677 resultados para DAMS, BARRAGES
Cet essai vise à mesurer la portée, sur les décisions politiques, de l’action d’un groupe environnemental qui se préoccupe de dossiers liés à l’eau. Le groupe à l’étude, appelé Eau Secours! est un groupe d’intérêt public qui a vu le jour en 1997. Nous proposons de vérifier si les actions du groupe lui permettent d’atteindre ses objectifs et nous tenterons ensuite d’examiner son répertoire d’actions. L’analyse de quatre dossiers est privilégiée : la privatisation de la gestion des eaux municipales, l’exportation massive d’eau à l’extérieur du Québec, le programme de construction de mini-centrales hydroélectriques privées, et l’élaboration d’une politique de l’eau en accord avec les principes du développement durable. Les résultats de l’étude montrent que l’utilisation par le groupe environnemental des médias de masse et le recours à des réseaux lui ont permis d’obtenir des effets positifs en ce qui a trait aux décisions gouvernementales. Cependant la participation du groupe à une consultation publique a entraîné des résultats mitigés. De manière générale, cette étude de cas montre la complexité de la relation entre un groupe environnemental et des acteurs gouvernementaux engagés à différents niveaux.
Bien que l’environnement intra-utérin défavorable soit associé à des conditions pathologiques à l’âge adulte, les mécanismes mis en place in utero ne sont pas encore élucidés. Nous avons établi un modèle de restriction de croissance intra-utérine (RCIU) en donnant une diète faible en sodium à la rate pendant la dernière semaine de gestation. Ce modèle se caractérise par une diminution de perfusion placentaire et une redistribution du flot sanguin, favorisant l’irrigation des organes nobles (cœur et cerveau) au détriment du rein fœtal. De plus, l’expression rénale du facteur de croissance endothéliale vasculaire (VEGF) est diminuée chez le fœtus. L’hypothèse de travail est que la néoglucogenèse hépatique et rénale augmente chez les fœtus RCIU afin de compenser la diminution de perfusion placentaire, et que l’expression rénale des récepteurs de VEGF (Flt-1 et Flk-1) est altérée à la suite de la redistribution du flot sanguin. Nos objectifs étaient de comparer l’expression protéique des enzymes de la néoglucogenèse et des récepteurs de VEGF entre les fœtus témoins et RCIU. L’aldolase B, la fructose-1,6-biphosphatase et la glucose-6-phosphatase augmentent dans les reins de fœtus RCIU par rapport aux témoins alors qu’aucun changement n’est observé dans le foie. De plus, l’expression de ces enzymes est différente selon le sexe du fœtus. Une diminution de Flt-1 est notée dans les reins de fœtus RCIU. Nos résultats démontrent que des adaptations surviennent chez le fœtus à la suite d’une insulte intra-utérine favorisant sa survie mais ayant des conséquences telles que la dysfonction rénale observée chez les adultes de ce modèle animal. À long terme, ces travaux pourront permettre d’entrevoir des avenues pour mieux identifier les approches de prévention lors de naissance à la suite d’une RCIU.
La restriction de croissance intrautérine (RCIU) est associée à l’apparition de maladies à l’âge adulte et le phénotype de la condition pathologique peut être différent selon le sexe. Notre laboratoire a développé un modèle de RCIU chez le rat en administrant une diète faible en sodium lors du dernier tiers de la gestation entraînant une réduction de l’expansion volémique maternelle et de la perfusion utéroplacentaire. L'activité rénine et la concentration d'aldostérone plasmatique sont augmentées chez la mère et les foetus RCIU. Antérieurement, notre laboratoire a démontré une augmentation de l’expression génique et protéique rénale de la Na+-K+-ATPase-α1 uniquement chez les foetus femelles RCIU. Ainsi, nous émettons l’hypothèse que la diminution du volume circulant chez la rate gestante entraîne une augmentation et une expression différentielle, selon le sexe, des éléments de la cascade de signalisation du récepteur des minéralocorticoïdes (MR) dans les reins de foetus RCIU. L’expression des gènes est réalisée par qRT-PCR et celle des protéines par immunobuvardage de type Western. Bien que les résultats démontrent que la transcription génique de SGK1, α-ENaC et GILZ soit augmentée dans les reins de foetus RCIU, l’expression protéique de SGK1, pSGK1(Thr 256) et α-ENaC est similaire à celle des témoins. La protéine GILZ est indétectable. Pour CNKSR3, aucune différence de l’ARNm ou de la protéine n’a été observée entre les deux groupes. Par contre, même si l’expression génique du MR n’est pas différente, l’expression protéique est diminuée chez les RCIU. Aucun effet du sexe n’a été observé. En conclusion, l’augmentation d'aldostérone plasmatique chez les foetus ayant subi une RCIU stimule la transcription des gènes associés à la voie de réabsorption sodique, mais la quantité protéique demeure inchangée. Ceci suggère qu’il peut avoir des mécanismes de régulation post-transcriptionnelle ou une dégradation accélérée des protéines. Malgré la pertinence du sexe dans le développement de maladies, le sexe n’influence pas l’expression des composantes de la voie de rétention sodique chez le foetus. Il serait important de suivre cette voie en fonction de l’âge et de corréler les expressions génique et protéique avec l’apparition de maladies.
