998 resultados para Critérios editoriais


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Dados de 16.592 animais da raça Gir, provenientes do controle de desenvolvimento ponderal da Associação Brasileira dos Criadores de Zebu, nascidos no período de 1978 a 1994, criados em diversas condições de ambiente no Brasil, foram usados para estimar parâmetros genéticos e ambientais das características ganho médio diário do nascimento à desmama (GMD) e dias para atingir 160 kg do nascimento à desmama (D160). As estimativas dos componentes de variância e herdabilidade foram obtidas pelo método da máxima verossimilhança restrita por modelos animais uni-característica. Foram utilizados dois modelos o modelo 1, com grupo de contemporâneos (GC) como efeito fixo e com efeitos genético aditivo de animal e materno, efeito de ambiente permanente materno e erro como aleatórios; e modelo 2, com os mesmos efeitos do modelo 1, mas com covariância genética entre os efeitos direto e materno igual a zero (sigmaam=0). As estimativas de herdabilidade, utilizando-se o Modelo 1, foram iguais a 0,11; 0,04; 0,11 e 0,07 para GMD (efeito direto), GMD (efeito materno), D160 (efeito direto) e D160 (efeito materno), respectivamente. Para o Modelo 2, as estimativas de herdabilidade foram: 0,12; 0,05; 0,10 e 0,05 para GMD (efeito direto), GMD (efeito materno), D160 (efeito direto) e D160 (efeito materno). A diferença entre os modelos pela não inclusão da estrutura de covariância entre os efeitos direto e materno (sigmaam=0), neste trabalho, não foi significativa. A contribuição da variância residual (como porcentagem da variação fenotípica total) foi de 76% para GMD e de 80% para D160, para os dois modelos, indicando a necessidade da melhoria do ambiente de criação, assim como a padronização e formação de lotes de manejo, o que reflete na possibilidade de melhor definição de grupo de contemporâneos.


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A utilização de dois critérios de seleção na pré-desmama, ganho médio diário do nascimento à desmama (GMD) e dias para ganhar 160 kg do nascimento à desmama (D160), foi estudada, analisando-se informações de 16.592 animais, provenientes do controle de desenvolvimento ponderal da Associação Brasileira dos Criadores de Zebu, nascidos no período de 1978 a 1994. Foram incluídos no modelo o efeito fixo de grupo de contemporâneos e os efeitos aleatórios genético aditivo de animal e materno, de ambiente permanente materno e o erro. A covariância entre os efeitos direto e materno foi considerada igual a zero. As estimativas dos componentes de variância e herdabilidade foram obtidas pelo método da máxima verossimilhança restrita e os valores genéticos preditos (VGs), por modelos animais uni-característica. As estimativas de herdabilidade foram: 0,12; 0,05; 0,10 e 0,05 para GMD (efeito direto), GMD (efeito materno), D160 (efeito direto) e D160 (efeito materno), respectivamente. Foram estimadas a correlação genética entre GMD e D160 (efeito direto e materno) e a correlação de classificação (Spearman) entre os valores genéticos para as categorias de touros, vacas e bezerros. As estimativas de correlação genética entre GMD e D160 foram 0,86 e 0,88, para o efeito direto e materno, respectivamente. As estimativas de correlação de ;rank;, também foram altas, entretanto, nenhuma foi igual a um, resultando em alterações na classificação dos animais. A relação entre as médias aritmética (A) e harmônica (H) e o desvio-padrão (S) do GMD ajustado para efeitos ambientais e maternos (GMDc) foi verificada utilizando-se um modelo restrito, sem intercepto, mediante as regressões linear e quadrática do S do GMDc sobre a diferença entre a média aritmética e média harmônica (A-H). Os resultados evidenciaram que, semelhantemente a H, o critério D160 apresentou a propriedade de discriminar touros com progênie mais uniforme.


