809 resultados para Contemporary liberal political thought


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Son pocas las obras de referencia que se detienen en analizar la importancia de la biografía de Rahel Varnhagen en el contexto de la producción de Hannah Arendt. Sin embargo, creemos poder afirmar que este estudio se constituye en un elemento fundamental para el debate acerca de su posición respecto de la tradición de la filosofía alemana así como para indagar en la conformación de su pensamiento político. En este sentido con la biografía de Rahel, Arendt inicia un itinerario de pensamiento, en el que la acción misma de relatar es un acto de responsabilidad , un acto político que testimonia y revela un comienzo.


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Este trabajo pretende echar cierta luz sobre el papel del miedo en el pensamiento político de Hobbes. Sabido es que esta pasión subyace al contrato social, en el sentido de que impulsa al hombre a abandonar el estado de naturaleza a fin de encontrar seguridad y de deshacerse de la amenaza de la muerte violenta. Teniendo en cuenta que el miedo y la muerte son inseparables en la filosofía de Hobbes, surge una pregunta fundamental: ¿hasta qué punto podemos decir que el miedo desaparece completamente después del contrato social? En Hobbes, el miedo parecería ser una característica intrínseca del hombre.


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En Women in Western Political Thought, Susan Moller Okin busca mostrar, mediante el análisis de una serie de autores paradigmáticos del pensamiento político occidental, que la causa de que las mujeres continuemos siendo ciudadanas de segunda radica en que la mujer ha sido pensada casi siempre desde una perspectiva funcionalista: ninguno de los autores puede pensar a la mujer fuera del ámbito privado y como madres-esposas. Partiendo de esta hipótesis, este trabajo pretende reconstruir la lectura que la autora realiza de Platón y Aristóteles


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En Women in Western Political Thought, Susan Moller Okin busca mostrar, mediante el análisis de una serie de autores paradigmáticos del pensamiento político occidental, que la causa de que las mujeres continuemos siendo ciudadanas de segunda radica en que la mujer ha sido pensada casi siempre desde una perspectiva funcionalista: ninguno de los autores puede pensar a la mujer fuera del ámbito privado y como madres-esposas. Partiendo de esta hipótesis, este trabajo pretende reconstruir la lectura que la autora realiza de Platón y Aristóteles


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El objetivo de este artículo es examinar el papel del travestismo en la obra temprana de Judith Butler. Para ello, se mostrará la importancia del análisis de las actuaciones travestis en El género en disputa en relación con su concepción de la performatividad de género y de la subversión política. A su vez, se evaluarán algunas críticas a su pensamiento político, en general, y a su tratamiento de la parodia drag, en particular, y se demostrará de qué modo ambos tópicos han evolucionado en su libro posterior


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Partiendo de la relevancia de la institución y la rememoración de la instancia fundacional para el sostenimiento de toda identidad, el presente trabajo se abocará al estudio de la revista de mayor tirada y circulación de Montoneros, a saber, El Descamisado. En momentos en los cuales el grupo guerrillero extendía sus redes a diversos circuitos de militancia y formaba parte del gobierno del Frente Justicialista de Liberación Nacional (FREJULI), se editaron 47 números de esta publicación, desde mayo de 1973 hasta abril de 1974. ¿Cómo se representaba el origen de los Montoneros en las páginas del semanario? Para responder a este interrogante, indagaremos la forma en que la revista El Descamisado articuló un relato retrospectivo acerca de los años precedentes y situó en ellos la irrupción de Montoneros. Como veremos, la significación de la experiencia peronista será allí fundamental. Justificaremos nuestra indagación en los señalamientos de algunos autores del pensamiento político acerca de la importancia del origen en la preservación de los espacios de pertenencia. Y, finalmente, sugeriremos el vínculo que puede establecerse entre dicha construcción del pasado, por un lado, y el progresivo desgaste de la organización y su aislamiento en relación con los restantes actores de la política argentina, por el otro


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Son pocas las obras de referencia que se detienen en analizar la importancia de la biografía de Rahel Varnhagen en el contexto de la producción de Hannah Arendt. Sin embargo, creemos poder afirmar que este estudio se constituye en un elemento fundamental para el debate acerca de su posición respecto de la tradición de la filosofía alemana así como para indagar en la conformación de su pensamiento político. En este sentido con la biografía de Rahel, Arendt inicia un itinerario de pensamiento, en el que la acción misma de relatar es un acto de responsabilidad , un acto político que testimonia y revela un comienzo.


