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Purpose: Results from previous studies indicate that children with brain tumors (BT) might present with cognitive problems at diagnosis and thus before the start of any medical treatment. The question remains whether these problems are due to the underlying tumor itself or due to the high level of emotional and physical stress which is involved at diagnosis of a malignant disorder. All children with a de novo oncological diagnosis not involving the central nervous systems (CNS) are usually exposed to a comparable level of distress. However, patients with cancer not involving the CNS are not expected to show disease-related cognitive problems. Thus they serve as a well-balanced control group (CG) to help distinguish between the probable causes of the effect. Method: In a pilot study we analyzed an array of cognitive functions in 16 children with BT and 17 control patients. In both groups, tests were administered in-patient at diagnosis before any therapeutic intervention such as surgery, chemotherapy od irradiation. Results: Performance of children with BT was comparable to that of CG patients in the areas of intelligence, perceptual reasoning, verbal comprehension, working memory, and processing speed. In contrast, however, BT patients performded significantly worse in verbal memory and attention. Conclusion: Memory and attention seem to be the most vulnerable funstions affected by BT, with other functions being preserved at the time of diagnosis. It ist to be expected that this vulnerability might exacerbate the cognitive decline after chemotherapy and radiation treatment - known to impair intellectual performance. The findings highlight the need of early cognitive assessments in children with BT in order to introduce cognitive training as early as possible to minimize or even prevent cognitive long-term sequelae. This might improve long-term academic and professional outcome of these children, but especially helps their return to school after hospitalization.


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OBJECTIVES This study sought to identify nonredundant atrial fibrillation (AF) genetic susceptibility signals and examine their cumulative relations with AF risk. BACKGROUND AF-associated loci span broad genomic regions that may contain multiple susceptibility signals. Whether multiple signals exist at AF loci has not been systematically explored. METHODS We performed association testing conditioned on the most significant, independently associated genetic markers at 9 established AF loci using 2 complementary techniques in 64,683 individuals of European ancestry (3,869 incident and 3,302 prevalent AF cases). Genetic risk scores were created and tested for association with AF in Europeans and an independent sample of 11,309 individuals of Japanese ancestry (7,916 prevalent AF cases). RESULTS We observed at least 4 distinct AF susceptibility signals on chromosome 4q25 upstream of PITX2, but not at the remaining 8 AF loci. A multilocus score comprised 12 genetic markers demonstrated an estimated 5-fold gradient in AF risk. We observed a similar spectrum of risk associated with these markers in Japanese. Regions containing AF signals on chromosome 4q25 displayed a greater degree of evolutionary conservation than the remainder of the locus, suggesting that they may tag regulatory elements. CONCLUSIONS The chromosome 4q25 AF locus is architecturally complex and harbors at least 4 AF susceptibility signals in individuals of European ancestry. Similar polygenic AF susceptibility exists between Europeans and Japanese. Future work is necessary to identify causal variants, determine mechanisms by which associated loci predispose to AF, and explore whether AF susceptibility signals classify individuals at risk for AF and related morbidity.