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Objetivou-se com este estudo comparar a seleção com base no ganho médio diário de peso na pré-desmama (GMD) e no número de dias para ganhar 160 kg nessa fase (D160), com e sem correção para efeitos de grupos de contemporâneos (GC), em bovinos da raça Guzerá. Utilizou-se o banco de dados de desenvolvimento ponderal da Associação Brasileira de Criadores de Zebu (ABCZ) para esta raça. A obtenção dos parâmetros e valores genéticos foi feita pelo método da máxima verossimilhança restrita utilizando-se modelo unicaracterístico com equações de modelos mistos. O modelo utilizado foi composto pelo efeito fixo de grupo genético e pelos efeitos aleatórios, genético aditivo direto e de ambiente permanente, além do erro residual. A média para D160 foi de 270,5 dias e para GMD, 642,3 g. As correlações de Spearman entre ganho médio diário e a precocidade em dias para ganhar 160 kg na pré-desmama (PD160), e GMD e PD160c (PD160 corrigido para o efeito de grupo de contemporâneo), foram iguais a 0,91 e 0,94, respectivamente. A seleção para PD160 favorece touros que produzem progênie com desempenho superior e menos variável e a padronização deste critério com base no grupo de contemporâneos melhorou sua eficiência. A classificação dos touros varia de acordo com o critério de seleção utilizado, GMD ou PD160, principalmente nos extremos, onde ocorrem seleção e descarte de reprodutores.


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Biosurfactants are amphiphilic molecules synthesized by microorganisms such as bacteria, yeast or filamented fungi cultivated in various carbon sources among sucrose and hydrocarbons. These molecules are composed by a hydrophilic and hydrophobic part. They operate mostly at interfaces of fluids of different polarities. Because of this characteristic, they are potentially employed in numerous industries, such as the textile, medical, cosmetics, food and mainly in the petrochemical ones. Therefore industry has interest in developing new biosurfactant production processes in high scale, in order to become them economically competitive when compared to synthetic biosurfactants. This work aims to evaluate the biosurfactant production applying a non-conventional substrate sugar cane molasses proceeding from the sugar industry thus reducing the production costs. The strain identified as AP029/GLIIA, isolated from oil wells in Rio Grande do Norte state and used in these experiments belongs to the culture collection of Antibiotics Department of UFPE. The fermentation were carried out using different conditions according to a factorial planning 24 with duplicate at center point, in which the studied factors were molasse concentration, nitrate concentration, agitation and aeration ratio. The experiments were performed in a shaker at 38ºC of temperature. Samples were withdrawn in regular periods of time of up to 72 hours of fermentation in order to analyze substrate consumption, cellular concentration, superficial tension, critical micelle dilution (CMD-1 e CMD-2) as well as extracelullar protein production. The results showed a production of 3,480 g/L of biomass, a reduction of 41% on superficial tension, 67% of substrate consumption and 0,2805 g/L of extracellular protein


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Currently one of the major concerns in sports is to identify, select, discover and reveal talents in soccer. As principal reasons is perceived the search direct or indirect for resources for players, clubs, media, sports brands and their sponsors. However, high salaries are an exception and not a rule, because the majority of professional players in Brazil receives 1 minimum salary per month. It is also known that on professional clubs, daily, arriving several players to try to be a professional soccer player, however, the majority of clubs - almost all does not present methodological, systematic and analytical aspects to select promising players. The selective processes ("sieves" or "big sieves") developed by technical observers ( olheiros") summarized in the observation of the sportive performance of a big group of players in a period of few minutes given to each player. In this period the target behavior is the ability with the ball. If promising players are identified on that selection, they are referred to the club for a new observation, which will be conducted by the responsible coach of base category in question. It is understood by base categories, the amateur categories (not professional), to serve as a "base" for the formation of the cast of professional clubs. What are sub-13 (under 13 years), sub-15 (under 15 years), sub-17 (under 17 years) and sub-20 (under 20 years). The absence of common criterias and performance indicators of these professionals may hamper the evaluation of promising players, and be a costly activity for the club. This study proposes to identify, characterize and categorize the criterias and methods of behavioral evaluation, used by coaches of base categories of Rio Grande do Norte (RN) to evaluate the sportive performance of young soccer players, with the purpose of to compare the criterias of evaluation of sportive performance of young soccer players, used by coaches with different time of experience in function. The proposal had 2 pilot studies, the first (June and July, 2007) were interviewed 29 coaches, 17 of category sub-13 and 12 of category sub-17. The data were tabulated and organized into spreadsheets in order to describe, and developed a set of descriptors of behavior. And the second (May and June, 2008), with revisions made based on observations, analysis and descriptions found in the first, were interviewed 14 technical of category sub-15. After the results found in pilots, it was possible to outline the study in question, which had 46 coaches base categories of the RN. And from the results show that the characteristic of greatest importance, according to the interviewees was the behavior, the 2nd most important characteristic considered was the motivation, the 3rd was the ability and the 4th was the physical condition and the last was the affiliation. And by analyzing the results to the methods of evaluation of sportive performance used by coaches, it was noted clearly that most uses only the observation to select young soccer players. Therefore, needs a systematization to the selection of soccer players, since there is complexity in the verification of characteristics and aspects involved with purpose to avoid wrong evaluations and selections and the results negligible