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Este trabajo pretende echar cierta luz sobre el papel del miedo en el pensamiento político de Hobbes. Sabido es que esta pasión subyace al contrato social, en el sentido de que impulsa al hombre a abandonar el estado de naturaleza a fin de encontrar seguridad y de deshacerse de la amenaza de la muerte violenta. Teniendo en cuenta que el miedo y la muerte son inseparables en la filosofía de Hobbes, surge una pregunta fundamental: ¿hasta qué punto podemos decir que el miedo desaparece completamente después del contrato social? En Hobbes, el miedo parecería ser una característica intrínseca del hombre.


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Esta tese tem como tema principal o discurso ambiental local. Trata-se de uma proposta de análise, que pode ser aplicada a este tipo de discurso em qualquer localidade, e um estudo de caso, que aplicou a análise proposta na tese. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi analisar a informação local sobre meio ambiente veiculada por meio dos discursos jornalístico, político e empresarial, estabelecendo relações históricas, sociais e ideológicas do discurso ambiental que permeiam as três áreas em questão. A metodologia incluiu três fases: pesquisa bibliográfica e revisão de literatura sobre os principais conceitos levantados no trabalho; levantamento de discursos locais disponíveis na mídia para análise no estudo de caso; análise dos discursos a partir de protocolo elaborado com base na Análise do Discurso de linha francesa. O estudo de caso traz a análise do discurso ambiental no município de Frutal-MG, onde hoje estão em andamento várias pesquisas e projetos na área ambiental. A principal conclusão do trabalho confirma a hipótese da pesquisa de que a informação ambiental fruto dos discursos político, jornalístico e empresarial em âmbito local tem caráter predominantemente situacional, mercadológico e propagandístico, pouco focada em conscientizar e educar e com ênfase em interesses comerciais e eleitorais e na resolução de problemas emergenciais.


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This research provides an institutional explanation of the practices of external intervention in the Arab state system from the fall of the Ottoman Empire in 1922 to the Arab Spring. My explanation consists of two institutional variables: sovereignty and inter-state borders. I examine the changes in regional and international norms of sovereignty and their impact on the practices of external intervention in the Arab state system. I also examine the impact of the level of institutionalization of inter-state borders in the Arab World on the practices of external intervention. I argue that changes in regional and international norms of sovereignty and changes in the level of institutionalization of inter-state borders have constituted the significant variation over time in both the frequency and type of external intervention in the Arab state system from 1922 to the present. My institutional explanation and findings seriously challenge the traditional accounts of sovereignty and intervention in the Arab World, including the cultural perspectives that emphasize the conflict between sovereignty, Arabism, and Islam, the constructivist accounts that emphasize the regional norm of pan-Arabism, the comparative politics explanations that focus on the domestic material power of the Arab state, the post-colonial perspectives that emphasize the artificiality of the Arab state, and the realist accounts that focus on great powers and the regional distribution of power in the Middle East. This research also contributes to International Relations Theory. I construct a new analytical framework to study the relations between sovereignty, borders, and intervention, combining theoretical elements from the fields of Role Theory, Social Constructivism, and Institutionalization. Methodologically, this research includes both quantitative and qualitative analysis. I conduct content analysis of official documents of Arab states and the Arab League, Arabic press documents, and Arab political thought. I also utilize quantitative data sets on international intervention.


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During the 1860's and 1870's, Spain and Italy experienced a convergence of debates on the significance of political representation in the framework of Liberal State. Spain suffered a political and social crisis, ending with the Revolution of 1868 and the adoption of male universal suffrage in 1878. Its coeval Italy began to build its new Kingdom, anxious about state building, as well as the relevance of electoral processes in the Constitutional scheme. Although members of parliament and essayists of both countries well knew their neighbour's political reality, a dialogue on representation didn't occur. Nonetheless, we believe it is useful to analyse the survey drawn by the Italian publicist in the light of current knowledge of the opinions that prevailed in Spain. What sense did they give to the general election? How did they understand the value of the vote? Who were considered eligible voters? These questions comprise the main subjects of the essay.


