916 resultados para Constant Loading Rate


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In pressure irrigation-water distribution networks, pressure regulating devices for controlling the discharged flow rate by irrigation units are needed due to the variability of flow rate. In addition, applied water volume is used controlled operating the valve during a calculated time interval, and assuming constant flow rate. In general, a pressure regulating valve PRV is the commonly used pressure regulating device in a hydrant, which, also, executes the open and close function. A hydrant feeds several irrigation units, requiring a wide range in flow rate. In addition, some flow meters are also available, one as a component of the hydrant and the rest are placed downstream. Every land owner has one flow meter for each group of field plots downstream the hydrant. Its lecture could be used for refining the water balance but its accuracy must be taken into account. Ideal PRV performance would maintain a constant downstream pressure. However, the true performance depends on both upstream pressure and the discharged flow rate. The objective of this work is to asses the influence of the performance on the applied volume during the whole irrigation events in a year. The results of the study have been obtained introducing the flow rate into a PRV model. Variations on flow rate are simulated by taking into account the consequences of variations on climate conditions and also decisions in irrigation operation, such us duration and frequency application. The model comprises continuity, dynamic and energy equations of the components of the PRV.


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A numerical description is given for the pulsating emission of droplets from an electrified meniscus of an inviscid liquid of infinite electrical conductivity which is injected at a constant flow rate into a region of uniform, continuous or time periodic, electric field. Under a continuous field, the meniscus attains a periodic regime in which bursts of tiny droplets are emitted from its tip. At low electric fields this regime consists of sequences of emission bursts interspersed with sequences of meniscus oscillations without droplet emission, while at higher fields the bursts occur periodically. These results are in qualitative agreement with experimental results in the literature. Under a time periodic electric field with square waveform, the electric stress that acts on the surface of the liquid while the field is on may generate a tip that emits tiny droplets or may accelerate part of the meniscus and lead to a second emission mode in which a few large droplets are emitted after the electric field is turned off. Conditions under which each emission mode or a combination of the two are realized are discussed for low frequency oscillatory fields. A simplified model is proposed for high electric field frequencies, of the order of the capillary frequency of the meniscus. This model allows computing the average emission rate as a function of the amplitude, duration and bias of the electric field square wave, and shows that droplet emission fails to follow the applied field above a certain frequency


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The effect of the applied stress on the deformation and crack nucleation and propagation mechanisms of a c-TiAl intermetallic alloy (Ti-45Al-2Nb-2Mn (at. pct)-0.8 vol. pct TiB2) was examined by means of in situ tensile (constant strain rate) and tensile-creep (constant load) experiments performed at 973 K (700 �C) using a scanning electron microscope. Colony boundary cracking developed during the secondary stage in creep tests at 300 and 400 MPa and during the tertiary stage of the creep tests performed at higher stresses. Colony boundary cracking was also observed in the constant strain rate tensile test. Interlamellar ledges were only found during the tensile-creep tests at high stresses (r>400 MPa) and during the constant strain rate tensile test. Quantitative measurements of the nature of the crack propagation path along secondary cracks and along the primary crack indicated that colony boundaries were preferential sites for crack propagation under all the conditions investigated. The frequency of interlamellar cracking increased with stress, but this fracture mechanism was always of secondary importance. Translamellar cracking was only observed along the primary crack.


