958 resultados para D. Fracture


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Dicrepidius brasilianus sp. nov., from Pará and Mato Grosso is described and illustrated. This is the second species of this genus recorded from Brazil. D. ramicornis (Palisot de Beauvois, 1805) is widely distributed from south of United States to south of Brazil. From Brazil, it was recorded from Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Santa Catarina states, but now other records are included. A comparison between the two Brazilian species and a discussion, including intraspecific variations, are presented.


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To observe the effects of the parasitic infection on the biology of B. tenagophila, field and laboratory populations of this mollusk from Itariri, in Vale do Ribeira, Brazil, were experimentally infected. Each mollusk received 10 miracidia of Schistosoma mansoni (SJ lineage) and was observed throughout the parasite's development. The biological variables were compared according to the criteria "group" and "infectious phase". The main damage caused by the parasitic infection manifested itself in reproduction, longevity and lesions on the shell of the mollusks in the patent phase. An infection rate of 58.8% was observed. Microanatomical study of the mollusk's digestive gland and ovotestis revealed the presence of evolving larval forms and cercariae. It was concluded that the effects of the parasitic infection on both populations were moderate, despite the low survival rate of the infected mollusks, the damage did not prevent either reproduction or the elimination of cercariae, which continued for a long time.


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The objective of the study was to estimate the frequency of recurrent falls and identify the main associated risk factors. The BRAZOS is the first epidemiological study performed on a representative sample of the Brazilian population. Anthropometric data, living habits, previous fractures, falls, dietary intake, physical activity and quality of life were evaluated in 2,420 individuals aged 40 and older. Recurrent falls were reported by 15.5% of men and 25.6% of women. Among women, the risk factors significantly associated to recurrent falls were age, previous fracture, sedentary lifestyle, poor quality of life, diabetes mellitus and current use of benzodiazepine. In men, the risk factors were age, poor quality of life, intake of alcoholic beverages, diabetes mellitus, previous fracture and use of benzodiazepine. A greater intake of vitamin D had a protector effect on the risk of recurrent falls. These findings demonstrated the high prevalence of recurrent falls and emphasize that a multidisciplinary approach is necessary to minimize recurrent falls and their consequences, including osteoporotic fractures.


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Osteoporosis is a global health problem characterized by low bone mass and microarchitectural deterioration of bone tissue with a consequent increase in bone fragility and susceptibility to fracture. Nutrition plays a critical role in reducing the risk of osteoporosis through its effect on all of these fragility factors, especially on the development and maintenance of bone mass. An adequate calcium, vitamin D and protein intake resulted in reduced bone remodeling, better calcium retention, reduced age-related bone loss, and reduced fracture risk. Recent evidence indicates that a healthy dietary pattern including dairy products (mainly fat free), fruit and vegetables and adequate amounts of meat, fish and poultry is positively related to bone health. Furthermore, mineral and vitamin supplementation should be closely monitored by health professionals since it could have adverse effects and be insufficient to ensure optimal protection of bone health.


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Atualmente, a insuficiência/deficiência de vitamina D tem sido considerada um problema de saúde pública no mundo todo, em razão de suas implicações no desenvolvimento de diversas doenças, entre elas, o diabetes melito tipo 2 (DMT2), a obesidade e a hipertensão arterial. A deficiência de vitamina D pode predispor à intolerância à glicose, a alterações na secreção de insulina e, assim, ao desenvolvimento do DMT2. Esse possível mecanismo ocorre em razão da presença do receptor de vitamina D em diversas células e tecidos, incluindo células-β do pâncreas, no adipócito e no tecido muscular. Em indivíduos obesos, as alterações do sistema en³crino da vitamina D, caracterizada por elevados níveis de PTH e da 1,25(OH)2D3 são responsáveis pelo feedback negativo da síntese hepática de 25-OHD3 e também pelo maior influxo de cálcio para o meio intracelular, que pode prejudicar a secreção e a sensibilidade à insulina. Na hipertensão, a vitamina D pode atuar via sistema renina-angiotensina e também na função vascular. Há eviªncias de que a 1,25(OH)2D3 inibe a expressão da renina e bloqueia a proliferação da célula vascular muscular lisa. Entretanto, estudos prospectivos e de intervenção em humanos que comprovem a efetividade da adequação do status da vitamina D sob o aspecto "prevenção e tratamento de doenças endocrinometabólicas" são ainda escassos. Mais pesquisas são necessárias para se garantir o benefício máximo da vitamina D nessas situações.