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BACKGROUND Chronic HCV infection is a leading cause of liver-related morbidity globally. The innate and adaptive immune responses are thought to be important in determining viral outcomes. Polymorphisms associated with the IFNL3 (IL28B) gene are strongly associated with spontaneous clearance and treatment outcomes. OBJECTIVE This study investigates the importance of HLA genes in the context of genetic variation associated with the innate immune genes IFNL3 and KIR2DS3. DESIGN We assess the collective influence of HLA and innate immune genes on viral outcomes in an Irish cohort of women (n=319) who had been infected from a single source as well as a more heterogeneous cohort (Swiss Cohort, n=461). In the Irish cohort, a number of HLA alleles are associated with different outcomes, and the impact of IFNL3-linked polymorphisms is profound. RESULTS Logistic regression was performed on data from the Irish cohort, and indicates that the HLA-A*03 (OR 0.36 (0.15 to 0.89), p=0.027) -B*27 (OR 0.12 (0.03 to 0.45), p=<0.001), -DRB1*01:01 (OR 0.2 (0.07 to 0.61), p=0.005), -DRB1*04:01 (OR 0.31 (0.12 to 0.85, p=0.02) and the CC IFNL3 rs12979860 genotypes (OR 0.1 (0.04 to 0.23), p<0.001) are significantly associated with viral clearance. Furthermore, DQB1*02:01 (OR 4.2 (2.04 to 8.66), p=0.008), KIR2DS3 (OR 4.36 (1.62 to 11.74), p=0.004) and the rs12979860 IFNL3 'T' allele are associated with chronic infection. This study finds no interactive effect between IFNL3 and these Class I and II alleles in relation to viral clearance. There is a clear additive effect, however. Data from the Swiss cohort also confirms independent and additive effects of HLA Class I, II and IFNL3 genes in their prediction of viral outcome. CONCLUSIONS This data supports a critical role for the adaptive immune response in the control of HCV in concert with the innate immune response.


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BACKGROUND The risk of Kaposi sarcoma (KS) among HIV-infected persons on antiretroviral therapy (ART) is not well defined in resource-limited settings. We studied KS incidence rates and associated risk factors in children and adults on ART in Southern Africa. METHODS We included patient data of 6 ART programs in Botswana, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. We estimated KS incidence rates in patients on ART measuring time from 30 days after ART initiation to KS diagnosis, last follow-up visit, or death. We assessed risk factors (age, sex, calendar year, WHO stage, tuberculosis, and CD4 counts) using Cox models. FINDINGS We analyzed data from 173,245 patients (61% female, 8% children aged <16 years) who started ART between 2004 and 2010. Five hundred and sixty-four incident cases were diagnosed during 343,927 person-years (pys). The overall KS incidence rate was 164/100,000 pys [95% confidence interval (CI): 151 to 178]. The incidence rate was highest 30-90 days after ART initiation (413/100,000 pys; 95% CI: 342 to 497) and declined thereafter [86/100,000 pys (95% CI: 71 to 105), >2 years after ART initiation]. Male sex [adjusted hazard ratio (HR): 1.34; 95% CI: 1.12 to 1.61], low current CD4 counts (≥500 versus <50 cells/μL, adjusted HR: 0.36; 95% CI: 0.23 to 0.55), and age (5-9 years versus 30-39 years, adjusted HR: 0.20; 95% CI: 0.05 to 0.79) were relevant risk factors for developing KS. INTERPRETATION Despite ART, KS risk in HIV-infected persons in Southern Africa remains high. Early HIV testing and maintaining high CD4 counts is needed to further reduce KS-related morbidity and mortality.


