975 resultados para Constrained


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This paper presents a genetic algorithm for the Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP). The chromosome representation of the problem is based on random keys. The schedule is constructed using a heuristic priority rule in which the priorities of the activities are defined by the genetic algorithm. The heuristic generates parameterized active schedules. The approach was tested on a set of standard problems taken from the literature and compared with other approaches. The computational results validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.


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Demand response concept has been gaining increasing importance while the success of several recent implementations makes this resource benefits unquestionable. This happens in a power systems operation environment that also considers an intensive use of distributed generation. However, more adequate approaches and models are needed in order to address the small size consumers and producers aggregation, while taking into account these resources goals. The present paper focuses on the demand response programs and distributed generation resources management by a Virtual Power Player that optimally aims to minimize its operation costs taking the consumption shifting constraints into account. The impact of the consumption shifting in the distributed generation resources schedule is also considered. The methodology is applied to three scenarios based on 218 consumers and 4 types of distributed generation, in a time frame of 96 periods.


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The first example of a [5+2] cycloaddition reaction wherein the olefin of the vinylcyclopropyl moiety is constrained in a carbocycle was explored, and possible reasons on the lack of reactivity of the substrate were studied. A simple model substrate was synthesized and subjected to cycloaddition conditions to determine if the reason for the lack of reactivity was related to the complexity of the substrate, or if the lack of “conjugative character” of the cyclopropyl ring with respect to the olefin is responsible. A more complex bicyclic substrate possessing an angular methyl group at the ring junction was also synthesized and explored, with evidence supporting the current theory of deconjugation of the cyclopropyl moiety.


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We study the problem of provision and cost-sharing of a public good in large economies where exclusion, complete or partial, is possible. We search for incentive-constrained efficient allocation rules that display fairness properties. Population monotonicity says that an increase in population should not be detrimental to anyone. Demand monotonicity states that an increase in the demand for the public good (in the sense of a first-order stochastic dominance shift in the distribution of preferences) should not be detrimental to any agent whose preferences remain unchanged. Under suitable domain restrictions, there exists a unique incentive-constrained efficient and demand-monotonic allocation rule: the so-called serial rule. In the binary public good case, the serial rule is also the only incentive-constrained efficient and population-monotonic rule.


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A single object must be allocated to at most one of n agents. Money transfers are possible and preferences are quasilinear. We offer an explicit description of the individually rational mechanisms which are Pareto-optimal in the class of feasible, strategy-proof, anonymous and envy-free mechanisms. These mechanisms form a one-parameter infinite family; the Vickrey mechanism is the only Groves mechanism in that family.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Cette thèse décrit deux thèmes principaux: 1) la conception, la synthèse, et l'évaluation biophysique des nucléosides tricycliques, et 2) la synthèse de nagilactone B, un produit naturel norditerpenoïde dilactone de la famille de produits naturels “podolactone”. Le premier chapitre décrit la stratégie de design rationnel des nucléosides nommé “restriction conformationnelle double” basée sur les études de modélisation structurales des duplex ADN–ARN modifiés. Cette stratégie implique un blocage du cycle furanose dans une configuration de type N- ou S, et une restriction de la rotation torsionelle autour de l’angle γ. La première contrainte a été incorporée avec un pont méthylène entre l’oxygène en position 2′ et le carbone 4′ du nucléoside. Cette stratégie a été inspirée par les acides nucléiques bloqués (ou “locked nucleic acid”, LNA). La deuxième contrainte a été réalisée en ajoutant un carbocycle supplémentaire dans l'échafaud de l’acide nucléique bloqué. Les défis synthétiques de la formation des nucléotides modifiés à partir des carbohydrates sont décrits ainsi que les améliorations aux stabilités thermiques qu’ils apportent aux duplex oligonucléïques dont ils font partie. Chapitres deux et trois décrivent le développement de deux voies synthétiques complémentaires pour la formation du noyau de nagilactone B. Ce produit naturel a des implications pour le syndrome de Hutchinson–Gilford, à cause de son habilité de jouer le rôle de modulateur de l’épissage d’ARN pré-messager de lamine A. Ce produit naturel contient sept stereocentres différents, dont deux quaternaires et deux comprenant un syn-1,2-diol, ainsi que des lactones à cinq ou six membres, où le cycle à six ressemble à un groupement α-pyrone. La synthèse a débuté avec la cétone de Wieland-Miescher qui a permis d’adresser les défis structurels ainsi qu’explorer les fonctionnalisations des cycles A, B et D du noyau de nagilactone B.


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We study the relaxational dynamics of the one-spin facilitated Ising model introduced by Fredrickson and Andersen. We show the existence of a critical time which separates an initial regime in which the relaxation is exponentially fast and aging is absent from a regime in which relaxation becomes slow and aging effects are present. The presence of this fast exponential process and its associated critical time is in agreement with some recent experimental results on fragile glasses.