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OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a associação entre o estado nutricional da vitamina D, a adiposidade e a pressão arterial (PA) em adolescentes. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada avaliação antropométrica, da composição corporal, da ingestão alimentar, de medidas bioquímicas e aferição da PA de 205 adolescentes, com média de idade de 18,2 anos. RESULTADOS: Destes, 12,19% apresentaram PA elevada. O nível sérico médio da 25OHD foi 29,2(0,8) ng/mL, e 62% dos adolescentes apresentaram insuficiência de vitamina D. Não foi encontrada correlação significativa entre a PAS e a PAD com a 25OHD e a 1,25(OH)2D. Houve correlação negativa entre a PAD com os níveis séricos de adiponectina, e tanto a PAS quanto a PAD apresentaram correlação positiva com a circunferência da cintura em ambos os sexos. CONCLUSÃO: Não houve relação entre os níveis séricos de vitamina D e a PA. Porém, a gordura visceral apresenta risco potencial para elevação da PA em adolescentes.


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Com objetivo de observar os efeitos da infecção parasitária na biologia de B. tenagophila, foram realizadas infecções experimentais em populações de campo e laboratório, ambas procedentes de Itariri, Vale do Ribeira, Brasil. Cada molusco recebeu 10 miracídios de Schistosoma mansoni (linhagem SJ), sendo observado durante o desenvolvimento dos parasitos. As variáveis biológicas foram comparadas segundo os critérios "grupo" e "fase de infecção". Os principais danos decorrentes do parasitismo se manifestaram na reprodução, na longevidade e em lesões na concha dos moluscos na fase patente. Foi encontrada uma taxa de infecção de 58,8 por cento. O estudo microanatômico da glândula digestiva e do ovoteste do molusco revelou a presença de formas larvárias em evolução e cercárias. Concluiu-se que os efeitos da infecção parasitária, sobre as duas populações, foram moderados, uma vez que os danos não impediram a reprodução e a eliminação de cercárias que se manteve por um longo período, apesar da baixa sobrevivência dos moluscos parasitados


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Estimar a freqüência de quedas recorrentes e identificar os principais fatores de risco associados. O BRAZOS é o primeiro estudo epidemiológico realizado em amostragem representativa da população brasileira. Dados antropométricos, hábitos de vida, fratura prévia, quedas, dieta, atividade física e qualidade de vida foram avaliados em 2.420 indivíduos adultos. Quedas recorrentes foram referidas por 15,5% dos homens e 25,6% das mulheres. Nas mulheres, os fatores de risco associados com quedas recorrentes foram idade, fratura prévia, sedentarismo, pior qualidade de vida, diabete mellitus e uso atual de benzodiazepínicos. Nos homens, foram idade, pior qualidade de vida, consumo de bebidas alcoólicas, diabete mellitus, fratura prévia e uso atual de benzodiazepínicos. Maior ingestão de vitamina D desempenhou efeito protetor sobre o risco de quedas recorrentes. Esses achados demonstram elevada prevalência de quedas recorrentes e enfatizam a necessidade de uma abordagem multidisciplinar a fim de minimizá-las bem como de suas conseqüências como as fraturas por osteoporose


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A osteoporose é um problema de saúde global, caracterizada por baixa massa óssea e deterioração da microarquitetura do tecido ósseo, com consequente aumento da fragilidade óssea e suscetibilidade a fraturas. A nutrição desempenha um papel fundamental na redução do risco de osteoporose por seu efeito sobre todos os fatores relacionados à fragilidade óssea, principalmente no desenvolvimento e na manutenção da massa óssea. Uma adequada ingestão de cálcio, vitamina D e proteína leva à redução da remodelação óssea, à maior retenção de cálcio, à redução da perda óssea relacionada à idade e à redução do risco de fraturas. Eviªncias recentes indicam que uma alimentação sau¡vel, incluindo a ingestão de produtos lácteos (principalmente os desnatados), frutas e verduras, e uma quantidade adequada de carnes, peixes e aves, está relacionada positivamente com a saúde óssea. Além disso, a suplementação de vitaminas e minerais deve ser monitorada de perto, por profissionais de saúde, uma vez que pode ter efeitos adversos e ser insuficiente para assegurar uma eficaz proteção à saúde óssea


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It is well known that striation spacing may be related to the crack growth rate, da/dN, through Paris equation, as well as the maximum and minimum loads under service loading conditions. These loads define the load ratio, R, and are considered impossible to be evaluated from the inter-spacing striations analysis. In this way, this study discusses the methodology proposed by Furukawa to evaluate the maximum and minimum loads based on the experimental fact that the relative height of a striation, H, and the striation spacing, s, are strongly influenced by the load ratio, R. Fatigue tests in C(T) specimens were conducted on SAE 7475-T7351 Al alloy plates at room temperature and the results showed a straightforward correlation between the parameters H, s, and R. Measurements of striation height, H, were performed using scanning electron microscopy and field emission gun (FEG) after sectioning the specimen at a large inclined angle to amplify the height of the striations. The results showed that for increasing R the values of H/s tend to increase. Striation height, striation spacing, and load ratio correlations were obtained, which allows one to estimate service loadings from fatigue fracture surface survey.


