulnerability of low-lying coasts to erosion and flooding. Modelling wave runup on a beach is possible, but it requires accurate topographic data and model tuning, that can be done comparing observed and modeled runup. In this study we collected aerial photos using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle after two different swells on the same study area. We merged the point cloud obtained with photogrammetry with multibeam data, in order to obtain a complete beach topography. Then, on each set of rectified and georeferenced UAV orthophotos, we identified the maximum wave runup for both events recognizing the wet area left by the waves. We then used our topography and numerical models to simulate the wave runup and compare the model results to observed values during the two events. Our results highlight the potential of the methodology presented, which integrates UAV platforms, photogrammetry and Geographic Information Systems to provide faster and cheaper information on beach topography and geomorphology compared with traditional techniques without losing in accuracy. We use the results obtained from this technique as a topographic base for a model that calculates runup for the two swells. The observed and modeled runups are consistent, and open new directions for future research.


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Como consecuencia del proceso de desalación, se produce el vertido al mar de un agua de rechazo hipersalino o salmuera. La salinidad de este vertido es variable, dependiendo del origen de la captación y del proceso de tratamiento. Muchos de los hábitats y biocenosis de los ecosistemas marinos se encuentran adaptados a ambientes de salinidad casi constante y son muy susceptibles a los incrementos de salinidad originados por estos vertidos. Junto con el vertido de salmuera otro de los principales inconvenientes que plantean las plantas desaladoras es el alto consumo energético, con todas las desventajas que esto supone: alto coste del agua desalada para los consumidores, contaminación del medio... El desarrollo de los métodos de vertido, herramientas de gestión de la salmuera, estudios del comportamiento de la pluma salina… ha buscado la mitigación de estos efectos sobre los ecosistemas marinos. El desarrollo en membranas de ósmosis inversa, diseño de bombas y sistemas de recuperación de energía ha permitido también la reducción del consumo energético en las plantas de desalación. Sin embargo, estos campos parecen haber encontrado un techo tecnológico difícil de rebasar en los últimos tiempos. La energía osmótica se plantea como uno de los caminos a investigar aplicado al campo de la reducción del consumo energético en desalación de agua de mar, a través del aprovechamiento energético de la salmuera. Con esta tesis se pretende cumplir principalmente con los siguientes objetivos: reducción del consumo energético en desalación, mitigar el impacto del vertido sobre el medio y ser una nueva herramienta en la gestión de la salmuera. En el presente documento se plantea el desarrollo de un nuevo proceso que utiliza el fenómeno de la ósmosis directa a través de membranas semipermeables, y busca la sinergia desalación depuración, integrando ambos, en un único proceso de tratamiento dentro del ciclo integral del agua. Para verificar los valores de producción, calidad y rendimiento del proceso, se proyecta y construye una planta piloto ubicada en la Planta Desaladora de Alicante II, escalada de tal manera que permite la realización de los ensayos con equipos comerciales de tamaño mínimo. El objetivo es que el resultado final sea extrapolable a tamaños superiores sin que el escalado afecte a la certeza y fiabilidad de las conclusiones obtenidas. La planta se proyecta de forma que el vertido de una desaladora de ósmosis inversa junto con el vertido de un terciario convencional, se pasan por una ósmosis directa y a continuación por una ósmosis inversa otra vez, ésta última con el objeto de abrir la posibilidad de incrementar la producción de agua potable. Ambas ósmosis están provistas de un sistema de pretratamiento físico-químico (para adecuar la calidad del agua de entrada a las condiciones requeridas por las membranas en ambos casos), y un sistema de limpieza química. En todos los ensayos se usa como fuente de disolución concentrada (agua salada), el rechazo de un bastidor de ósmosis inversa de una desaladora convencional de agua de mar. La fuente de agua dulce marca la distinción entre dos tipos de ensayos: ensayos con el efluente del tratamiento terciario de una depuradora convencional, con lo que se estudia el comportamiento de la membrana ante el ensuciamiento; y ensayos con agua permeada, que permiten estudiar el comportamiento ideal de la membrana. Los resultados de los ensayos con agua salobre ponen de manifiesto problemas de ensuciamiento de la membrana, el caudal de paso a través de la misma disminuye con el tiempo y este efecto se ve incrementado con el aumento de la temperatura del agua. Este fenómeno deriva en una modificación del pretratamiento de la ósmosis directa añadiendo un sistema de ultrafiltración que ha permitido que la membrana presente un comportamiento estable en el tiempo. Los ensayos con agua permeada