765 resultados para Competencies assessment tool
O uso inadequado do solo assim como práticas agrícolas incorrectas podem ter como consequência a contaminação dos recursos hídricos por poluição de origem difusa.Na perspectiva de identificar possíveis fontes de poluição, o objectivo deste trabalho é quantificar as cargas de nutrientes de origem natural, urbana e agrícola que chegam à albufeira de Pracana. Pretende-se efectuar a análise das alterações de carga resultantes de diferentes cenários do uso do solo, recorrendo à modelação matemática. Este conhecimento vai contribuir para a compreensão dos processos que dão origem à poluição existente na albufeira e os factores que condicionam o seu estado trófico.A ferramenta utilizada para a realização do estudo foi o modelo SWAT (Soil Water Assessment Tool, USDA Agricultural Research Service).
Modelling the hydrology of hydrographic basins has shown itself as a useful tool in environment management. The hydrological models can be used for multiple purposes: estimate runoff from sequences of rainfall, access stream water quality, quantify the diffuse pollution that reaches water masses such as estuaries, rivers and lakes, etc. This study has as final objective to simulate and analyse the flow, sediment transport and water quality as a function of landuse and soil type in the basins of Maranhão and Pracana. The modelling system used is SWAT, Soil Water Assessment Tool. In this first phase of the study the hydrodynamic calibration of the model was performed using measurements of average daily flows in five stations. The model compares well with the measurements; the annual average flows are similar and the majority of the measured flow peaks coincide with the model peaks.
Localizada na parte sul da costa da Galiza, a ria de Arousa, tem um interesse particular devido à sua importante indústria de exploração de marisco, especialmente culturas de bivalves. O crescimento, qualidade e mortalidade destes bivalves não só são afetados por possíveis incidentes de poluição, mas também por episódios de grande run-off, que podem produzir decréscimos sazonais significativos de salinidade. Neste contexto, a presente dissertação pretende contribuir para uma melhor compreensão de como as plumas de água doce provenientes dos rios vão influenciar os gradientes de salinidade e temperatura no estuário da ria de Arousa. O objetivo é proceder a uma melhoria da previsão hidrodinâmica do modelo operacional oceanográfico desta ria, que é executado diariamente pela MeteoGalicia. Para atingir esse objectivo executaram-se simulações numéricas para diferentes cenários de forçamento. Foram escolhidos dois períodos com diferentes condições meteorológicas: um período de inverno, coincidindo com chuvas fortes e um período de verão, coincidindo com a ausência de precipitação. Foi aplicado o modelo hidrodinâmico MOHID (Hydrodynamic Model) para simular os processos físicos da ria de Arousa, utilizando a metodologia de modelos encaixados. O forçamento para a superfície foi imposto através do modelo atmosférico WRF (Weather Regional Forecast), que fornece as variáveis meteorológicas necessárias. Para fronteira terra, uma ferramenta hidrológica foi implementada, o modelo SWAT (Soil water Assessment Tool), este providencia as descargas de água doce para os principais rios da região. É feita neste trabalho uma descrição da implementação deste sistema, assim como a caracterização da área de estudo. Os resultados do modelo foram comparados com medidas provenientes de bóias oceanográficas e perfis de CTDs (Conductivity-Temperature-Depth instrument) em diferentes localizações.
Relatório de estágio de mestrado, Nutrição Clínica, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2015
O tema da avaliação de desempenho dos professores continua a ser um tema muito presente no dia-a-dia de uma escola. O atual modelo de avaliação veio revolucionar o meio e acabou por trazer com ele o descontentamento dos professores. Face a este descontentamento, procurámos, investigar a exequibilidade de um novo instrumento de avaliação: o e-portefólio. Assim, o foco deste estudo de caso centra-se em estudar a praticabilidade da utilização de um instrumento de avaliação alternativo, o e-portfólio, enquanto instrumento de partilha entre os docentes e possível instrumento de avaliação de desempenho. Para o efeito desenvolvemos um estudo de natureza qualitativa, tendo realizado entrevistas semiestruturadas a um conjunto de professores do ensino básico, e posteriormente procedido à sua análise de conteúdo. Da análise e interpretação dos resultados concluímos que os docentes consideram que a partilha de materiais, através de e-portefólios, veio facilitar a vida dos professores e que estes assumem-se como um auxílio precioso e vantajoso no dia-a-dia dos docentes. Concluímos, também, que o e-portefólio poderá ser um possível instrumento de avaliação a adotar, desde que rigorosa e criteriosamente utilizado, uma vez que poderá estar bem visível parte do trabalho que os professores realizam. Os dados alertam, ainda, para a necessidade de uma reflexão, por parte da tutela, para a constante falta de tempo e excesso de burocracias mencionadas pelos professores.
