811 resultados para Data-driven analysis
There is much concern about the social and environmental impacts caused by the economic growth of nations. Thus, to evaluate the socio-economic performance of nations, economists have increasingly addressed matters related to social welfare and the environment. It is within the scope of this context that this work discusses the performance of countries in the BRICS group regarding sustainable development. The objective of this study regards evaluating the efficiency of these countries in transforming productive resources and technological innovation into sustainable development. The proposed objective was achieved by using econometric tools as well as the data envelopment analysis method to then create economic, environmental, and social efficiency rankings for the BRICS countries, which enabled to carry out comparative analyses on the sustainable development of those countries. The results of such assessments can be of interest for more specific scientific explorations.
Background: Infant mortality is an important measure of human development, related to the level of welfare of a society. In order to inform public policy, various studies have tried to identify the factors that influence, at an aggregated level, infant mortality. The objective of this paper is to analyze the regional pattern of infant mortality in Brazil, evaluating the effect of infrastructure, socio-economic, and demographic variables to understand its distribution across the country. Methods: Regressions including socio-economic and living conditions variables are conducted in a structure of panel data. More specifically, a spatial panel data model with fixed effects and a spatial error autocorrelation structure is used to help to solve spatial dependence problems. The use of a spatial modeling approach takes into account the potential presence of spillovers between neighboring spatial units. The spatial units considered are Minimum Comparable Areas, defined to provide a consistent definition across Census years. Data are drawn from the 1980, 1991 and 2000 Census of Brazil, and from data collected by the Ministry of Health (DATASUS). In order to identify the influence of health care infrastructure, variables related to the number of public and private hospitals are included. Results: The results indicate that the panel model with spatial effects provides the best fit to the data. The analysis confirms that the provision of health care infrastructure and social policy measures (e. g. improving education attainment) are linked to reduced rates of infant mortality. An original finding concerns the role of spatial effects in the analysis of IMR. Spillover effects associated with health infrastructure and water and sanitation facilities imply that there are regional benefits beyond the unit of analysis. Conclusions: A spatial modeling approach is important to produce reliable estimates in the analysis of panel IMR data. Substantively, this paper contributes to our understanding of the physical and social factors that influence IMR in the case of a developing country.
L'informatica e le sue tecnologie nella società moderna si riassumono spesso in un assioma fuorviante: essa, infatti, è comunemente legata al concetto che ciò che le tecnologie ci offrono può essere accessibile da tutti e sfruttato, all'interno della propria quotidianità, in modi più o meno semplici. Anche se quello appena descritto è un obiettivo fondamentale del mondo high-tech, occorre chiarire subito una questione: l'informatica non è semplicemente tutto ciò che le tecnologie ci offrono, perchè questo pensiero sommario fa presagire ad un'informatica "generalizzante"; l'informatica invece si divide tra molteplici ambiti, toccando diversi mondi inter-disciplinari. L'importanza di queste tecnologie nella società moderna deve spingerci a porre domande, riflessioni sul perchè l'informatica, in tutte le sue sfaccettature, negli ultimi decenni, ha portato una vera e propria rivoluzione nelle nostre vite, nelle nostre abitudini, e non di meno importanza, nel nostro contesto lavorativo e aziendale, e non ha alcuna intenzione (per fortuna) di fermare le proprie possibilità di sviluppo. In questo trattato ci occuperemo di definire una particolare tecnica moderna relativa a una parte di quel mondo complesso che viene definito come "Intelligenza Artificiale". L'intelligenza Artificiale (IA) è una scienza che si è sviluppata proprio con il progresso tecnologico e dei suoi potenti strumenti, che non sono solo informatici, ma soprattutto teorico-matematici (probabilistici) e anche inerenti l'ambito Elettronico-TLC (basti pensare alla Robotica): ecco l'interdisciplinarità. Concetto che è fondamentale per poi affrontare il nocciolo del percorso presentato nel secondo capitolo del documento proposto: i due approcci possibili, semantico e probabilistico, verso