995 resultados para Cooperación nuclear


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Part I

Potassium bis-(tricyanovinyl) amine, K+N[C(CN)=C(CN)2]2-, crystallizes in the monoclinic system with the space group Cc and lattice constants, a = 13.346 ± 0.003 Å, c = 8.992 ± 0.003 Å, B = 114.42 ± 0.02°, and Z = 4. Three dimensional intensity data were collected by layers perpendicular to b* and c* axes. The crystal structure was refined by the least squares method with anisotropic temperature factor to an R value of 0.064.

The average carbon-carbon and carbon-nitrogen bond distances in –C-CΞN are 1.441 ± 0.016 Å and 1.146 ± 0.014 Å respectively. The bis-(tricyanovinyl) amine anion is approximately planar. The coordination number of the potassium ion is eight with bond distances from 2.890 Å to 3.408 Å. The bond angle C-N-C of the amine nitrogen is 132.4 ± 1.9°. Among six cyano groups in the molecule, two of them are bent by what appear to be significant amounts (5.0° and 7.2°). The remaining four are linear within the experimental error. The bending can probably be explained by molecular packing forces in the crystals.

Part II

The nuclear magnetic resonance of 81Br and 127I in aqueous solutions were studied. The cation-halide ion interactions were studied by studying the effect of the Li+, Na+, K+, Mg++, Cs+ upon the line width of the halide ions. The solvent-halide ion interactions were studied by studying the effects of methanol, acetonitrile, and acetone upon the line width of 81Br and 127I in the aqueous solutions. It was found that the viscosity plays a very important role upon the halide ions line width. There is no specific cation-halide ion interaction for those ions such as Mg++, Di+, Na+, and K+, whereas the Cs+ - halide ion interaction is strong. The effect of organic solvents upon the halide ion line width in aqueous solutions is in the order acetone ˃ acetonitrile ˃ methanol. It is suggested that halide ions do form some stable complex with the solvent molecules and the reason Cs+ can replace one of the ligands in the solvent-halide ion complex.

Part III

An unusually large isotope effect on the bridge hydrogen chemical shift of the enol form of pentanedione-2, 4(acetylacetone) and 3-methylpentanedione-2, 4 has been observed. An attempt has been made to interpret this effect. It is suggested from the deuterium isotope effect studies, temperature dependence of the bridge hydrogen chemical shift studies, IR studies in the OH, OD, and C=O stretch regions, and the HMO calculations, that there may probably be two structures for the enol form of acetylacetone. The difference between these two structures arises mainly from the electronic structure of the π-system. The relative population of these two structures at various temperatures for normal acetylacetone and at room temperature for the deuterated acetylacetone were calculated.


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Part I

Several approximate Hartree-Fock SCF wavefunctions for the ground electronic state of the water molecule have been obtained using an increasing number of multicenter s, p, and d Slater-type atomic orbitals as basis sets. The predicted charge distribution has been extensively tested at each stage by calculating the electric dipole moment, molecular quadrupole moment, diamagnetic shielding, Hellmann-Feynman forces, and electric field gradients at both the hydrogen and the oxygen nuclei. It was found that a carefully optimized minimal basis set suffices to describe the electronic charge distribution adequately except in the vicinity of the oxygen nucleus. Our calculations indicate, for example, that the correct prediction of the field gradient at this nucleus requires a more flexible linear combination of p-orbitals centered on this nucleus than that in the minimal basis set. Theoretical values for the molecular octopole moment components are also reported.

Part II

The perturbation-variational theory of R. M. Pitzer for nuclear spin-spin coupling constants is applied to the HD molecule. The zero-order molecular orbital is described in terms of a single 1s Slater-type basis function centered on each nucleus. The first-order molecular orbital is expressed in terms of these two functions plus one singular basis function each of the types e-r/r and e-r ln r centered on one of the nuclei. The new kinds of molecular integrals were evaluated to high accuracy using numerical and analytical means. The value of the HD spin-spin coupling constant calculated with this near-minimal set of basis functions is JHD = +96.6 cps. This represents an improvement over the previous calculated value of +120 cps obtained without using the logarithmic basis function but is still considerably off in magnitude compared with the experimental measurement of JHD = +43 0 ± 0.5 cps.