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La presente tesis es un estudio analítico y numérico del electrospray. En la configuración más sencilla, un caudal constante del líquido a atomizar, que debe tener una cierta conductividad eléctrica, se inyecta en un medio dieléctrico (un gas u otro líquido inmiscible con el primero) a través de un tubo capilar metálico. Entre este tubo y un electrodo lejano se aplica un voltaje continuo que origina un campo eléctrico en el líquido conductor y en el espacio que lo rodea. El campo eléctrico induce una corriente eléctrica en el líquido, que acumula carga en su superficie, y da lugar a un esfuerzo eléctrico sobre la superficie, que tiende a alargarla en la dirección del campo eléctrico. El líquido forma un menisco en el extremo del tubo capilar cuando el campo eléctrico es suficientemente intenso y el caudal suficientemente pequeño. Las variaciones de presión y los esfuerzos viscosos asociados al movimiento del líquido son despreciables en la mayor parte de este menisco, siendo dominantes los esfuerzos eléctrico y de tensión superficial que actúan sobre la superficie del líquido. En el modo de funcionamiento llamado de conochorro, el balance de estos esfuerzos hace que el menisco adopte una forma cónica (el cono de Taylor) en una región intermedia entre el extremo del tubo y la punta del menisco. La velocidad del líquido aumenta al acercarse al vértice del cono, lo cual propicia que las variaciones de la presión en el líquido generadas por la inercia o por la viscosidad entren en juego, desequilibrando el balance de esfuerzos mencionado antes. Como consecuencia, del vértice del cono sale un delgado chorro de líquido, que transporta la carga eléctrica que se acumula en la superficie. La acción del campo eléctrico tangente a la superficie sobre esta carga origina una tracción eléctrica que tiende a alargar el chorro. Esta tracción no es relevante en el menisco, donde el campo eléctrico tangente a la superficie es muy pequeño, pero se hace importante en el chorro, donde es la causa del movimiento del líquido. Lejos del cono, el chorro puede o bien desarrollar una inestabilidad asimétrica que lo transforma en una espiral (whipping) o bien romperse en un spray de gotas prácticamente monodispersas cargadas eléctricamente. La corriente eléctrica transportada por el líquido es la suma de la corriente de conducción en el interior del líquido y la corriente debida a la convección de la carga acumulada en su superficie. La primera domina en el menisco y la segunda en el chorro lejano, mientras que las dos son comparables en una región intermedia de transferencia de corriente situada al comienzo del chorro aunque aguas abajo de la región de transición cono-chorro, en la que el menisco deja de ser un cono de Taylor. Para un campo exterior dado, la acumulación de carga eléctrica en la superficie del líquido reduce el campo eléctrico en el interior del mismo, que llega a anularse cuando la carga alcanza un estado final de equilibrio. El tiempo característico de este proceso es el tiempo de relajación dieléctrica, que es una propiedad del líquido. Cuando el tiempo de residencia del líquido en la región de transición cono-chorro (o en otra región del campo fluido) es grande frente al tiempo de relajación dieléctrica, la carga superficial sigue una sucesión de estados de equilibrio y apantalla al líquido del campo exterior. Cuando esta condición deja de cumplirse, aparecen efectos de relajación de carga, que se traducen en que el campo exterior penetra en el líquido, a no ser que su constante dieléctrica sea muy alta, en cuyo caso el campo inducido por la carga de polarización evita la entrada del campo exterior en el menisco y en una cierta región del chorro. La carga eléctrica en equilibrio en la superficie de un menisco cónico intensifica el campo eléctrico y determina su variación espacial hasta distancias aguas abajo del menisco del orden de su tamaño. Este campo, calculado por Taylor, es independiente del voltaje aplicado, por lo que las condiciones locales del flujo y el valor de la corriente eléctrica son también independientes del voltaje en tanto los tamaños de las regiones que determinan estas propiedades sean pequeños frente al tamaño del menisco. Los resultados experimentales publicados en la literatura muestran que existe un caudal mínimo para el que el modo cono-chorro que acabamos de describir deja de existir. El valor medio y la desviación típica de la distribución de tamaños de las gotas generadas por un electrospray son mínimos cuando se opera cerca del caudal mínimo. A pesar de que los mecanismos responsables del caudal mínimo han sido muy estudiados, no hay aún una teoría completa del mismo, si bien su existencia parece estar ligada a la aparición de efectos de relajación de carga en la región de transición cono-chorro. En esta tesis, se presentan estimaciones de orden de magnitud, algunas existentes y otras nuevas, que muestran los balances dominantes responsables de las distintas regiones de la estructura asintótica de la solución en varios casos de interés. Cuando la inercia del líquido juega un papel en la transición cono-chorro, los resultados muestran que la región de transferencia de corriente, donde la mayor parte de la corriente pasa a la superficie, está en el chorro aguas abajo de la región de transición cono-chorro. Los efectos de relajación de carga aparecen de forma simultánea en el chorro y la región de transición cuando el caudal se disminuye hasta valores de un cierto orden. Para caudales aún menores, los efectos de relajación de carga se notan en el menisco, en una región grande comparada con la de transición cono-chorro. Cuando el efecto de las fuerzas de viscosidad es dominante en la región de transición, la región de transferencia de corriente está en el chorro pero muy próxima a la región de transición cono-chorro. Al ir disminuyendo el caudal, los efectos de relajación de carga aparecen progresivamente en el chorro, en la región de transición y por último en el menisco. Cuando el caudal es mucho mayor que el mínimo del modo cono-chorro, el menisco deja de ser cónico. El campo eléctrico debido al voltaje aplicado domina en la región de transferencia de corriente, y tanto la corriente eléctrica como el tamaño de las diferentes regiones del problema pasan a depender del voltaje aplicado. Como resultado de esta dependencia, el plano caudal-voltaje se divide en diferentes regiones que se analizan separadamente. Para caudales suficientemente grandes, la inercia del líquido termina dominando frente a las fuerzas de la viscosidad. Estos resultados teóricos se han validado con simulaciones numéricas. Para ello se ha formulado un modelo simplificado del flujo, el campo eléctrico y el transporte de carga en el menisco y el chorro del electrospray. El movimiento del líquido se supone casi unidireccional y se describe usando la aproximación de Cosserat para un chorro esbelto. Esta aproximación, ampliamente usada en la literatura, permite simular con relativa facilidad múltiples casos y cubrir amplios rangos de valores de los parámetros reteniendo los efectos de la viscosidad y la inercia del líquido. Los campos eléctricos dentro y fuera del liquido están acoplados y se calculan sin simplificación alguna usando un método de elementos de contorno. La solución estacionaria del problema se calcula mediante un método iterativo. Para explorar el espacio de los parámetros, se comienza calculando una solución para valores fijos de las propiedades del líquido, el voltaje aplicado y el caudal. A continuación, se usa un método de continuación que permite delinear la frontera del dominio de existencia del modo cono-chorro, donde el método iterativo deja de converger. Cuando el efecto de la inercia del líquido domina en la región de transición cono-chorro, el caudal mínimo para el cual el método iterativo deja de converger es del orden del valor estimado del caudal para el que comienza a haber efectos de relajación de carga en el chorro y el cono. Aunque las simulaciones no convergen por debajo de dicho caudal, el valor de la corriente eléctrica para valores del caudal ligeramente mayores parece ajustarse a las estimaciones para caudales menores, reflejando un posible cambio en los balances aplicables. Por el contrario, cuando las fuerzas viscosas dominan en la región de transición, se pueden obtener soluciones estacionarias para caudales bastante menores que aquel para el que aparecen efectos de relajación de carga en la región de transición cono-chorro. Los resultados numéricos obtenidos para estos pequeños caudales se ajustan perfectamente a las estimaciones de orden de magnitud que se describen en la memoria. Por último, se incluyen como anexos dos estudios teóricos que han surgido de forma natural durante el desarrollo de la tesis. El primero hace referencia a la singularidad en el campo eléctrico que aparece en la línea de contacto entre el líquido y el tubo capilar en la mayoría de las simulaciones. Primero se estudia en qué situaciones el campo eléctrico tiende a infinito en la línea de contacto. Después, se comprueba que dicha singularidad no supone un fallo en la descripción del problema y que además no afecta a la solución lejos de la línea de contacto. También se analiza si los esfuerzos eléctricos infinitamente grandes a los que da lugar dicha singularidad pueden ser compensados por el resto de esfuerzos que actúan en la superficie del líquido. El segundo estudio