918 resultados para Consumo alimentar sustentável
Inflammatory bowel diseases is composed by a set of chronic and inflammatory disorders, among them is ulcerative colitis (UC). UC treatment is based on anti-inflammatory administration; however, this group of drugs clearly leads to development of undesirable side effects, what stimulate the search for new therapies alternatives. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of hydroalcholic Turnera subulata extract on acetic acid-induced acute UC in rats. UC was induced by 1 mL injection of 4% acetic acid via rectal in Wistar mouse. 42 animals were distributed among 6 experimental groups: Control, UC, Sulfasalazine 500 mg/Kg/day (SSZ), T. subulata 50mg/Kg/day (TS 50), T. subulata 100mg/Kg/day (TS 100), T. subulata 200mg/Kg/day (TS 200). Throughout the experiment, body weight, food and water ingestion was daily evaluated. At the end of the experiment, the animals were euthanized and a colon fragment was observed by macroscopic analysis. Colon fragments were also collected for microscopic analysis and oxidative stress evaluation. The means from each group was compared by ANOVA test with a significance level of 5% (p<0.05) using GraphPad Prism Software. As results, we can clearly observe that SSZ group had the greater body weight decrease among the groups throughout the experiments, 14.78%, as well as, the lowest food intake, 6.23 g of food/day. The animals treated with T. subulata extracts showed no important body weight loss when compared to control. UC group showed the highest tissue damage macroscope score, 6.5, while TS 50 showed the lowest tissue damage score: 1. Microscope evaluation showed the presence of edema, haemorraghia and ulceration in all group of animals, except for Control. Nevertheless, TS 50 showed the lowest inflammatory damage among all groups. Oxidative stress analysis revealed that T. subulata treatment modulate catalase and superoxide dismutase activity, we also observed a decrease in protein and lipid peroxidation in response to extract administration. Taken together, these results shows that T. subulata extract exerts anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects on experimental UC.
As micotoxinas são metabolitos secundários produzidos por várias espécies de fungos, e que podem contaminar os alimentos nas diferentes fases de produção, colheita, armazenagem ou processamento. Além de constituir um problema económico e de segurança alimentar, a contaminação de alimentos com micotoxinas é essencialmente um problema de saúde pública, dado que estes compostos podem provocar efeitos graves na saúde humana e animal, estando classificadas pela Agência Internacional de Investigação em Cancro (IARC) como carcinogénicos dos grupos 1, 2B e 3. O projecto Mycomix PTDC/DTP/FTO/0417-2012 (2013-2015), que consistiu num estudo exploratório dos efeitos tóxicos de misturas de micotoxinas em alimentos para crianças revelou a presença de múltiplas micotoxinas em simultâneo em alimentos à base de cereais, indicando que as crianças poderão estar expostas a micotoxinas através da alimentação. No âmbito do projecto Mycomix foi avaliada a exposição de crianças a micotoxinas através da aplicação de diários alimentares para determinação do consumo alimentar. Como alternativa às metodologias de avaliação de risco baseadas no consumo alimentar, a Agência Europeia de Segurança Alimentar (EFSA) recomendou a implementação de metodologias harmonizadas de biomonitorização humana, que é uma metodologia que permite avaliar a exposição do Homem a substâncias naturais e sintéticas do meio ambiente, baseando-se na análise direta de biomarcadores em tecidos e fluidos. É por isso o único método para avaliar diretamente a exposição a determinada substância, a sua magnitude, e a sua variação ao longo do tempo.