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The prognosis of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors is related to size, histology and proliferation rate. However, this stratification needs to be refined further. We conducted a proteome study on insulinomas, a well-defined pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor entity, in order to identify proteins that can be used as biomarkers for malignancy. Based on a long follow-up, insulinomas were divided into those with metastases (malignant) and those without (benign). Microdissected cells from six benign and six malignant insulinomas were subjected to a procedure combining fluorescence dye saturation labeling with high-resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Differentially expressed proteins were identified using nano liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization/multi-stage mass spectrometry and validated by immunohistochemistry on tissue microarrays containing 62 insulinomas. Sixteen differentially regulated proteins were identified among 3000 protein spots. Immunohistochemical validation revealed that aldehyde dehydrogenase 1A1 and voltage-dependent anion-selective channel protein 1 showed significantly stronger expression in malignant insulinomas than in benign insulinomas, whereas tumor protein D52 (TPD52) binding protein was expressed less strongly in malignant insulinomas than in benign insulinomas. Using multivariate analysis, low TPD52 expression was identified as a strong independent prognostic factor for both recurrence-free and overall disease-related survival.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS Pegylated interferon is still the backbone of hepatitis C treatment and may cause thrombocytopenia, leading to dose reductions, early discontinuation, and eventually worse clinical outcome. We assessed associations between interferon-induced thrombocytopenia and bleeding complications, interferon dose reductions, early treatment discontinuation, as well as SVR and long-term clinical outcome. METHODS All consecutive patients with chronic HCV infection and biopsy-proven advanced hepatic fibrosis (Ishak 4-6) who initiated interferon-based therapy between 1990 and 2003 in 5 large hepatology units in Europe and Canada were included. RESULTS Overall, 859 treatments were administered to 546 patients. Baseline platelets (in 10(9)/L) were normal (⩾150) in 394 (46%) treatments; thrombocytopenia was moderate (75-149) in 324 (38%) and severe (<75) in 53 (6%) treatments. Thrombocytopenia-induced interferon dose reductions occurred in 3 (1%); 46 (16%), and 15 (30%) treatments respectively (p<0.001); interferon was discontinued due to thrombocytopenia in 1 (<1%), 8 (3%), and in 8 (16%) treatments respectively (p<0.001). In total, 104 bleeding events were reported during 53 treatments. Only two severe bleeding complications occurred. Multivariate analysis showed that cirrhosis and a platelet count below 50 were associated with on-treatment bleeding. Within thrombocytopenic patients, patients attaining SVR had a lower occurrence of liver failure (p<0.001), hepatocellular carcinoma (p<0.001), liver related death or liver transplantation (p<0.001), and all-cause mortality (p=0.001) compared to patients without SVR. CONCLUSIONS Even in thrombocytopenic patients with chronic HCV infection and advanced hepatic fibrosis, on-treatment bleedings are generally mild. SVR was associated with a marked reduction in cirrhosis-related morbidity and mortality, especially in patients with baseline thrombocytopenia.


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Recurrent wheezing or asthma is a common problem in children that has increased considerably in prevalence in the past few decades. The causes and underlying mechanisms are poorly understood and it is thought that a numb er of distinct diseases causing similar symptoms are involved. Due to the lack of a biologically founded classification system, children are classified according to their observed disease related features (symptoms, signs, measurements) into phenotypes. The objectives of this PhD project were a) to develop tools for analysing phenotypic variation of a disease, and b) to examine phenotypic variability of wheezing among children by applying these tools to existing epidemiological data. A combination of graphical methods (multivariate co rrespondence analysis) and statistical models (latent variables models) was used. In a first phase, a model for discrete variability (latent class model) was applied to data on symptoms and measurements from an epidemiological study to identify distinct phenotypes of wheezing. In a second phase, the modelling framework was expanded to include continuous variability (e.g. along a severity gradient) and combinations of discrete and continuo us variability (factor models and factor mixture models). The third phase focused on validating the methods using simulation studies. The main body of this thesis consists of 5 articles (3 published, 1 submitted and 1 to be submitted) including applications, methodological contributions and a review. The main findings and contributions were: 1) The application of a latent class model to epidemiological data (symptoms and physiological measurements) yielded plausible pheno types of wheezing with distinguishing characteristics that have previously been used as phenotype defining characteristics. 2) A method was proposed for including responses to conditional questions (e.g. questions on severity or triggers of wheezing are asked only to children with wheeze) in multivariate modelling.ii 3) A panel of clinicians was set up to agree on a plausible model for wheezing diseases. The model can be used to generate datasets for testing the modelling approach. 4) A critical review of methods for defining and validating phenotypes of wheeze in children was conducted. 5) The simulation studies showed that a parsimonious parameterisation of the models is required to identify the true underlying structure of the data. The developed approach can deal with some challenges of real-life cohort data such as variables of mixed mode (continuous and categorical), missing data and conditional questions. If carefully applied, the approach can be used to identify whether the underlying phenotypic variation is discrete (classes), continuous (factors) or a combination of these. These methods could help improve precision of research into causes and mechanisms and contribute to the development of a new classification of wheezing disorders in children and other diseases which are difficult to classify.