Background: The most common application of imputation is to infer genotypes of a high-density panel of markers on animals that are genotyped for a low-density panel. However, the increase in accuracy of genomic predictions resulting from an increase in the number of markers tends to reach a plateau beyond a certain density. Another application of imputation is to increase the size of the training set with un-genotyped animals. This strategy can be particularly successful when a set of closely related individuals are genotyped. ----- Methods: Imputation on completely un-genotyped dams was performed using known genotypes from the sire of each dam, one offspring and the offspring’s sire. Two methods were applied based on either allele or haplotype frequencies to infer genotypes at ambiguous loci. Results of these methods and of two available software packages were compared. Quality of imputation under different population structures was assessed. The impact of using imputed dams to enlarge training sets on the accuracy of genomic predictions was evaluated for different populations, heritabilities and sizes of training sets. ----- Results: Imputation accuracy ranged from 0.52 to 0.93 depending on the population structure and the method used. The method that used allele frequencies performed better than the method based on haplotype frequencies. Accuracy of imputation was higher for populations with higher levels of linkage disequilibrium and with larger proportions of markers with more extreme allele frequencies. Inclusion of imputed dams in the training set increased the accuracy of genomic predictions. Gains in accuracy ranged from close to zero to 37.14%, depending on the simulated scenario. Generally, the larger the accuracy already obtained with the genotyped training set, the lower the increase in accuracy achieved by adding imputed dams. ----- Conclusions: Whenever a reference population resembling the family configuration considered here is available, imputation can be used to achieve an extra increase in accuracy of genomic predictions by enlarging the training set with completely un-genotyped dams. This strategy was shown to be particularly useful for populations with lower levels of linkage disequilibrium, for genomic selection on traits with low heritability, and for species or breeds for which the size of the reference population is limited.
Worldwide water managers are increasingly challenged to allocate sufficient and affordable water supplies to different water use sectors without further degrading river ecosystems and their valuable services to mankind. Since 1950 human population almost tripled, water abstractions increased by a factor of four, and the number of large dam constructions is about eight times higher today. From a hydrological perspective, the alteration of river flows (temporally and spatially) is one of the main consequences of global change and further impairments can be expected given growing population pressure and projected climate change. Implications have been addressed in numerous hydrological studies, but with a clear focus on human water demands. Ecological water requirements have often been neglected or addressed in a very simplistic manner, particularly from the large-scale perspective. With his PhD thesis, Christof Schneider took up the challenge to assess direct (dam operation and water abstraction) and indirect (climate change) impacts of human activities on river flow regimes and evaluate the consequences for river ecosystems by using a modeling approach. The global hydrology model WaterGAP3 (developed at CESR) was applied and further developed within this thesis to carry out several model experiments and assess anthropogenic river flow regime modifications and their effects on river ecosystems. To address the complexity of ecological water requirements the assessment is based on three main ideas: (i) the natural flow paradigm, (ii) the perception that different flows have different ecological functions, and (iii) the flood pulse concept. The thesis shows that WaterGAP3 performs well in representing ecologically relevant flow characteristics on a daily time step, and therefore justifies its application within this research field. For the first time a methodology was established to estimate bankfull flow on a 5 by 5 arc minute grid cell raster globally, which is a key parameter in eFlow assessments as it marks the point where rivers hydraulically connect to adjacent floodplains. Management of dams and water consumption pose a risk to floodplains and riparian wetlands as flood volumes are significantly reduced. The thesis highlights that almost one-third of 93 selected Ramsar sites are seriously affected by modified inundation patterns today, and in the future, inundation patterns are very likely to be further impaired as a result of new major dam initiatives and climate change. Global warming has been identified as a major threat to river flow regimes as rising temperatures, declining snow cover, changing precipitation patterns and increasing climate variability are expected to seriously modify river flow regimes in the future. Flow regimes in all climate zones will be affected, in particular the polar zone (Northern Scandinavia) with higher river flows during the year and higher flood peaks in spring. On the other side, river flows in the Mediterranean are likely to be even more intermittent in the future because of strong reductions in mean summer precipitation as well as a decrease in winter precipitation, leading to an increasing number of zero flow events creating isolated pools along the river and transitions from lotic to lentic waters. As a result, strong impacts on river ecosystem integrity can be expected. Already today, large amounts of water are withdrawn in this region for agricultural irrigation and climate change is likely to exacerbate the current situation of water shortages.