busca determinar el tamaño de la región de apantallamiento en un chorro de líquido dieléctrico sin carga superficial. En esta región, el campo exterior es compensado parcialmente por el campo que induce la carga de polarización en la superficie del líquido, de forma que en el interior del líquido el campo eléctrico es mucho menor que en el exterior. Una región como ésta aparece en las estimaciones cuando los efectos de relajación de carga son importantes en la región de transferencia de corriente en el chorro. ABSTRACT This aim of this dissertation is a theoretical and numerical analysis of an electrospray. In its most simple configuration, a constant flow rate of the liquid to be atomized, which has to be an electrical conductor, is injected into a dielectric medium (a gas or another inmiscible fluid) through a metallic capillary tube. A constant voltage is applied between this tube and a distant electrode that produces an electric field in the liquid and the surrounding medium. This electric field induces an electric current in the liquid that accumulates charge at its surface and leads to electric stresses that stretch the surface in the direction of the electric field. A meniscus appears on the end of the capillary tube when the electric field is sufficiently high and the flow rate is small. Pressure variations and viscous stresses due to the motion of the liquid are negligible in most of the meniscus, where normal electric and surface tension stresses acting on the surface are dominant. In the so-called cone-jet mode, the balance of these stresses forces the surface to adopt a conical shape -Taylor cone- in a intermediate region between the end of the tube and the tip of the meniscus. When approaching the cone apex, the velocity of the liquid increases and leads to pressure variations that eventually disturb the balance of surfaces tension and electric stresses. A thin jet emerges then from the tip of the meniscus that transports the charge accumulated at its surface. The electric field tangent to the surface of the jet acts on this charge and continuously stretches the jet. This electric force is negligible in the meniscus, where the component of the electric field tangent to the surface is small, but becomes very important in the jet. Far from the cone, the jet can either develop an asymmetrical instability named “whipping”, whereby the jet winds into a spiral, or break into a spray of small, nearly monodisperse, charged droplets. The electric current transported by the liquid has two components, the conduction current in the bulk of the liquid and the convection current due to the transport of the surface charge by the flow. The first component dominates in the meniscus, the second one in the far jet, and both are comparable in a current transfer region located in the jet downstream of the cone-jet transition region where the meniscus ceases to be a Taylor cone. Given an external electric field, the charge that accumulates at the surface of the liquid reduces the electric field inside the liquid, until an equilibrium is reached in which the electric field induced by the surface charge counters the external electric field and shields the liquid from this field. The characteristic time of this process is the electric relaxation time, which is a property of the liquid. When the residence time of the liquid in the cone-jet transition region (or in other region of the flow) is greater than the electric relaxation time, the surface charge follows a succession of equilibrium states and continuously shield the liquid from the external field. When this condition is not satisfied, charge relaxation effects appear and the external field penetrates into the liquid unless the liquid permittivity is large. For very polar liquids, the field due to the polarization charge at the surface prevents the external field from entering the liquid in the cone and in certain region of the jet. The charge at the surface of a conical meniscus intensifies the electric field around the cone, determining its spatial variation up to distances downstream of the apex of the order of the size of the meniscus. This electric field, first computed by Taylor, is independent of the applied voltage. Therefore local flow characteristics and the electric current carried by the jet are also independent of the applied voltage provided the size of the regions that determine these magnitudes are small compared with the size of the meniscus. Many experiments in the literature show the existence of a minimum flow rate below which the cone-jet mode cannot be established. The mean value and the standard deviation of the electrospray droplet size distribution are minimum when the device is operated near the minimum flow rate. There is no complete explanation of the minimum flow rate, even though possible mechanisms have been extensively studied. The existence of a minimum flow rate seems to be connected with the appearance of charge relaxation effects in the transition region. In this dissertation, order of magnitude estimations are worked out that show the dominant balances in the different regions of the asymptotic structure of the solution for different conditions of interest. When the inertia of the liquid plays a role in the cone-jet transition region, the region where most of the electric current is transfered to the surface lies in the jet downstream the cone-jet transition region. When the flow rate decreases to a certain value, charge relaxation effects appear simultaneously in the jet and in the transition region. For smaller values of the flow rate, charge relaxation effects are important in a region of the meniscus larger than the transition region. When viscous forces dominate in the flow in the cone-jet transition region, the current transfer region is located in the jet immediately after the transition region. When flow rate is decreased, charge relaxation effects appears gradually, first in the jet, then in the transition region, and finally in the meniscus. When flow rate is much larger than the cone-jet mode minimum, the meniscus ceases to be a cone. The electric current and the structure of the solution begin to depend on the applied voltage. The flow rate-voltage plane splits into different regions that are analyzed separately. For sufficiently large flow rates, the effect of the inertia of the liquid always becomes greater than the effect of the viscous forces. A set of numerical simulations have been carried out in order to validate the theoretical results. A simplified model of the problem has been devised to compute the flow, the electric field and the surface charge in the meniscus and the jet of an electrospray. The motion of the liquid is assumed to be quasi-unidirectional and described by Cosserat’s approximation for a slender jet. This widely used approximation allows to easily compute multiple configurations and to explore wide ranges of values of the governing parameters, retaining the effects of the viscosity and the inertia of the liquid. Electric fields inside and outside the liquid are coupled and are computed without any simplification using a boundary elements method. The stationary solution of the problem is obtained by means of an iterative method. To explore the parameter space, a solution is first computed for a set of values of the liquid properties, the flow rate and the applied voltage, an then a continuation method is used to find the boundaries of the cone-jet mode domain of existence, where the iterative method ceases to converge. When the inertia of the liquid dominates in the cone-jet transition region, the iterative method ceases to converge for values of the flow rate for which order-of-magnitude estimates first predict charge relaxation effects to be important in the cone and the jet. The electric current computed for values of the flow rate slightly above the minimum for which convergence is obtained seems to agree with estimates worked out for lower flow rates. When viscous forces dominate in the transition region, stationary solutions can be obtained for flow rates significantly smaller than the one for which charge relaxation effects first appear in the transition region. Numerical results obtained for those small values of the flow rate agree with our order of magnitude estimates. Theoretical analyses of two issues that have arisen naturally during the thesis are summarized in two appendices. The first appendix contains a study of the singularity of the electric field that most of the simulations show at the contact line between the liquid and the capillary tube. The electric field near the contact line is analyzed to determine the ranges of geometrical configurations and liquid permittivity where a singularity appears. Further estimates show that this singularity does not entail a failure in the description of the problem and does not affect the solution far from the contact line. The infinite electric stresses that appear at the contact line can be effectively balanced by surface tension. The second appendix contains an analysis of the size and slenderness of the shielded region of a dielectric liquid in the absence of free surface charge. In this region, the external electric field is partially offset by the polarization charge so that the inner electric field is much lower than the outer one. A similar region appears in the estimates when charge relaxation effects are important in the current transfer region.


