862 resultados para Convenience stores


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The present study investigated how demographic, personality, and climate variables act to predict departmental theft. Participants in the current field survey were 153 employees from 17 departments across two stores. The results of confirmatory factor analyses supported the construct validity of the Big Five Inventory (John, Donahue, & Kentle, 1991) and the Occupational Climate Questionnaire (Furnham & Gunter, 1997) in UK work settings. The results of regression analysis indicate that the variability in departmental theft is accountable in terms of a linear combination of demographic, personality, and climate factors. We concluded that an expanded theoretical perspective (utilizing demographic, personality, and climate variables) explained more variance than might otherwise be expected from any single perspective. Indeed, climate, personality, and demographic variables operated legitimately at the departmental level. Finally, we explained aggregated personality as a form of social interaction which is the by-product of individual differences.


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Background & Aims: Two major mutations are defined within the hemochromatosis gene, HFE. Although the effects of the C282Y mutation have been well characterized, the effects of the H63D mutation remain unclear. We accessed a well-defined population in Busselton, Australia, and determined the frequency of the H63D mutation and its influence on total body iron stores. Methods: Serum transferrin saturation and ferritin levels were correlated with the H63D mutation in 2531 unrelated white subjects who did not possess the C282Y mutation. Results: Sixty-two subjects (2.1%) were homozygous for the H63D mutation, 711 (23.6%) were heterozygous, and 1758 (58.4%) were wild-type for the H63D mutation. Serum transferrin saturation was significantly increased in male and female H63D homozygotes and heterozygotes compared with wild-types. Serum ferritin levels within each gender were not influenced by H63D genotypes. Elevated transferrin saturation greater than or equal to45% was observed in a greater proportion of male H63D carriers than male wild-types. Male H63D homozygotes (9%) and heterozygotes (3%) were more likely to have both elevated transferrin saturation and elevated ferritin greater than or equal to300 ng/mL than male wild-types (0.7%). Homozygosity for H63D was not associated with the development of clinically significant iron overload. Conclusions: Presence of the H63D mutation results in a significant increase in serum transferrin saturation but does hot result in significant iron overload. In the absence of the C282Y mutation, the H63D mutation is not clinically significant.


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Efforts to discover new treatments for osteoporosis led to the identification of the potent and selective, small-molecule calcium receptor antagonist NPS-2143. NPS-2143 is the prototype calcilytic drug, designed to act on calcium receptors on the surface of parathyroid glands, stimulating the release of the body's own stores of native parathyroid hormone (PTH). In osteopenic ovariectomized rats, daily oral administration of NPS-2143 resulted in moderate but sustained increases in plasma PTH levels and marked increases in bone formation and resorption, with no net bone gain or loss. The combination of NPS-2143 and estrogen increases bone formation and density to a greater extent than either agent alone. These results suggest that NPS-2143 may be useful in the treatment of established osteoporosis.


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Most species of lizards will shed their tails at the point of contact when grasped by a predator. We investigated the energetic consequences of tail loss by measuring lipids in a scincid lizard that stores energy in its tail for reproduction. Most of the lipids were concentrated in the proximal portion of the tail. Thus, partial tail loss may not severely affect energy stores if the distal portion of the tail is shed in predatory encounters. We also found that the width of the tail was a reliable non-invasive index of energy reserves in this species. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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Skinks from the genera Eulamprus, Gnypetoscincus and Nangura are a prominent component of the reptile fauna of the mesic forests of the east coast of Australia and have been the subject of numerous ecological studies. Highly conserved morphology and the retention of ancestral traits have limited our understanding of the relationships within and among these genera beyond an initial identification of species groups within Eulamprus. To address this deficit and to explore the relationships between Eulamprus and the monotypic genera Nangura and Gnypetoscincus, sections of two mitochondrial genes (ND4 and 16S rRNA) were sequenced and subjected to Bayesian phylogenetic analysis. This phylogenetic analysis supports recognition of the three species groups proposed for Eulamprus (murrayi, quoyii and tenuis) and indicates that this genus is paraphyletic, with Gnypetoscincus and Nangura being proximal to basal lineages of the tenuis group. To resolve these and broader problems of paraphyly, we suggest that each of the species groups from 'Eulamprus' should be recognised as a distinct genus. The phylogenetically and ecologically distinct water skinks of the quoyii group would be retained within Eulamprus and the diverse species of the tenuis group allocated to Concinnia. We suggest placing the monophyletic murrayi group, endemic to the rainforests of central eastern Australia, in a new genus ( yet to be formally described). The sequencing data also revealed the existence of a genetically divergent but morphologically cryptic lineage within E. murrayi and substantial diversity within E. quoyii. There is evidence for two major habitat shifts from rainforest towards drier habitats, one leading to the quoyii group and the second defining a clade of three species within the tenuis complex. These ecological transitions may represent adaptations to general drying across eastern Australia during the late Miocene - Pliocene. Each of the major areas of east coast tropical or subtropical rainforest contains multiple phylogenetically diverse endemic species, reflecting the long-term persistence and high conservation value of wet forest habitats in each area.