han hecho posible estudiar el comportamiento “ideal” de la membrana y se han obtenido las condiciones óptimas de operación y a las que se debe tender, consiguiendo tasas de recuperación de energía de 1,6; lo que supone pasar de un consumo de 2,44 kWh/m3 de un tren convencional de ósmosis a 2,28 kWh/m3 al añadir un sistema de ósmosis directa. El objetivo de futuras investigaciones es llegar a tasas de recuperación de 1,9, lo que supondría alcanzar consumos inferiores a 2 kWh/m3. Con esta tesis se concluye que el proceso propuesto permite dar un paso más en la reducción del consumo energético en desalación, además de mitigar los efectos del vertido de salmuera en el medio marino puesto que se reduce tanto el caudal como la salinidad del vertido, siendo además aplicable a plantas ya existentes y planteando importantes ventajas económicas a plantas nuevas, concebidas con este diseño. As a consequence of the desalination process, a discharge of a hypersaline water or brine in the sea is produced. The salinity of these discharges varies, depending on the type of intake and the treatment process. Many of the habitats and biocenosis of marine ecosystems are adapted to an almost constant salinity environment and they are very susceptible to salinity increases caused by these discharges. Besides the brine discharge, another problem posed by desalination plants, is the high energy consumption, with all the disadvantages that this involves: high cost of desalinated water for consumers, environmental pollution ... The development of methods of disposal, brine management tools, studies of saline plume ... has sought the mitigation of these effects on marine ecosystems. The development of reverse osmosis membranes, pump design and energy recovery systems have also enabled the reduction of energy consumption in desalination plants. However, these fields seem to have reached a technological ceiling which is difficult to exceed in recent times. Osmotic power is proposed as a new way to achieve the reduction of energy consumption in seawater desalination, through the energy recovery from the brine. This thesis mainly tries to achieve the following objectives: reduction of energy consumption in desalination, mitigation of the brine discharge impact on the environment and become a new tool in the management of the brine. This paper proposes the development of a new process, that uses the phenomenon of forward osmosis through semipermeable membranes and seeks the synergy desalination-wastewater reuse, combining both into a single treatment process within the integral water cycle. To verify the production, quality and performance of the process we have created a pilot plant. This pilot plant, located in Alicante II desalination plant, has been designed and built in a scale that allows to carry out the tests with minimum size commercial equipment. The aim is that the results can be extrapolated to larger sizes, preventing that the scale affects the accuracy and reliability of the results. In the projected plant, the discharge of a reverse osmosis desalination plant and the effluent of a convencional tertiary treatment of a wastewater plant, go through a forward osmosis module, and then through a reverse osmosis, in order to open the possibility of increasing potable water production. Both osmosis systems are provided with a physicochemical pretreatment (in order to obtain the required conditions for the membranes in both cases), and a chemical cleaning system. In all tests, it is used as a source of concentrated solution (salt water), the rejection of a rack of a conventional reverse osmosis seawater desalination. The source of fresh water makes the difference between two types of tests: test with the effluent from a tertiary treatment of a conventional wastewater treatment plant (these tests study the behavior of the membrane facing the fouling) and tests with permeate, which allow us to study the ideal behavior of the membrane. The results of the tests with brackish water show fouling problems, the flow rate through the membrane decreases with the time and this effect is increased with water temperature. This phenomenon causes the need for a modification of the pretreatment of the direct osmosis module. An ultrafiltration system is added to enable the membrane to present a stable behavior . The tests with permeate have made possible the study of the ideal behavior of the membrane and we have obtained the optimum operating conditions. We have achieved energy recovery rates of 1.6, which allows to move from a consumption of 2.44 kWh/m3 in a conventional train of reverse osmosis to 2.28 kWh / m3 if it is added the direct osmosis system. The goal of future researches is to achieve recovery rates of 1.9, which would allow to reach a consumption lower than 2 kWh/m3. This thesis concludes that the proposed process allows us to take a further step in the reduction of the energy consumption in desalination. We must also add the mitigation of the brine discharge effects on the marine environment, due to the reduction of the flow and salinity of the discharge. This is also applicable to existing plants, and it suggests important economic benefits to new plants that will be built with this design.