Objective: To evaluate the knowledge of diabetes diet and identify factors that may interfere with the adherence to nutritional therapy and food choices of participants in a Community Center for the Elderly in Sairé, PE. Methods: A quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study, which evaluated 39 attendees of that center, from July to August 2014, with or without diabetes mellitus. Two questionnaires were applied to assess socioeconomic data, nutrition knowledge and cultural factors, and check the consumption of food with high and low glycemic index. Data was analyzed using the Assistat Program 7.0 Beta version. Results: The majority of the respondents have knowledge about types of foods that may influence the treatment of diabetes mellitus, as 51.2% (n=20) reported knowing some food that can reduce the risk for diabetes onset or assist in its treatment. Most of the participants reported having acquired such knowledge through the television 35% (n=7) and conversation with peers 35% (n=7). Evaluation of the food intake evidenced higher consumption of foods with high glycemic index. However, among diabetic patients, foods with low glycemic index are consumed more times per week. Conclusion: The knowledge about nutrition and diabetes mellitus was considered adequate, but socioeconomic and cultural factors may interfere in the adherence to diet therapy for diabetes or in the food choices made by the individuals. However, food consumption was considered appropriate among diabetics.
A adolescência corresponde a um grupo etário marcado por diversas mudanças fisiológicas, psicológicas, afectivas, intelectuais e sociais, revelando-se um grupo susceptível a maiores riscos nutricionais. Objectivos- Obter informações sobre hábitos alimentares dos adolescentes matriculados nas escolas da cidade de Bragança. Métodos- Estudo de metodologia transversal sendo a amostra obtida pelo processo de amostragem probabilística, constituída por 600 adolescentes matriculados nos estabelecimentos de ensino da cidade de Bragança com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e os 18 anos. A informação foi obtida através de 2 questionários estruturados. Para avaliação do consumo alimentar utilizou-se o QFA, desenvolvido pelo Serviço de Higiene e Epidemiologia do Hospital de São João, validado para a população adulta e modificado para adolescentes. Para a análise estatística dos resultados obtidos foi utilizado o programa SPSS ® versão 14.0 (2005), para o Windows da Microsoft®, recorrendo-se a testes paramétricos e não paramétricos para o estudo da inferência estatística. Resultados- Relativamente à frequência de consumo alimentar, os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que as diferenças de consumos médios entre rapazes e raparigas não eram estatisticamente significativas, à excepção do consumo de carne, pescado e ovos, onde se verificou um consumo superior por parte dos rapazes. Relativamente às porções de alimentos ingeridas por ambos os sexos, e de acordo com o recomendado pela Roda dos Alimentos Portuguesa, verificou-se que, para os alimentos dos grupos de cereais e derivados e tubérculos, frutas, produtos hortícolas e leguminosas, o consumo foi em termos estatísticos significativamente inferiores aos valores recomendados, com excepção do grupo das carnes, pescado e ovos (principalmente carne) em que o consumo foi significativamente superior ao recomendado. Os grupos de alimentos que mais se aproximavam dos valores recomendados eram os grupos dos lacticínios e o grupo das gorduras e óleos. No que concerne ao consumo de alimentos doces e açúcar registou-se um maior consumo entre os rapazes ( p= 0,044). Foi também possível constatar um consumo superior de bebidas alcoólicas por parte dos rapazes ( p= 0,000) principalmente os mais velhos( p=0,000). Conclusões- Através dos resultados obtidos sobre os principais hábitos alimentares destes jovens, torna-se imperioso orientá-los relativamente às suas escolhas alimentares, fomentando-se acções educativas alimentares que forneçam a informação necessária para permitir aos jovens seleccionar, preparar e consumir os alimentos disponíveis de acordo com as suas necessidades nutricionais, promovendo este hábito de vida como um momento fomentador de prazer.