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The origin of intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+](i)) transients stimulated by nicotinic ( nAChR) and muscarinic ( mAChR) receptor activation was investigated in fura-2-loaded neonatal rat intracardiac neurons. ACh evoked [Ca2+](i) increases that were reduced to similar to 60% of control in the presence of either atropine ( 1 muM) or mecamylamine ( 3 muM) and to < 20% in the presence of both antagonists. Removal of external Ca2+ reduced ACh-induced responses to 58% of control, which was unchanged in the presence of mecamylamine but reduced to 5% of control by atropine. The nAChR-induced [Ca2+](i) response was reduced to 50% by 10 μM ryanodine, whereas the mAChR-induced response was unaffected by ryanodine, suggesting that Ca2+ release from ryanodine-sensitive Ca2+ stores may only contribute to the nAChR-induced [Ca2+](i) responses. Perforated-patch whole cell recording at - 60 mV shows that the rise in [Ca2+](i) is concomitant with slow outward currents on mAChR activation and with rapid inward currents after nAChR activation. In conclusion, different signaling pathways mediate the rise in [Ca2+](i) and membrane currents evoked by ACh binding to nicotinic and muscarinic receptors in rat intracardiac neurons.


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Estudo realizado com benzedeiras de uma área de saúde do município de Vitória - ES, objetivando identificá-las, conhecer suas histórias de vida e o interesse das mesmas em articularem-se com os profissionais das unidades básicas de saúde locais. Por se tratar de uma região marcada pela violência advinda do tráfico de drogas, tornou-se impossível identificar o universo dessas mulheres, face à impossibilidade de acesso a alguns desses bairros; assim posto, nossa amostra ficou limitada a cinco benzedeiras. A coleta de material do estudo se deu através de entrevistas e observações registradas em um diário de campo. O material transcrito e os apontamentos do diário de campo possibilitaram a narrativa de inspiração cartográfica deste estudo. Essas benzedeiras são mulheres entre 64 a 88 anos de idade, residem em locais inóspitos e em moradias humildes. Algumas benzem apenas crianças, outras todos aqueles que as procuram, inclusive para benzimento de seus animais. Nenhuma delas cobra e tão pouco aceita agradecimento pela atenção prestada, pois segundo elas, o agradecimento deve ser dirigido a Deus. São mulheres humildes, todas moradoras antigas da área, ora reconhecidas como importantes pelo dom que têm, ora rechaçadas como demoníacas por grupos religiosos. No tocante a uma aproximação com as equipes locais de saúde, todas as benzedeiras se mostraram avessas à ideia, no entendimento de que tal aproximação significaria uma demanda de benzimentos aumentada e obrigatória, o que contraria a lógica da atenção prestada pelas mesmas, que só benzem de acordo com a conveniência: sentindo-se bem, praticam o benzimento; estando desvitalizadas, evitam benzer. Por se tratar de mulheres idosas, as benzedeiras encontram-se ameaçadas de extinção, visto que aprender o oficio não tem sido objeto de interesse das novas gerações.


