446 resultados para CpG oligodeoxynucleotide
The present study evaluated the immunogenicity of new malaria vaccine formulations based on the 19 kDa C-terminal fragment of Plasmodium vivax Merozoite Surface Protein-1 (MSP1(19)) and the Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium flagellin (FIiC), a Toll-like receptor 5 (TLR5) agonist. FHC was used as an adjuvant either admixed or genetically linked to the P. vivax MSP1(19) and administered to C57BL/6 mice via parenteral (s.c.) or mucosal (i.n.) routes. The recombinant fusion protein preserved MSP1(19) epitopes recognized by Sera collected from P. vivax infected humans and TLR5 agonist activity. Mice parenterally immunized with recombinant P vivax MSPI 19 in the presence of FliC, either admixed or genetically linked, elicited strong and long-lasting MSP1 (19)-specific systemic antibody responses with a prevailing IgG1 subclass response. Incorporation of another TLR agonist, CpG ODN 1826, resulted in a more balanced response, as evaluated by the IgG1/IgG2c ratio, and higher cell-mediated immune response measured by interferon-gamma secretion. Finally, we show that MSPI 19-specific antibodies recognized the native protein expressed on the surface of P. vivax parasites harvested from infected humans. The present report proposes a new class of malaria vaccine formulation based on the use of malaria antigens and the innate immunity agonist FliC. it contains intrinsic adjuvant properties and enhanced ability to induce specific humoral and cellular immune responses when administered alone or in combination with other adjuvants. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In a recent study, we demonstrated the immunogenic properties of a new malaria vaccine polypeptide based on a 19 kDa C-terminal fragment of the merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP1(19)) from Plasmodium vivax and an innate immunity agonist, the Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium flagellin (FliC). Herein, we tested whether the same strategy, based on the MSP1(19) component of the deadly malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, could also generate a fusion polypeptide with enhanced immunogenicity. The His(6)FliC-MSP1(19) fusion protein was expressed from a recombinant Escherichia coil and showed preserved in vitro TLR5-binding activity. In contrast to animals injected with His(6)MSP1(19), mice subcutaneously immunised with the recombinant His6FliC-MSP1(19) developed strong MSP1(19)-specific systemic antibody responses with a prevailing IgG1 subclass. Incorporation of other adjuvants, such as CpG ODN 1826, complete and incomplete Freund`s adjuvants or Quil-A, improved the IgG responses after the second, but not the third, immunising dose. It also resulted in a more balanced IgG subclass response, as evaluated by the IgG1/IgG2c ratio, and higher cell-mediated immune response, as determined by the detection of antigen-specific interferon-gamma secretion by immune spleen cells. MSP(19)-specific antibodies recognised not only the recombinant protein, but also the native protein expressed on the surface of P. falciparum parasites. Finally, sera from rabbits immunised with the fusion protein alone inhibited the in vitro growth of three different P. falciparum strains. In summary, these results extend our previous observations and further demonstrate that fusion of the innate immunity agonist FliC to Plasmodium antigens is a promising alternative to improve their immunogenicity. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Burst firing is ubiquitous in nervous systems and has been intensively studied in central pattern generators (CPGs). Previous works have described subtle intraburst spike patterns (IBSPs) that, despite being traditionally neglected for their lack of relation to CPG motor function, were shown to be cell-type specific and sensitive to CPG connectivity. Here we address this matter by investigating how a bursting motor neuron expresses information about other neurons in the network. We performed experiments on the crustacean stomatogastric pyloric CPG, both in control conditions and interacting in real-time with computer model neurons. The sensitivity of postsynaptic to presynaptic IBSPs was inferred by computing their average mutual information along each neuron burst. We found that details of input patterns are nonlinearly and inhomogeneously coded through a single synapse into the fine IBSPs structure of the postsynaptic neuron following burst. In this way, motor neurons are able to use different time scales to convey two types of information simultaneously: muscle contraction (related to bursting rhythm) and the behavior of other CPG neurons (at a much shorter timescale by using IBSPs as information carriers). Moreover, the analysis revealed that the coding mechanism described takes part in a previously unsuspected information pathway from a CPG motor neuron to a nerve that projects to sensory brain areas, thus providing evidence of the general physiological role of information coding through IBSPs in the regulation of neuronal firing patterns in remote circuits by the CNS.