A adolescência corresponde a um grupo etário marcado por diversas mudanças fisiológicas, psicológicas, afectivas, intelectuais e sociais,revelando-se um grupo susceptível a maiores riscos nutricionais. OBJECTIVOS: Obter informações sobre hábitos alimentares dos adolescentes matriculados nas escolas da cidade de Bragança.METODOLOGIA: Estudo de metodologia transversal sendo a amostra obtida pelo processo de amostragem probabilística, constituída por 600 adolescentes. A informação foi obtida através de 2 questionários estruturados.Para a análise estatística dos resultados obtidos foi utilizado o programa SPSS versão 14.0 (2005), para o Windows da Microsoft, recorrendo-se a testes paramétricos e não paramétricos para o estudo da inferência estatística.RESULTADOS: Relativamente à frequência de consumo alimentar, os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que as diferenças de consumos médios entre rapazes e raparigas não eram estatisticamente significativas, à excepção do consumo de carne, pescado e ovos, onde se verificou um consumo superior por parte dos rapazes.Relativamente às porções de alimentos ingeridas por ambos os sexos, e de acordo com o recomendado pela Roda dos Alimentos Portuguesa, verificou-se que para os alimentos dos grupos de cereais e derivados e tubérculos, frutas, produtos hortícolas e leguminosas, o consumo foi em termos estatísticos significativamente inferiores aos valores recomendados, com excepção do grupo das carnes, pescado e ovos em que o consumo foi significativamente superior ao recomendado. No que concerne ao consumo de alimentos doces, açúcar e bebidas alcoólicas registou-se um maior consumo entre os rapazes. CONCLUSÕES: Analisando o perfil alimentar dos adolescentes de Bragança, constatou-se um afastamento do padrão alimentar intrínseco ao conceito de dieta mediterrânea. Através dos resultados obtidos sobre os principais hábitos alimentares destes jovens, torna-se imperioso orientá-los relativamente às suas escolhas alimentares.
Objective: To conduct a systematic review of the Vitamin “A” food consumption by pregnant women in Brazil. Methods: The review consisted of a search for articles published in the period from 1999 to 2015 in SciELO, PubMed, and LILACS databases. At the end, eight articles were selected for this review. Results: The methods used for the analysis of the intake of vitamin “A” were: food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) – considering the diet or only vitamin “A” foods and the dietary recall (24hDR). Only two articles estimated the adequacy of the Vitamin “A” food consumption by the population assessed. Some methodological limitations were quite frequent, emphasizing the lack and/or limitation of information on the sample representativeness, loss of studies, accuracy of the methods applied and the control of confounding variables. Conclusion: It is observed that there are still few studies that critically assess the Vitamin “A” food consumption by pregnant women in Brazil, and that the identification and control of possible biases of the dietary surveys can improve the reliability of the information found.
Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) is a serious public health problem in developing countries, and as a therapeutic and prophylactic measure retinil palmitate is being supplemented. Nevertheless its efficacy has been questioned. The objective of the study was to evaluate the supplementation of two retinil palmitate megadosis on the serum retinol levels of post partum healthy mothers from Dr. José Pedro Bezerra (Hospital Santa Catarina) hospital, Natal - RN. The enrolled women (n=199) were randomly distributed into three studied groups and supplemented with retinil palmitate immediately after delivery with a single 200,000 IU dose (group S1), two 200,000 IU dose (group S2) with 24h difference between the doses, or no supplementation (group C). Among women selected, 143 remained until the end of the study. The influence of vitamin A dietary intake was evaluated during pregnancy and after 30 days of delivery. The average intake of the population was reasonable, but a high prevalence of inadequate intake was found. Retinol in colostrums and mature milk was determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The retinol average in colostrums and mature milk in the supplemented and control groups were adequate according to the