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The process for choosing the best components to build systems has become increasingly complex. It becomes more critical if it was need to consider many combinations of components in the context of an architectural configuration. These circumstances occur, mainly, when we have to deal with systems involving critical requirements, such as the timing constraints in distributed multimedia systems, the network bandwidth in mobile applications or even the reliability in real-time systems. This work proposes a process of dynamic selection of architectural configurations based on non-functional requirements criteria of the system, which can be used during a dynamic adaptation. This proposal uses the MAUT theory (Multi-Attribute Utility Theory) for decision making from a finite set of possibilities, which involve multiple criteria to be analyzed. Additionally, it was proposed a metamodel which can be used to describe the application s requirements in terms of the non-functional requirements criteria and their expected values, to express them in order to make the selection of the desired configuration. As a proof of concept, it was implemented a module that performs the dynamic choice of configurations, the MoSAC. This module was implemented using a component-based development approach (CBD), performing a selection of architectural configurations based on the proposed selection process involving multiple criteria. This work also presents a case study where an application was developed in the context of Digital TV to evaluate the time spent on the module to return a valid configuration to be used in a middleware with autoadaptative features, the middleware AdaptTV


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OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar variáveis ecocardiográficas que definam graus de disfunção cardíaca em ratos com estenose aórtica (EAo). MÉTODOS: Ratos Wistar (n = 23), machos (90-100 g), foram submetidos a cirurgia para indução de EAo. As variáveis ecocardiográficas analisadas foram: diâmetros diastólico do ventrículo esquerdo (DDVE) e sistólico do átrio esquerdo em valores absolutos e normalizados para o peso corporal; diâmetro sistólico do VE (DSVE); três índices de encurtamento do VE (% de encurtamento endocárdico, %Enc.Endo; % de encurtamento miocárdico, %Enc.Mio; e velocidade de encurtamento da parede posterior do VE, VEPP); e índice de massa do VE (IMVE). Essas variáveis foram utilizadas para a análise de agrupamento (cluster analysis). RESULTADOS: A análise de agrupamento possibilitou separar os ratos com EAo em dois grupos: disfunção leve (n = 13) e disfunção severa (n = 9). Os intervalos de confiança das seguintes variáveis não apresentaram superposição dos seus valores: DDVE, DSVE, %Enc.Endo, %Enc.Mio, IMVE e VEPP. CONCLUSÃO: A utilização conjunta dos intervalos de confiança dessas variáveis permite identificar dois grupos de ratos com estenose aórtica e diferentes graus de comprometimento cardíaco, possibilitando a realização de estudos longitudinais com grupos homogêneos de animais.