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The synthesis of iodonium salts of the general formula [C6H5IR]+X-, where R is an alkyl group and x- is a stabilizing anion, was attempted. For the choice of R three groups were selected, whose derivatives are known to be sluggish in SN1 and SN2 substitutions: cyclopropyl, 7, 7 -dimethyl-1-norbornyl, and 9 -triptycyl. The synthetic routes followed along classical lines which have been exploited in recent years by Beringer and students. Ultimately, the object of the present study was to study the reactions of the above salts with nucleophiles. In none of the three cases, however, was it possible to isolate a stable salt. A thermodynamic argument suggests that this must be due to kinetic instability rather than thermodynamic instability. Only iodocyclopropane and 1-iodoapocamphane formed isolable iododichlorides.

Several methylated 2, 2-difluoronorbornanes were prepared with the intent of correlating fluorine -19 chemical shifts with geometric features in a rigid system. The effect of a methyl group on the shielding of a β -fluorine is dependent upon the dihedral angle; the maximum effect (an upfield shift of the resonance) occurs at 0° and 180°, whereas almost no effect is felt at a dihedral angle of 120°. The effect of a methyl group on a γ -fluorine is to strongly shift the resonance downfield when fluorine and methyl group are in a 1, 3 - diaxial-like relationship. Molecular orbital calculations of fluorine shielding in a variety of molecules were carried out using the formalism developed by Pople; the results are, at best, in modest agreement with experiment.


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Fluorine nuclear magnetic resonance techniques have been used to study conformational processes in two proteins labeled specifically in strategic regions with covalently attached fluorinated molecules. In ribonuclease S, the ϵ-amino groups of lysines 1 and 7 were trifluoroacetylated without diminishing enzymatic activity. As inhibitors bound to the enzyme, changes in orientation of the peptide segment containing the trifluoroacetyl groups were detected in the nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum. pH Titration of one of the histidines in the active site produced a reversal of the conformational process.

Hemoglobin was trifluoroacetonylated at the reactive cysteine 93 of each β chain. The nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum of the fluorine moiety reflected changes in the equilibrium position of the β chain carboxy terminus upon binding of heme ligands and allosteric effectors. The chemical shift positions observed in deoxy- and methemoglobin were pH dependent, undergoing an abnormally steep apparent titration which was not observed in hemoglobin from which histidine β 146 had been removed enzymatically. The abnormal sharpness of these pH dependent processes is probably due to interactions between several ionizing groups.

The carbon monoxide binding process was studied by concurrent observation of the visible and nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of trifluoroacetonylated hemoglobin at fractional ligand saturations throughout the range 0-1.0. Comparison of the ligand binding process observed in these two ways yields evidence for a specific order of ligand binding. The sequence of events is sensitive to the pH and organic phosphate concentration of the medium, demonstrating the delicately balanced control system produced by interactions between the hemoglobin subunits and the effectors.


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Este trabajo es el resultado de unas Jornadas Internaciones sobre los Pirineos celebradas en noviembre de 2011. Estas jornadas estaban provocadas por la preocupación que en el terreno ambiental se manifiesta en estos momentos como consecuencia del calentamiento global, la pérdida de los glaciares, el aumento de las sequías, la pérdida de la calidad y de las condiciones del terreno, el aumento de la erosión, la pérdida de biodiversidad y, en general, otras consecuencias de la evolución de nuestro planeta, en las que cabe destacar la intervención humana directa. Con esta última se quiere hacer referencia a la construcción de infraestructuras, de carreteras, del desarrollo de actividades de esparcimiento y ocio, todas ellas motivadoras de una pérdida de la calidad y de la cualidad de los Pirineos como un ámbito territorial con el que la civilización europea tiene una gran deuda. Esta deuda no solamente es histórica, simbólica o de otro tipo, sino que especialmente lo es por la importancia que el mantenimiento de los Pirineos en su condición actual tiene para el bienestar de las sociedades europeas. Sin los Pirineos, sin la actividad de las personas que los pueblan y los mantienen, su pérdida y su mala utilización tendrían unas consecuencias muy gravosas en Europa, entendiendo por tales no solamente las derivas de una limitación de actividades de ocio y esparcimiento, sino sobre todo por las propias consecuencias ambientales que un hecho de estas características tendría. En realidad, hablar de los Pirineos no es hablar de su defensa, sería mucho mejor hablar de la deuda que los habitantes de los Estados español y francés especialmente, pero de toda Europa se podría decir, tenemos con esta cadena montañosa.