l'elaborazione del linguaggio naturale(NLP), branca fondamentale di IA. Per quanto darò un buono spazio nella tesi a come le tecniche di NLP semantiche e statistiche si siano sviluppate nel tempo, verrà prestata attenzione soprattutto ai concetti fondamentali di questi ambiti, perché, come già detto sopra, anche se è fondamentale farsi delle basi e conoscere l'evoluzione di queste tecnologie nel tempo, l'obiettivo è quello a un certo punto di staccarsi e studiare il livello tecnologico moderno inerenti a questo mondo, con uno sguardo anche al domani: in questo caso, la Sentiment Analysis (capitolo 3). Sentiment Analysis (SA) è una tecnica di NLP che si sta definendo proprio ai giorni nostri, tecnica che si è sviluppata soprattutto in relazione all'esplosione del fenomeno Social Network, che viviamo e "tocchiamo" costantemente. L'approfondimento centrale della tesi verterà sulla presentazione di alcuni esempi moderni e modelli di SA che riguardano entrambi gli approcci (statistico e semantico), con particolare attenzione a modelli di SA che sono stati proposti per Twitter in questi ultimi anni, valutando quali sono gli scenari che propone questa tecnica moderna, e a quali conseguenze contestuali (e non) potrebbe portare questa particolare tecnica.
Many studies in biostatistics deal with binary data. Some of these studies involve correlated observations, which can complicate the analysis of the resulting data. Studies of this kind typically arise when a high degree of commonality exists between test subjects. If there exists a natural hierarchy in the data, multilevel analysis is an appropriate tool for the analysis. Two examples are the measurements on identical twins, or the study of symmetrical organs or appendages such as in the case of ophthalmic studies. Although this type of matching appears ideal for the purposes of comparison, analysis of the resulting data while ignoring the effect of intra-cluster correlation has been shown to produce biased results.^ This paper will explore the use of multilevel modeling of simulated binary data with predetermined levels of correlation. Data will be generated using the Beta-Binomial method with varying degrees of correlation between the lower level observations. The data will be analyzed using the multilevel software package MlwiN (Woodhouse, et al, 1995). Comparisons between the specified intra-cluster correlation of these data and the estimated correlations, using multilevel analysis, will be used to examine the accuracy of this technique in analyzing this type of data. ^
The Indian textiles industry is now at the crossroads with the phasing out of quota regime that prevailed under the Multi-Fiber Agreement (MFA) until the end of 2004. In the face of a full integration of the textiles sector in the WTO, maintaining and enhancing productive efficiency is a precondition for competitiveness of the Indian firms in the new liberalized world market. In this paper we use data obtained from the Annual Survey of Industries for a number of years to measure the levels of technical efficiency in the Indian textiles industry at the firm level. We use both a grand frontier applicable to all firms and a group frontier specific to firms from any individual state, ownership, or organization type in order to evaluate their efficiencies. This permits us to separately identify how locational, proprietary, and organizational characteristics of a firm affect its performance.
The aim of this study was to apply multifailure survival methods to analyze time to multiple occurrences of basal cell carcinoma (BCC). Data from 4.5 years of follow-up in a randomized controlled trial, the Nambour Skin Cancer Prevention Trial (1992-1996), to evaluate skin cancer prevention were used to assess the influence of sunscreen application on the time to first BCC and the time to subsequent BCCs. Three different approaches of time to ordered multiple events were applied and compared: the Andersen-Gill, Wei-Lin-Weissfeld, and Prentice-Williams-Peterson models. Robust variance estimation approaches were used for all multifailure survival models. Sunscreen treatment was not associated with time to first occurrence of a BCC (hazard ratio = 1.04, 95% confidence interval: 0.79, 1.45). Time to subsequent BCC tumors using the Andersen-Gill model resulted in a lower estimated hazard among the daily sunscreen application group, although statistical significance was not reached (hazard ratio = 0.82, 95% confidence interval: 0.59, 1.15). Similarly, both the Wei-Lin-Weissfeld marginal-hazards and the Prentice-Williams-Peterson gap-time models revealed trends toward a lower risk of subsequent BCC tumors among the sunscreen intervention group. These results demonstrate the importance of conducting multiple-event analysis for recurring events, as risk factors for a single event may differ from those where repeated events are considered.