Introdução: A correta avaliação das capacidades do idoso será fundamental na diminuição do risco de queda inerente ao envelhecimento. Os Smartphones são uma boa ferramenta para a avaliação das capacidades em idosos. Objetivo: Verificar se o smartphone é uma ferramenta de avaliação do ângulo de dorsiflexão ativa da tibiotársica (Dors. TT) e em diferentes parâmetros relacionados com a marcha. ; Métodos: Estudo transversal correlacional, com amostra composta por 27 indivíduos com mais de 60 anos. Procedeu-se à recolha de dados através de um sistema de análise cinemática em 3D com conexão a uma plataforma de forças e de uma aplicação para Smartphone (Fraunhofer®, Porto, Portugal), de forma a verificar a funcionalidade desta última. As variáveis medidas foram a Dors. TT; e todas a variáveis relacionadas com a marcha. Resultados: A dors. TT apresentou uma correlação forte positiva (rs=0,8; p<0,001) entre os dados dos dois instrumentos, assim como no balanço pélvico (rp=0,8; p<0,001), na velocidade na marcha (rp=0,7; p<0,001) e no nº de passos posteriores (rs=0,8; p<0,001). Observou-se uma correlação moderada positiva na duração do passo direito, na duração do passo, na duração da passada, na cadência, no comprimento do passo esq., no comprimento do passo e no deslocamento lateral da pélvis (rp=0,6; p≤0.008). Na percentagem da fase de apoio (%FA) (rs =-0.6; p= 0.007) e na medição da cadência lateral (rs =-0.4; p= 0.042) observou-se uma correlação moderada negativa e na cad. post. (rs=-0,7; p<0,001) uma correlação forte negativa. Conclusão: A aplicação para Smartphone parece ser uma ferramenta útil para avaliar corretamente o ângulo de dorsiflexão da tibiotársica, a contagem do número de passos no sentido posterior, o balanço pélvico e a velocidade. Contudo, necessita ser reajustada para as outras variáveis.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Especial, domínio Cognição e Multideficiência
This study identifies predictors and normative data for quality of life (QOL) in a sample of Portuguese adults from general population. A cross-sectional correlational study was undertaken with two hundred and fifty-five (N = 255) individuals from Portuguese general population (mean age 43 years, range 25–84 years; 148 females, 107 males). Participants completed the European Portuguese version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life short-form instrument and the European Portuguese version of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. Demographic information was also collected. Portuguese adults reported their QOL as good. The physical, psychological and environmental domains predicted 44 % of the variance of QOL. The strongest predictor was the physical domain and the weakest was social relationships. Age, educational level, socioeconomic status and emotional status were significantly correlated with QOL and explained 25 % of the variance of QOL. The strongest predictor of QOL was emotional status followed by education and age. QOL was significantly different according to: marital status; living place (mainland or islands); type of cohabitants; occupation; health. The sample of adults from general Portuguese population reported high levels of QOL. The life domain that better explained QOL was the physical domain. Among other variables, emotional status best predicted QOL. Further variables influenced overall QOL. These findings inform our understanding on adults from Portuguese general population QOL and can be helpful for researchers and practitioners using this assessment tool to compare their results with normative data
Introdução: Estudos actuais sugerem que o sono possui um papel importante na melhoria do desempenho motor em adultos. Porém, em crianças saudáveis os resultados são contraditórios, indicando que apenas a passagem do tempo pode produzir um ganho ilusório. Objetivo: Identificar e sumarizar a evidência acerca do impacto do sono no desempenho de tarefas de memória procedimental em crianças saudáveis. Métodos: Foi conduzida uma pesquisa bibliográfica nas principais bases de dados electrónicas, Medline, ISI Web of Science e Scopus. Esta foi realizada até 17 de Maio de 2015 e de acordo com o equação de pesquisa. Após a selecção dos artigos, segundo os critérios de inclusão e exclusão, avaliou-se a qualidade metodológica com recurso ao instrumento designado QATSDD (Quality Assessment Tool and Scoring Guidance Notes) e outro instrumento para estudos de intervenção beforeafter, sem grupo de controlo, desenvolvido por profissionais de sáude pertencentes ao National Institutes of Health. A meta-análise foi realizada com a