953 resultados para Controladores POD
In order to understand the physiological response of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) leaves to cadmium (Cd) stress and exploit the physiological mechanisms involved in Cd tolerance, macro-mineral and chlorophyll concentrations, reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation, activities of enzymatic antioxidants, nonenzymatic compounds metabolism, endogenous hormonal changes, and balance in leaves of oilseed rape exposed to 0, 100, or 200 μM CdSO4 were investigated. The results showed that under Cd exposure, Cd concentrations in the leaves continually increased while macro-minerals and chlorophyll concentrations decreased significantly. Meanwhile, with increased Cd stress, superoxide anion (O 2 • − ) production rate and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) concentrations in the leaves increased significantly, which caused malondialdehyde (MDA) accumulation and oxidative stress. For scavenging excess accumulated ROS and alleviating oxidative injury in the leaves, the activity of enzymatic antioxidants, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), and catalase (CAT), was increased significantly at certain stress levels. However, with increased Cd stress, the antioxidant enzyme activities all showed a trend towards reduction. The nonenzymatic antioxidative compounds, such as proline and total soluble sugars, accumulated continuously with increased Cd stress to play a long-term role in scavenging ROS. In addition, ABA levels also increased continuously with Cd stress while ZR decreased and the ABA/ZR ratio increased, which might also be providing a protective role against Cd toxicity.
Cat’s claw creeper vine, Dolichandra unguis-cati (L.) Lohmann (syn. Macfadyena unguis-cati (L.) Gentry), is a major environmental weed in Australia. Two forms of the weed with distinctive leaf morphology and reproductive traits, including varying fruit size, occur in Queensland, Australia. The long pod form occurs in a few localities in Queensland, while the short pod form is widely distributed in Queensland and northern part of New South Wales. This investigation aimed to evaluate germination behavior and occurrence of polyembryony (production of multiple seedlings from a single seed) in the two forms of the weed. Seeds were germinated in growth chambers set to 10/20°C, 15/25°C, 20/30°C, 30/45°C and 25°C, representing ambient temperature conditions of the region. Germination and polyembryony were monitored over a period of 12 weeks. For all the treatments in this study, seeds from short pod plants exhibited significantly higher germination rates and higher occurrence of polyembryony than those from long pod plants. Seeds from long pod plants did not germinate at the lowest temperature of 10/20°C; in contrast, those of the short pod form germinated under this condition, albeit at a lower rate (reaching a maximum 45% germination at week 12). Results from this study could explain why the short pod form of D. unguis-cati is the more widely distributed plants in Australia, while the long pod is confined to a few localities. The results have implication in predicting future range of both forms of the invasive D. unguis-cati, as well as inform management decisions for control of the weed.
The aims of this study were to describe Finnish day surgery practice at present and to evaluate quality of care by assessing postdischarge minor morbidity and quality indicators. Potential treatment options were approached by investigating the role of oral dexamethasone as a part of multimodal analgesia and the feasibility of day surgery in patients aged 65 years and older. Over a 2-month period, all patient cases at 14 Finnish day surgery or short-stay units were analyzed (Study I). Quality indicators included rates and reasons for overnight admission, readmission, reoperation, cancellations, and patient satisfaction. Recovery during the first postoperative week was assessed at two units (Study II). Altogether 2732 patients graded daily the intensity of predefined symptoms. To define risk factors of postdischarge symptoms, multinomial regression analysis was used. Sixty patients scheduled to undergo day surgery for hallux valgus were randomized to receive twice perioperatively dexamethasone 9 mg or placebo (Study III). Paracetamol 1 g was administered 3 times daily. Rescue medication (oxycodone) consumption during 0-3 postoperative days (POD), maximal pain scores and adverse effects were documented. Medically stable patients aged 65 years or older, scheduled for open inguinal hernia repair, were randomized to receive treatment either as day cases or inpatients (Study IV). Complications, unplanned admissions, healthcare visits, and patients’ acceptance of the type of care provided were assessed during 2 weeks postoperatively. In Study I, unplanned overnight admissions were reported in 5.9%, return hospital visits during PODs 1-28 in 3.7%, and readmissions in 0.7% of patients. Patient satisfaction was high. In Study II, pain was the most common symptom in adult patients (57%). Postdischarge symptoms were more frequent in adults aged < 40 years, children aged ≥ 7 years, females, and following a longer duration of surgery. In Study III, the total median (range) oxycodone consumption during the study period was 45 (0–165) mg in the dexamethasone group, compared with 78 (15–175) mg in the placebo group (P < 0.049). On PODs 0-1, patients in the dexamethasone group reported significantly lower pain scores. Following inguinal hernia repair, no significant differences in outcome measures were seen between the study groups. Patient satisfaction was equally high in day cases and inpatients (Study IV). Finnish day surgery units provide good-quality services. Minor postdischarge symptoms are common, and they are influenced by several patient-, surgery-, and anesthesia-related factors. Oral dexamethasone combined with paracetamol improves pain relief and reduces the need for oxycodone rescue medication following correction of hallux valgus. Day surgery for open inguinal hernia repair is safe and well accepted by patients aged 65 years or older and can be recommended as the primary choice of care for medically stable patients.
