994 resultados para Crop residue


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An analysis of 503 available triosephosphate isomerase sequences revealed nine fully conserved residues. Of these, four residues-K12, H95, E97 and E165-are capable of proton transfer and are all arrayed around the dihydroxyacetone phosphate substrate in the three-dimensional structure. Specific roles have been assigned to the residues K12, H95 and E165, but the nature of the involvement of E97 has not been established. Kinetic and structural characterization is reported for the E97Q and E97D mutants of Plasmodium falciparum triosephosphate isomerase (Pf TIM). A 4000-fold reduction in k(cat) is observed for E97Q, whereas the E97D mutant shows a 100-fold reduction. The control mutant, E165A, which lacks the key catalytic base, shows an approximately 9000-fold drop in activity. The integrity of the overall fold and stability of the dimeric structure have been demonstrated by biophysical studies. Crystal structures of E97Q and E97D mutants have been determined at 2.0 angstrom resolution. In the case of the isosteric replacement of glutamic acid by glutamine in the E97Q mutant a large conformational change for the critical K12 side chain is observed, corresponding to a trans-to-gauche transition about the C gamma-C delta (chi(3)) bond. In the E97D mutant, the K12 side chain maintains the wild-type orientation, but the hydrogen bond between K12 and D97 is lost. The results are interpreted as a direct role for E97 in the catalytic proton transfer cycle. The proposed mechanism eliminates the need to invoke the formation of the energetically unfavourable imidazolate anion at H95, a key feature of the classical mechanism.


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In this study we analyzed climate and crop yields data from Indian cardamom hills for the period 1978-2007 to investigate whether there were significant changes in weather elements, and if such changes have had significant impact on the production of spices and plantation crops. Spatial and temporal variations in air temperatures (maximum and minimum), rainfall and relative humidity are evident across stations. The mean air temperature increased significantly during the last 30 years; the greatest increase and the largest significant upward trend was observed in the daily temperature. The highest increase in minimum temperature was registered for June (0.37A degrees C/18 years) at the Myladumpara station. December and January showed greater warming across the stations. Rainfall during the main monsoon months (June-September) showed a downward trend. Relative humidity showed increasing and decreasing trends, respectively, at the cardamom and tea growing tracts. The warming trend coupled with frequent wet and dry spells during the summer is likely to have a favorable effect on insect pests and disease causing organisms thereby pesticide consumption can go up both during excess rainfall and drought years. The incidence of many minor pest insects and disease pathogens has increased in the recent years of our study along with warming. Significant and slight increases in the yield of small cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum M.) and coffee (Coffea arabica), respectively, were noticed in the recent years.; however the improvement of yield in tea (Thea sinensis) and black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) has not been seen in our analysis.


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This paper deals with the characterisation of tar from two configurations of bioresidue thermochemical conversion reactors designed for producer gas based power generation systems. The pulverised fuel reactor is a cyclone system (R1) and the solid bioresidue reactor (denoted R2) is an open top twin air entry system both at 75-90 kg/h capacity (to generate electricity similar to 100 kVA). The reactor, R2, has undergone rigorous test in a major Indo-Swiss programme for the tar quantity at various conditions. The former is a recent technology development. Tars collected from these systems by a standard tar collection apparatus at the laboratory at Indian Institute of Science have been analysed at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden. The results of these analyses show that these thermochemical conversion reactors behave differently from the earlier reactors reported in literature in so far as tar generation is concerned. The extent of tar in hot gas is about 700-800 ppm for R1 and 70-100 ppm for R2. The amounts of the major compounds - naphthalene and phenol-are much lower that what is generally understood to happen in the gasifiers in Europe. It is suggested that the longer residence times at high temperatures allowed for in these reactors is responsible for this behavior. It is concluded the new generation reactor concepts extensively tried out at lower power levels hold promise for high power atmospheric gasification systems for woody as well as pulverisable bioresidues.