BACKGROUND: Reminder systems in electronic patient records (EPR) have proven to affect both health care professionals' behaviour and patient outcomes. The aim of this cluster randomised trial was to investigate the effects of implementing a clinical practice guideline (CPG) for peripheral venous catheters (PVCs) in paediatric care in the format of reminders integrated in the EPRs, on PVC-related complications, and on registered nurses' (RNs') self-reported adherence to the guideline. An additional aim was to study the relationship between contextual factors and the outcomes of the intervention. METHODS: The study involved 12 inpatient units at a paediatric university hospital. The reminders included choice of PVC, hygiene, maintenance, and daily inspection of PVC site. Primary outcome was documented signs and symptoms of PVC-related complications at removal, retrieved from the EPR. Secondary outcome was RNs' adherence to a PVC guideline, collected through a questionnaire that also included RNs' perceived work context, as measured by the Alberta Context Tool. Units were allocated into two strata, based on occurrence of PVCs. A blinded simple draw of lots from each stratum randomised six units to the control and intervention groups, respectively. Units were not blinded. The intervention group included 626 PVCs at baseline and 618 post-intervention and the control group 724 PVCs at baseline and 674 post-intervention. RNs included at baseline were 212 (65.4 %) and 208 (71.5 %) post-intervention. RESULTS: No significant effect was found for the computer reminders on PVC-related complications nor on RNs' adherence to the guideline recommendations. The complication rate at baseline and post-intervention was 40.6 % (95 % confidence interval (CI) 36.7-44.5) and 41.9 % (95 % CI 38.0-45.8), for the intervention group and 40.3 % (95 % CI 36.8-44.0) and 46.9 % (95 % CI 43.1-50.7) for the control. In general, RNs' self-rated work context varied from moderately low to moderately high, indicating that conditions for a successful implementation to occur were less optimal. CONCLUSIONS: The reminders might have benefitted from being accompanied by a tailored intervention that targeted specific barriers, such as the low frequency of recorded reasons for removal, the low adherence to daily inspection of PVC sites, and the lack of regular feedback to the RNs. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN44819426.
Sistemas de visão artificial são cada vez mais usados para auxiliar seres humanos a realizar diferentes tarefas. Estes sistemas são capazes de reconhecer padrões em imagens complexas. Técnicas de visão computacional têm encontrado crescente aplicação em estudos e sistemas de controle e monitoração de tráfego de automóveis. Uma das áreas de pesquisa que tem sido objeto de estudo por diferentes grupos é a leitura automática de placas de matrículas como forma de detectar transgressores, encontrar carros roubados ou efetuar estudos de origem/destino [BAR99]. Com o constante crescimento do volume de tráfego de automóvel e a limitada capacidade dos sensores convencionais, especialistas da área recorrem a técnicas de identificação automática de veículos para obter dados relativos ao escoamento de tráfego. A identificação automática de veículos tem tido essencialmente duas abordagens distintas: a utilização de transponders e a utilização de técnicas de visão computacional [INI85] . Estas são essencialmente úteis em casos em que não é viável obrigar os motoristas a instalar transponders em seus automóveis. No entanto, essas técnicas são mais sensíveis às condições atmosféricas e de iluminação tais como nevoeiros, chuva intensa, luz noturna, reflexos em superfícies, etc. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de diversas técnicas de processamento de imagem objetivando o aperfeiçoamento de um sistema de identificação automática de placas de veículos. Este aperfeiçoamento está relacionado com a diminuição do tempo de execução necessário à localização e reconhecimento dos caracteres contidos nas placas dos veículos bem como a melhorar a taxa de sucesso no seu reconhecimento. A primeira versão do sistema de identificação da placas de veículos descrito em [SOU2000], desenvolvido no CPG-EE da UFRGS, denominado SIAV 1.0, localiza e extrai 91,3% das placas corretamente mas apresenta uma taxa de reconhecimento das placas de 37,3%, assim como um tempo de processamento não satisfatório. Neste trabalho, cujo sistema desenvolvido é denominado SIAV 2.0, a imagem é previamente processada através da aplicação de técnicas de realce da imagem. O principal objetivo das técnicas de realce é processar a imagem de modo que o resultado seja mais apropriado para uma aplicação específica do que a imagem original [GON93]. O sistema busca melhorar a qualidade da imagem eliminando ou suavizando sombras e reflexos presentes na cena em virtude da iluminação não controlada. Visando um menor tempo de execução durante o tratamento e análise da imagem um estudo estatístico baseado na distribuição gaussiana foi realizado de maneira a restringir a área de análise a ser processada. O SIAV possui duas redes neurais como ferramentas de reconhecimento de caracteres. A partir da análise dos diferentes modelos de redes neurais empregados na atualidade, foi desenvolvida uma nova arquitetura de rede a ser utilizada pelo SIAV 2.0 que oferece uma taxa de reconhecimento superior a rede neural usada no SIAV 1.0. Visando um melhor tempo de execução, a implementação em hardware dedicado para este modelo é abordado. Os testes foram realizados com três bancos de imagens obtidas por câmeras diferentes, inclusive por dispositivo "pardal" comercial. Estes testes foram realizados para verificar a efetividade dos algoritmos aperfeiçoados.
Introdução: A Síndrome de Morquio A (MPS IVA) é um Erro Inato do Metabolismo do grupo das Doenças Lisossômicas. Esta patologia é caracterizada pelo acúmulo e excreção de queratan e condroitin sulfato devido à deficiência da enzima lisossomal Galactose–6 sulfatase (GALNS; E.C. É uma doença rara cuja incidência varia entre 1:45.000 e 1:640.000. Os aspectos clínicos predominantes estão relacionados com o sistema osteo-articular com efeitos secundários sobre o sistema nervoso central, embora não haja déficit cognitivo. Os achados clínicos, evidentes a partir dos 2 anos, direcionam as análises bioquímicas para confirmação do diagnóstico através de avaliação dos glicosaminoglicanos urinários e de ensaios enzimáticos específicos. A doença é herdada de forma autossômica recessiva. O cDNA revela uma região codificante com 1566 nucleotídeos, que determina uma proteína com 522 aminoácidos. O gene contém 14 exons e foi mapeado em 16q24.3. Já foram descritas 148 mutações e 16 polimorfismos. O gene apresenta grande heterogeneidade molecular, sendo que 46,1% das mutações ocorreram menos de três vezes. Objetivo Identificar as mutações presentes no gene da GALNS em pacientes brasileiros com diagnóstico bioquímico para a MPS IVA; verificar se as mutações novas encontradas são causadoras do fenótipo patológico; e padronizar as técnicas de PCR e SSCP para análise do gene da GALNS. Materiais e Métodos: Seis casos-índice tiveram todo o gene da GALNS amplificados por PCR, seguido de seqüenciamento. Para as mutações novas, primers foram confeccionados para os respectivos exons e a patogenicidade testada por análise de freqüência em 100 controles normais. Condições de PCR e SSCP foram determinadas para cada um dos 4 exons com mutações novas. Sete pacientes novos com diagnóstico bioquímico foram analisados para os exons com as condições pré-estabelecidas. Os controles e pacientes com padrão alterado no gel de SSCP foram seqüenciados. Resultados: Em relação aos seis casos-índice 11 dos 12 alelos tiveram a alteração identificada, revelando seis mutações diferentes. Destas, quatro eram novas (p.G116S, p.N164T, p.L307P e p.S341R) e duas já descritas (p.R386C e p.G139S).Dos 100 controles analisados para cada exon nenhum apresentou o mesmo padrão de migração da amostra mutada, mas foram encontradas novas alterações (p.A107A, p.Y108Y e p.P357P). Entre os pacientes novos, sete dos 14 alelos foram identificados (p.N164T, p.G301C e uma mudança do quadro de leitura). Discussão: As quatro mutações novas identificadas foram consideradas patogênicas uma vez que não estavam presentes nos