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Aquesta tesi estudia com estimar la distribució de les variables regionalitzades l'espai mostral i l'escala de les quals admeten una estructura d'espai Euclidià. Apliquem el principi del treball en coordenades: triem una base ortonormal, fem estadística sobre les coordenades de les dades, i apliquem els output a la base per tal de recuperar un resultat en el mateix espai original. Aplicant-ho a les variables regionalitzades, obtenim una aproximació única consistent, que generalitza les conegudes propietats de les tècniques de kriging a diversos espais mostrals: dades reals, positives o composicionals (vectors de components positives amb suma constant) són tractades com casos particulars. D'aquesta manera, es generalitza la geostadística lineal, i s'ofereix solucions a coneguts problemes de la no-lineal, tot adaptant la mesura i els criteris de representativitat (i.e., mitjanes) a les dades tractades. L'estimador per a dades positives coincideix amb una mitjana geomètrica ponderada, equivalent a l'estimació de la mediana, sense cap dels problemes del clàssic kriging lognormal. El cas composicional ofereix solucions equivalents, però a més permet estimar vectors de probabilitat multinomial. Amb una aproximació bayesiana preliminar, el kriging de composicions esdevé també una alternativa consistent al kriging indicador. Aquesta tècnica s'empra per estimar funcions de probabilitat de variables qualsevol, malgrat que sovint ofereix estimacions negatives, cosa que s'evita amb l'alternativa proposada. La utilitat d'aquest conjunt de tècniques es comprova estudiant la contaminació per amoníac a una estació de control automàtic de la qualitat de l'aigua de la conca de la Tordera, i es conclou que només fent servir les tècniques proposades hom pot detectar en quins instants l'amoni es transforma en amoníac en una concentració superior a la legalment permesa.


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Site-specific management requires accurate knowledge of the spatial variation in a range of soil properties within fields. This involves considerable sampling effort, which is costly. Ancillary data, such as crop yield, elevation and apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) of the soil, can provide insight into the spatial variation of some soil properties. A multivariate classification with spatial constraint imposed by the variogram was used to classify data from two arable crop fields. The yield data comprised 5 years of crop yield, and the ancillary data 3 years of yield data, elevation and ECa. Information on soil chemical and physical properties was provided by intensive surveys of the soil. Multivariate variograms computed from these data were used to constrain sites spatially within classes to increase their contiguity. The constrained classifications resulted in coherent classes, and those based on the ancillary data were similar to those from the soil properties. The ancillary data seemed to identify areas in the field where the soil is reasonably homogeneous. The results of targeted sampling showed that these classes could be used as a basis for management and to guide future sampling of the soil.


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The latest 6-man chess endgame results confirm that there are many deep forced mates beyond the 50-move rule. Players with potential wins near this limit naturally want to avoid a claim for a draw: optimal play to current metrics does not guarantee feasible wins or maximise the chances of winning against fallible opposition. A new metric and further strategies are defined which support players’ aspirations and improve their prospects of securing wins in the context of a k-move rule.


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Goal modelling is a well known rigorous method for analysing problem rationale and developing requirements. Under the pressures typical of time-constrained projects its benefits are not accessible. This is because of the effort and time needed to create the graph and because reading the results can be difficult owing to the effects of crosscutting concerns. Here we introduce an adaptation of KAOS to meet the needs of rapid turn around and clarity. The main aim is to help the stakeholders gain an insight into the larger issues that might be overlooked if they make a premature start into implementation. The method emphasises the use of obstacles, accepts under-refined goals and has new methods for managing crosscutting concerns and strategic decision making. It is expected to be of value to agile as well as traditional processes.


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A method is discussed for imposing any desired constraint on the force field obtained in a force constant refinement calculation. The application of this method to force constant refinement calculations for the methyl halide molecules is reported. All available data on the vibration frequencies, Coriolis interaction constants and centrifugal stretching constants of CH3X and CD3X molecules were used in the refinements, but despite this apparent abundance of data it was found that constraints were necessary in order to obtain a unique solution to the force field. The results of unconstrained calculations, and of three different constrained calculations, are reported in this paper. The constrained models reported are a Urey—Bradley force field, a modified valence force field, and a constraint based on orbital-following bond-hybridization arguments developed in the following paper. The results are discussed, and compared with previous results for these molecules. The third of the above models is found to reproduce the observed data better than either of the first two, and additional reasons are given for preferring this solution to the force field for the methyl halide molecules.


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The proportional odds model provides a powerful tool for analysing ordered categorical data and setting sample size, although for many clinical trials its validity is questionable. The purpose of this paper is to present a new class of constrained odds models which includes the proportional odds model. The efficient score and Fisher's information are derived from the profile likelihood for the constrained odds model. These results are new even for the special case of proportional odds where the resulting statistics define the Mann-Whitney test. A strategy is described involving selecting one of these models in advance, requiring assumptions as strong as those underlying proportional odds, but allowing a choice of such models. The accuracy of the new procedure and its power are evaluated.