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Trabecular bone is a porous mineralized tissue playing a major load bearing role in the human body. Prediction of age-related and disease-related fractures and the behavior of bone implant systems needs a thorough understanding of its structure-mechanical property relationships, which can be obtained using microcomputed tomography-based finite element modeling. In this study, a nonlinear model for trabecular bone as a cohesive-frictional material was implemented in a large-scale computational framework and validated by comparison of μFE simulations with experimental tests in uniaxial tension and compression. A good correspondence of stiffness and yield points between simulations and experiments was found for a wide range of bone volume fraction and degree of anisotropy in both tension and compression using a non-calibrated, average set of material parameters. These results demonstrate the ability of the model to capture the effects leading to failure of bone for three anatomical sites and several donors, which may be used to determine the apparent behavior of trabecular bone and its evolution with age, disease, and treatment in the future.


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In hemodialysis patients, radiographic imaging with iodinated contrast medium (ICM) application plays a central role in the diagnosis and/or follow-up of disease-related conditions. Therefore, safety aspects concerning ICM administration and radiation exposure have a great impact on this group of patients. Current hardware and software improvements including the design and synthesis of modern contrast compounds allow the use of very small amounts of ICM in concert with low radiation exposure. Undesirable ICM side effects are divided into type A (predictable reactions such as heat feeling, headache, and contrast-induced acute kidney injury, for example) and type B (nonpredictable or hypersensitivity) reactions; this chapter deals with the latter. The first onset cannot be prevented. To prevent hypersensitivity upon reexposure of ICM, an allergological workup is recommended. If this is not possible and ICM is necessary, the patient should receive a premedication (H1 antihistamine with or without corticosteroids). Current imaging hardware and software improvements (e.g. such as additional filtration of the X-ray beam) allow the use of very small amount of ICM and small X-ray doses. Proper communication among the team involved in the treatment of a patient may allow to apply imaging protocols and efficient imaging strategies limiting radiation exposure to a minimum. Practical recommendations will guide the reader how to use radiation and ICM efficiently to improve both patient and staff safety.


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Wound healing disturbance is a common complication following surgery, but the underlying cause sometimes remains elusive. A 50-year-old Caucasian male developed an initially misunderstood severe wound healing disturbance following colon and abdominal wall surgery. An untreated alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency in the patient's medical history, known since 20 years and clinically apparent as a mild to moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, was eventually found to be at its origin. Further clinical work-up showed AAT serum levels below 30% of the lower reference value; phenotype testing showed a ZZ phenotype and a biopsy taken from the wound area showed the characteristic, disease-related histological pattern of necrotising panniculitits. Augmentation therapy with plasma AAT was initiated and within a few weeks, rapid and adequate would healing was observed. AAT deficiency is an uncommon but clinically significant, possible cause of wound healing disturbances. An augmentation therapy ought to be considered in affected patients during the perioperative period.


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BACKGROUND During pregnancy, many patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) experience disease improvement, whereas patients with ankylosing spondylitis often suffer from persistent active disease. Here we investigated whether pregnancy-related changes in disease activity were associated with changes in the proportion and function of γδT cells. METHODS The study population comprised 55 patients with RA, 31 patients with ankylosing spondylitis, and 35 healthy controls. Among these participants, 28 RA patients, 21 ankylosing spondylitis patients, and 23 healthy controls were investigated once before conception when possible, at each trimester of pregnancy, and at 8 weeks postpartum. Data were compared with age-matched non-pregnant patients to obtain disease-related background. In all subjects, peripheral Vδ1 and Vδ2 T cells were analyzed for cell frequencies, the activation marker CD69, the cytotoxicity markers NKG2D and NKG2A, and the intracellular cytokines tumor necrosis factor (TNF)α, interferon (IFN)γ, interleukin (IL)-17 and IL-10. RESULTS Pregnant patients showed a decreased Vδ2/Vδ1 ratio in the third trimester, which resulted from a slightly reduced proportion of Vδ2 cells. Changes in RA disease activity during pregnancy and postpartum were not associated with numerical proportions of γδT cells but with changes of the cell activation marker CD69 on Vδ1 and Vδ2 cells. Only RA patients showed reduced proportions of TNFα-positive Vδ1and Vδ2 cells and IFNγ-positive Vδ2 cells at the third trimester of pregnancy, a finding that was not apparent in the entire population of CD3 T cells. The proportions of IL-17-positive γδT cells and IL-10-positive γδT cells did not differ between pregnant and non-pregnant women of the different groups. CONCLUSIONS Changes of disease activity in pregnant RA patients were associated with functional changes in both γδT cell subsets. This reduced pro-inflammatory profile of γδT cells might contribute to the immunomodulation resulting in pregnancy-induced improvement of RA.