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A mudança no mercado global do petróleo nos últimos anos, com o declínio das reservas de óleo leve, têm forçado a busca por novos campos petrolíferos em ambientes mais remotos, como nos campos localizados na camada pré-sal, e a exploração de óleos pesados que possuem elevado teor de ácidos naftênicos. Isso acarreta em grandes desafios para a previsão do desempenho de materiais frente às novas condições ambientais em que estão inseridos. No presente trabalho, o comportamento da corrosão do aço carbono AISI 1010 e do aço inoxidável AISI 316L foi estudado em soluções aquosas com elevado teor de cloreto e em solução de ácido naftênico ciclopentanóico a fim de ter melhor entendimento da ação dessas espécies no processo de corrosão e simular a corrosão pela água de produção na indústria petrolífera. Foram aplicadas as técnicas de potencial de circuito aberto, polarização potenciodinâmica, voltametria cíclica, espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica, espectroscopia Raman, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e microscopia de força atômica, usadas, em cada caso, de acordo com a conveniência. O aumento da [Cl-] na faixa de 1,2–2,8 mol.L-1 não altera os processos catódicos e anódicos perto do Ecorr para os aços AISI 1010 e AISI 316L. Em condições de sobrepotenciais afastados do Ecorr, o aumento de [Cl-] aumenta os processos oxidativos de corrosão, o que é expresso pelas maiores densidades de corrente e carga anódica e aumento da perda de massa sofrida pelos eletrodos de ambos os aços. Portanto, os danos da corrosão são mais intensos quando se aumenta a [Cl-]. O aço AISI 1010 é ativo nas soluções de NaCl e a corrosão se propaga livremente de forma uniforme. Para o aço AISI 316L, uma ampla faixa de passividade pode ser vista nas soluções de NaCl; no Epit ocorre a ruptura do filme passivo e o crescimento de pites estáveis. Após 24 h de imersão em soluções de sulfato de sódio (branco) e de ácido naftênico ciclopentanóico ocorre crescimento de filme de óxido e as fases α-Fe2O3, Fe3O4 e δ-FeO(OH) foram identificadas nos espécimes de aço AISI 1010 e Fe3O4 foi identificado nos defeitos do filme prévio presente na superfície do aço AISI 316L. Os filmes formados em solução de ácido ciclopentanóico possuem menor resistência à polarização, maior rugosidade e maior taxa de corrosão quando comparado aos filmes crescidos na solução branco, para ambos os aços. A presença do ácido naftênico muda a forma como a reação de corrosão se procede e contribui para o aumento da corrosão. A corrosão naftênica foi mais pronunciada no aço carbono porque a presença dos elementos de liga no aço inox reduzem o número de sítios ativos ricos em Fe e tornam menos oportuna a ligação do Fe com o naftenato.


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Guimarães, in the northwest of Portugal, is a city of strong symbolic and cultural significance and its nomination by UNESCO as world heritage, in 2001, enlarged its tourism potential. In this paper we present a few results of a survey that envisaged capturing the Guimarães residents’ perceptions of tourism impacts and their attitudes towards tourists. Specifically, one analyzes the type of relationship that exists between some socio-demographic groups and the perceived tourism impacts, as well as their socio-characteristics and the existing level of interaction between residents and tourists. The survey was implemented between January and March 2010 to a convenience sample of 540 inhabitants of the municipality of Guimarães resulting in 400 questionnaires with complete data. For this, we made use of various statistical techniques. Using a factorial analysis, we can conclude that the three factors used explain 52.3% of the variance contained in the original variables obtained from the survey. By another side, using a logit model in the analysis and taking as the dependent variable the frequent or very frequent contact with tourists, we found that only the variables referred to perceived positive impacts of tourism, education and the place of residence in urban areas have shown to be statistically significant. We are aware of the multiple ways the issue of residents’ perceptions and attitudes towards tourism can be approached and of the difficulties to get useful policy-oriented insights. This paper is a step in that trail.


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The European Capital of Culture is an annual mega-event, which can provide a good forum though which to challenge and engage local citizens, thus generating feelings of common citizenship. In addition, it presents an ideal opportunity to promote the restructuring of the hosting urban space. However, the success of both the organization and the city that hosts the cultural event depends on the residents’ commitment towards it, the consistency of the tourism attractions and activities supplied, and the capacity of anticipating and monitoring the evolution of tourists’ preferences. The present study aims to assess the intention to participate and the impacts perceived by residents of Guimarães from hosting one of the 2012 European Capitals of Culture (2012 ECOC) in the ex-ante period (2011). Through a convenience sample of 471 usable surveys applied to the local population, conducted between October and December 2011, we tried to identify some of these potential impacts. According to the results received, 40% of residents had a low or very low knowledge of the cultural program, although only 11% demonstrated no intention of attending any activity during the event. The comparison of the mean scores of the expected 2012 ECOC impacts by gender reveals that the most valued and least valued factors are common to female and male respondents. With regard to the differences between those that intended to attend the event and the ones that did not, expected participants rated positive and negative impact factors more than did the ones that did not intend to attend.