In this paper we describe a system for underwater navigation with AUVs in partially structured environments, such as dams, ports or marine platforms. An imaging sonar is used to obtain information about the location of planar structures present in such environments. This information is incorporated into a feature-based SLAM algorithm in a two step process: (I) the full 360deg sonar scan is undistorted (to compensate for vehicle motion), thresholded and segmented to determine which measurements correspond to planar environment features and which should be ignored; and (2) SLAM proceeds once the data association is obtained: both the vehicle motion and the measurements whose correct association has been previously determined are incorporated in the SLAM algorithm. This two step delayed SLAM process allows to robustly determine the feature and vehicle locations in the presence of large amounts of spurious or unrelated measurements that might correspond to boats, rocks, etc. Preliminary experiments show the viability of the proposed approach
This paper describes a navigation system for autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) in partially structured environments, such as dams, harbors, marinas or marine platforms. A mechanical scanning imaging sonar is used to obtain information about the location of planar structures present in such environments. A modified version of the Hough transform has been developed to extract line features, together with their uncertainty, from the continuous sonar dataflow. The information obtained is incorporated into a feature-based SLAM algorithm running an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). Simultaneously, the AUV's position estimate is provided to the feature extraction algorithm to correct the distortions that the vehicle motion produces in the acoustic images. Experiments carried out in a marina located in the Costa Brava (Spain) with the Ictineu AUV show the viability of the proposed approach
El rÃo Nilo es considerado como un recurso que es estratégico, vital y escaso para los paÃses de la cuenca de rÃo, en especial para Egipto, Sudán y EtiopÃa. Por ello las relaciones polÃticas entre estos actores fluctuado ente la hostilidad y la cooperación
La tesi aborda, des d'una perspectiva territorial i històrica, el paper que han jugat les grans infraestructures hidrà uliques en dues conques fluvials mediterrà nies catalanes: la Muga i el Fluvià (provÃncia de Girona). AixÃ, s'efectua una reconstrucció retrospectiva del conjunt de projectes de gran obra hidrà ulica (preses, embassaments, canals complementaris) que, als últims 150 anys, han estat ideats i, en el seu cas executats, a ambdues conques. En aquest procés s'atorga una atenció especial a les justificacions, finalitats, discursos i agents socials que han inspirat la seva concepció i les causes que han conduït al seu èxit o al seu fracà s. Tot plegat es contextualitza dins dels plans, les polÃtiques i la legislació hidrà ulica estatals. L'elecció de dos rius veïns proporciona clars elements per a establir una anà lisi evolutiva comparada entre ells. Aquà s'afegirà la influencia del proper riu Ter des del moment en que es decideix l'abastament parcial amb els seus cabals a Barcelona.