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Background. Injecting drug users (IDUs) are at risk of infection with Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Independently, each of these viruses is a serious threat to health, with HIV ravaging the body’s immune system, and HCV causing cirrhosis, liver cancer and liver failure. Co-infection with HIV/HCV weakens the response to antiretroviral therapy in HIV patients. IDUs with HIV/HCV co-infection are at a 20 times higher risk of having liver-related morbidity and mortality than IDUs with HIV alone. In Vietnam, studies to ascertain the prevalence of HIV have found high rates, but little is known about their HCV status. ^ Purpose. To measure the prevalence of HCV and HIV infection and identify factors associated with these viruses among IDUs at drug treatment centers in northern Vietnam. ^ Methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted from November 2007 to February 2008 with 455 injecting drug users aged 18 to 39 years, admitted no more than two months earlier to one of four treatment centers in Northern Vietnam (Hatay Province) (response rate=95%). Participants, all of whom had completed detoxification and provided informed consent, completed a risk assessment questionnaire and had their blood drawn to test for the presence of antibody-HCV and antibody-HIV with enzyme immuno assays. Univariate and multivariable logistic regression models were utilized to explore the strength of association using HIV, HCV infections and HIV/HCV co-infection as outcomes and demographic characteristics, drug use and sexual behaviors as factors associated with these outcomes. Unadjusted and adjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals were calculated. ^ Results. Among all IDU study participants, the prevalence of HCV alone was 76.9%, HIV alone was 19.8%. The prevalence of HIV/HCV co-infection was 92.2% of HIV-positive and 23.7% of HCV-positive respondents. No sexual risk behaviors for lifetime, six months or 30 days prior to admission were significantly associated with HCV or HIV infection among these IDUs. Only duration of injection drug use was independently associated with HCV and HIV infection, respectively. Longer duration was associated with higher prevalence. Nevertheless, while HCV infection among IDUs who reported being in their first year of injecting drugs were lower than longer time injectors, their rates were still substantial, 67.5%. ^ Compared with either HCV mono-infection or HIV/HCV non-infection, HIV/HCV co-infection was associated with the length of drug injection history but was not associated with sexual behaviors. Higher education was associated with a lower prevalence of HIV/HCV co-infection. When compared with HIV/HCV non-infection, current marriage was associated with a lower prevalence of HIV/HCV co-infection. ^ Conclusions. HCV was prevalent among IDUs from 18 to 39 years old at four drug treatment centers in northern Vietnam. Co-infection with HCV was predominant among HIV-positive IDUs. HCV and HIV co-infection were closely associated with the length of injection drug history. Further research regarding HCV/HIV co-infection should include non-injecting drug users to assess the magnitude of sexual risk behaviors on HIV and HCV infection. (At these treatment centers non-IDUs constituted 10-20% of the population.) High prevalence of HCV prevalence among IDUs, especially among HIV-infected IDUs, suggests that drug treatment centers serving IDUs should include not only HIV prevention education but they should also include the prevention of viral hepatitis. In addition, IDUs who are HIV-positive need to be tested for HCV to receive the best course of therapy and achieve the best response to HIV treatment. These data also suggest that because many IDUs get infected with HCV in the first year of their injection drug career, and because they also engaged in high risk sexual behaviors, outreach programs should focus on harm reduction, safer drug use and sexual practices to prevent infection among drug users who have not yet begun injecting drugs and to prevent further spread of HCV, HIV and co-infection. ^