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Estimation of soil parameters by inverse modeling using observations on either surface soil moisture or crop variables has been successfully attempted in many studies, but difficulties to estimate root zone properties arise when heterogeneous layered soils are considered. The objective of this study was to explore the potential of combining observations on surface soil moisture and crop variables - leaf area index (LAI) and above-ground biomass for estimating soil parameters (water holding capacity and soil depth) in a two-layered soil system using inversion of the crop model STICS. This was performed using GLUE method on a synthetic data set on varying soil types and on a data set from a field experiment carried out in two maize plots in South India. The main results were (i) combination of surface soil moisture and above-ground biomass provided consistently good estimates with small uncertainity of soil properties for the two soil layers, for a wide range of soil paramater values, both in the synthetic and the field experiment, (ii) above-ground biomass was found to give relatively better estimates and lower uncertainty than LAI when combined with surface soil moisture, especially for estimation of soil depth, (iii) surface soil moisture data, either alone or combined with crop variables, provided a very good estimate of the water holding capacity of the upper soil layer with very small uncertainty whereas using the surface soil moisture alone gave very poor estimates of the soil properties of the deeper layer, and (iv) using crop variables alone (else above-ground biomass or LAI) provided reasonable estimates of the deeper layer properties depending on the soil type but provided poor estimates of the first layer properties. The robustness of combining observations of the surface soil moisture and the above-ground biomass for estimating two layer soil properties, which was demonstrated using both synthetic and field experiments in this study, needs now to be tested for a broader range of climatic conditions and crop types, to assess its potential for spatial applications. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cross strand aromatic interactions between a facing pair of phenylalanine residues in antiparallel beta-sheet structures have been probed using two structurally defined model peptides. The octapeptide Boc-(LFVPPLFV)-P-D-P-L-OMe (peptide 1) favors the beta-hairpin conformation nucleated by the type II' beta-turn formed by the (D)Pro-(L)Pro segment, placing Phe2 and Phe7 side chains in proximity. Two centrally positioned (D)Pro-(L)Pro segments facilitate the three stranded beta-sheet formation in the 14 residue peptide Boc-LFV(D)P(L)PLFVA(D)P(L)PLFV-OMe (peptide 2) in which the Phe2/Phe7 orientations are similar to that in the octapeptide. The anticipated folded conformations of peptides 1 and 2 are established by the delineation of intramolecularly hydrogen bonded NH groups and by the observation of specific cross strand NOEs. The observation of ring current shifted aromatic protons is a diagnostic of close approach of the Phe2 and Phe7 side chains. Specific assignment of aromatic proton resonances using HSQC and HSQC-TOCSY methods allow an analysis of interproton NOEs between the spatially proximate aromatic rings. This approach facilitates specific assignments in systems containing multiple aromatic rings in spectra at natural abundance. Evidence is presented for a dynamic process which invokes a correlated conformational change about the C-alpha-C-beta(chi(1)) bond for the pair of interacting Phe residues. NMR results suggest that aromatic ring orientations observed in crystals are maintained in solution. Anomalous temperature dependence of ring current induced proton chemical shifts suggests that solvophobic effects may facilitate aromatic ring clustering in apolar solvents.


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Backbone alkylation has been shown to result in a dramatic reduction in the conformational space that is sterically accessible to a-amino acid residues in peptides. By extension, the presence of geminal dialkyl substituents at backbone atoms also restricts available conformational space for beta and ? residues. Five peptides containing the achiral beta 2,2-disubstituted beta-amino acid residue, 1-(aminomethyl)cyclohexanecarboxylic acid (beta 2,2Ac6c), have been structurally characterized in crystals by X-ray diffraction. The tripeptide Boc-Aib-beta 2,2Ac6c-Aib-OMe (1) adopts a novel fold stabilized by two intramolecular H-bonds (C11 and C9) of opposite directionality. The tetrapeptide Boc-Aib-beta 2,2Ac6c]2-OMe (2) and pentapeptide Boc-Aib-beta 2,2Ac6c]2-Aib-OMe (3) form short stretches of a hybrid a beta C11 helix stabilized by two and three intramolecular H-bonds, respectively. The structure of the dipeptide Boc-Aib-beta 2,2Ac6c-OMe (5) does not reveal any intramolecular H-bond. The aggregation pattern in the crystal provides an example of an extended conformation of the beta 2,2Ac6c residue, forming a polar sheet like H-bond. The protected derivative Ac-beta 2,2Ac6c-NHMe (4) adopts a locally folded gauche conformation about the C beta?Ca bonds (?=-55.7 degrees). Of the seven examples of beta 2,2Ac6c residues reported here, six adopt gauche conformations, a feature which promotes local folding when incorporated into peptides. A comparison between the conformational properties of beta 2,2Ac6c and beta 3,3Ac6c residues, in peptides, is presented. Backbone torsional parameters of H-bonded a beta/beta a turns are derived from the structures presented in this study and earlier reports.


