236 resultados para Dacus


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According to a new report (http://tinyurl.com/2g6ghps), if you are on the Web at all you’re not safe from hackers, phishers, and spammers (oh my!). The Norton Cybercrime Report: The Human Impact (http://cybercrime.newslinevine.com/) of 7,000 Web users tells us that 65% of all users globally, and 73% of U. S. users, have been hacked in some sort of cybercrime. Globally, the U. S. ranks very high but in this case we’re not first in line. China wins Number One with 83% of its users web-abused in some manner. These are figures to give one pause.


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The June issue of the Chronicle of Higher Education showcased as its cover story the blaring headlines, “Should the Internet Be Scrapped?” Did this surprise anyone? If it did, you must not have been paying attention. Over the last decade, the Internet, the Web—yes, yes, I know the terms are technically not synonymous but have become so in usage—has become increasingly useless as a scholarly tool. The CHE story discussed the obvious problems: spam, viruses, unreliable connections, not to mention unreliable information, disinformation and even misinformation.


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Is social networking for libraries? can social media lose its hebetude?


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Just about every time I open a journal or read a blog online, I see something about e-books saving newspapers and magazines. Both magazines and newspapers–and really all scholalry communication–are going the way of all flesh, we’re told, but e-book reading may provide a stay of execution, however short that may be. It got me to thinking if there might be something else that would provide a similarDies Irae proroguement for scholarly communication in general. That’s when it occurred to me it could well be open access (OA), or at least as I envision it here.


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Yes, of course I know the expression is “Don’t look,” not kicking, but our collective professional behavior makes “kicking” the more operative and appropriate verbal. More about this in due course. As an expression, “don’t look a gift horse in the mouth” comes to us from the Lain, Noli equi dentes inspicere donate. Some argue Jerome said it first in 400 A.D., in which his words, very nearly our Latin literally translated, ran, “Never inspect the teeth of a gift horse.”


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Will libraries survive the Google Book Search deal?


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While greed isn't good, read is. But reading is taking a beating in this digital age. Can reading survive? If it can't, is there any hope for libraries?


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Is blended librarianship another fad in a long list of them, or is it a new trick for old dogs?


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For those who have read even one of my musings, it will come as no surprise that I find Facebook, Twitter, social networking sites (SNS), and the rest of Webology less than inspiring. If you had read nothing other than the screed I blathered about Google a few columns back, you’d know that I find all this talk about the Web replacing libraries more than a little silly; I find it downright idiotic. Still, one must keep an open mind.


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Open access, or the idea anyway, came to life nearly a decade and a half ago. Now almost fifteen years later, we’re still talking about it, still paying exorbitant amounts for periodicals, or their still relatively new counterparts, electronic aggregate databases. Experts tell me that fifteen years is not enough time for a good idea to catch on. I guess that’s the way it is with Murphy’s Law: bad ideas catch on instantly while good ideas come and go, most never seeing the light of day.


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Is it just my e-magination, or are we in an e-lust for e-books? E-verywhere I look, now, I seem to e-ncounter something about eBooks. I have been ebombarded recently with a glut of eBook offers.


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“Huge Decline in Book Reading” ran one headline. “Cultural Atrophy!” read another. “Study Links Drop in Test Scores to a Decline Spent in Reading” ran one for the “Duh!” award. “Americans are Closing the Book on Reading” said one, vying for the pun-acious trophy.


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The natural disposition of mankind is to want Utopia. In literature from the very beginning, from our most primitive to our most sophisticated verses, from the pens of atheists to acolytes, the human spirit has always scratched out, searched, even longed, for Utopias. When Utopias can somehow be linked to a political entity, the subsequent delirium from would-be followers numbers millions.


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We do live in interesting times, don’t we? This is especially true of those of us who spend most of our working lives in libraries. The last ten years have been so filled with change that it’s almost become a byword: if you don’t like something, just wait a few hours and it will change. This isn’t a complaint, just an observation.


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By the time you read this column this story may have lost all it relevance but it has made a bit of a dust up lately and so I think it deserves some further treatment. About two weeks ago, the cyberverse was all a twitter about naked selfies, mainly of celebrities, that had been hacked right out of the cloud. Imagine that. What goes online isn’t exactly private. Doh!