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La mayor parte de las niñas y niños del planeta nace y muere en lugares carentes de adecuada atención sanitaria, lejos de hospitales y universidades. Hemos querido fusionar el mundo académico, clínico y de la cooperación, sumando ciencia, voluntades e incertidumbres, con la intención de que de esta mezcla pudiera surgir una herramienta útil para quienes se acercan desde el ámbito de la sanidad a la cooperación infantil. Si el recurso más valioso de cada pueblo son las personas y la mayor riqueza es el conocimiento, contribuir a la formación en cuidados sanitarios de la infancia debiera ser la mejor de las inversiones.


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Neste trabalho, três técnicas para resolver numericamente problemas inversos de transporte de partículas neutras a uma velocidade para aplicações em engenharia nuclear são desenvolvidas. É fato conhecido que problemas diretos estacionários e monoenergéticos de transporte são caracterizados por estimar o fluxo de partículas como uma função-distribuição das variáveis independentes de espaço e de direção de movimento, quando os parâmetros materiais (seções de choque macroscópicas), a geometria, e o fluxo incidente nos contornos do domínio (condições de contorno), bem como a distribuição de fonte interior são conhecidos. Por outro lado, problemas inversos, neste trabalho, buscam estimativas para o fluxo incidente no contorno, ou a fonte interior, ou frações vazio em barras homogêneas. O modelo matemático usado tanto para os problemas diretos como para os problemas inversos é a equação de transporte independente do tempo, a uma velocidade, em geometria unidimensional e com o espalhamento linearmente anisotrópico na formulação de ordenadas discretas (SN). Nos problemas inversos de valor de contorno, dado o fluxo emergente em um extremo da barra, medido por um detector de nêutrons, por exemplo, buscamos uma estimativa precisa para o fluxo incidente no extremo oposto. Por outro lado, nos problemas inversos SN de fonte interior, buscamos uma estimativa precisa para a fonte armazenada no interior do domínio para fins de blindagem, sendo dado o fluxo emergente no contorno da barra. Além disso, nos problemas inversos SN de fração de vazio, dado o fluxo emergente em uma fronteira da barra devido ao fluxo incidente prescrito no extremo oposto, procuramos por uma estimativa precisa da fração de vazio no interior da barra, no contexto de ensaios não-destrutivos para aplicações na indústria. O código computacional desenvolvido neste trabalho apresenta o método espectronodal de malha grossa spectral Greens function (SGF) para os problemas diretos SN em geometria unidimensional para gerar soluções numéricas precisas para os três problemas inversos SN descritos acima. Para os problemas inversos SN de valor de contorno e de fonte interior, usamos a propriedade da proporcionalidade da fuga de partículas; ademais, para os problemas inversos SN de fração de vazio, oferecemos a técnica a qual nos referimos como o método físico da bissecção. Apresentamos resultados numéricos para ilustrar a precisão das três técnicas, conforme descrito nesta tese.


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O objetivo desta dissertação de mestrado é analisar o processo de criação e regulamentação da Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear (CNEN), desde o governo Juscelino Kubitschek (1956-1961) até sua efetiva regulamentação em 1962. A iniciativa inscreveu-se no conjunto de medidas visando dar solução à crise que atravessava o Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas (CNPq), e que levariam à instauração, na Câmara dos Deputados, em 1956, de Comissão Parlamentar de Inquérito para investigar o problema da energia atômica no país. Como sinônimo de desenvolvimento e progresso, a energia nuclear também seria incluída no Programa de Metas de JK. São investigadas as disputas políticas e os interesses econômicos que marcaram o processo de implantação da CNEN e o desenvolvimento de suas atividades na etapa inicial de seu funcionamento.


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Partindo de uma análise histórica comparativa do tratamento da questão nuclear no Brasil, buscou-se compreender os condicionantes da estrutura normativa constitucional do tema atômico na atual Carta de 1988 para então lançar-se a uma análise crítica do atual quadro institucional, posto que é anterior à Constituição, mas que teria sido pela mesma recepcionado. Após esta análise crítica, tenta-se, no mesmo ambiente, reconstruir uma tessitura mínima para um ramo jurídico da energia nuclear, analisando, juntamente, a natureza das atividades do chamado ciclo nuclear. Enfim, cotejando todos estes dados, procura-se demonstrar que o atual marco legal é, ao menos, desatualizado e não atende a um projeto maior de desenvolvimento e controle das atividades nucleares no Brasil. Insta ainda salientar que, devido à própria natureza de uma tese de doutoramento, fez-se um recorte temático na questão nuclear, propositadamente não se aprofundando na temática referente à responsabilidade civil por dano nuclear, uma vez que já é tema tratado com bastante propriedade por variados escritos e autores.