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This study had the following objectives: to induce and describe symptoms of deficiency of boron (B), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo) and zinc (Zn), determining the effect on the mineral composition of leaves. The experiment was developed in a green house and used diagnosis technique by subtraction. The experimental design usedn was a randomized blocks, with seven treatments and three replicates. It was verified that micronutrient omission led to morphological alterations which, in turn, caused visual symptoms. The symptoms caused by the omission of Cu, Mn and Zn were the first to appear, and were followed by those of B, Fe and Mo. The omission of B, Mn and Zn was responsible for the more pronounced reduction in height and stem diameter.


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Some antimicrobial peptides have a broad spectrum of action against many different kinds of microorganisms. Gomesin and protegrin-1 are examples of such antimicrobial peptides, and they were studied by molecular dynamics in this research. Both have a beta-hairpin conformation stabilized by two disulfide bridges and are active against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, as well as fungi. In this study, the role of the disulfide bridge in the maintenance of the tertiary peptide structure of protegrin-1 and gomesin is analyzed by the structural characteristics of these peptides and two of their respective variants, gomy4 and proty4, in which the four cysteines are replaced by four tyrosine residues. The absence of disulfide bridges in gomy4 and proty4 is compensated by overall reinforcement of the original hydrogen bonds and extra attractive interactions between the aromatic rings of the tyrosine residues. The net effects on the variants with respect to the corresponding natural peptides are: i) maintenance of the original beta-hairpin conformation, with great structural similarities between the mutant and the corresponding natural peptide; ii) combination of positive F and. Ramachandran angles within the hairpin head region with a qualitative change to a combination of positive (F) and negative (.) angles, and iii) significant increase in structural flexibility. Experimental facts about the antimicrobial activity of the gomesin and protegrin-1 variants have also been established here, in the hope that the detailed data provided in the present study may be useful for understanding the mechanism of action of these peptides.


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This article presents and analyses some aspects of Georges Perec's composition as shown in his book Life: a user's manual (1978). Starting with the image of a ""book-library"", composed by some of Perec's literary 'models', and discussing the theory of intextertuality and rewriting, we propose to analyse some possible approximations between Perec and Flaubert, especially in the latter's Bouvard and Pecuchet (1881).


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Background: Chrysotile is considered less harmful to human health than other types of asbestos fibers. Its clearance from the lung is faster and, in comparison to amphibole forms of asbestos, chrysotile asbestos fail to accumulate in the lung tissue due to a mechanism involving fibers fragmentation in short pieces. Short exposure to chrysotile has not been associated with any histopathological alteration of lung tissue. Methods: The present work focuses on the association of small chrysotile fibers with interphasic and mitotic human lung cancer cells in culture, using for analyses confocal laser scanning microscopy and 3D reconstructions. The main goal was to perform the analysis of abnormalities in mitosis of fibers-containing cells as well as to quantify nuclear DNA content of treated cells during their recovery in fiber-free culture medium. Results: HK2 cells treated with chrysotile for 48 h and recovered in additional periods of 24, 48 and 72 h in normal medium showed increased frequency of multinucleated and apoptotic cells. DNA ploidy of the cells submitted to the same chrysotile treatment schedules showed enhanced aneuploidy values. The results were consistent with the high frequency of multipolar spindles observed and with the presence of fibers in the intercellular bridge during cytokinesis. Conclusion: The present data show that 48 h chrysotile exposure can cause centrosome amplification, apoptosis and aneuploid cell formation even when long periods of recovery were provided. Internalized fibers seem to interact with the chromatin during mitosis, and they could also interfere in cytokinesis, leading to cytokinesis failure which forms aneuploid or multinucleated cells with centrosome amplification.


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We present measurements of J/psi yields in d + Au collisions at root S(NN) = 200 GeV recorded by the PHENIX experiment and compare them with yields in p + p collisions at the same energy per nucleon-nucleon collision. The measurements cover a large kinematic range in J/psi rapidity (-2.2 < y < 2.4) with high statistical precision and are compared with two theoretical models: one with nuclear shadowing combined with final state breakup and one with coherent gluon saturation effects. In order to remove model dependent systematic uncertainties we also compare the data to a simple geometric model. The forward rapidity data are inconsistent with nuclear modifications that are linear or exponential in the density weighted longitudinal thickness, such as those from the final state breakup of the bound state.