medida do tempo de reacção, usando a diferença das médias padronizadas. O método estatístico utilizado foi Mantel-Haenszel para efeitos aleatórios. Resultados: Conduziu-se a revisão sistemática com quatorze artigos publicados entre 2007 e 2014, três estudos usados na meta-análise. Apenas quatro estudos denotaram melhorias, estatisticamente significativas, no que diz respeito ao efeito de um período de sono no desempenho de uma tarefa motora em crianças. Pelo contrário, a maioria dos estudos é a favor de que um período de sono prejudica o desempenho. Na meta-análise mostra-se que a vigília favorece os valores do tempo de reacção. Conclusões: A presente evidência não suporta o facto de que um período de sono optimiza o desempenho de tarefas de memória procedimental em crianças. Dadas as limitações apresentadas, nomeadamente a heterogeneidade das intervenções e reduzida qualidade metodológica dos estudos incluídos, sem grupo de controlo, sugere-se a realização de estudos futuros com maior nível de evidência.
Relatório de Prática Clínica apresentado à Escola Superior de Saúde Dr. Lopes Dias do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Cuidados Paliativos, realizada sob a orientação científica do Professora Doutora Ana Paula Gonçalves Antunes Sapeta, do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco.
Como produto das experiências tidas no âmbito da prática de ensino supervisionada no Mestrado em Ensino de História e Geografia, que decorreu no ano letivo de 2014/2015, na Escola Secundária Quinta do Marquês, em Oeiras, surge o presente relatório que teve como principal objetivo refletir sobre o papel da música enquanto estratégia/recurso no processo de ensino e aprendizagem na disciplina de História. Considerando o que a música representa para os jovens na atualidade, procuramos através da elaboração e aplicação de inquéritos perceber a eficácia desta estratégia no ensino da História. Os resultados obtidos apontam para o facto de a música surgir como um recurso capaz de captar a atenção, permitir a contextualização histórica e motivar para o estudo.
La douleur est fréquente en milieu de soins intensifs et sa gestion est l'une des missions des infirmières. Son évaluation est une prémisse indispensable à son soulagement. Cependant lorsque le patient est incapable de signaler sa douleur, les infirmières doivent se baser sur des signes externes pour l'évaluer. Les guides de bonne pratique recommandent chez les personnes non communicantes l'usage d'un instrument validé pour la population donnée et basé sur l'observation des comportements. A l'heure actuelle, les instruments d'évaluation de la douleur disponibles ne sont que partiellement adaptés aux personnes cérébrolésées dans la mesure où ces personnes présentent des comportements qui leur sont spécifiques. C'est pourquoi, cette étude vise à identifier, décrire et valider des indicateurs, et des descripteurs, de la douleur chez les personnes cérébrolésées. Un devis d'étude mixte multiphase avec une dominante quantitative a été choisi pour cette étude. Une première phase consistait à identifier des indicateurs et des descripteurs de la douleur chez les personnes cérébrolésées non communicantes aux soins intensifs en combinant trois sources de données : une revue intégrative des écrits, une démarche consultative utilisant la technique du groupe nominal auprès de 18 cliniciens expérimentés (6 médecins et 12 infirmières) et les résultats d'une étude pilote observationnelle réalisée auprès de 10 traumatisés crâniens. Les résultats ont permis d'identifier 6 indicateurs et 47 descripteurs comportementaux, vocaux et physiologiques susceptibles d'être inclus dans un instrument d'évaluation de la douleur destiné aux personnes cérébrolésées non- communicantes aux soins intensifs. Une deuxième phase séquentielle vérifiait les propriétés psychométriques des indicateurs et des descripteurs préalablement identifiés. La validation de contenu a été testée auprès de 10 experts cliniques et 4 experts scientifiques à l'aide d'un questionnaire structuré qui cherchait à évaluer la pertinence et la clarté/compréhensibilité de chaque descripteur. Cette démarche a permis de sélectionner 33 des 47 descripteurs et valider 6 indicateurs. Dans un deuxième temps, les propriétés psychométriques de ces indicateurs et descripteurs ont été étudiés au repos, lors de stimulation non nociceptive et lors d'une stimulation nociceptive (la latéralisation du patient) auprès de 116 personnes cérébrolésées aux soins intensifs hospitalisées dans deux centres hospitaliers universitaires. Les résultats montrent d'importantes variations dans