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Hydrogeological prospecting in Northeast Brazil and in other crystalline terrains has been developed on the basis of structural and regional geology concepts that date back to the 50-60 decades and, as such, demand a natural re-evaluation and update. In this kind of terrain, the percolation and accumulation of ground water are controlled by fractures and other types of discontinuities, such as foliations and geological contacts that, through weathering, impart porosity and permeability to the rocks, allowing water flow and storage. Several factors should be considered in the process of locating water wells, as discussed in the literature. Among these, the kind of structures, fracture geometry (including aperture and connectivity) and their geological and chronological context. It is important to correlate fracture systems with the regional neotectonic framework. Fractures at low angle (sub parallel) with the principal stress axis (s1) are those which tend to open (actually they work as tension joints) and, in principle, would present major hydric potential; in the opposite side, fractures at high angle to s1 would behave as closed by a compressional component. Fractures diagonal to the compression and tension axes correspond to shear fractures and, due to their connectivity with second fractures, are also important in terms of hydric potential. Uplift followed by terrain denudation leads to decompression and a general tendency to open (aided by weathering processes) fractures and other rock discontinuities, at different orientations. Low angle fractures, formed in this context, are equally important to increase connectivity, collection of water and recharge of the aquifer systems. In a general way, an opening component (neotectonic or by terrain decompression) and several models to increase fracture connectivity correlate with a greater hydric potential of these structures. Together with parallel research, this thesis addresses models of ground water occurrence in crystalline terrains, either improving well established concepts like the (Riacho-Fenda model), but also stressing other possibilities, like the role of alluvium and paleo-regoliths (the Calha Elúvio-Aluvionar model) and of strongly altered, permo-porous zones placed at variable depths below the present surface, flanking several types of discontinuities, especially interconnected fracture arrays (the Bolsões de Intemperismo model). Different methodological approaches are also discussed in order to improve success rates in the location of water wells in crystalline terrains. In this methodological review, a number of case studies were selected in the eastern domain of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, involving the localities of Santa Cruz, Santo Antônio, Serrinha, Nova Cruz, Montanhas, Lagoa de Pedras and Lagoa Salgada. Besides the neotectonic analysis of brittle structures, this Thesis addresses the validation of remote sensing as a tool for ground water prospecting. Several techniques were tested in order to detect and select areas with higher potential for ground water accumulation, using Landsat 5-TM and RADARSAT images, besides conventional aerial photos. A number of filters were tested to emphasize lineaments in the images, improving their discrimination, to identify areas with higher overburden humidity, which could reflect subsurface water accumulation, as well as alluvium and other sedimentary covers that might act as recharge zones. The work started with a regional analysis with the orbital images, followed by analysis of aerial photos, up to a detailed structural study of rock exposures in the terrain. This last step involved the analysis of outcrops surrounding wells (in a ray of approximately 10 to 100 m) with distinct productivities, including dry examples. At the level required for detail, it was not possible to accomplish a statistical approach using the available well data catalogs, which lack the desired specific information. The methodology worked out in this Thesis must undergo a testing phase through location of new water wells. An increase in the success rates as desired will led to a further consolidation step with wider divulgation of the methodology to private companies and governmental agencies involved in ground water prospecting in crystalline terrains


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Environmental changes and their consequences on the global level have challenged the different fields of study to integrate towards effective solutions to minimize and /or equate the negative impacts of these changes in different types of environments. In this context, the Environmental Perception has been a widely used and relevant in studies that consider the relationship between the environment and human actions, by allowing analysis of perceptions, attitudes and values, key influencers of topophilia that resonates in conservation tool. Allied to Environmental Perception, Integrated Analysis of the Landscape is relevant because it allows to analyze in a systematic way the geographical space where all its elements are interrelated in a way that supports needed to understand the complex physical and human environment of a given environment. In this perspective, we have studied the João do Vale Serrano Complex, located in semiarid of Rio Grande do Norte state, which features a set of landscapes with different faces, which are being replaced by various economic activities and disordered population growth, with consequent exploitation the potential of natural resources. This thesis main goal was to combine the Environmental Perception of rural communities to the of Serrano Complex Landscape Analysis as additional criteria for the definition of Priority Areas for Conservation. The perception data were collected through direct observation, questioning, interviews and application forms to 240 people (100 % of occupied households in the mountain community) during the months of february and august 2011, with theoretical and methodological basis Environmental Perception. Integrated Landscape Analysis was performed by GTP (Geosystem - Territory - Landscape) method, using the Geographic Information System (GIS), using the technique of GIS for mapping the landscape. The results showed that respondents have a sense of topophilia by where they live, hold a vast knowledge of the natural resources in this Serrano Complex, and responded positively regarding the choice of an exclusive area for conservation. The Integrated Analysis of Landscape possible to identify the different forms of existing uses and occupations in Serrano Complex, have caused significant changes in space, especially on the plateau where vegetation was virtually replaced by human dwellings and cashew plantations. Through the maps of slope and environmental vulnerability was identified that areas with high slopes (gullies) are limiting factor for occupation by communities and therefore relevant and amenable to conservation, including by being Permanent Preservation Areas. These results, together, made possible to define a map of Priority Areas for Conservation in Serrano Complex, with three priority categories: low, medium and high. Therefore, the use of these additional criteria are relevant for the definition /designation of Priority Areas for Conservation