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This work aims to contribute to a further understanding of the fundamentals of crystallographic slip and grain boundary sliding in the γ-TiAl Ti–45Al–2Nb–2Mn (at%)–0.8 vol%TiB2 intermetallic alloy, by means of in situ high-temperature tensile testing combined with electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). Several microstructures, containing different fractions and sizes of lamellar colonies and equiaxed γ-grains, were fabricated by either centrifugal casting or powder metallurgy, followed by heat treatment at 1300 °C and furnace cooling. in situ tensile and tensile-creep experiments were performed in a scanning electron microscope (SEM) at temperatures ranging from 580 °C to 700 °C. EBSD was carried out in selected regions before and after straining. Our results suggest that, during constant strain rate tests, true twin γ/γ interfaces are the weakest barriers to dislocations and, thus, that the relevant length scale might be influenced by the distance between non-true twin boundaries. Under creep conditions both grain/colony boundary sliding (G/CBS) and crystallographic slip are observed to contribute to deformation. The incidence of boundary sliding is particularly high in γ grains of duplex microstructures. The slip activity during creep deformation in different microstructures was evaluated by trace analysis. Special emphasis was placed in distinguishing the compliance of different slip events with the Schmid law with respect to the applied stress.


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La nitrificación-desnitrificación es el proceso biológico tradicional para la remoción de nitrógeno de las aguas residuales (Ruiz G. et al., 2006a), siendo fundamental ya que contribuye a controlar la eutroficación de los cuerpos receptores. Debido al deterioro que sobre la disponibilidad de los recursos han ejercido las actividades antropogénicas, es necesario orientar el tratamiento de las aguas residuales hacia tecnologías que ofrezcan el mayor grado de sustentabilidad, planteando innovaciones en el tratamiento. El presente proyecto de tesis doctoral versa sobre el estudio de la influencia de la relación C/N en la desnitrificación y metanogénesis de aguas residuales urbanas en un reactor anaeróbico de lecho fluidizado inverso (RLFI). Previamente a la realización de las pruebas experimentales de variación de la relación C/N, se llevó a cabo la etapa de arranque del RLFI la cual se inició en modo batch, favoreciendo la formación y adhesión de biopelícula al medio de soporte utilizado (Extendosphere). Después, sobrevino la operación en modo continuo desde una carga volumétrica aplicada (CVA) de 0.5 g DQOs/L⋅d hasta alcanzar 4 g DQOs/L⋅d, carga volumétrica a la cual se logró la plena estabilización del reactor, siendo la alta variabilidad de la concentración de DQOs en el agua residual urbana de alimentación, la principal problemática que ocasionó retrasos en la estabilidad del reactor. A una CVA de 4 g DQOs/L⋅d en estado estacionario, el valor mínimo de eficiencia de remoción de DQOs fue del 32.36% y el máximo de 66.99%. En estas condiciones el porcentaje de metano presente en el biogás producido tuvo un valor medio de 85.57 ± 2.93%, siendo un valor alto comparado con otros porcentajes de metano encontrados en la digestión anaerobia de aguas residuales urbanas. El YCH4 tuvo un valor medio de 0.316 ± 0.110 LCH4/g DQOrem⋅día. Los porcentajes de metanización variaron en el rango de 20.50 a 100%, registrándose un valor medio de 73.42 ± 25.63%. La considerable variabilidad en el porcentaje de metanización se debió principalmente a que se presentaron eventos de lavado de soporte colonizado, lo cual propició que las actividades metabólicas fueran orientadas hacia formación de biopelícula (anabolismo) en vez de estar dirigidas hacia producción de metano (catabolismo). En relación a los ensayos con variación de la relación C/N, se manejaron relaciones DQOs/N-NO3 en el rango de 1.65 a 21.1 g DQOs/g N-NO3. La tasa de remoción anaerobia de DQOs se incrementó con la concentración de sustrato en una relación casi lineal, ajustándose a una cinética de primer orden, lo que regularmente se presenta a concentraciones bajas de sustrato. La eficiencia del proceso de desnitrificación fue por lo regular alta, incrementándose ligeramente con la concentración de DQOs en el influente, con valores en el rango de 73.8 a 99.1%. Por otra parte, la tasa de remoción por metanogénesis se incrementó con la concentración relativa de sustrato (es decir, a mayores relaciones DQOs/N-NO3), siendo más sensitiva la metanogénesis a la concentración relativa de sustrato que la desnitrificación. Conforme aumentó la relación DQOs/N-NO3, la desnitrificación, de ser la ruta metabólica principal de utilización de la materia orgánica (comparada con la metanización), empezó a combinarse con la metanización. De manera evidente, a las relaciones DQOs/N-NO3 probadas, se manifestaron más las actividades desnitrificantes, quedando reflejadas por el alto porcentaje de utilización de la DQOs removida hacia la desnitrificación. La relación experimental DQOs/N-NO3 a la cual se pudiera haber cumplido con el requerimiento de materia orgánica (en términos de DQOs) para la desnitrificación de nitratos en las aguas residuales urbanas tratadas resultó aproximadamente ser igual a 7.1 g DQOs/g N-NO3. A una CVA de 4 g DQOs/L⋅d, se obtuvo un diámetro promedio máximo de soporte colonizado igual a 266.106 ± 69.279 μm aunque, hay que indicarlo, se presentaron fluctuaciones, las cuales se reflejaron también en el espesor de la biopelícula, el cual tuvo un valor máximo de 50.099 μm y un valor promedio de 37.294 ± 11.199 μm. Estas fluctuaciones pudieron deberse a la existencia de corrientes preferenciales dentro del reactor, las cuales no permitieron un acceso equitativo del sustrato a todo el lecho. Nitrification-denitrification is the traditional biological process for nitrogen removal from wastewaters (Ruiz G. et al., 2006a), being fundamental since it contributes to control the eutrophication of the receiving waters. Due to the deterioration that on the availability of the aquatic resources the anthropogenic activities have exerted, it is necessary to orient the treatment of wastewaters towards technologies that offer the greater degree of sustainability, raising innovations in the treatment. This work studied the influence of C/N ratio on denitrification and methanogenesis of urban wastewaters in an inverse fluidized bed reactor (IFBR). Previously to the accomplishment of the experimental tests with variation of C/N ratio, the start up of the IFBR was carried out in batch way, encouraging the formation and adhesion of biofilm to Extendosphere, which it was used as support. The operation in continuous way carried out from an organic loading rate (OLR) of 0.5 g CODs/L ∙ d to 4 g CODs/L ∙ d, when the steady-state was reached. The high variability of the CODs of the urban wastewaters caused delays in the stability of the reactor. Once stationary state was reached, the removal efficiency of CODs ranged from 32.36 to 66.99% to 4 g CODs/L ∙ d. In these conditions the percentage of methane in produced biogas had an average value of 85.57 ± 2.93%, being a high value compared with other studies treating anaerobically urban wastewaters. The YCH4 had an average value of 0.316 ± 0.110 LCH4/g CODrem ∙ d. The percentage of methanisation ranged from 20.50 to 100%, with an average value of 73.42 ± 25.63%. The considerable variability in the methanisation percentage occurred mainly due events of wash-out of colonized support, which caused that the metabolic activities were oriented towards formation of biofilm (anabolism) instead of methane production (catabolism). Concerning the tests with variation of C/N ratio, CODs/NO3-N ratios from 1.65 to 21.1 g CODs/g NO3-N were proved. The CODs anaerobic removal rate increased with the substrate concentration in an almost linear relation, adjusting to a kinetic of first order, which regularly appears to low concentrations of substrate. Efficiency of the denitrification process was regularly high, and it increased slightly with the CODs concentration in the influent, ranging from 73.8 to 99.1%. On the other hand, the CODs removal rate by methanogenesis increased with the substrate relative concentration (e.g., to greater CODs/NO3-N ratios), being more sensitive the methanogenesis to the substrate relative concentration that the denitrification. When the CODs/NO3-N ratio increased, the denitrification, of being the main metabolic route of use of the organic matter (compared with the methanogenesis), began to be combined with the methanogenesis. Definitively, to the proven CODs/NO3-N ratios the denitrification processes were more pronounced, being reflected by the high percentage of use of the removed CODs towards denitrification. The experimental CODs/NO3-N ratio to which it was possible to have been fulfilled the requirement of organic matter (in terms of CODs) for the denitrification of nitrates in urban wastewaters turned out to be approximately 7.1 g CODs/g NO3-N. It was obtained a maximum average diameter of colonized support of 266.106 ± 69.279 μm to 4 g CODs/L ∙ d, although it is necessary to indicate that appeared fluctuations in the thickness of biofilm, which had a maximum value of 50.099 μm and an average value of 37.294 ± 11.199 μm. These fluctuations could be due to the existence of preferential currents within the reactor, which did not allow an equitable access of the substrate to all the bed.