Experimental characterization of high dimensional dynamic systems sometimes uses the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD). If there are many measurement locations and relatively fewer sensors, then steady-state behavior can still be studied by sequentially taking several sets of simultaneous measurements. The number required of such sets of measurements can be minimized if we solve a combinatorial optimization problem. We aim to bring this problem to the attention of engineering audiences, summarize some known mathematical results about this problem, and present a heuristic (suboptimal) calculation that gives reasonable, if not stellar, results.
Cat’s claw creeper, Dolichandra unguis-cati (L.) Lohmann (syn. Macfadyena unguis-cati (L.) Gentry) is a major environmental weed in Australia. Two forms (‘long’ and ‘short’ pod) of the weed occur in Australia. This investigation aimed to evaluate and compare germination behavior and occurrence of polyembryony in the two forms of the weed. Seeds were germinated in growth chambers set to 10/20 °C, 15/25 °C, 20/30 °C, 30/45 °C and 25 °C. Germination and polyembryony were monitored over a period of 12 weeks. For all the treatments in this study, seeds from the short pod form exhibited significantly higher germination rates and higher occurrence of polyembryony than those from the long pod form. Seeds from the long pod form did not germinate at the lowest temperature of 10/20 °C; in contrast, those of the short pod form germinated under this condition, albeit at a lower rate. Results from this study could explain why the short pod form of D. unguis-cati is the more widely distributed form in Australia, while the long pod form is confined to a few localities. The results have implication in predicting future ranges of both forms of the invasive D. unguis-cati, as well as inform management decisions for control of the weed.
Pro gradu -työssä tarkastelen tšekin ja suomen kielessä esiintyviä eläinten nimityksistä johdettuja fraseologisia ilmauksia ja sanontoja. Eläinfraseologia muodostaa kielessä keskeisen osan, jolle ovat tyypillisiä voimakas tunnelataus, rajoittunut, sovinnainen käyttö ja puhekielenomaisuus. Tarkastelen eläinilmauksia morfologisesti ja semanttis-leksikaalisesti, mutta muitakin piirteitä esiintyy. Vertailen kumpaakin kieltä ja selvitän kielten fraasien, idiomien ja muiden sanontojen yhtäläisyyksiä ja eroja. Sanonnat (ynnä johdokset ja sanaparit) jaan neljään eri ryhmään seuraavasti: 1. kummassakin kielessä olevat samanlaiset ilmaukset, 2. kummassakin kielessä olevat osittain samanlaiset ilmaukset, 3. tsekkiläiset ilmaukset ja 4. suomalaiset ilmaukset. Työni materiaali on peräisin tsekkiläisistä, suomalaisista ja muunkielisistä sanakirjoista (lähinnä fraseologisista). Selvittelen erityisesti keskeisimpien kotieläinten nimistä (koira, kissa, hevonen, lehmä, lammas, sika, kana), joidenkin muiden eläinten nimistä (karhu, susi, karppi, käärme) ja joidenkin ulkomaisten eläinten nimistä (leijona, elefantti, apina) johdettuja fraseologisia ilmauksia. Materiaali käsittää yhteensä 145 eri eläintä, 163 eläimen nimitystä ja 585 eläinilmausta. Aineistoni pohjalta voi todeta, että tšekin ja suomen kielessä on yllättävän paljon samantyyppisiä eläinilmauksia, vaikka kielet poikkeavat huomattavasti toisistaan. Korpuksessani olevista ilmauksista on täysin symmetrisiä 119/20,3 %, osittain samanlaisia (epäsymmetrisiä) 127/21,7 %, pelkästään tsekkiläisiä 161/27,5 % ja pelkästään suomalaisia 146/25,0 %. Sanaparit ja sananlaskut, joita käsittelin erillisenä ryhmänä (32 kpl) muodostivat aineistosta 5,5 % (niistäkin löytyi yhtäläisyyksiä). Yleisimmin esiintyvät eläimet ovat koira ja kissa. Koira on kuitenkin tšekin fraseologiassa yleisempi eläin kuin suomessa, jossa taas kissa on yleisimmin esiintyvä eläimen nimi. Yleisiä ovat myös mm. hevonen, sika, lintu, kala ja kana. Karitsa, hanhi ja vuohi esiintyvät paljon useammin tšekin fraseologiassa, suomessa esiintyy taas usein sika silloin, kun tšekissä on porsas. Joillakin eläinten nimillä on selvästi negatiivisempi tunnelataus (susi, käärme) kuin toisilla (koira, kissa). Toisin kuin suomessa, kissa on tšekissä valheellinen, vuohi herkuttelee, pöllö ja apina edustavat viisautta ja oppivaisuutta ja kovakuoriainen hellyttää. Yhteisiä eläinten nimityksiä kummassakin kielessä on aineistossani 106/163 (65,03 %). Tšekin fraseologiassa on lähes kaksi kertaa enemmän (37/163 = 22,7 %) sellaisia eläinten nimiä, joita ei esiinny suomen fraseologiassa verrattuna pelkästään suomen fraseologiassa esiintyviin eläinten nimiin (20/163 = 12,27 %). Pelkästään tšekissä esiintyviä eläimiä ovat mm. lumikko, majava, murmeli, mäyrä, näätä ja riikinkukko; pelkästään suomen fraseologiassa esiintyvät puolestaan mm. kiiski, muikku, peippo, poro, sopuli ja telkkä. Vertauskuvat ovat kummassakin kielessä erittäin tyypillisiä. Eläinten nimet viittaavat useimmiten ihmisen kielteisiin luonteenpiirteisiin tai ominaisuuksiin (mazaný jako liška ja viekas kuin kettu). Aineistoni pohjalta vaikuttaa siltä, että tšekissä on enemmän vaihtoehtoisia ja eri eläinten lajeista muodostettuja ilmauksia (mm. lintu- ja kalalajeista). Kummassakin kielessä on myös huudahduslauseita (Ty jsi ale liška pod itá! ja Senkin vanha kettu!), kansainvälisiä ilmauksia (jádro pudla ja villakoiran ydin) ja ns. petollisia ystäviä toisiaan erehdyttävästi muistuttavia, mutta eri asiaa merkitseviä sanontoja (tsekin kočičí život kissanelämä tarkoittaa ´sitkeähenkisyyttä´ − ei suomen kissanpäiviä). Kansallisista erityispiirteistä ovat esimerkkeinä mm. tšekin ilmaus mít se jako husa o Martině "voida kuin hanhi Martinpäivänä" (suomeksi ´voida kurjasti´; viittaus Martinpäivän hanhensyömisperinteeseen) tai suomen ilmaukset kuin hyttysen liraus Itämereen ja sopulilauma.
An approximate dynamic programming (ADP) based neurocontroller is developed for a heat transfer application. Heat transfer problem for a fin in a car's electronic module is modeled as a nonlinear distributed parameter (infinite-dimensional) system by taking into account heat loss and generation due to conduction, convection and radiation. A low-order, finite-dimensional lumped parameter model for this problem is obtained by using Galerkin projection and basis functions designed through the 'Proper Orthogonal Decomposition' technique (POD) and the 'snap-shot' solutions. A suboptimal neurocontroller is obtained with a single-network-adaptive-critic (SNAC). Further contribution of this paper is to develop an online robust controller to account for unmodeled dynamics and parametric uncertainties. A weight update rule is presented that guarantees boundedness of the weights and eliminates the need for persistence of excitation (PE) condition to be satisfied. Since, the ADP and neural network based controllers are of fairly general structure, they appear to have the potential to be controller synthesis tools for nonlinear distributed parameter systems especially where it is difficult to obtain an accurate model.