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Due to its high resolution, Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) has been used to image subsurface sedimentary deposits. Because GPR and Seismic methods share some principles of image construction, the classic seismostratigraphic interpretation method has been also applied as an attempt to interpret GPR data. Nonetheless some advances in few particular contexts, the adaptations from seismic to GPR of seismostratigraphic tools and concepts unsuitable because the meaning given to the termination criteria in seismic stratigraphy do not represent the adequate geologic record in the GPR scale. Essentially, the open question relies in proposing a interpretation method for GPR data which allow not only relating product and sedimentary process in the GPR scale but also identifying or proposing depositional environments and correlating these results with the well known Sequence Stratigraphy cornerstones. The goal of this dissertation is to propose an interpretation methodology of GPR data able to perform this task at least for siliciclastic deposits. In order to do so, the proposed GPR interpretation method is based both on seismostratigraphic concepts and on the bounding surface hierarchy tool from Miall (1988). As consequence of this joint use, the results of GPR interpretation can be associated to the sedimentary facies in a genetic context, so that it is possible to: (i) individualize radar facies and correlate them to the sedimentary facies by using depositional models; (ii) characterize a given depositional system, and (iii) determine its stratigraphic framework highligthing how it evolved through geologic time. To illustrate its use the proposed methodology was applied in a GPR data set from Galos area which is part of the Galinhos spit, located in Rio Grande do Norte state, Northeastern Brazil. This spit presents high lateral sedimentary facies variation, containing in its sedimentary record from 4th to 6th cicles caused by high frequency sea level oscillation. The interpretation process was done throughout the following phases: (i) identification of a vertical facies succession, (ii) characterization of radar facies and its associated sedimentary products, (iii) recognition of the associated sedimentary process in a genetic context, and finally (iv) proposal of an evolutionay model for the Galinhos spit. This model proposes that the Galinhos spit is a barrier island constituted, from base to top, of the following sedimentary facies: tidal channel facies, tidal flat facies, shore facies, and aeolic facies (dunes). The tidal channel facies, in the base, is constituted of lateral accretion bars and filling deposits of the channels. The base facies is laterally truncated by the tidal flat facies. In the foreshore zone, the tidal flat facies is covered by the shore facies which is the register of a sea transgression. Finally, on the top of the stratigraphic column, aeolic dunes are deposited due to areal exposition caused by a sea regression