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There exist different ways for defining a welfare function. Traditionally, welfare economic theory foundation is based on the Net Present Value (NPV) calculation where the time dependent preferences of considered agents are taken into account. However, the time preferences, remains a controversial subject. Currently, the traditional approach employs a unique discount rate for various agents. Nevertheless, this way of discounting appears inconsistent with sustainable development. New research work suggests that the discount rate may not be a homogeneous value. The discount rates may change following the individual’s preferences. A significant body of evidence suggests that people do not behave following a constant discount rate. In fact, UK Government has quickly recognized the power of the arguments for time-varying rates, as it has done in its official guidance to Ministries on the appraisal of investments and policies. Other authors deal with not just time preference but with uncertainty about future income (precautionary saving). In a situation in which economic growth rates are similar across time periods, the rationale for declining social optimal discount rates is driven by the preferences of the individuals in the economy, rather than expectations of growth. However, these approaches have been mainly focused on long-term policies where intergenerational risks may appear. The traditional cost-benefit analysis (CBA) uses a unique discount rate derived from market interest rates or investment rates of return for discounting the costs and benefits of all social agents included in the CBA. However, recent literature showed that a more adequate measure of social benefit is possible by using different discount rates including inter-temporal preferences rate of users, private investment discount rate and intertemporal preferences rate of government. Actually, the costs of opportunity may differ amongst individuals, firms, governments, or society in general, as do the returns on savings. In general, the firms or operators require an investment rate linked to the current return on savings, while the discount rate of consumers-users depends on their time preferences with respect of the current and the future consumption, as well as society can take into account the intergenerational well-being, adopting a lower discount rate for today’s generation. Time discount rate of social actors (users, operators, government and society) places a lower value in a future gain, but the uncertainty about future income strongly determines the individual preferences. These time and uncertainty depends on preferences and should be integrated into a transport policy formulation that may have significant social impacts. The discount rate of a user cannot be the same than the operator’s discount rate. The preferences of both are different. In addition, another school of thought suggests that people, such as a social group, may have different attitudes towards future costs and benefits. Particularly, the users have different discount rates related to their income. Some research work tried to modify user discount rates using a compensating weight which represents the inverse of household income level. The inter-temporal preferences are a proxy of the willingness to pay during the time. Its consideration is important in order to make acceptable or not a policy or investment


