678 resultados para DERMATOLOGY
Background Venous ulcer is the most serious consequence of chronic venous insufficiency and is responsible for almost 70% of chronic leg ulcers. The main purpose of this research was to describe social, demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with venous ulcers and to identify some professional repercussions of this pathology.Subjects and methods We evaluated patients with a clinical picture compatible with venous ulcer. The sociodemographic characteristics of the patients, and the clinical characteristics and professional repercussions of the pathology were studied. We used the ankle-brachial index to identify associated arterial disease. The body mass index (BMI) was used for the classification of the nutritional condition of the patients.Results A total of 120 patients were included in the study (90 females and 30 males; 80.8% White; 44.2% > 60 years old). Ninety-one per cent of the patients had been in education for less than 4 years, and 89.7% were on the poverty line. Thirty-five per cent were retired, 2.5% were receiving government help due to disease and 4.2% were unemployed. About 16% of patients were out of work due to the disease, and 49.2% presented some degree of disability in terms of work tasks. The ulcer area was less than 30 cm(2) in 69.1% of patients. The first ulcer episode occurred in 13.4 years on average, and 64.2% of patients had recurrent episodes. Females presented on average 5.65 pregnancies, and 75.4% of patients were overweight.Conclusion Venous ulcer occurred mainly in the low-income population, who presented with little formal education. Generally, the ulcers were present for a long time and were recurrent, with repercussions for the capabilities of patients to work.
This review discusses the epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and current therapeutic options for venous ulcer. Venous ulcer is a severe clinical manifestation of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). It is responsible for about 70% of chronic ulcers of the lower limbs. The high prevalence of venous ulcer has a significant socioeconomic impact in terms of medical care, days off work and reduced quality of life. Long-term therapeutics are needed to heal venous ulcers and recurrence is quite common, ranging from 54 to 78%. Thrombophlebitis and trauma with long-term immobilization predisposing to deep venous thrombosis are important risk factors for CVI and venous ulcer. The most recent theories about pathogenesis of venous ulcer have associated it with microcirculatory abnormalities and generation of an inflammatory response. Management of venous leg ulcers is based on understanding the pathogenesis. In recent years novel therapeutic approaches for venous ulcers have offered valuable tools for the management of patients with this disorder.
CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: Urticária-angioedema crônico é enfermidade freqüente, complexa e multicausal. O objetivo foi estudar as características sociodemográficas, clínicas, os fatores causais, agravantes e a evolução da enfermidade. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Descritivo e prospectivo, realizado no ambulatório de Dermatologia da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp). MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados pacientes com diagnóstico de urticária-angioedema crônico através de dados sociodemográficos, anamnese, exames dermatológico, clínico e laboratorial, com ênfase nos fatores causais, agravantes e na evolução da enfermidade. RESULTADOS: 125 pacientes foram incluídos, 95 mulheres e 30 homens. Predominaram mulheres de 30 a 40 anos e homens de 10 a 20 anos. A idade média foi de 35 anos para as mulheres e 32 anos para os homens. Predominaram pacientes de raça branca, residentes em zona urbana e casados. O tempo médio de doença foi de 45,6 meses e de cada lesão foi de 5,6 horas. A metade dos casos tinha surtos diariamente e associação de urticária com angioedema. Não houve horário preferencial de aparecimento dos surtos, mas o noturno foi o horário de piora mais citado. A causa foi esclarecida em 37,6%, predominando as infecções. O estresse foi o agravante mais referido. O tempo médio de acompanhamento foi de 11,7 meses e 60% evoluíram para o controle, 32% melhoraram, 9% mantiveram-se inalterados e um caso piorou. CONCLUSÕES: Urticária-angioedema ocorreu mais em mulheres de meia-idade. A causa foi esclarecida em um terço dos pacientes e metade deles teve controle da doença em aproximadamente um ano.