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The value of Greece to the future of the world, by G. Murray.--Religion, by W. R. Inge.--Philosophy, by J. Burnet.--Mathematics and astronomy, by Sir T. L. Heath.--Natural science, by D'Arcy W. Thompson.--Biology, by C. Singer.--Medicine, by C. Singer.--Literature, by R. W. Livingstone.--History, byA. Toynbee.--Political thought, by A. E. Zimmern.--The lamps of Greek art, by P. Gardner.--Architecture, by Sir R. Blomfield.


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Bridging the contending theories of natural law and international relations, this book proposes a 'relational ontology' as the basis for rethinking our approach to international politics. The book contains a number of challenging and controversial ideas on the study of international political thought which should provoke constructive debate within international relations theory, political theory, and philosophical ethics. © Amanda Russell Beattie 2010. All rights reserved.


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Since Plato's Republic and Aristotle's Politics established the basis for Western political thought almost 2500 years ago, the discipline of international relations has evolved substantially. However, most of the literature revolves around state interaction within the system, and there is little discussion of countries that opt out of the international states system and become isolationist. Given the interdependent nature of the modern international system, this study elaborates on domestic and foreign isolationism by expounding upon the reasons and consequences of states opting out of the international system. The empirical case studies utilized to explore isolationism are Albania, North Korea, and Burma. By empirically verifying the components, motivations, and consequences of isolationism in an interdependent world, this study provides insight into why and how states resist engagement with the global socioeconomic and political state system. ^ Using historical, comparative, and inductive analysis, this study explains why states choose to isolate themselves both domestically and internationally. Specifically, comparative historical analysis highlights isolationism as a concept and practice. This study maintains that extreme forms of self-imposed isolation in an interdependent international system, while perhaps serving the immediate interests of a ruling regime, harms the long-term national interests of the state and the populace. Although the leadership in an isolationist state gains a significant amount of power and control over the people within its borders, the state as a whole experiences profound negative effects. In the long term, a state loses power, stability, prestige, and suffers a decline in overall economic prosperity. ^ States that withdraw from the international system, therefore, provide insight into an unexplored area of international relations when considering notions of rationality, self-interest, power politics, cooperation, and alliances. In short, isolationism in an interdependent state system goes against the logic of the modern society/system of states, resulting in deleterious consequences to the wellbeing of the state. ^


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The purpose of this research project was to investigate two distinct types of research questions – one theoretical, the other empirical: (1) What would justice mean in the context of the international trade regime? (2.Using the small developing states of the Commonwealth Caribbean as a case study, what do Commonwealth Caribbean trade negotiators mean when they appeal to justice? Regarding the first question, Iris Young's framework which focuses on the achievement of social justice in a domestic context by acknowledging social differences such as those based on race and gender, was adopted and its relevance argued in the international context of interstate trade negotiation so as to validate the notion of (size, location, and governance capacity) difference in this latter context. The point of departure is that while states are typically treated as equals in international law – as are individuals in liberal political theory – there are significant differences between states which warrant different treatment in the international arena. The study found that this re-formulation of justice which takes account of such differences between states, allows for more adequate policy responses than those offered by the presumption of equal treatment. Regarding the second question, this theoretical perspective was used to analyze the understandings of justice from which Commonwealth Caribbean trade negotiators proceed. Interpretive and ethnographic methods, including participant observation, interviews, field notes, and textual analysis, were employed to analyze their understandings of justice. The study found that these negotiators perceive such justice as being justice to difference because of the distinct characteristics of small developing states which combine to constrain their participation in the international trading system; based on this perception, they seek rules and outcomes in the multilateral trade regime which are sensitive to such different characteristics; and while these issues were examined in a specific region, its findings are relevant for other regions consisting of small developing states, such as those in the ACP group.