controles, indicando uma freqüência menor que 1% nesse grupo. As mutações p.G116S, p.N164T e p.G301C (freqüências de 14,3%, 14,3% e 19,0% dos alelos, respectivamente) foram consideradas recorrentes, além das já descritas e também recorrentes p.G139S e p.R386C. Nos quatro exons padronizados encontramos 40% das mutações descritas. Entre as diferentes mutações encontradas em nossos casos-índice uma nova (p.G116S) e duas já descritas (p.G139S e p.R386C) se localizam em regiões CpG. Conclusões: Foram identificadas alterações moleculares em 11 dos 12 alelos de seis pacientes brasileiros com MPS IVA, sendo que as quatro mutações novas encontradas puderam ser classificados como patogênicas; as técnicas de PCR e SSCP para os 4 exons do gene da GALNS foram padronizadas.
Objective. To assess the expression of TRAIL-R3 and the methylation of a CpG island within the TRAIL-R3 promoter both in cystadenoma tumors and primary and metastatic epithelial ovarian carcinoma (EOC).Methods. RNA was obtained from women with normal ovarian (NO) tissues (n = 18), ovarian serous cystadenoma tumors (n = 11) and EOC (n = 16) using Trizol (R). Quantitative PCR (gRT-PCR) was performed to quantify the relative levels of TRAIL-R3. The methylation frequency of the CpG island in the TRAIL-R3 promoter was assessed using the methylation-specific PCR (MSP) assay after DNA bisulfite conversion. The differences between the groups were evaluated using the chi-square, Student's t, ANOVA, Mann-Whitney U, Wilcoxon or Kruskal-Wallis tests as indicated. The survival rates were calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method.Results. Cystadenoma and metastatic EOC tumors expressed significantly more TRAIL-R3 mRNA than primary EOC tumors. Methylation of the TRAIL-R3 promoter was absent in NO tissues, while hemimethylation of the TRAIL-R3 promoter was frequently found in the neoplasia samples with 45.4% of the cystadenoma tumors, 8.3% of the primary EOC samples and 11.1% of the metastatic EOC samples showing at least partial methylation (p = 0.018). Neither the expression of TRAIL-R3 nor alterations in the methylation profile were associated to cumulative progression-free survival or the overall survival in EOC patients.Conclusions. Primary EOC is associated to a lower TRAIL-R3 expression, which leads to a better understanding of the complex disease and highlighting potential therapeutic targets. Promoter DNA methylation was not related to this finding, suggesting the presence of other mechanisms to transcriptional control. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Aberrant methylation of seven potential binding sites of the CTCF factor in the differentially methylated region upstream of the H19 gene (H19-DMR) has been suggested as critical for the regulation of IGF2 and H19 imprinted genes. In this study, we analyzed the allele-specific methylation pattern of CTCF binding sites 5 and 6 using methylationsensitive restriction enzyme PCR followed by RFLP analysis in matched tumoral and lymphocyte DNA from head-and-neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) patients, as well as in lymphocyte DNA from control individuals who were cancer-free. The monoallelic methylation pattern was maintained in CTCF binding site 5 in 22 heterozygous out of 91 samples analyzed. Nevertheless, a biallelic methylation pattern was detected in CTCF binding site 6 in a subgroup of HNSCC patients as a somatic acquired feature of tumor cells. An atypical biallelic methylation was also observed in both tumor and lymphocyte DNA from two patients, and at a high frequency in the control group (29 out of 64 informative controls). Additionally, we found that the C/T transition detected by HhaI RFLP suppressed one dinucleotide CpG in critical CTCF binding site 6, of a mutation showing polymorphic frequencies. Although a heterogeneous methylation pattern was observed after DNA sequencing modified by sodium bisulfite, the biallelic methylation pattern was confirmed in 9 out of 10 HNSCCs. These findings are likely to be relevant in the epigenetic regulation of the DMR, especially in pathological conditions in which the imprinting of IGF2 and H19 genes is disrupted.