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The entrepreneurship and innovation have been gradually gaining ground in the academic community as a field of study. However, the interpretations surrounding fragmented, without a univocal definition. In last decades, tourism has received greater attention from researchers in various sciences, varying only by the different emphases considered: economic, social, cultural and environmental. As other emerging sectors in a modern economy, tourism is a dynamic and ever-changing industry. The study has as purpose to provide a better understanding regarding the essence of entrepreneurship: theoretical and practical implications from the perspective of tourism. Regarding the methodology used here, this is a conceptual paper with a literature review that brings together the major components of entrepreneurship and its implications tourist perspective and conceptual model of the dynamic nature of the Triggering Process and innovation (e.g. iTravey, Interactive Stores, Tourist Transportable Tower).


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The aim of this study is twofold. First, the study analyzes local community perspectives of the importance of the WHS classification of the historic center of Évora. Second, the study analyzes local residents’ perceived tourism impacts on the municipality of Évora. The methodology comprises quantitative research based on a self-administered survey applied to convenience samples of local residents of Évora in the beginning of 2014. The main results reveal that local residents have a strongly positive perception of the WHS designation. With regard to the perceived tourism impacts, a principal component factor analysis delineated three positive and three negative tourism impacts. The comparison of the mean scores of these factors across residents that live near and far from the historic center reveals that the most valued and least valued factors are common to all groups of residents. Nevertheless, in terms of positive impacts, the residents that live near the historic center revealed higher means than the residents that live far from it, whereas in terms of negative impacts, the latter group revealed higher means than former group.


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The European Capital of Culture is an annual mega-event, which can provide a good forum though which to challenge and engage local citizens, thus generating feelings of common citizenship. In addition, it presents an ideal opportunity to promote the restructuring of the hosting urban space. However, the success of both the organization and the city that hosts the cultural event depends on the residents’ commitment towards it, the consistency of the tourism attractions and activities supplied, and the capacity of anticipating and monitoring the evolution of tourists’ preferences. The present study aims to assess the intention to participate and the impacts perceived by residents of Guimarães from hosting one of the 2012 European Capitals of Culture (2012 ECOC) in the ex-ante period (2011). Through a convenience sample of 471 usable surveys applied to the local population, conducted between October and December 2011, we tried to identify some of these potential impacts. According to the results received, 40% of residents had a low or very low knowledge of the cultural program, although only 11% demonstrated no intention of attending any activity during the event. The comparison of the mean scores of the expected 2012 ECOC impacts by gender reveals that the most valued and least valued factors are common to female and male respondents. With regard to the differences between those that intended to attend the event and the ones that did not, expected participants rated positive and negative impact factors more than did the ones that did not intend to attend.


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The aim of this study is twofold. First, the study analyzes local community perspectives of the importance of the World Heritage Site (WHS) classification of the historic centers of Angra do Heroísmo and Évora. Second, the study analyzes local residents’ perceived tourism impacts on the municipalities of Angra do Heroísmo and Évora. The methodology comprises quantitative research based on a self-administered survey applied to convenience samples of local residents of the two Portuguese municipalities in 2014. The main results reveal that local residents have a strongly positive perception of the WHS designation in both municipalities. With regard to the perceived tourism impacts, residents from Angra do Heroísmo have a stronger agreement about the impacts of tourism on their city than the residents of Évora, except for the negative social and cultural impacts. The comparison of the mean scores of these impacts across residents that live near and far from the historic centers reveals that the most valued and least valued impacts in the three categories of impacts (economic, social and cultural, and environmental) are common to all groups of residents. Nevertheless, residents living in or near the historic center of Angra do Heroísmo have higher means in the majority of tourism impacts (in all categories), with only one negative impact to concern the majority of respondents. Among the residents from Évora, residents living in or near the historic center have higher means in the majority of economic impacts but lower means in almost social and cultural impacts. With regard to the environmental impacts, residents living in or near the historic center have higher means scores in the positive impacts and lower means scores in the negative environmental impacts.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo incluir flexibilidade gerencial (tais como técnicas de recuperação complementar de óleo) na avaliação de reservatórios. Concluímos que essas técnicas podem aumentar o valor dos reservatórios em até 25% segundo a teoria de opções reais. A principal vantagem da metodologia de teoria de opções em relação à tradicional técnica de fluxo de caixa descontado é levar em conta as questões operacionais da indústria do petróleo. Utilizamos dois modelos clássicos para a precificação de reservatórios de petróleo e aplicamos uma análise de sensibilidade para determinar quais fatores são mais relevantes no seu valor econômico. Como era de se esperar, em ambos os modelos, o tempo de concessão e a taxa de convenience e/ou dividend yield foram os fatores mais importantes.