reference values. In colostrums, women from groups C, S1 and S2 presented retinol averages by milk volume of 94.8 ± 40.2 µg/dL, 92.2 ± 50.0 µg/dL and 91.8 ± 53.7 µg/dL, respectively. No difference was found between these averages (p=0.965), this was also seen when the values where expressed as µg/g of fat (p=0.905). After 30 days of delivery, retinol per milk volume differed between the control group (36.6 ± 17.5 µg/dL) and groups supplemented with 200,000 IU (51.0 ± 28.8 µg/dL) or 400,000 IU (55.2 ± 31.6 µg/dL) of retinil palmitate (p<0,05). Nevertheless, when S1 and S2 groups where compared, no significant difference was found (p=0.97). Considering retinol/g of fat, the means were 12.7 ± 6.7 µg/g, 15.6 ± 8.3 µg/g and 17.2 ± 8.9 µg/g for groups C, S1 and S2, respectively, with significant difference between groups S2 and C (p=0,01). Subclinical VAD prevalence showed a serious public health problem in the study population (32% in colostrums and 31.5% in mature milk). When analyzing the groups separately, the group which received two doses (200,000 IU + 200,000 IU) presented the lowest VAD prevalence (20.7%). Retinil palmitate supplementations of 200,000 IU and 400,000 IU (divided in two doses) in the immediate post partum showed no significant difference. Nevertheless, the 400,000 IU (divided in two doses) supplementation showed a reduction in VAD
Following a drop in estrogen in the period of menopause some women begin to lose bone mass more than 1% per year reaching the end of five years with loss greater than 25%. In this regard, factors such as older age, low calcium intake and premature menopause favor the onset of osteoporosis. Preventive methods such as nutritional counseling to a proper diet and the support of technology through applications that assess dietary intake are essential. Thus, this study aimed to develop an application for Android® platform focused on the evaluation of nutritional and organic conditions involved in bone health and risks for developing osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. To achieve this goal we proceeded to a study of 72 women aged 46-79 years, from the physical exercise for bone health of the Laboratory for Research in Biochemistry and Densitometry the Federal Technological University of Paraná program. Data were collected in the second half of 2014 through tests Bone Densitometry and Body Composition, Blood Tests, Anthropometric data and Nutrition Assessment. The study included women with a current diagnosis of osteopenia or osteoporosis primary, aged more than 45 years postmenopausal. For the assessment of bone mineral density and body composition used the device Absorptiometry Dual Energy X-ray (DXA) brand Hologic Discovery TM Model A. For anthropometric assessment was included to body mass, height, abdominal circumference, Waist circumference and hip circumference. The instrument for assessing food consumption was used Recall 24 hours a day (24HR). The estimated intake of energy and nutrients was carried from the tabulation of the food eaten in the Software Diet Pro 4®. In a sub sample of 30 women with osteopenia / osteoporosis serum calcium and alkaline phosphatase tests were performed. The results demonstrated a group of women (n = 30) average calcium intake of 570mg / day (± 340). The analysis showed a mean serum calcium within the normal range (10,20mg / dl ± 0.32) and average values and slightly increased alkaline phosphatase (105.40 U / L ± 23.70). Furthermore, there was a significant correlation between the consumption of protein and the optimal daily intake of calcium (0.375 p-value 0.05). Based on these findings, we developed an application early stage in Android® platform operating system Google®, being called OsteoNutri. We chose to use Java Eclipse® where it was executed Android® version of the project; choice of application icons and setting the visual editor for building the application layouts. The DroidDraw® was used for development of the three application GUIs. For practical tests we used a cell compatible with the version that was created (4.4 or higher). The prototype was developed in conjunction with the Group and Instrumentation Applications Development (GDAI) of the Federal Technological University of Paraná. So this application can be considered an important tool in dietary control, allowing closer control consumption of calcium and dietary proteins.