An approximate dynamic programming (ADP)-based suboptimal neurocontroller to obtain desired temperature for a high-speed aerospace vehicle is synthesized in this paper. A I-D distributed parameter model of a fin is developed from basic thermal physics principles. "Snapshot" solutions of the dynamics are generated with a simple dynamic inversion-based feedback controller. Empirical basis functions are designed using the "proper orthogonal decomposition" (POD) technique and the snapshot solutions. A low-order nonlinear lumped parameter system to characterize the infinite dimensional system is obtained by carrying out a Galerkin projection. An ADP-based neurocontroller with a dual heuristic programming (DHP) formulation is obtained with a single-network-adaptive-critic (SNAC) controller for this approximate nonlinear model. Actual control in the original domain is calculated with the same POD basis functions through a reverse mapping. Further contribution of this paper includes development of an online robust neurocontroller to account for unmodeled dynamics and parametric uncertainties inherent in such a complex dynamic system. A neural network (NN) weight update rule that guarantees boundedness of the weights and relaxes the need for persistence of excitation (PE) condition is presented. Simulation studies show that in a fairly extensive but compact domain, any desired temperature profile can be achieved starting from any initial temperature profile. Therefore, the ADP and NN-based controllers appear to have the potential to become controller synthesis tools for nonlinear distributed parameter systems.
This paper is a study of Multilevel Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation (MSPWM) methods; Phase Disposition (PD), Alternate Phase Opposition Disposition (APOD), Phase Opposition Disposition (POD) on a single phase Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel inverter. Various factors such as amplitude modulation index (Ma), frequency modulation index (M-f), phase angle between carrier and reference modulating wave (phi) have been considered for simulation. Variation in these factors and their effect on inverter performance is evaluated. Factors such as DC bus utilization, output r.m.s voltage, total harmonic distortion (%THD), dominant harmonic order, switching losses are evaluated based on simulation results.
This study presents a comprehensive evaluation of five widely used multisatellite precipitation estimates (MPEs) against 1 degrees x 1 degrees gridded rain gauge data set as ground truth over India. One decade observations are used to assess the performance of various MPEs (Climate Prediction Center (CPC)-South Asia data set, CPC Morphing Technique (CMORPH), Precipitation Estimation From Remotely Sensed Information Using Artificial Neural Networks, Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission's Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA-3B42), and Global Precipitation Climatology Project). All MPEs have high detection skills of rain with larger probability of detection (POD) and smaller ``missing'' values. However, the detection sensitivity differs from one product (and also one region) to the other. While the CMORPH has the lowest sensitivity of detecting rain, CPC shows highest sensitivity and often overdetects rain, as evidenced by large POD and false alarm ratio and small missing values. All MPEs show higher rain sensitivity over eastern India than western India. These differential sensitivities are found to alter the biases in rain amount differently. All MPEs show similar spatial patterns of seasonal rain bias and root-mean-square error, but their spatial variability across India is complex and pronounced. The MPEs overestimate the rainfall over the dry regions (northwest and southeast India) and severely underestimate over mountainous regions (west coast and northeast India), whereas the bias is relatively small over the core monsoon zone. Higher occurrence of virga rain due to subcloud evaporation and possible missing of small-scale convective events by gauges over the dry regions are the main reasons for the observed overestimation of rain by MPEs. The decomposed components of total bias show that the major part of overestimation is due to false precipitation. The severe underestimation of rain along the west coast is attributed to the predominant occurrence of shallow rain and underestimation of moderate to heavy rain by MPEs. The decomposed components suggest that the missed precipitation and hit bias are the leading error sources for the total bias along the west coast. All evaluation metrics are found to be nearly equal in two contrasting monsoon seasons (southwest and northeast), indicating that the performance of MPEs does not change with the season, at least over southeast India. Among various MPEs, the performance of TMPA is found to be better than others, as it reproduced most of the spatial variability exhibited by the reference.