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A síndrome da insuficiência androgênica na mulher (SIA) desperta, mesmo nos dias atuais, muitas discussões e encerra muitas controvérsias. Sabe-se, no entanto, que os níveis plasmáticos de testosterona declinam progressivamente ao longo do período reprodutivo. Conceitua-se a SIA como o conjunto de sintomas clínicos, a presença de biodisponibilidade diminuída de testosterona e os níveis normais de estrogênios. Entre os principais sintomas, citam-se o comprometimento do bem-estar, o humor disfórico, a fadiga sem causa aparente, o comprometimento do desejo sexual, o emagrecimento e a instabilidade vasomotora em mulheres pós-menopáusicas sob terapêutica estrogênica. Esses sintomas, no entanto, são potencialmente atribuíveis a diferentes etiologias e dificultam o correto diagnóstico na maioria dos casos, ainda que ele seja lembrado com freqüência em pacientes que se submetem à ooforectomia bilateral. O diagnóstico da SIA parece ser essencialmente clínico, não havendo a necessidade das dosagens laboratoriais para a sua comprovação. Não se deve indicar a terapêutica androgênica (TA) em pacientes que não estejam adequadamente estrogenizadas. Considera-se a testosterona o hormônio ideal para a TA. As pacientes com sintomas sugestivos de SIA, excluídas outras causas identificáveis, especialmente se pós-menopáusicas, são candidatas à TA. Não existem dados de segurança sobre a TA em usuárias em longo prazo. A via transdérmica - através de adesivos, cremes e gel - parece ser preferível à oral.


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INTRODUÇÃO: A histopatologia convencional continua sendo o padrão-ouro no diagnóstico dos melanomas cutâneos, apesar do progresso da imuno-histoquímica e da biologia molecular. Os critérios microscópicos existentes para esse diagnóstico são numerosos, porém nenhum deles é específico para se afirmar que uma determinada lesão é maligna quando ele está presente, ou é benigna na sua ausência. Alguns critérios têm uma relevância maior para o diagnóstico em relação a outros. OBJETIVO: Este estudo propõe uma análise daqueles critérios considerados mais importantes, comparando sua presença em lesões melanocíticas benignas e melanomas. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foram estudadas 33 lesões melanocíticas benignas (nevo de Spitz: 13; nevo de Reed: 6; nevo displásico: 6; nevo congênito: 3; nevo adquirido: 3; nevo combinado: 1; nevo recorrente: 1), bem como 101 casos de melanomas extensivo/superficiais: 25 intra-epidérmicos e 76 invasivos de pequena espessura (< 2 mm). RESULTADOS: Alguns critérios mostraram alta freqüência em lesões benignas, apresentando pouca especificidade, enquanto outros tiveram menor positividade nas benignas, e alta freqüência nas malignas, mostrando sua maior especificidade e importância no diagnóstico dos melanomas. CONCLUSÃO: Os cinco critérios que mostraram diferenças estatisticamente significativas na comparação com as lesões benignas foram (em ordem decrescente de freqüência): 1. proliferação linear de células isoladas na camada basal; 2. início e fim da lesão com células isoladas; 3. melanócitos na camada granular; 4. disseminação pagetóide extensa; 5. nucléolos grandes, irregulares ou múltiplos. Os melanomas de pequena espessura não apresentam parte dos critérios considerados mais importantes, como falta de maturação, necrose e mitoses profundas.


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São bastante conhecidos pelos patologistas o desafio e a dificuldade que algumas lesões melanocíticas apresentam no momento de seu diagnóstico. A falta de uniformidade na maneira de aplicar os critérios diagnósticos é, sem dúvida, uma das causas principais dos altos índices de discordância descritos na literatura. O objetivo deste trabalho é tentar diminuir esta discordância e, para isso, foram selecionados os 12 critérios considerados mais importantes para o diagnóstico de melanoma: 1) tamanho; 2) simetria; 3) delimitação lateral; 4) maturação; 5) disseminação pagetóide; 6) necrose/ulceração; 7) infiltrado inflamatório; 8) regressão; 9) atipias celulares; 10) mitoses; 11) melanização; 12) proliferação de células isoladas. Foram expostas as características de cada um deles e sua aplicação no diagnóstico dos melanomas, lembrando sempre as possíveis exceções, onde estes critérios podem estar presentes em lesões melanocíticas benignas. Posteriormente, em três tabelas, estabeleceu-se o diagnóstico diferencial entre melanoma e três condições melanocíticas benignas que costumam apresentar maiores dificuldades no diagnóstico diferencial. Como nenhum critério deve ser considerado isoladamente, a aplicação rigorosa do conjunto de dados aqui fornecido pode ajudar substancialmente o patologista cirúrgico generalista (não-especialista em lesões melanocíticas) a resolver alguns problemas na sua rotina diária.