Background: the E-cadherin gene (CDH1) maps, at chromosome 16q22.1, a region often associated with loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in human breast cancer. LOH at this site is thought to lead to loss of function of this tumor suppressor gene and was correlated with decreased disease-free survival, poor prognosis, and metastasis. Differential CpG island methylation in the promoter region of the CDH1 gene might be an alternative way for the loss of expression and function of E-cadherin, leading to loss of tissue integrity, an essential step in tumor progression.Methods: the aim of our study was to assess, by Methylation-Specific Polymerase Chain Reaction (MSP), the methylation pattern of the CDH1 gene and its possible correlation with the expression of E-cadherin and other standard immunohistochemical parameters (Her-2, ER, PgR, p53, and K-67) in a series of 79 primary breast cancers ( 71 infiltrating ductal, 5 infiltrating lobular, 1 metaplastic, 1 apocrine, and 1 papillary carcinoma).Results: CDH1 hypermethylation was observed in 72% of the cases including 52/71 ductal, 4/5 lobular carcinomas and 1 apocrine carcinoma. Reduced levels of E-cadherin protein were observed in 85% of our samples. Although not statistically significant, the levels of E-cadherin expression tended to diminish with the CDH1 promoter region methylation. In the group of 71 ductal cancinomas, most of the cases of showing CDH1 hypermethylation also presented reduced levels of expression of ER and PgR proteins, and a possible association was observed between CDH1 methylation and ER expression ( p = 0.0301, Fisher's exact test). However, this finding was not considered significant after Bonferroni correction of p-value.Conclusion: Our preliminary findings suggested that abnormal CDH1 methylation occurs in high frequencies in infiltrating breast cancers associated with a decrease in E-cadherin expression in a subgroup of cases characterized by loss of expression of other important genes to the mammary carcinogenesis process, probably due to the disruption of the mechanism of maintenance of DNA methylation in tumoral cells.
Genetic and epigenetic alterations in choroid plexus tumors, a rare neuroepithelial neoplasm most frequently detected in children, are poorly characterized. Epigenetic silencing associated with aberrant CpG island methylation is one mechanism leading to the loss of tumor suppressor functions in cancer cells. Using methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction, the methylation patterns of the genes CDH1 (E-cadherin), RARB (retinoic acid receptor, beta), and SFN (stratifin; 14-3-3 sigma) were retrospectively investigated in eight choroid plexus tumors (five papillomas, two atypical papillomas, and one carcinoma), as well as in two normal cortexes obtained after autopsy from male individuals aged 6 months and 64 years. Among the six pediatric tumors, the mean age at diagnosis was 1.8 years old (range, 0.2-6) and the two adult tumors were detected in a 66-year-old man and a 45-year-old woman. A high frequency of hypermethylation was detected in CDH1 and SFN genes in tumoral and normal cortex tissues. Tumor-specific RARB hypermethylation was observed in four papillomas. Further studies are required to evaluate the role of aberrant methylation in choroid plexus tumor progression. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Purpose: Interferon regulatory factor 6 encodes a member of the IRF family of transcription factors. Mutations in interferon regulatory factor 6 cause Van der Woude and popliteal pterygium syndrome, two related orofacial clefting disorders. Here, we compared and contrasted the frequency and distribution of exonic Mutations in interferon regulatory factor 6 between two large geographically distinct collections of families with Van der Woude and between one collection of families with popliteal pterygium syndrome. Methods: We performed direct sequence analysis of interferon regulatory factor 6 exons oil samples from three collections, two with Van der Woude and one with popliteal pterygium syndrome. Results: We