980 resultados para Cuerpo Técnico de Policía Judicial
Audit report on the Iowa Judicial Branch for the year ended June 30, 2006
Combined audit report on the eight Judicial District Departments of Correctional Services for the year ended June 30, 2006
Audit report on the Iowa Judicial Branch – County Clerks of District Courts, a part of the State of Iowa, for the year ended June 30, 2006
We estimate the effect of state judiciary presence on rent extraction in Brazilian local governments.We measure rents as irregularities related to waste or corruption uncovered by auditors.Our unique dataset at the level of individual inspections allows us to separately examine extensiveand intensive margins of rent extraction. The identification strategy is based on an institutionalrule of state judiciary branches according to which prosecutors and judges tend to be assigned tothe most populous among contiguous counties forming a judiciary district. Our research designexploits this rule by comparing counties that are largest in their district to counties with identicalpopulation size from other districts in the same state, where they are not the most populous. IVestimates suggest that state judiciary presence reduces the share of inspections with irregularitiesrelated to waste or corruption by about 10 percent or 0.3 standard deviations. In contrast, we findno effect on the intensive margin of rent extraction. Finally, our estimates suggest that judicialpresence reduces rent extraction only for first-term mayors.
Report on a special investigation of the Fifth and Eighth Judicial Districts Department of Correctional Services (Districts) for the period January 1, 2003 through June 30, 2006
Audit report on the Iowa Judicial Retirement System for the year ended June 30, 2007
Describe principalmente, los aspectos técnicos empleados en la preservación, manipuleo de los productos pesqueros a bordo delas embarcaciones, se incluye también los procesos de transformación empleados tales como: seco - salado y el denominado salpreso. Además, se hace una descripción de las características principales de la zona de trabajo donde la actividad pesquera está determinada por el cambio de régimen de aguas del río Mazán, iniciándose la época de vaciante en el mes de setiembre y culminándose en febrero, alcanzando su máxima actividad pesquera en los meses de diciembre y enero.
Estudio de la industria harinera, volumen, caracterìsticas de la materia prima, ubicaciòn de la fàbrica, capacidad fabril, capacidad de almacenaje y rendimientos.
Report on the Iowa Judicial Branch for the year ended June 30, 2007
Com a celebração, em 2006, do convênio entre o Japão, por meio da ‘Japan International Cooperation Agency – JICA’, e o Brasil, por meio da ‘Agência Brasileira de Cooperação – ABC’, do Ministério das Relações Exteriores - MRE, a Embrapa Hortaliças realizou no período de 5 de novembro a 7 de dezembro de 2007, o ‘II CURSO INTERNACIONAL SOBRE PRODUÇÃO SUSTENTÁVEL DE HORTALIÇAS’. De acordo com o memorando de entendimento, o ‘II Curso’ estava programado para os técnicos que atuam em instituições de assistência técnica e extensão rural de países da América Latina, exceto os do Cone Sul (Argentina, Chile e Uruguai). Entretanto, por solicitação da JICA, esta cláusula foi alterada em discussões posteriores com a Embrapa e a ABC, e o curso foi realizado exclusivamente para os técnicos de instituições de países de Língua Portuguesa da África.
Da a conocer la real recuperación del recurso merluza tanto en niveles extractivos como en tallas, por tanto, establece que no existe indicios de explotación intensa y que, por el contrario, la pesca de la merluza ha sido sostenida en el período de 1994 - 1995. El estudio recomienda intensificar el seguimiento de la pesquería del recurso en el área de Chimbote, mediante un sistema de observación periódica.
Report on the Iowa Judicial Branch – County Clerks of District Courts, a part of the State of Iowa, for the year ended June 30, 2007
Combined report on the eight Judicial District Departments of Correctional Services for the year ended June 30, 2007
Audit report on the Iowa Judicial Retirement System for the year ended June 30, 2008
Assuming that the degree of discretion granted to judges was the main distinguishing feature between common and civil law until the 19th century, we argue that constraining judicial discretion was instrumental in protecting freedom of contract and developing the market order in civil law. We test this hypothesis by analyzing the history of Western law. In England, a unique institutional balance between the Crown and the Parliament guaranteed private property and prompted the gradual evolution towards a legal framework that facilitated market relationships, a process that was supported by the English judiciary. On the Continent, however, legal constraints on the market were suppressed in a top-down fashion by the founders of the liberal state, often against the will of the incumbent judiciary. Constraining judicial discretion there was essential for enforcing freedom of contract and establishing the legal order of the market economy. In line with this evidence, our selection hypothesis casts doubts on the normative interpretation of empirical results that proclaim the superiority of one legal system over another, disregarding the local conditions and institutional interdependencies on which each legal system was grounded.