Obesity is increasing, reaching epidemic levels in many regions of the world. Studies have shown that consumption of peanuts influences on weight control and this influence may be due to the action of trypsin inhibitors sacietogênica that condition increased plasma colescistocinina (CCK). Moreover, the peanut has other health benefits, and these assignments are guaranteed to increase their production and consumption of several of its products, including the paçoca peanut. The aim of this study was to identify the presence of a trypsin inhibitor in paçoca peanut and evaluate its effect on food intake, weight gain and histomorphological changes in swiss mice (n = 8) and Wistar rats (n = 6). Experimental diets were prepared based on the AIN-93G and supplemented with tack or peanut trypsin inhibitor partially purified paçoca peanut (AHTI). After each treatment, the animals were anesthetized and euthanized, their bloods were collected by cardiac puncture for the determination of CCK and other biochemical parameters (glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein, glutamic-pyruvic transaminase, glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase and albumin) and their pancreas removed for histologic and morphometric analysis. The supplementation with paçoca peanut and the AHTI showed a decrease of body weight gain and food intake in both mice and rats, due to the satiety, since the animals showed no evidence of impairment of nutritional status conditioned by consumption the AHTI. There were also observed biochemical or morphological important when compared with controls. However, AHTI led to increased secretion of CCK, a peptide sacietogênico. Thus, these results indicate that AHTI present in paçoca peanut, is able to enhance the secretion of plasma CCK and thereby reduce the weight gain associated with lower food intake of experimenta animals
The seeds are excellent sources of proteinase inhibitors and have been highlighted owing to various applications. Among these applications are those in effect on food intake and weight gain that stand out because of the increasing number of obese individuals. This study evaluated the effects of trypsin inhibitor present in the seed of tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) reduction in weight gain, biochemical and morphological alterations in Wistar rats. For this, we partially purified a trypsin inhibitor tamarind seed. This inhibitor, ITT2 at a concentration of 25 mg / kg body weight, over a period of 14 days was able to reduce food intake in rats (n = 6) by approximately 47%, causing a reduction in weight gain approximately 70% when compared with the control group. With the evaluation of the in vivo digestibility was demonstrated that the animals lost weight due to satiety, presented by the reduction of food intake, since there were significant differences between true digestibility for the control group (90.7%) and the group treated with inhibitor (89.88%). Additionally, we checked the deeds of ITT2 on biochemical parameters (glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein, glutamic-pyruvic transaminase, glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, gamma glutamyl transferase albumin, globulin, total protein and C-reactive protein) and these, when assessed in the study groups showed no statistically significant variations. We also evaluate the histology of some organs, liver, stomach, intestine, and pancreas, and showed no changes. And to evaluate the effect of trypsin inhibitor on food intake due to the satiety is regulated by cholecystokinin (CCK) were measured plasma levels, and it was observed that the levels of CCK in animals receiving ITT2 were significantly higher ( 20 + 1.22) than in animals receiving only solution with casein (10.14 + 2.9) or water (5.92 + 1.15). Thus, the results indicate that the effect caused ITT2 satiety, reducing food intake, which in turn caused a reduction in weight gain in animals without causing morphological and biochemical changes, this effect caused by the elevation of plasma levels CCK
O presente documento visa ser um guia orientador da construção de artigos científicos, no contexto da unidade curricular (uc) Metodologia de Investigação, do curso de Mestrado em Ciências do Consumo Alimentar (MCCA). Pretende-se, deste modo, considerar a filosofia subjacente a este trabalho, tendo em conta a natureza do artigo, bem como abordar questões formais e sua extensão, formatação, acrescida da estrutura do mesmo.
The mothers supplementation of vitamin A in the postpartum comes being a measure of intervention sufficiently used in the combat to the vitamin deficiency. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the mother megadose of vitamin A under the levels of retinol in colostrum of postpartum mothers receiving care at the Januário Cicco Maternity School (MEJC), Natal, RN, as well as analyzing the influence of the maternal nutritional status in the reply to this supplementation. The study it was transversal type, with participation of 91 women in labor divided in group had participated of the study have controlled (44 women) and supplemented group (47 women). In the period of the morning blood and milk had been collected (milk 0h). After that a capsule of retinil palmitate of (200 000 UI or 60 mg) was supplied to the supplemented group. Another aliquot of colostro was after gotten 24h of the first collection (milk 24h). Retinol in milk and serum was quantified through the High Pressure Liquid Chromatography. The vitamin ingestion was evaluated by the questionnaire of frequency of alimentary consumption. The levels of serum retinol were 40.6 ± 10.6 and 35.9 ± 10.9 µg/dL in the groups controlled and supplemented, respectively. The women had presented a satisfactory average ingestion of vitamin (1492,4 µgRAE/dia), however with high prevalence of inadequate consumption (23%). Average values of retinol in milk 0h had been found and 24h of 93.5 ± 50.3 µg/dL and 99.1 ± 49.3 µg/dL has the group controlled group, respectively (p>0.05). After the supplementation had a significant increase in the levels of retinol of the supplemented group, being found values of 102.0 ± 56.0 µg/dL and 196.1 ± 74.0 µg/dL for milk 0h and 24h, respectively (p<0.0001). The women in labor presented different answers to the supplementation influenced for the basal levels of retinol in colostrum. It was possible to verify that women with deficient levels of retinol in milk had transferred more retinol to milk 24h than ones with adjusted levels, showing a percentage of reply equivalent to 326.1% and 86.5% of increase, respectively (p< 0.0001). Although the apparent normality found in the serum, the studied women are considered of risk to the development of the vitamin deficiency, and megadose was efficient in first 24h after the supplementation and wakes up with the mechanisms considered for transference of vitamin A to the milk
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitetura.