O grande impulso para o sector eléctrico em Portugal surgiu nos anos de 1940, com a definição das linhas mestras da electrificação do paÃs. Foi neste âmbito que, a partir da década de 1950, se realizou a construção de grandes empreendimentos hidro e termo eléctricos, nomeadamente em Vilarinho da Furna, Picote, Miranda do Douro, Bemposta e, finalmente, em Alqueva, com a submersão da aldeia da Luz. Vilarinho da Furna era uma das últimas e mais tÃpicas aldeias comunitárias da Europa. Até que a construção de uma barragem pôs termo à sua existência, no princÃpio dos anos setenta. Mas parte do seu património, constituÃdo pelas componentes histórico-cultural e socio-económica, conseguiu sobreviver. É esse património que os seus antigos habitantes, apesar de dispersos pelas partidas do mundo, se propõem salvaguardar e valorizar. Ao contrário do que aconteceu em Vilarinho, em substituição da velha aldeia da Luz, submersa pela Barragem de Alqueva, foi construÃda uma nova povoação. Mas a readaptação ao novo espaço envolvente, bem como a manutenção ou perda de uma identidade colectiva dos habitantes da Luz, reveste-se de grande impacto, na medida em que se tratou de uma imposição do Estado. Por sua vez, o caso do Douro Internacional é uma situação sui generis. Até certo ponto é a antÃtese de Vilarinho da Furna e da aldeia da Luz. A construção das barragens de Picote, Miranda do Douro e Bemposta não implicou a submersão de nenhuma aldeia. Por isso não envolveu a sua relocalização e também não teve impactos directos sobre as comunidades. Como apoio à construção destas barragens, foi edificado um conjunto de equipamentos colectivos. Actualmente, parte deste património está votado ao abandono. Nos bairros dos operários, as casas ou foram recentemente vendidas a forasteiros ou estão ocupadas por antigos funcionários, agora reformados. Da análise dos casos referidos, parece que o desenvolvimento baseado na construção de barragens, nos últimos cinquenta anos, é uma miragem para as populações afectadas.
A presente dissertação tem como objectivo efectuar o estudo do comportamento térmico de estruturas com betão em massa através do Método de Schmidt e compará-lo com outros métodos. A análise do comportamento do betão reveste-se de extrema importância em diversos domÃnios, de entre os quais se pode referir o que visa evitar a fissuração de origem térmica decorrente do calor de hidratação. Pelo motivo enunciado torna-se necessária dispor de metodologias de análise que requerem a mobilização de meios de cálculo. Existem diferentes métodos para o cálculo das temperaturas: uns mais simples, outros mais complexos, uns mais rápidos, outros mais demorados, uns mais onerosos e outros mais económicos. O conhecimento dos vários métodos permite adequá-los à especificidade de cada obra. Para realizar os vários procedimentos pode recorrer-se a programas informáticos de cálculo, como por o Excel ou utilizar Software EspecÃfico. Nesta dissertação apresenta-se uma metodologia de cálculo baseada no Método de Schmidt e faz-se a comparação com o Método de Solução AnalÃtica. Utiliza-se também este Método no cálculo das temperaturas das várias camadas de uma barragem. O Método de Schmidt é ainda aplicado a um caso real de uma barragem da Tailândia construÃda em Betão Compactado com Cilindros e os resultados obtidos são comparados com outros Métodos de Análise Numérica de Barragens.
O controlo de segurança para preservação da integridade estrutural da barragens é, durante a fase de exploração normal, uma actividade que tem essencialmente como elemento fulcral as inspecções à estrutura e os dados resultantes das observações periódicas da obra, apoiando-se em modelos de comportamento da mesma. Neste sentido, a análise de situações de emergência requer, em regra, a atenção de um especialista em segurança de barragens, o qual poderá, perante os resultados da observação disponÃveis e da aplicação de modelos do comportamento da estrutura, identificar o nÃvel de alerta adequado à situação que se está a viver na barragem. Esta abordagem tradicional de controlo de segurança é um processo eficaz mas que apresenta a desvantagem de poder decorrer um perÃodo de tempo significativo entre a identificação de um processo anómalo e a definição do respectivo nÃvel de gravidade. O uso de novas tecnologias de apoio à decisão e o planeamento de emergência podem contribuir para minorar os efeitos desta desvantagem. O presente trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento de um modelo de aferição do comportamento de uma barragem através da aplicação de redes neuronais do tipo Perceptrão Multicamadas aos resultados da observação de uma barragem de aterro, por forma a identificar anomalias de comportamento e a quantificar o correspondente nÃvel de alerta. A tese divide-se essencialmente em duas partes. A primeira parte aborda os aspectos que se relacionam com as barragens de aterro, nomeadamente definindo as soluções estruturais mais correntes e identificando os principais tipos de deteriorações que podem surgir nestas estruturas. São, igualmente, abordadas as questões que se relacionam com o controlo de segurança e o planeamento de emergência em barragens de aterro. A segunda parte do trabalho versa sobre o modelo de rede neuronal desenvolvido em linguagem de programação java – o modelo ALBATROZ. Este modelo permite definir o nÃvel de alerta em função do nÃvel de água na albufeira, da pressão registada em quatro piezómetros localizados no corpo e na fundação da barragem e do caudal percolado através da barragem e respectiva fundação. Nesta parte, o trabalho recorre, aos resultados da observação da barragem de Valtorno/Mourão e usa os resultados de um modelo de elementos finitos (desenvolvido no Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, no âmbito do plano de observação da obra) por forma a simular o comportamento da barragem e fornecer dados para o treino da rede neuronal desenvolvida.O presente trabalho concluiu que o desenvolvimento de redes neuronais que relacionem o valor registado em algumas das grandezas monitorizadas pelo sistema de observação com o nÃvel de alerta associado a uma situação anómala na barragem pode contribuir para a identificação rápida de situações de emergência e permitir agir atempadamente na sua resolução. Esta caracterÃstica transforma a redes neuronais numa peça importante no planeamento de emergência em barragens e constitui, igualmente, um instrumento de apoio ao controlo de segurança das mesmas.