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Vitamin D is essential in maintaining the bone health and Calcium homeostasis in the body. These actions are mediated through the Vitamin D receptors (VDR) present in cells through which the activated vitamin D acts [1]. In the past, it was known that these receptors existed in the intestine and bone cell. However, recent discovery of VDR in other tissues as well, has broadened the action of Vitamin D and increased its adequate intake [1].^ In the past, Vitamin D deficiency was most common among institutionalized, elderly patients and children and thought to be extinct in the healthy population. However, recent evidence has shown that, prevalence of vitamin D deficiency is increasing into an epidemic status in the overall population of the United States, including the healthy individuals [2-3]. The increased daily-recommended requirement and other multiple factors are responsible for the re-emergence of this epidemic [4-5]. Some of these factors could be used to control the epidemic. Studies have also shown the association between vitamin D deficiency and increased risk for developing chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, and some fatal cancers like prostate, colon and breast cancers [1, 4, 6-14]. This issue results in increased disease burden, morbidity and mortality in the community [15-20].^ Methods: The literature search was conducted using the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHSC) and University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (UTSW) online library. The key search terms used are “vitamin D deficiency And prevalence Or epidemiology”, “vitamin D deficiency And implication And public health” using PubMed and Mesh database and “vitamin D deficiency” using systematic reviews. The search is limited to Humans and the English language. The articles considered for the review are limited to Healthy US population to avoid health conditions that predispose the population to vitamin D deficiency. Only US population is considered to narrow down the study.^ Results: There is an increased prevalence of low levels of Vitamin D levels below the normal range in the US population regardless of age and health status. Vitamin D deficiency is also associated with increased risk of chronic illnesses and fatal cancers.^ Conclusion: This increased prevalence and the association of the deficiency with increased all-cause mortality has increased the economic burden and compromised the quality of life among the population. This necessitates the health care providers to routinely screen their patients for the Vitamin D status and counsel them to avoid the harmful effects of the Vitamin D deficiency. ^


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The non-Hodgkin's B cell lymphomas are a diverse group of neoplastic diseases. The incidence rate of the malignant tumors has been rising rapidly over the past twenty years in the United States and worldwide. The lack of insight to pathogenesis of the disease poses a significant problem in the early detection and effective treatment of the human malignancies. These studies attempted to investigate the molecular basis of pathogenesis of the human high grade B cell non-Hodgkin's lymphomas with a reverse genetic approach. The specific objective was to clone gene(s) which may play roles in development and progression of human high grade B cell non-Hodgkin's lymphomas.^ The messenger RNAs from two high grade B cell lymphoma lines, CJ and RR, were used for construction of cDNA libraries. Differential screening of the derived cDNA libraries yielded a 1.4 kb cDNA clone. The gene, designated as NHL-B1.4, was shown to be highly amplified and over-expressed in the high grade B cell lymphoma lines. It was not expressed in the peripheral blood lymphoid cells from normal donors. However, it was inducible in peripheral blood T lymphocytes by a T cell mitogen, PHA, but could not be activated in normal B cells by B cell mitogen PMA. Further molecular characterization revealed that the gene may have been rearranged in the RR and some other B cell lymphoma lines. The coding capacity of the cDNA has been confirmed by a rabbit reticulocyte lysate and wheat germ protein synthesis system. A recombinant protein with a molecular weight of approximate 30 kDa was visualized in autoradiogram. Polyclonal antisera have been generated by immunization of two rabbits with the NHL-B1.4 recombinant protein produced in the E. coli JM109. The derived antibody can recognize a natural protein with molecular weight of 49 kDa in cell lysate of activated peripheral T lymphocytes of normal donors and both the cell lysate and supernatant of RR B cell lymphoma lines. The possible biologic functions of the molecule has been tested preliminarily in a B lymphocyte proliferation assay. It was found that the Q-sepharose chromatograph purified supernatant of COS cell transfection could increase tritiated thymidine uptake by B lymphocytes but not by T lymphocytes. The B cell stimulatory activity of the supernatant of COS cell tranfection could be neutralized by the polyclonal antisera, indicating that the NHL-B1.4 gene product may be a molecule with BCGF-like activity.^ The expression profiles of NHL-B1.4 in normal and neoplastic lymphoid cells were consistent with the current B lymphocyte activation model and autocrine hypothesis of high grade B cell lymphomagenesis. These results suggested that the NHL-B1.4 cDNA may be a disease-related gene of human high grade B cell lymphomas, which may codes for a postulated B cell autocrine growth factor. ^