In this paper, we consider applying derived knowledge base regarding the sensitivity and specificity of damage(s) to be detected by an SHM system being designed and qualified. These efforts are necessary toward developing capabilities in SHM system to classify reliably various probable damages through sequence of monitoring, i.e., damage precursor identification, detection of damage and monitoring its progression. We consider the particular problem of visual and ultrasonic NDE based SHM system design requirements, where the damage detection sensitivity and specificity data definitions for a class of structural components are established. Methodologies for SHM system specification creation are discussed in details. Examples are shown to illustrate how the physics of damage detection scheme limits particular damage detection sensitivity and specificity and further how these information can be used in algorithms to combine various different NDE schemes in an SHM system to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. Statistical and data driven models to determine the sensitivity and probability of damage detection (POD) has been demonstrated for plate with varying one-sided line crack using optical and ultrasonic based inspection techniques.
Low-dimensional systems are constructed to investigate dynamics of vortex dislocations in a wake-type shear flow. High-resolution direct numerical simulations are employed to obtain flow snapshots from which the most energetic modes are extracted using proper orthogonal decomposition (POD). The first 10 modes are classified into two groups. One represents the general characteristics of two-dimensional wake-type shear flow, and the other is related to the three-dimensional properties or non-uniform characteristics along the span. Vortex dislocations are generated by these two kinds of coherent structures. The results from the first 20 three-dimensional POD modes show that the low- dimensional systems have captured the basic properties of the wake-type shear flow with vortex dislocation, such as two incommensurable frequencies and their beat frequency.
Proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) using method of snapshots was performed on three different types of oscillatory Marangoni flows in half-zone liquid bridges of low-Pr fluid (Pr = 0.01). For each oscillation type, a series of characteristic modes (eigenfunctions) have been extracted from the velocity and temperature disturbances, and the POD provided spatial structures of the eigenfunctions, their oscillation frequencies, amplitudes, and phase shifts between them. The present analyses revealed the common features of the characteristic modes for different oscillation modes: four major velocity eigenfunctions captured more than 99% of the velocity fluctuation energy form two pairs, one of which is the most energetic. Different from the velocity disturbance, one of the major temperature eigenfunctions makes the dominant contribution to the temperature fluctuation energy. On the other hand, within the most energetic velocity eigenfuction pair, the two eigenfunctions have similar spatial structures and were tightly coupled to oscillate with the same frequency, and it was determined that the spatial structures and phase shifts of the eigenfunctions produced the different oscillatory disturbances. The interaction of other major modes only enriches the secondary spatio-temporal structures of the oscillatory disturbances. Moreover, the present analyses imply that the oscillatory disturbance, which is hydrodynamic in nature, primarily originates from the interior of the liquid bridge. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Comissão parlamentar de inquérito, representação proporcional e minoria parlamentar : estudo de caso
Verifica, por meio de estudo de caso, se o direito da Minoria de propor a criação de Comissões Parlamentares de Inquérito - CPIs - é usurpado pela composição das Comissões pelo sistema de representação proporcional, que dá à Maioria superioridade de votos nas decisões das CPIs. Analisa dados numéricos e de conteúdo das notas taquigráficas da chamada CPI da Crise do Tráfego Aéreo, para verificar o uso da palavra pelos membros de cada partido representado na Comissão, a votação das propostas oferecidas à CPI e o relatório final. Nos resultados apurados verifica-se que, apesar do contundente uso da palavra pela Minoria e dos requerimentos apresentados, visando responsabilizar órgãos do Governo Federal pela insuficiência na formação dos controladores de vôo e de equipamentos de controle, de irregularidades nos processos licitatórios para construção e manutenção de aeroportos, o resultado da votação é favorável ao Governo Federal pelo voto da Maioria governista.
An optimal theory on how database analysis to capture the flow structures has been developed in this paper, which include the POD method as its special case. By means of the remainder minimization method in the Sobolev space, for more general optimal conditions the new theory has the potential to overcome an inherent limitation of the POD method, i.e., it cannot be used to the situations in which the optimal condition is other than the inner product global one. As an example, using the new theory, the database of a two-dimensional flow over a backward-facing step is analyzed in detail, with velocity and vorticity bases.