identified mutations in interferon regulatory factor 6 exons in 68% of families in both Van der Woude collections and in 97% of families with popliteal pterygium syndrome. In sum, 106 novel disease-causing variants were found. The distribution of mutations in the interferon regulatory factor 6 exons in each collection was not random; exons 3, 4, 7, and 9 accounted for 80%. In the Van der Woude collections, the mutations were evenly divided between protein truncation and missense, whereas most mutations identified in the popliteal pterygium syndrome collection were missense. Further, the missense mutations associated with popliteal pterygium syndrome were localized significantly to exon 4, at residues that are predicted to bind directly to DNA. Conclusion: The nonrandom distribution of mutations in the interferon regulatory factor 6 exons suggests a two-tier approach for efficient mutation screens for interferon regulatory factor 6. The type and distribution of mutations are consistent with the hypothesis that Van der Woude is caused by haploinsufficiency of interferon regulatory factor 6. Oil the other hand, the distribution of popliteal pterygium syndrome-associated mutations suggests a different, though not mutually exclusive, effect oil interferon regulatory factor 6 function. Genet Med 2009:11(4):241-247.
A simple method for estimating global DNA methylation using bisulfite PCR of repetitive DNA elements
We report a method for studying global DNA methylation based on using bisulfite treatment of DNA and simultaneous PCR of multiple DNA repetitive elements, such as Alu elements and long interspersed nucleotide elements (LINE). The PCR product, which represents a pool of approximately 15000 genomic loci, could be used for direct sequencing, selective restriction digestion or pyrosequencing, in order to quantitate DNA methylation. By restriction digestion or pyrosequencing, the assay was reproducible with a standard deviation of only 2% between assays. Using this method we found that almost two-thirds of the CpG methylation sites in Alu elements are mutated, but of the remaining methylation target sites, 87% were methylated. Due to the heavy methylation of repetitive elements, this assay was especially useful in detecting decreases in DNA methylation, and this assay was validated by examining cell lines treated with the methylation inhibitor 5-aza-2'deoxycytidine (DAC), where we found a 1-16% decrease in Alu element and 18-60% LINE methylation within 3 days of treatment. This method can be used as a surrogate marker of genome-wide methylation changes. In addition, it is less labor intensive and requires less DNA than previous methods of assessing global DNA methylation.
Head and neck cancer remains a morbid and often fatal disease and at the present time few effective molecular markers have been identified. The purpose of the present work was to identify new molecular markers for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). We applied methylation-sensitive arbitrarily primed PCR (MS/APPCR) to isolate sequences differentially methylated in HNSCC. The most frequently hypermethylated fragment we found maps close to a cytosine guanine dinucleotide (CpG) island on chromosome 9q33.2, and hypermethylation of this CpG island was associated with transcriptional silencing of an alternative transcript of the LHX6 gene. Using combined bisulfite restriction analysis (COBRA), hypermethylation of this fragment was detected in 13 of 14 (92.8%) HNSCC cell lines studied and 21 of 32 (65.6%) primary tumors, whereas little or no methylation was seen in 10 normal oral mucosa samples. We extended this investigation to other cancer cell lines and methylation was found in those derived from colon, breast, leukemia and lung, and methylation was also found in 12/14 primary colon tumors. These findings suggest that differentially methylated (DIME)-6 hypermethylation is a good cancer marker in HNSCC as well as in other kinds of neoplasias and confirm the importance of searching for markers of epigenetic dysregulation in cancer.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)