Crop irrigation has long been recognized as having been important for the evolution of social complexity in several parts of the world. Structural evidence for water management, as in the form of wells, ditches and dams, is often difficult to interpret and may be a poor indicator of past irrigation that may have had no need for such constructions. It would be of considerable value, therefore, to be able to infer past irrigation directly from archaeo-botanical remains, and especially the type of archaeo-botanical remains that are relatively abundant in the archaeological record, such as phytoliths. Building on the pioneering work of Rosen and Wiener (1994), this paper describes a crop-growing experiment designed to explore the impact of irrigation on the formation of phytoliths within cereals. If it can be shown that a systemic and consistent relationship exists between phytolith size, structure and the intensity of irrigation, and if various taphonomic and palaeoenvironmental processes can be controlled for, then the presence of past irrigation can feasibly be inferred from the phytoliths recovered from the archaeological record.
The regional population of the Grey-headed Fish-Eagle (Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus) in Southeast Asia is thought to be in recent decline and its conservation status Linder threat. We undertook a systematic survey in a flooded swamp forest at the Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia and recorded 32 pairs of eagles in an area of approximately 80 km(2). Three species of water snakes were identified as eagle prey items, previously unrecorded for this species. We suggest that this eagle population has significant regional importance and discuss potential anthropogenic threats to population stability, such as water snake harvesting and construction Of upstream hydropower dams.
Lambs (n = 48) were used in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments to evaluate effects of inclusion of oil containing PUFA in high-concentrate diets (with or without) and duration of oil supplementation (pre- vs. postweaning) on CLA concentration of muscle and adipose tissue. Lambs were fed preweaning creep diets (with or without oil) corresponding to the dietary lactation treatment diet (with or without oil) of the dam. Dams blocked by lambing date and rearing type were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 lactation dietary treatments with or without oil supplementation. Creep diets contained approximately 70% concentrate and 30% roughage and were provided to lambs for ad libitum intake. At weaning (58.7 ± 2.5 d of age), lambs (n = 48) were randomly assigned within preweaning treatment groups to 1 of 2 postweaning dietary treatments (with or without oil) and 16 pens in a randomized block design, blocked by sex and BW. Postweaning diets were formulated to contain approximately 80% concentrate and 20% roughage and were fed once daily for ad libitum intake. Soybean and linseed oil (2:1, respectively) replaced ground corn and provided 3% additional fat in pre- and postweaning diets. Lambs were slaughtered at 60.3 ± 4.2 kg of BW. A subcutaneous fat (SQ) sample was obtained within 1 h postmortem and a LM sample at the 12th rib was obtained 24 h postmortem, and both were analyzed for fatty acid profile. Feedlot performance and carcass measurements were not affected (P ≥ 0.26) by oil supplementation. Total CLA content of LM and SQ was not affected (P ≥ 0.08) by oil supplementation pre- or postweaning, but trans-10, cis-12 CLA was greater (P = 0.02) in SQ from lambs supplemented with oil postweaning. Total PUFA content in LM was greater (P = 0.02) in lambs supplemented with oil pre- or postweaning as a result of increased concentrations of 18:2cis-9, cis-12 and longer chain PUFA. Conversely, pre- and postweaning oil supplementation resulted in less (P = 0.04) MUFA content in LM. Only postweaning oil supplementation increased (P = 0.001) SQ PUFA content. Feeding oils containing PUFA to lambs pre- and postweaning did not increase CLA content of muscle, whereas postweaning oil supplementation minimally increased CLA concentration of SQ fat. Inclusion of soybean and linseed oil in pre- and postweaning diets increased total PUFA content of SQ fat and muscle tissue without adversely affecting growth performance or carcass characteristics.