Background. Discoid lupus erythernatosus (DLE) is a chronic cutaneous disease affecting photoexposed areas and has also been associated with cigarette smoking. Objective: To evaluate the association between smoking and DLE. Methods: A case-control study was performed involving 57 cases diagnosed with DLE and 215 healthy controls. Results:A higher smoking prevalence was noted in DLE cases (84.2%) than controls (33.5%), and the odds ratio adjusted for gender, age and ultraviolet index in the city of origin was 14.4 (95% confidence interval 6.2-33.8; multiple logistic regression, p < 0.01). The cumulative smoking exposure was not related to premature DLE development. At the beginning of the disease, smokers had more extensive involvement than nonsmokers; compromise of the upper arms was statistically related to smoking. Conclusion: Cigarette smoking was statistically associated with DLE development. Other studies are needed in order to evaluate the effects of smoking cessation on the course of disease. Copyright (c) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Background Mucocutaneous lesions in paracoccidioidomycosis are granulomatous and result from tissue responses to Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, the aetiological agent.Objectives and methods In this study we investigate the expression of tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, interleukin (IL)-10 and transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta 1 by immunohistochemistry in skin and mucosa lesions from patients with the chronic form of paracoccidioidomycosis, evaluated before and at day 20 of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole treatment. Cytokine production by peripheral blood monocytes was also studied by enzyme immunoassay.Results Intense immunostaining for TNF-alpha was detected in mononuclear cells that infiltrated granulomas in all skin and mucosa lesions before treatment simultaneously with low IL-10 granular deposits in these cells. At day 20 of treatment, there was reduced TNF-alpha and IL-10 deposition. Immunoreactive TGF-beta 1 was observed diffusely in the dermis and generally in the cytoplasm of macrophages and giant cells, before treatment, and as increased TGF-beta 1 deposits in the fibrosis area at day 20 of treatment. Peripheral blood monocytes from patients with paracoccidioidomycosis, evaluated before treatment, produced high endogenous levels of TNF-alpha, TGF-beta 1 and IL-10 in relation to healthy controls. Lipopolysaccharide-stimulated monocytes from patients secreted lower levels of TNF-alpha in both periods of evaluation while no impairment in capacity of IL-10 and TGF-beta production was observed.Conclusions Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole therapy was effective in decreasing fungal load in the lesions, allowing patient immune response to control the infection leading to the healing of the lesions.
This paper reports a case of spontaneous fire ant sting dermatitis in canine. The skin lesions consisted of nonfollicular, grouped pustules in the abdominal region. Several fire ants were found attached to the lesional skin. Histopathological findings included an intraepidermal neutrophilic pustule and predominantly neutrophilic interstitial dermatitis. An extensive area of collagen degeneration was also observed below the epidermal pustule. These clinical and histopathological findings are remarkable similar to those observed in fire ant stings in humans.
A incidência do carcinoma basocelular vem aumentando em todos os países. Realizou-se estudo ecológico de 5169 laudos de carcinoma basocelular, da FMB-Unesp, entre janeiro/1999 e dezembro/2009. O incremento médio da incidência para o período foi de 90,6%, projetando-se um diagnóstico para cada 15 pacientes encaminhados à dermatologia. Tal tendência se manteve, mesmo quando indexada pelo número de laudos histopatológicos, movimento hospitalar, atendimentos da dermatologia e população de Botucatu.
FUNDAMENTOS: Acne é dermatose comum que acomete ambos os gêneros e todas as faixas etárias. Mulheres apresentam diferentes padrões clínicos da doença, além de frequente persistência da acne após a adolescência. OBJETIVO: Analisar características clínicas e epidemiológicas associadas às diferentes faixas etárias acometidas por acne feminina. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal envolvendo mulheres com diagnóstico de acne, atendidas em ambulatório de dermatologia geral. Variáveis relacionadas à doença e às pacientes foram avaliadas com o emprego de questionário padronizado. RESULTADOS: Avaliaram-se 103 pacientes, cuja idade média na época da consulta foi 21,7 ± 7,3 anos. Definiram-se dois subgrupos com idade de corte de 21 anos e idades médias de 15,8 ± 2,3 e 28,0 ± 5,1 anos. Houve correlação entre a duração do quadro e a idade das pacientes na consulta (R = 0,7). Observaram-se diferenças entre os grupos nas frequências de uso de contraceptivo oral combinado (OR = 48,1), lesões no colo (OR = 11,6), lesões no dorso (OR = 0,2), predominância na topografia superior da face (OR = 0,1) e idade de início das lesões (OR = 1,8). No grupo de mulheres adultas, 80% relataram início do quadro antes dos 20 anos. CONCLUSÕES: Identificaram-se padrões clínicos cronológicos e topográficos que caracterizaram a acne feminina em diferentes faixas etárias, alertando para a importância da abordagem diagnóstica e terapêutica individualizada.