les descripteurs observés lors de stimulation nociceptive probablement dues à l'hétérogénéité des patients au niveau de leur état de conscience. Dix descripteurs ont été éliminés, car leur fréquence lors de la stimulation nociceptive était inférieure à 5% ou leur fiabilité insuffisante. Les descripteurs physiologiques ont tous été supprimés en raison de leur faible variabilité et d'une fiabilité inter juge problématique. Les résultats montrent que la validité concomitante, c'est-à-dire la corrélation entre l'auto- évaluation du patient et les mesures réalisées avec les descripteurs, est satisfaisante lors de stimulation nociceptive {rs=0,527, p=0,003, n=30). Par contre la validité convergente, qui vérifiait l'association entre l'évaluation de la douleur par l'infirmière en charge du patient et les mesures réalisés avec les descripteurs, ainsi que la validité divergente, qui vérifiait si les indicateurs discriminent entre la stimulation nociceptive et le repos, mettent en évidence des résultats variables en fonction de l'état de conscience des patients. Ces résultats soulignent la nécessité d'étudier les descripteurs de la douleur chez des patients cérébrolésés en fonction du niveau de conscience et de considérer l'hétérogénéité de cette population dans la conception d'un instrument d'évaluation de la douleur pour les personnes cérébrolésées non communicantes aux soins intensifs. - Pain is frequent in the intensive care unit (ICU) and its management is a major issue for nurses. The assessment of pain is a prerequisite for appropriate pain management. However, pain assessment is difficult when patients are unable to communicate about their experience and nurses have to base their evaluation on external signs. Clinical practice guidelines highlight the need to use behavioral scales that have been validated for nonverbal patients. Current behavioral pain tools for ICU patients unable to communicate may not be appropriate for nonverbal brain-injured ICU patients, as they demonstrate specific responses to pain. This study aimed to identify, describe and validate pain indicators and descriptors in brain-injured ICU patients. A mixed multiphase method design with a quantitative dominant was chosen for this study. The first phase aimed to identify indicators and descriptors of pain for nonverbal brain- injured ICU patients using data from three sources: an integrative literature review, a consultation using the nominal group technique with 18 experienced clinicians (12 nurses and 6 physicians) and the results of an observational pilot study with 10 traumatic brain injured patients. The results of this first phase identified 6 indicators and 47 behavioral, vocal and physiological descriptors of pain that could be included in a pain assessment tool for this population. The sequential phase two tested the psychometric properties of the list of previously identified indicators and descriptors. Content validity was tested with 10 clinical and 4 scientific experts for pertinence and comprehensibility using a structured questionnaire. This process resulted in 33 descriptors to be selected out of 47 previously identified, and six validated indicators. Then, the psychometric properties of the descriptors and indicators were tested at rest, during non nociceptive stimulation and nociceptive stimulation (turning) in a sample of 116 brain-injured ICLI patients who were hospitalized in two university centers. Results showed important variations in the descriptors observed during the nociceptive stimulation, probably due to the heterogeneity of patients' level of consciousness. Ten descriptors were excluded, as they were observed less than 5% of the time or their reliability was insufficient. All physiologic descriptors were deleted as they showed little variability and inter observer reliability was lacking. Concomitant validity, testing the association between patients' self report of pain and measures performed using the descriptors, was acceptable during nociceptive stimulation (rs=0,527, p=0,003, n=30). However, convergent validity ( testing for an association between the nurses' pain assessment and measures done with descriptors) and divergent validity (testing for the ability of the indicators to discriminate between rest and a nociceptive stimulation) varied according to the level of consciousness These results highlight the need to study pain descriptors in brain-injured patients with different level of consciousness and to take into account the heterogeneity of this population forthe conception of a pain assessment tool for nonverbal brain-injured ICU patients.