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This paper presents a new hierarchical clustering algorithm for crop stage classification using hyperspectral satellite image. Amongst the multiple benefits and uses of remote sensing, one of the important application is to solve the problem of crop stage classification. Modern commercial imaging satellites, owing to their large volume of satellite imagery, offer greater opportunities for automated image analysis. Hence, we propose a unsupervised algorithm namely Hierarchical Artificial Immune System (HAIS) of two steps: splitting the cluster centers and merging them. The high dimensionality of the data has been reduced with the help of Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The classification results have been compared with K-means and Artificial Immune System algorithms. From the results obtained, we conclude that the proposed hierarchical clustering algorithm is accurate.


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The presence of a large number of spectral bands in the hyperspectral images increases the capability to distinguish between various physical structures. However, they suffer from the high dimensionality of the data. Hence, the processing of hyperspectral images is applied in two stages: dimensionality reduction and unsupervised classification techniques. The high dimensionality of the data has been reduced with the help of Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The selected dimensions are classified using Niche Hierarchical Artificial Immune System (NHAIS). The NHAIS combines the splitting method to search for the optimal cluster centers using niching procedure and the merging method is used to group the data points based on majority voting. Results are presented for two hyperspectral images namely EO-1 Hyperion image and Indian pines image. A performance comparison of this proposed hierarchical clustering algorithm with the earlier three unsupervised algorithms is presented. From the results obtained, we deduce that the NHAIS is efficient.


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Crop type classification using remote sensing data plays a vital role in planning cultivation activities and for optimal usage of the available fertile land. Thus a reliable and precise classification of agricultural crops can help improve agricultural productivity. Hence in this paper a gene expression programming based fuzzy logic approach for multiclass crop classification using Multispectral satellite image is proposed. The purpose of this work is to utilize the optimization capabilities of GEP for tuning the fuzzy membership functions. The capabilities of GEP as a classifier is also studied. The proposed method is compared to Bayesian and Maximum likelihood classifier in terms of performance evaluation. From the results we can conclude that the proposed method is effective for classification.


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For improved water management and efficiency of use in agriculture, studies dealing with coupled crop-surface water-groundwater models are needed. Such integrated models of crop and hydrology can provide accurate quantification of spatio-temporal variations of water balance parameters such as soil moisture store, evapotranspiration and recharge in a catchment. Performance of a coupled crop-hydrology model would depend on the availability of a calibrated crop model for various irrigated/rainfed crops and also on an accurate knowledge of soil hydraulic parameters in the catchment at relevant scale. Moreover, such a coupled model should be designed so as to enable the use/assimilation of recent satellite remote sensing products (optical and microwave) in order to model the processes at catchment scales. In this study we present a framework to couple a crop model with a groundwater model for applications to irrigated groundwater agricultural systems. We discuss the calibration of the STICS crop model and present a methodology to estimate the soil hydraulic parameters by inversion of crop model using both ground and satellite based data. Using this methodology we demonstrate the feasibility of estimation of potential recharge due to spatially varying soil/crop matrix.


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Conformational diversity or shapeshifting in cyclic peptide natural products can, in principle, confer a single molecular entity with the property of binding to multiple receptors. Conformational equilibria have been probed in the contryphans, which are peptides derived from Conus venom possessing a 23-membered cyclic disulfide moiety. The natural sequences derived from Conus inscriptus, GCV(D)LYPWC* (In936) and Conus loroisii, GCP(D)WDPWC* (Lo959) differ in the number of proline residues within the macrocyclic ring. Structural characterisation of distinct conformational states arising from cis-trans equilibria about Xxx-Pro bonds is reported. Isomerisation about the C2-P3 bond is observed in the case of Lo959 and about the Y5-P6 bond in In936. Evidence is presented for as many as four distinct species in the case of the synthetic analogue V3P In936. The Tyr-Pro-Trp segment in In936 is characterised by distinct sidechain orientations as a consequence of aromatic/proline interactions as evidenced by specific sidechain-sidechain nuclear Overhauser effects and ring current shifted proton chemical shifts. Molecular dynamics simulations suggest that Tyr5 and Trp7 sidechain conformations are correlated and depend on the geometry of the Xxx-Pro bond. Thermodynamic parameters are derived for the cis trans equilibrium for In936. Studies on synthetic analogues provide insights into the role of sequence effects in modulating isomerisation about Xxx-Pro bonds.