This dissertation establishes a novel data-driven method to identify language network activation patterns in pediatric epilepsy through the use of the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). A total of 122 subjects’ data sets from five different hospitals were included in the study through a web-based repository site designed here at FIU. Research was conducted to evaluate different classification and clustering techniques in identifying hidden activation patterns and their associations with meaningful clinical variables. The results were assessed through agreement analysis with the conventional methods of lateralization index (LI) and visual rating. What is unique in this approach is the new mechanism designed for projecting language network patterns in the PCA-based decisional space. Synthetic activation maps were randomly generated from real data sets to uniquely establish nonlinear decision functions (NDF) which are then used to classify any new fMRI activation map into typical or atypical. The best nonlinear classifier was obtained on a 4D space with a complexity (nonlinearity) degree of 7. Based on the significant association of language dominance and intensities with the top eigenvectors of the PCA decisional space, a new algorithm was deployed to delineate primary cluster members without intensity normalization. In this case, three distinct activations patterns (groups) were identified (averaged kappa with rating 0.65, with LI 0.76) and were characterized by the regions of: (1) the left inferior frontal Gyrus (IFG) and left superior temporal gyrus (STG), considered typical for the language task; (2) the IFG, left mesial frontal lobe, right cerebellum regions, representing a variant left dominant pattern by higher activation; and (3) the right homologues of the first pattern in Broca's and Wernicke's language areas. Interestingly, group 2 was found to reflect a different language compensation mechanism than reorganization. Its high intensity activation suggests a possible remote effect on the right hemisphere focus on traditionally left-lateralized functions. In retrospect, this data-driven method provides new insights into mechanisms for brain compensation/reorganization and neural plasticity in pediatric epilepsy.
This dissertation introduces a new approach for assessing the effects of pediatric epilepsy on the language connectome. Two novel data-driven network construction approaches are presented. These methods rely on connecting different brain regions using either extent or intensity of language related activations as identified by independent component analysis of fMRI data. An auditory description decision task (ADDT) paradigm was used to activate the language network for 29 patients and 30 controls recruited from three major pediatric hospitals. Empirical evaluations illustrated that pediatric epilepsy can cause, or is associated with, a network efficiency reduction. Patients showed a propensity to inefficiently employ the whole brain network to perform the ADDT language task; on the contrary, controls seemed to efficiently use smaller segregated network components to achieve the same task. To explain the causes of the decreased efficiency, graph theoretical analysis was carried out. The analysis revealed no substantial global network feature differences between the patient and control groups. It also showed that for both subject groups the language network exhibited small-world characteristics; however, the patient's extent of activation network showed a tendency towards more random networks. It was also shown that the intensity of activation network displayed ipsilateral hub reorganization on the local level. The left hemispheric hubs displayed greater centrality values for patients, whereas the right hemispheric hubs displayed greater centrality values for controls. This hub hemispheric disparity was not correlated with a right atypical language laterality found in six patients. Finally it was shown that a multi-level unsupervised clustering scheme based on self-organizing maps, a type of artificial neural network, and k-means was able to fairly and blindly separate the subjects into their respective patient or control groups. The clustering was initiated using the local nodal centrality measurements only. Compared to the extent of activation network, the intensity of activation network clustering demonstrated better precision. This outcome supports the assertion that the local centrality differences presented by the intensity of activation network can be associated with focal epilepsy.^