Fumar é a primeira causa evitável de doença, incapacidade e morte prematura nos países desenvolvidos, estando associada a seis das oito primeiras causas de morte a nível mundial. Em 2010, o consumo de tabaco foi responsável, em Portugal, pela morte de cerca de 11 000 pessoas fumadoras ou ex-fumadoras, causadas por doenças respiratórias, cancro ou doenças do aparelho cardiovascular. Os indivíduos que cessam os hábitos tabágicos antes dos 50 anos têm metade do risco de morrer nos 15 anos seguintes. Deixar de fumar diminui o risco de desenvolver doenças cardiovasculares e doenças respiratórias, bem como inúmeros tipos de cancro. Ao longo do processo da cessação tabágica, cujo sucesso passa pelo acompanhamento de uma equipa multidisciplinar, a vontade de comer e de ingerir alimentos particularmente ricos em energia é frequente, bem como o aumento de peso. Este último é citado frequentemente como o principal motivo para a relutância em parar de fumar e recaída depois da cessação, especialmente nos fumadores que apresentam preocupações com o seu peso. Contudo, é hoje consensual que os benefícios da cessação do consumo de tabaco superam eventuais riscos que esta possa apresentar. De forma a promover um consumo alimentar adequado durante a cessação tabágica, fazem-se diversas recomendações, baseadas na evidência científica mais recente, facilitando a adesão terapêutica e a continuação do processo e reduzindo o risco do aumento de peso corporal.
Com o presente trabalho, pretende-se perceber qual a relação do estilo de vida, hábitos alimentares e doenças sistémicas dos adolescentes com a erosão dentária, e quais são as melhores formas de prevenção e tratamento. É na fase da adolescência que começa a haver uma maior preocupação com o corpo e que começam a surgir alguns extremos de consumo alimentar, que podem caracterizar-se em desordens alimentares afetando diretamente a saúde oral, podendo causar erosão dentária. É também na adolescência que a prática de atividade desportiva aumenta, podendo também ter impacto no desenvolvimento desta patologia. A erosão dentária começa com a desmineralização das camadas superficiais do esmalte, podendo evoluir para perda significativa da estrutura dentária. Os ácidos responsáveis pela erosão dentária podem ter origem extrínseca ou intrínseca. Enquanto os fatores extrínsecos estão relacionados com hábitos alimentares e estilo de vida, os fatores intrínsecos podem ser provocados por doenças sistémicas. O fator fundamental da prevenção da erosão dentária é a diminuição da frequência e da severidade do ataque ácido. No entanto, pela sua etiologia multifatorial, muitas vezes este controlo torna-se difícil. Em relação ao tratamento, existem diferentes opções dependendo do grau da lesão, mas um diagnóstico precoce é o fator chave neste processo. É importante referir que a monitorização e o controlo periódico do paciente deverão ser realizados com o objetivo de promover a sua saúde e prevenir o aparecimento de novas lesões.