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Multiple methods currently exist for rapid construction and screening of single-site saturation mutagenesis (SSM) libraries in which every codon or nucleotide in a DNA fragment is individually randomized. Nucleotide sequences of each library member before and after screening or selection can be obtained through deep sequencing. The relative enrichment of each mutant at each position provides information on its contribution to protein activity or ligand-binding under the conditions of the screen. Such saturation scans have been applied to diverse proteins to delineate hot-spot residues, stability determinants, and for comprehensive fitness estimates. The data have been used to design proteins with enhanced stability, activity and altered specificity relative to wild-type, to test computational predictions of binding affinity, and for protein model discrimination. Future improvements in deep sequencing read lengths and accuracy should allow comprehensive studies of epistatic effects, of combinational variation at multiple sites, and identification of spatially proximate residues.


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The Ramachandran map clearly delineates the regions of accessible conformational (phi-) space for amino acid residues in proteins. Experimental distributions of phi, values in high-resolution protein structures, reveal sparsely populated zones within fully allowed regions and distinct clusters in apparently disallowed regions. Conformational space has been divided into 14 distinct bins. Residues adopting these relatively rare conformations are presented and amino acid propensities for these regions are estimated. Inspection of specific examples in a completely arid, fully allowed region in the top left quadrant establishes that side-chain and backbone interactions may provide the energetic compensation necessary for populating this region of phi- space. Asn, Asp, and His residues showed the highest propensities in this region. The two distinct clusters in the bottom right quadrant which are formally disallowed on strict steric considerations correspond to the gamma turn (C7 axial) conformation (Bin 12) and the i + 1 position of Type II turns (Bin 13). Of the 516 non-Gly residues in Bin 13, 384 occupied the i + 1 position of Type II turns. Further examination of these turn segments revealed a high propensity to occur at the N-terminus of helices and as a tight turn in hairpins. The strand-helix motif with the Type II turn as a connecting element was also found in as many as 57 examples. Proteins 2014; 82:1101-1112. (c) 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Close-packed helices with mixed hydrogen bond directionality are unprecedented in the structural chemistry of alpha-polypeptides. While NMR studies in solution state provide strong evidence for the occurrence of mixed helices in (beta beta)(n) and (alpha beta)(n) sequences, limited information is currently available in crystals. The peptide structures presented show the occurrence of C-11/C-9 helices in (alpha beta)(n) peptides. Transitions between C-11 and C-11/C-9 helices are observed upon varying the alpha-amino acid residue.


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Secondary structure formation in oligopeptides can be induced by short nucleating segments with a high propensity to form hydrogen bonded turn conformations. Type I/III turns facilitate helical folding while type II'/I' turns favour hairpin formation. This principle is experimentally verified by studies of two designed dodecapeptides, Boc-Val-Phe-Leu-Phe-Val-Aib-Aib-Val-Phe-Leu-Phe-Val-OMe 1 and Boc-Val-Phe-Leu-Phe-Val- (D) Pro- (L) Pro-Val-Phe-Leu-Phe-Val-OMe 2. The N- and C-terminal flanking pentapeptide sequences in both cases are identical. Peptide 1 adopts a largely alpha-helical conformation in crystals, with a small 3(10) helical segment at the N-terminus. The overall helical fold is maintained in methanol solution as evidenced by NMR studies. Peptide 2 adopts an antiparallel beta-hairpin conformation stabilized by 6 interstrand hydrogen bonds. Key nuclear Overhauser effects (NOEs) provide evidence for the antiparallel beta-hairpin structure. Aromatic proton chemical shifts provide a clear distinction between the conformation of peptides 1 (helical) and 2 (beta-hairpin). The proximity of facing aromatic residues positioned at non-hydrogen bonding positions in the hairpin results in extensively ring current shifted proton resonances in peptide 2.