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In pressure irrigation-water distribution networks, applied water volume is usually controlled opening a valve during a calculated time interval, and assuming constant flow rate. In general, pressure regulating devices for controlling the discharged flow rate by irrigation units are needed due to the variability of pressure conditions.


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Leukocytes roll along the endothelium of postcapillary venules in response to inflammatory signals. Rolling under the hydrodynamic drag forces of blood flow is mediated by the interaction between selectins and their ligands across the leukocyte and endothelial cell surfaces. Here we present force-spectroscopy experiments on single complexes of P-selectin and P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 by atomic force microscopy to determine the intrinsic molecular properties of this dynamic adhesion process. By modeling intermolecular and intramolecular forces as well as the adhesion probability in atomic force microscopy experiments we gain information on rupture forces, elasticity, and kinetics of the P-selectin/P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 interaction. The complexes are able to withstand forces up to 165 pN and show a chain-like elasticity with a molecular spring constant of 5.3 pN nm−1 and a persistence length of 0.35 nm. The dissociation constant (off-rate) varies over three orders of magnitude from 0.02 s−1 under zero force up to 15 s−1 under external applied forces. Rupture force and lifetime of the complexes are not constant, but directly depend on the applied force per unit time, which is a product of the intrinsic molecular elasticity and the external pulling velocity. The high strength of binding combined with force-dependent rate constants and high molecular elasticity are tailored to support physiological leukocyte rolling.


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We report the study of the dynamics of the unbinding process under a force load f of adsorbed proteins (fibrinogen) on a solid surface (hydrophilic silica) by means of atomic force microscopy spectroscopy. By varying the loading rate rf, defined by f = rf t, t being the time, we find that, as for specific interactions, the mean rupture force increases with rf. This unbinding process is analyzed in the framework of the widely used Bell model. The typical dissociation rate at zero force entering in the model lies between 0.02 and 0.6 s−1. Each measured rupture is characterized by a force f0, which appears to be quantized in integer multiples of 180–200 pN.


