746 resultados para Cornelius Castoriadis
El objetivo de este trabajo es contribuir a identificar el efecto de las remesas que envían los emigrantes a sus comunidades de origen en México. Del mismo modo, se estudia el efecto que la participación de la mujer tiene en este proceso. La fuente de información es el Consejo Nacional de Población de México CONAPO y contiene variables a nivel estatal y municipal para el año 2000. La base de datos contiene índices de desarrollo humano, intensidad migratoria y remesas para los 2443 municipios mexicanos. La evidencia empírica sugiere que las remesas tienen un impacto positivo sobre los niveles de desarrollo de las comunidades receptoras. No obstante, la relación entre remesas y desarrollo es no lineal. Adicionalmente, se en contró que el efecto positivo que tienen las remesas sobre el desarrollo es más alto cuando la cabeza de familia de los hogares receptores es mujer.
Los derechos humanos constituyen, a todas luces, uno de los ejes y problemas constitutivos de la humanidad. Mucho se ha avanzado y trabajado en la aplicación, implementación y defensa de los mismos. Sin duda, el Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos (DIDH) constituye, junto con el llamado bloque constitucional, los mejores sustentos prácticos, esto es, al mismo tiempo jurídicos, políticos y sociales, para la defensa y promoción de los derechos humanos. Sin embargo, en general, en Colombia y en el mundo, existen pocos trabajos de fundamentación filosófica de los derechos humanos. La Universidad del Rosario presenta la tercera edición de este libro que se ha constituido en una referencia entre defensores de derechos humanos, juristas, académicos e investigadores en el tema. La tesis que sostiene el libro es sencilla: el fundamento de los derechos humanos es la vida, la vida humana en general, pero con ella, desde ella, también la vida sobre el planeta.
Se revisa la obra de Maurits Cornelius Escher, inspirada en las matemáticas. El plano euclídeo, el plano hiperbólico y las curvas elípticas son algunos de los conceptos matemáticos que se reflejan en las pinturas del autor..
resumen literal de la revista
Ofrece actividades fotocopiables, juegos y rompecabezas para los alumnos de la etapa clave 2 (key stage 2) del currículo nacional de Inglaterra y Gales, es decir para el nivel de primaria. Están diseñadas para desarrollar en los niños la comprensión y la facilidad con los números y, así, proporcionarles una buena base para el desarrollo de sus habilidades matemáticas. Las actividades se clasifican en tres secciones para los grupos de edad de 7 a 9, de 8 a 10 y de 9 a 11.
¿De qué manera se construyen los relatos e imaginarios sobre Mama Dulu en el pueblo Kayambi y en las comunidades de San Pablo Urco y Pesillo? fue la pregunta que motivó esta investigación y para ello tomé como referencia la relación entre la Dolores histórica y política de Rodas y Muyolema con la Dolores que encontré en los relatos que fueron parte de esta investigación, a través de entrevistas a profundidad a 11 representantes del pueblo Kayambi y moradores de las comunidades de San Pablo Urco y Pesillo, en el cantón Cayambe, provincia de Pichincha, Ecuador. Esta tesis está compuesta por cuatro capítulos, el primero plantea un diálogo entre autores como De Certau, Nora, Rivera Cusicanqui, Sarlo, Jelin, Ong, Castoriadis, Candau, Sánchez Parga, para entender las relaciones que se generan entre memoria oral – historia; imaginario y comunidad. El segundo, es un acercamiento al contexto histórico que perfila ese personaje relatado por Rodas y Muyolema con el que se comparan los relatos e imaginarios obtenidos en el tercero y cuarto capítulo. Finalmente, en las conclusiones destaco los principales hallazgos de la investigación: las relaciones entre historia, memoria – recuerdo en los relatos, la antropomorfización y transmutación entre Dolores y la Pachamama que además ubica a Dolores en una dimensión profundamente espiritual, las imbricaciones de los relatos en torno a Dolores Cacuango y Tránsito Amaguaña, así como omnipresencia de ambos personajes como símbolos de la identidad indígena. Esta tesis es un trabajo descriptivo cuya riqueza radica en la polifonía del relato que mantienen vigente el recuerdo de Dolores y lo transmiten de manera permanente a través de la oralidad.
The model amyloid peptide AAKLVFF was expressed as a His-tagged fusion protein with the immunoglobulin-binding domain B1 of streptococcal protein G (GB1), a small (56 residues), stable, single-domain protein. It is shown that expression of this model amyloid peptide is possible and is not hindered by aggregation. Formylation side reactions during the CNBr cleavage are investigated via synthesis of selectively formylated peptides.