This dissertation establishes a novel data-driven method to identify language network activation patterns in pediatric epilepsy through the use of the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). A total of 122 subjects’ data sets from five different hospitals were included in the study through a web-based repository site designed here at FIU. Research was conducted to evaluate different classification and clustering techniques in identifying hidden activation patterns and their associations with meaningful clinical variables. The results were assessed through agreement analysis with the conventional methods of lateralization index (LI) and visual rating. What is unique in this approach is the new mechanism designed for projecting language network patterns in the PCA-based decisional space. Synthetic activation maps were randomly generated from real data sets to uniquely establish nonlinear decision functions (NDF) which are then used to classify any new fMRI activation map into typical or atypical. The best nonlinear classifier was obtained on a 4D space with a complexity (nonlinearity) degree of 7. Based on the significant association of language dominance and intensities with the top eigenvectors of the PCA decisional space, a new algorithm was deployed to delineate primary cluster members without intensity normalization. In this case, three distinct activations patterns (groups) were identified (averaged kappa with rating 0.65, with LI 0.76) and were characterized by the regions of: 1) the left inferior frontal Gyrus (IFG) and left superior temporal gyrus (STG), considered typical for the language task; 2) the IFG, left mesial frontal lobe, right cerebellum regions, representing a variant left dominant pattern by higher activation; and 3) the right homologues of the first pattern in Broca's and Wernicke's language areas. Interestingly, group 2 was found to reflect a different language compensation mechanism than reorganization. Its high intensity activation suggests a possible remote effect on the right hemisphere focus on traditionally left-lateralized functions. In retrospect, this data-driven method provides new insights into mechanisms for brain compensation/reorganization and neural plasticity in pediatric epilepsy.
One of the global phenomena with threats to environmental health and safety is artisanal mining. There are ambiguities in the manner in which an ore-processing facility operates which hinders the mining capacity of these miners in Ghana. These problems are reviewed on the basis of current socio-economic, health and safety, environmental, and use of rudimentary technologies which limits fair-trade deals to miners. This research sought to use an established data-driven, geographic information (GIS)-based system employing the spatial analysis approach for locating a centralized processing facility within the Wassa Amenfi-Prestea Mining Area (WAPMA) in the Western region of Ghana. A spatial analysis technique that utilizes ModelBuilder within the ArcGIS geoprocessing environment through suitability modeling will systematically and simultaneously analyze a geographical dataset of selected criteria. The spatial overlay analysis methodology and the multi-criteria decision analysis approach were selected to identify the most preferred locations to site a processing facility. For an optimal site selection, seven major criteria including proximity to settlements, water resources, artisanal mining sites, roads, railways, tectonic zones, and slopes were considered to establish a suitable location for a processing facility. Site characterizations and environmental considerations, incorporating identified constraints such as proximity to large scale mines, forest reserves and state lands to site an appropriate position were selected. The analysis was limited to criteria that were selected and relevant to the area under investigation. Saaty’s analytical hierarchy process was utilized to derive relative importance weights of the criteria and then a weighted linear combination technique was applied to combine the factors for determination of the degree of potential site suitability. The final map output indicates estimated potential sites identified for the establishment of a facility centre. The results obtained provide intuitive areas suitable for consideration
An investigation into karst hazard in southern Ontario has been undertaken with the intention of leading to the development of predictive karst models for this region. The reason these are not currently feasible is a lack of sufficient karst data, though this is not entirely due to the lack of karst features. Geophysical data was collected at Lake on the Mountain, Ontario as part of this karst investigation. This data was collected in order to validate the long-standing hypothesis that Lake on the Mountain was formed from a sinkhole collapse. Sub-bottom acoustic profiling data was collected in order to image the lake bottom sediments and bedrock. Vertical bedrock features interpreted as solutionally enlarged fractures were taken as evidence for karst processes on the lake bottom. Additionally, the bedrock topography shows a narrower and more elongated basin than was previously identified, and this also lies parallel to a mapped fault system in the area. This suggests that Lake on the Mountain was formed over a fault zone which also supports the sinkhole hypothesis as it would provide groundwater pathways for karst dissolution to occur. Previous sediment cores suggest that Lake on the Mountain would have formed at some point during the