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Point mutants of three unrelated antifluorescein antibodies were constructed to obtain nine different single-chain Fv fragments, whose on-rates, off-rates, and equilibrium binding affinities were determined in solution. Additionally, activation energies for unbinding were estimated from the temperature dependence of the off-rate in solution. Loading rate-dependent unbinding forces were determined for single molecules by atomic force microscopy, which extrapolated at zero force to a value close to the off-rate measured in solution, without any indication for multiple transition states. The measured unbinding forces of all nine mutants correlated well with the off-rate in solution, but not with the temperature dependence of the reaction, indicating that the same transition state must be crossed in spontaneous and forced unbinding and that the unbinding path under load cannot be too different from the one at zero force. The distance of the transition state from the ground state along the unbinding pathway is directly proportional to the barrier height, regardless of the details of the binding site, which most likely reflects the elasticity of the protein in the unbinding process. Atomic force microscopy thus can be a valuable tool for the characterization of solution properties of protein-ligand systems at the single molecule level, predicting relative off-rates, potentially of great value for combinatorial chemistry and biology.


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Carbohydrate–protein bonds interrupt the rapid flow of leukocytes in the circulation by initiation of rolling and tethering at vessel walls. The cell surface carbohydrate ligands are glycosylated proteins like the mucin P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1), which bind ubiquitously to the family of E-, P-, and L-selectin proteins in membranes of leukocytes and endothelium. The current view is that carbohydrate–selectin bonds dissociate a few times per second, and the unbinding rate increases weakly with force. However, such studies have provided little insight into how numerous hydrogen bonds, a Ca2+ metal ion bond, and other interactions contribute to the mechanical strength of these attachments. Decorating a force probe with very dilute ligands and controlling touch to achieve rare single-bond events, we have varied the unbinding rates of carbohydrate–selectin bonds by detachment with ramps of force/time from 10 to 100,000 pN/sec. Testing PSGL-1, its outer 19 aa (19FT), and sialyl LewisX (sLeX) against L-selectin in vitro on glass microspheres and in situ on neutrophils, we found that the unbinding rates followed the same dependence on force and increased by nearly 1,000-fold as rupture forces rose from a few to ≈200 pN. Plotted on a logarithmic scale of loading rate, the rupture forces reveal two prominent energy barriers along the unbinding pathway. Strengths above 75 pN arise from rapid detachment (<0.01 sec) impeded by an inner barrier that requires a Ca2+ bond between a single sLeX and the lectin domain. Strengths below 75 pN occur under slow detachment (>0.01 sec) impeded by the outer barrier, which appears to involve an array of weak (putatively hydrogen) bonds.


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A theory of the unzipping of double-stranded DNA is presented and is compared to recent micromanipulation experiments. It is shown that the interactions that stabilize the double helix and the elastic rigidity of single strands simply determine the sequence-dependent ≈12-pN force threshold for DNA strand separation. Using a semimicroscopic model of the binding between nucleotide strands, we show that the greater rigidity of the strands when formed into double-stranded DNA, relative to that of isolated strands, gives rise to a potential barrier to unzipping. The effects of this barrier are derived analytically. The force to keep the extremities of the molecule at a fixed distance, the kinetic rates for strand unpairing at fixed applied force, and the rupture force as a function of loading rate are calculated. The dependence of the kinetics and of the rupture force on molecule length is also analyzed.


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O aumento no consumo energético e a crescente preocupação ambiental frente à emissão de gases poluentes criam um apelo mundial favorável para pesquisas de novas tecnologias não poluentes de fontes de energia. Baterias recarregáveis de lítio-ar em solventes não aquosos possuem uma alta densidade de energia teórica (5200 Wh kg-1), o que as tornam promissoras para aplicação em dispositivos estacionários e em veículos elétricos. Entretanto, muitos problemas relacionados ao cátodo necessitam ser contornados para permitir a aplicação desta tecnologia, por exemplo, a baixa reversibilidade das reações, baixa potência e instabilidades dos materiais empregados nos eletrodos e dos solventes eletrolíticos. Assim, neste trabalho um modelo cinético foi empregado para os dados experimentais de espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica, para a obtenção das constantes cinéticas das etapas elementares do mecanismo da reação de redução de oxigênio (RRO), o que permitiu investigar a influência de parâmetros como o tipo e tamanho de partícula do eletrocatalisador, o papel do solvente utilizado na RRO e compreender melhor as reações ocorridas no cátodo dessa bateria. A investigação inicial se deu com a utilização de sistemas menos complexos como uma folha de platina ou eletrodo de carbono vítreo como eletrodos de trabalho em 1,2-dimetoxietano (DME)/perclorato de lítio (LiClO4). A seguir, sistemas complexos com a presença de nanopartículas de carbono favoreceu o processo de adsorção das moléculas de oxigênio e aumentou ligeiramente (uma ordem de magnitude) a etapa de formação de superóxido de lítio (etapa determinante de reação) quando comparada com os eletrodos de platina e carbono vítreo, atribuída à presença dos grupos laterais mediando à transferência eletrônica para as moléculas de oxigênio. No entanto, foi observada uma rápida passivação da superfície eletrocatalítica através da formação de filmes finos de Li2O2 e Li2CO3 aumentando o sobrepotencial da bateria durante a carga (diferença de potencial entre a carga e descarga > 1 V). Adicionalmente, a incorporação das nanopartículas de platina (Ptnp), ao invés da folha de platina, resultou no aumento da constante cinética da etapa determinante da reação em duas ordens de magnitude, o qual pode ser atribuído a uma mudança das propriedades eletrônicas na banda d metálica em função do tamanho nanométrico das partículas, e estas modificações contribuíram para uma melhor eficiência energética quando comparado ao sistema sem a presença de eletrocatalisador. Entretanto, as Ptnp se mostraram não específicas para a RRO, catalisando as reações de degradação do solvente eletrolítico e diminuindo rapidamente a eficiência energética do dispositivo prático, devido ao acúmulo de material no eletrodo. O emprego de líquido iônico como solvente eletrolítico, ao invés de DME, promoveu uma maior estabilização do intermediário superóxido formado na primeira etapa de transferência eletrônica, devido à interação com os cátions do líquido iônico em solução, o qual resultou em um valor de constante cinética da formação do superóxido de três ordens de magnitude maior que o obtido com o mesmo eletrodo de carbono vítreo em DME, além de diminuir as reações de degradação do solvente. Estes fatores podem contribuir para uma maior potência e ciclabilidade da bateria de lítio-ar operando com líquidos iônicos.