TOC: Clubs & Organizations…18 / Current Events & Music…30 / Faculty & Staff…33 / Activities & Events… / Honors & Graduation…65 / Graduates…75 / Yearbook Credits…111 / A Thank You…112 YEARBOOK COMMITTEE: Project Director, Vincent Banrey; Asst. Project Director, Catherine Whan; Editors (1986): Maricruz Saunders; (1987): Juan Jimenez, GloryAnn Torres; LAYOUT DESIGNERS: Vincent Banrey, Stephanie Bowen, Yvonne Brown, Jacqui Fernandez, Milton Ferreira, Omar Harris, Cornelius Huskins, Juan Jimenez, Wayne Keane, Richard Massie, Victoria Pamias, Richard Provost, Maricruz Saunders, GloryAnn Torres, Pedro Torres, Joan Walker, Catherine Whan. PHOTOGRAPHERS: John Carrero, Young Baek Choi, Randy Fader-Smith, Milton Ferreira, Roger Ince, Juan Jimenez, Umoja Kwanguvu, Seymour Lerman, Clinton Linton, Richard Provost, Jaidee amsinghani, Maricruz Saunders, Frank Tocco, GloryAnn Torres, Catherine Whan, Alan Young. ARTISTS: Cover Design: Madeline Vega; Endsheets: Oscar "DJ Ozzie" Ramirez; Division Pages: Jose Marti; International LaGuardia: Jacqui Fernandez; Illustrations: Richard Massie, Jacqui Fernandez, Madeline Vega. WRITERS: Yasmin Ahmed, Vincent Banrey, Warren Gardner, Juan Jimenez, Umoja Kwanguvu, Luis Merchant, Victoria Pamias, Richard Provost, Christiana Somerville, GloryAnn Torres, Joan Walker, Catherine Whan. SIGNIFICANT OTHERS: Word Processing: Blanca Arbito, Edward Hollins, Catherine Whan. Vincent Banrey Spread: developed by Blanca Arbito, Edward Hollins and GloryAnn Torres, Jacqui Fernandez, Catherine Whan. Creative Consultant: Edward Hollins. Promotions: George Condors. SPECIAL THANKS TO: Frank and Seymour of Classic Studios; Chuck Lindsey, Photo Workshop Instructor; Ted Schiffman of Taylor Publishing Co.; Dan Horn and Thurston Reyes of LaGuardia Theatre; and the Recreation staff. ALAN BERMAN IN MEMORIAM: Sketch, Tom Fink; Alan Speaking, Brian Gallagher; Remembering Dr. Alan Berman, Tuzyline Allan.
Este é um estudo sobre o imaginário social dos docentes do ensino superior em relação aos estudantes com necessidades educacionais especiais. Apresenta-se como problema de pesquisa: quais discursos vêm influenciando o imaginário social dos docentes e suas implicações nas práticas pedagógicas. A finalidade dessa investigação é pesquisar o docente como um ser social inserido em um contexto histórico, seu imaginário e as conexões estabelecidas nas práticas pedagógicas, os processos de ressignificação e possíveis rupturas acerca dos alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais no ensino superior. Para compor o referencial teórico, os principais autores utilizados foram Beyer, Carvalho, Glat, Moita, Nóvoa, Oliveira, Tardif e Vygotski, entre outros. E, para os pressupostos teóricos acerca do imaginário social, apoio-me em Cornélius Castoriadis, cujo conceito central é o imaginário como uma produção subjetiva. O imaginário é, portanto, socialhistórico e psíquico. A investigação é de cunho qualitativo, evidenciado através das entrevistas semi-estruturadas e nas histórias de vida utilizadas no estudo. Fiz essa opção metodológica, por possibilitar conhecer o sujeito e de o sujeito conhecer-se devido à reflexão que se estabelece no momento em que se toma consciência sobre a própria história. Dessa forma, é proporcionado um espaço para dar voz aos docentes, para que possam refletir sobre seus saberes e sua práxis, estabelecendo um diálogo e a possibilidade de reflexão sobre os mesmos. Após a análise, constatou-se que os docentes pesquisados, têm em sua formação, histórias construídas a partir de diferentes experiências e vivências sendo necessário conhecer os sentidos que cada um dá aos fatos que surgem. A inclusão de acadêmicos com necessidades educacionais especiais é ainda um desafio e como desafio, tem suscitado diferentes ações aos docentes, apoio das assessorias especializadas e do investimento do próprio docente na busca de maiores entendimentos a respeito dessa questão, pois cada sujeito é único. O processo de formação dos docentes é constante e envolvente. Essa realidade faz com que a prática seja pensada e repensada diariamente, fato esse que parece ser de extrema relevância para que o processo de inclusão ocorra e também, no dizer dos docentes, essa realidade é motivadora, enriquecedora, faz ir além, faz repensar conceitos e valores. Os docentes reconhecem e valorizam a importância das assessorias e apoios, que recebem, a respeito dos sujeitos com necessidades educacionais especiais, nesse espaço. Porém, fica evidenciada a necessidade de maiores discussões, para que as dúvidas quanto à demanda sejam mais esclarecidas, principalmente no que se refere às necessidades que não são tão visíveis e quanto à profissionalização desses sujeitos.