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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common autoimmune disease of the central nerve system and Guillain Barré Syndrome (GBS) is an inflammatory neuropathy involving the peripheral nerves. Anti-myelin immunoglobins may play a role in the demyelination processes of the both diseases. Sulfatide is an abundant glycolipid on myelin and is a candidate target antigen for disease related autoantibodies. The objective of this study was to characterize anti-sulfatide antibodies and compare antibodies from GBS and MS patients with fetal antibodies. Our hypothesis is that some B cells producing disease-associated autoantibodies are derived from or related to B cells of the fetal repertoire. Here we report that reactivity of plasma IgM against sulfatide was elevated in twelve MS patients compared with twelve normal subjects. This result implies that anti-sulfatide antibodies are disease-related. A total of sixteen human B lymphocyte clones producing anti-sulfatide autoantibodies were isolated from MS patients, GBS patients and a human fetus. Seven of the clones were from three MS patients, four of the clones were from three GBS patients and five were from the spleen of a twenty-week human fetus. Sequences have been obtained for the heavy and light chain variable regions (VDJ and VJ regions) of all of the anti-sulfatide immunoglobulins. Seven of the sixteen antibodies used VH3 for the variable region gene of the heavy chain consistent with the rate of VH3 usage in randomly selected B cells. Somatic mutations were significantly more frequent in the patient antibodies than in the fetus and somatic mutations in CDR's (Complementarity Determining Region) were significantly more frequent than in framework regions. No significant difference was found between patients and fetus in length of VH CDRIII. However, it is reported that antibodies from randomly selected normal adult B cells have longer CDRIII lengths than those of the fetus (Sanz I, 1991 Journal of Immunology Sep 1;147(5):1720-9). Our results are consistent with derivation of the precursors of B cells producing these autoantibodies from B cells related to those of the fetal repertoire. These findings are consistent with a model in which quiescent B cells from clones produced early in development undergo proliferation in dysregulated disease states, accumulating somatic mutations and increasing in reactivity toward self-antigens. ^ Epitope mapping and molecular modeling were done to elucidate the relationships between antibody structure and binding characteristics. The autoantibodies were tested for binding activity to three different antigens: sulfatide, galactoceramide and ceramide. Molecular modeling suggests that antibodies with positive charge surrounded by or adjacent to hydrophobic groups in the binding pocket bind to the head of sulfatide via the sulfate group through electrostatic interactions. However, the antibodies with hydrophobic groups separated from positive charges appear to bind to the hydrophobic tail of sulfatide. This observation was supported by a study of the effect of NaCl concentration on antigen binding. The result suggested that electrostatic interactions played a major role in sulfate group binding and that hydrophobic interactions were of greater importance for binding to the ceramide group. Our three-dimensional structure data indicated that epitope specificity of these antibodies is more predictable at the level of tertiary than primary structure and suggested positive selection based on structure occurred in the. formation of those autoantibodies. ^