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Introdução: A polpa farinácea do jatobá-do-cerrado (Hymenaea stigonocarpa Mart.) apresenta alto teor de fibra alimentar, em média 60 g/100 g, que são importantes para a redução do risco e controle de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT). A extrusão termoplástica neutraliza aromas intensos, proporciona a formação de amido resistente, aumenta a fibra alimentar solúvel e melhora a textura do produto final. Objetivo: Estudar o efeito das farinhas de jatobá-do-cerrado in natura (FIN) e extrusada (FE) no metabolismo lipídico e parâmetros fermentativos em hamsters, bem como verificar a resposta glicêmica em humanos após a extrusão. Métodos: Processo de extrusão: velocidade de 200 rpm; matriz com 4 mm de diâmetro; taxa de compressão 3:1; alimentação constante de 70 gramas/minuto; temperatura de 150 °C; proporção farinha de jatobá-do-cerrado e amido de milho: 70:30 por cento e umidade a 25 por cento . Foi realizado um experimento animal com hamsters durante 21 dias, em que se analisou alguns parâmetros do metabolismo lipídico e colônico (fermentativos) dos animais, divididos em quatro grupos experimentais, se diferenciando pela dieta. As dietas controle (GC), in natura (GFI) e extrusada (GFE) eram hipercolesterolemizantes (13,5 por cento de gordura de coco e 0,1 por cento de colesterol) e a dieta referência (GR) com óleo de soja como fonte lipídica, não. Todas as dietas apresentavam 15 por cento de fibra alimentar, sendo que as dietas GR e GC tinham como fonte de fibra a celulose, e as dietas GFI e GFE tiveram as próprias fibras como fonte. A resposta glicêmica em humanos foi verificada por meio do ensaio do índice glicêmico e carga glicêmica da FE, com dez voluntários saudáveis que consumiram 25 gramas de carboidratos disponíveis do alimento teste (farinha extrusada) ou do pão branco como alimento controle. Resultados: Não foi observada diferença significativa entre o peso final, ingestão diária média e total, ganho de peso e CEA entre os animais dos quatro grupos. A concentração de triglicerídeos foi menor em 41 por cento e 38 por cento nos animais que receberam as dietas GFI e GFE, em relação aqueles que receberam a dieta GC, assim como também para o colesterol total (55 por cento e 47 por cento ), LDL-c (70 por cento e 53 por cento ) e não-HDL-c (63 por cento e 49 por cento ) séricos, lipídeos totais hepáticos (39 por cento e 45 por cento ) e o peso dos fígados dos animais também foi menor (21 por cento em ambos os grupos). Não houve diferença no colesterol hepático e excretado nas fezes dos animais dos quatro grupos. Os animais do GFE excretaram 57 por cento mais ácidos biliares nas fezes que os animais do GC. Com relação aos parâmetros fermentativos, observou-se maior excreção de fibras (1,24 ± 0,08 e 1,52 ± 0,09 gramas) nos animais dos grupos GR e GC respectivamente, em relação aos do GFI e GFE (0,50 e 0,48 gramas), porém o escore fecal (3,50 ± 0,19 e 3,38 ± 0,18) e o grau de fermentação (54 e 52 por cento ) foi maior nos animais dos grupos GFI e GFE. Houve uma maior produção de AGCC no ceco dos animais dos grupos GFI e GFE (80 e 57,5 µmol/g de ceco respectivamente) e maior diminuição do pH no conteúdo cecal nos animais do grupo GFI (7,49 ± 0,10), em relação ao GC (8,06 ± 0,13). Os ácidos acético e propiônico, estiveram presentes em maior quantidade no ceco dos animais dos grupos GFI (58,5 e 6,1 µmol/g de ceco) e GFE (42,5 e 6,6 µmol/g de ceco) e os animais do GFI produziram mais ácido butírico (15 µmol/g de ceco), em relação aos demais grupos. Quanto à resposta glicêmica da farinha pós extrusão, não houve diferença entre a área de resposta glicêmica da farinha extrusada e do pão branco, o índice glicêmico da farinha extrusada (glicose como controle) foi classificado como moderado, e a carga glicêmica (na porção de 30 gramas), baixa. Conclusão: As FIN e FE favoreceram a redução do colesterol total, LDL-c, não-HDL-c e dos triglicerídeos séricos, além da diminuição do acúmulo de lipídeos hepáticos. Foi observado também aumento expressivo na formação de AGCC e no grau de fermentação. A FE proporcionou um aumento na excreção de ácidos biliares nas fezes e apresentou índice glicêmico moderado e baixa carga glicêmica.