The aim of this work is to analyze the phenomenon of the partner-space segregation in the city of Fortaleza, having as reference the sprouting of recent forms of housing that privilege areas with desert-like aspects, and the removal from the popular accumulations, which is becoming the shelter of the populations economically favored of the capital. Our field study was developed in the land division Alpha Village, a located urban enterprise in the east of the city. Different from the research that deals with the question of segregation as a sui generis product of the partner-economic inequality, we opt to an analysis directed more towards the dimension of the subjectivity, searching the roots of the phenomenon in the proper constitution of the human being. From interviews with the inhabitants of the related land division, we decided to analyze the social imaginary significances (Castoriadis) that composed their speech, and that they defined in this way, its representations concerning themselves, as strangers that cross the streets of the cited space, becoming thus suspected in potential. Inside our perspective, the segregation gains a ambiguous connotation, therefore at the same time that it authorizes the symbolic destruction of the other, it is also a tool that aids to support the "pain of the unreliability"
The proposal of this study was to work with women in the politics, focusing on their trajectories, biographies and speeches, to catch the meanings given by themselves to their insertion in the political field. The privileged instrument of research was the autobiographical narratives of fifteen women who, in Paraíba, had participated of the electoral processes and the life partisan politics in the period from 1998 to 2008, in the state and federal scopes. This permitted us to search the dimension of their lived expericence, to understand the trajectories and the processes of autonomation of the women, in the politics. Moreover, a quantitative mapping of the feminine presence in the processes was made electoral politicians in a wider context. In a similar way, two surveys had been carried throughout the research, among others aspects, to understand that image voters and politicians they construct concerning the feminine participation in this field. These instruments were important not to lose of all the social view where these lives were developed, the places from which these women speak and locate and the social meanings originated from this participation. The research aimed to establish dialogues between knowing and fields of discipline, beyond the dichotomy of actor/structure, preventing generalizations that ignore the plurality of the individuals, to reveal some aspects of the complex and contradictory processes that involve their participation in the political field. At last, it is tried to show that, although the frequent accusations of autonomy lack, when establishing relations in the public space, the women, as all subjects, can reflect about themselves, the motives of their thoughts and their actions escaping from the servitude of the repetition and avoid being only product of the institution that formed them (CASTORIADIS, 1992, p.140-141)
The object of analysis of this work is the implementation of the election of director in the State School August 11, situated in the city of Umarizal, State of Rio Grande do Norte, period 2005-2008. The understanding of the politics concerning the school democratization, triggered in Brazilian society in the 1990s, requires taking into consideration the changes occurring in recent decades in the national and international, which impressed significant changes in the role and functions of the state. The election of a director is part of the policy of administrative decentralization and educational reform that focuses on the democratization of the management of public education with the involvement of social actors in decisions within the educational institutions as a way to address the problems that hinder the actions management education, especially school management. To better understand this process of political democratization of school management developed our analysis seeking to answer the following questions: implementation of direct election for a director ensures democratic management in schools? What are the ramifications for the school, caused by direct election on the school autonomy and participation of the subjects in school processes? From these questions, we set as standard for analysis of democratic management in schools of two dimensions: participation and autonomy within the school. For this we take as a theoretical and methodological literature: Pateman (1992); Rousseau (2010); Bourdieu (2007), Castoriadis (1991); Macpherson (1978); Marx; Engels (2007), among others dealing with participation, autonomy, decision power and election of director, and guidelines dealing with the democratization of school management. As data collection procedure, we use the semi-structured interviews and analysis of meeting minutes of the School Council and the Minutes of the final results of elections, to understand the empirical aspects of the implementation of the election of a director. The survey results indicate some progress and setbacks regarding the participation of subjects from issues relating to the school's educational project. Also underline the political interference as a factor crystallizer the centralization of power in the figure of the director as well as the advancement of the spaces that nurture the mobilization of political debate on the democratization of management. About the extent of autonomy observed that social actors to relate predominantly to the power of decision and the involvement of subjects in the school's actions
Landscape one of the main concepts in Geography can be understood as social practice and also as a form of spatial representation. In any case, it is necessary to understand it not only by it s visual instance though its visual instance is an important part of its own identity , but also as a signifying system that produces meaning through many forms of representation. Within this framework, the photographic image is an alternative field for the building, elaboration, re-elaboration and perception of the landscape. Within this context, the main objective of this work is to produce an understanding of Jardim do Seridó s landscape through the reading of its simbolic text built through the photographs taken by José Modesto de Azevedo, a photographer well known as Zé Boinho , in the period from 1950 to 1980. The way in which a specific representation of a particular geography works within the photographic paradigm, considering the narrative construction of urban space and landscape, constitutes the framework from which the concept of landscape is built. So, this work has taken into consideration the writings of authors such as Aumont (1993), Dondis (1997), Cosgrove (1998), Duncan (2004) e Shama (1996), Castoriadis (1982), etc. Thus, this work aimed to highlight that the urban space photographs narrative built by Zé Boinho is an important alternative field for the understanding of how Jardim do Seridó s landscape became a symbolic representation for the collective imaginary of the city