Wisconsinan glaciation with glacial meltwater and glacial loading as potential contributing factors to sinkhole development. A probabilistic karst model for the state of Kentucky, USA, has been generated using the Weights of Evidence method. This model is presented as an example of the predictive capabilities of these kind of data-driven modelling techniques and to show how such models could be applied to karst in Ontario. The model was able to classify 70% of the validation dataset correctly while minimizing false positive identifications. This is moderately successful and could stand to be improved. Finally, suggestions to improving the current karst model of southern Ontario are suggested with the goal of increasing investigation into karst in Ontario and streamlining the reporting system for sinkholes, caves, and other karst features so as to improve the current Ontario karst database.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Microsecond long Molecular Dynamics (MD) trajectories of biomolecular processes are now possible due to advances in computer technology. Soon, trajectories long enough to probe dynamics over many milliseconds will become available. Since these timescales match the physiological timescales over which many small proteins fold, all atom MD simulations of protein folding are now becoming popular. To distill features of such large folding trajectories, we must develop methods that can both compress trajectory data to enable visualization, and that can yield themselves to further analysis, such as the finding of collective coordinates and reduction of the dynamics. Conventionally, clustering has been the most popular MD trajectory analysis technique, followed by principal component analysis (PCA). Simple clustering used in MD trajectory analysis suffers from various serious drawbacks, namely, (i) it is not data driven, (ii) it is unstable to noise and change in cutoff parameters, and (iii) since it does not take into account interrelationships amongst data points, the separation of data into clusters can often be artificial. Usually, partitions generated by clustering techniques are validated visually, but such validation is not possible for MD trajectories of protein folding, as the underlying structural transitions are not well understood. Rigorous cluster validation techniques may be adapted, but it is more crucial to reduce the dimensions in which MD trajectories reside, while still preserving their salient features. PCA has often been used for dimension reduction and while it is computationally inexpensive, being a linear method, it does not achieve good data compression. In this thesis, I propose a different method, a nonmetric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) technique, which achieves superior data compression by virtue of being nonlinear, and also provides a clear insight into the structural processes underlying MD trajectories. I illustrate the capabilities of nMDS by analyzing three complete villin headpiece folding and six norleucine mutant (NLE) folding trajectories simulated by Freddolino and Schulten [1]. Using these trajectories, I make comparisons between nMDS, PCA and clustering to demonstrate the superiority of nMDS. The three villin headpiece trajectories showed great structural heterogeneity. Apart from a few trivial features like early formation of secondary structure, no commonalities between trajectories were found. There were no units of residues or atoms found moving in concert across the trajectories. A flipping transition, corresponding to the flipping of helix 1 relative to the plane formed by helices 2 and 3 was observed towards the end of the folding process in all trajectories, when nearly all native contacts had been formed. However, the transition occurred through a different series of steps in all trajectories, indicating that it may not be a common transition in villin folding. The trajectories showed competition between local structure formation/hydrophobic collapse and global structure formation in all trajectories. Our analysis on the NLE trajectories confirms the notion that a tight hydrophobic core inhibits correct 3-D rearrangement. Only one of the six NLE trajectories folded, and it showed no flipping transition. All the other trajectories get trapped in hydrophobically collapsed states. The NLE residues were found to be buried deeply into the core, compared to the corresponding lysines in the villin headpiece, thereby making the core tighter and harder to undo for 3-D rearrangement. Our results suggest that the NLE may not be a fast folder as experiments suggest. The tightness of the hydrophobic core may be a very important factor in the folding of larger proteins. It is likely that chaperones like GroEL act to undo the tight hydrophobic core of proteins, after most secondary structure elements have been formed, so that global rearrangement is easier. I conclude by presenting facts about chaperone-protein complexes and propose further directions for the study of protein folding.
Part 14: Interoperability and Integration