FUNDAMENTOS: Nos últimos anos, existe um aumento progressivo do contato de moradores urbanos com ambientes selvagens devido a atividades de lazer. Com isso, algumas dermatites pouco conhecidas podem ser observadas nas clínicas privadas e ambulatórios dermatológicos, especialmente nos inícios de semana e finais de férias. OBJETIVOS: Obter e fornecer informações para dermatologistas sobre o problema. PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: O autor observou, em adultos e crianças, dermatites agudas associadas a plantas ou animais em Ubatuba, cidade litorânea de São Paulo, por dois meses (junho/julho de 2006) e na Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, também por dois meses (junho/julho de 2007). RESULTADOS: Foram observados 25 pacientes na área rural e 43 na área litorânea nas condições estabelecidas. em áreas rurais, foram mais observadas fitofotodermatites e picadas de insetos, enquanto em áreas litorâneas traumas por ouriços-do-mar e fitofotodermatites predominaram; entretanto, em ambas as áreas ocorreram outros acidentes de difícil identificação na prática diária. CONCLUSÕES: Devemos estar atentos ao fato de o paciente procurar o dermatologista somente após as fases agudas dos acidentes. Informações sobre as enfermidades mais comuns e suas características podem ser muito úteis para a prática nos consultórios. O autor sugere uma tabela algorítmica para auxílio diagnóstico.
Background Primary cutaneous cryptococcosis is an uncommon infectious disease caused by Cryptococcus neoformans or Cryptococcus gattii affecting immunosuppressed as well as immunocompetent patients. It is often misdiagnosed as it may mimic other cutaneous diseases. Materials and methods We report a series of cases diagnosed from 2005 to 2010 in two general hospitals. The diagnosis in all patients was made on the basis of histopathology and culture. Phenoloxidase and canavanine-glycine-bromothymol blue tests were used in order to identify the Cryptococcus species. Systematic investigation ruled out the systemic involvement in every case. Results Eleven patients, 81.8% male, were diagnosed during this study. The immunosuppression status was identified in 54.5% of patients, and all of them were under corticosteroid therapy due to a variable set of diseases. All patients presented with circumscribed lesions on their upper limbs. Most lesions showed an infiltrative or tumoral aspect with up to 40 cm diameter. Fluconazole, up to 400 mg/daily, was the main therapeutic regimen and proved to be efficient. Conclusions Primary cutaneous cryptococcosis has been diagnosed in both immunosuppressed and immunocompetent patients. Its peculiar clinical aspect could facilitate early diagnosis. Culture and biochemical tests should be performed in order to define the species involved.
OBJECTIVE - To assess drug reactions and report the drugs involved and the most frequent types of skin reactions.METHODS - A retrospective and descriptive study. Data of inpatients at the Dermatology Ward with initial diagnosis of adverse drug reactions were evaluated from January 1999 to June 2004. Patients with confirmed diagnosis were included in the study based on clinical and histopathological criteria, after analysis of medical charts.RESULTS - Initial diagnosis of adverse drug reactions was confirmed in 121 patients. Forty-three patients were included in the study; 51.2% were females and 86% were caucasians. A total of 48,8% were on one drug only. Antibiotics were the most commonly used drug (20%) and accounted for 33% of the drug eruptions. The second group comprised anti-inflammatory drugs (16 7%), followed by anticonvulsants (13%), analgesic/antipyretic (13%.) agents. Skin eruption manifested as maculopapular exanthema in 41.9% patients, erythrodermia in 25.6%, and urticaria in 23.3%.CONCLUSION - Maculopapular exanthema was the main type of skin reaction triggered by use of drugs, and these reactions were most frequently caused by antibiotics.