The fracture risk assessment tool (FRAX(®)) has been developed for the identification of individuals with high risk of fracture in whom treatment to prevent fractures would be appropriate. FRAX models are not yet available for all countries or ethnicities, but surrogate models can be used within regions with similar fracture risk. The International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) and International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) are nonprofit multidisciplinary international professional organizations. Their visions are to advance the awareness, education, prevention, and treatment of osteoporosis. In November 2010, the IOF/ISCD FRAX initiative was held in Bucharest, bringing together international experts to review and create evidence-based official positions guiding clinicians for the practical use of FRAX. A consensus meeting of the Asia-Pacific (AP) Panel of the ISCD recently reviewed the most current Official Positions of the Joint Official Positions of ISCD and IOF on FRAX in view of the different population characteristics and health standards in the AP regions. The reviewed position statements included not only the key spectrum of positions but also unique concerns in AP regions.
In the past two decades numerous programs have emerged to treat individuals with developmental disabilities who have sexual offending behaviours. There has, however been very few studies that systematically examine the effectiveness of long term treatment with this population. The present research examines the therapeutic outcomes of a multi-modal behaviour approach with six individuals with intellectual disabilities previously charged with sexual assault. The participants also exhibited severe behavioural challenges that included verbal aggression, physical aggression, destruction and self-injury. These six participants (5 males, 1 female) were admitted to a Long Term Residential Treatment Program (LTRTP), due to the severity of their behaviours and due to their lack of treatment success in other programs. Individualized treatment plans focused on the reduction of maladaptive behaviours and the enhancing of skills such as positive coping strategies, socio-sexual knowledge, life skills, recreation and leisure skills. The treatment program also included psychiatric, psychological, medical, behavioural and educational interventions. The participants remained in the Long Term Residential Treatment Program (LTRTP) program from 181 to 932 days (average of 1.5 years). Pre and post treatment evaluations were conducted using the following tools: frequency of target behaviours, Psychopathology Inventory for Mentally Retarded Adults (PIMRA), Emotional Problems Scale (EPS), Socio-Sexual Knowledge and Attitudes Assessment Tool (SSKAAT-R) and Quality of Life Questionnaire (QOL-Q). Recidivism rates and the need for re-hospitalization were also noted for each participant. By offering high levels of individualized interventions, all six participants showed a 37 % rate of reduction in maladaptive behaviours with zero to low rates of inappropriate sexualbehaviour, there were no psychiatric hospitalizations, and there was no recidivism for 5 of 6 participants. In addition, medication was reduced. Mental health scores on the PIMRA were reduced across all participants by 25 % and scores on the Quality of Life Questionnaire increased for all participants by an average of 72 %. These findings add to and build upon the existing literature on long term treatment benefits for individuals with a intellectual disability who sexually offend. By utilizing an individualized and multimodal treatment approach to reduce severe behavioural challenges, not only can the maladaptive behaviours be reduced, but adaptive behaviours can be increased, mental health concerns can be managed, and overall quality of life can be improved.
Occupational therapists have always recognized playas an important part of a child's life. However, until recently play has been viewed as a medium for reaching treatment goals, rather than as an activity that is valuable in and of itself. If occupational therapists think of playas the primary activity or occupation of childhood, then play should be a very important area of focus for paediatric clinicians. In order to assist children to become as independent as possible with play and to have fulfilling play experiences the occupational therapist needs to have a clear understanding of how to assess, set goals which lead towards competence in play, and promote play. Recent play literature has placed importance on play behaviours and looking at the relationship between the child and both the human and nonhuman environment. Believing that play and playfulness can and should be promoted, for children with physical disabilities, requires that therapists learn new assessment and intervention strategies. A new assessment tool, The Test of Playfulness, was developed by Bundy in 1994. It addressed play behaviours and environmental influences. The author, a co-investigator and eight occupational therapists were involved in a playfulness study using this test to compare the playfulness of children with physical disabilities with their able-bodied peers. After the study was completed the author questioned whether or not involvement in the playfulness study was enough of a change agent to bring about transformative learning in order to further the eight occupational therapists' education about play.This study investigated changes in either the therapists' thinking about play or their behaviour in their clinical practice. The study also examined the participants' retention of knowledge about the Test of Playfulness. The eight therapists who had been involved in the playfulness study (participants) were matched with eight therapists who had not been involved (nonparticipants). The therapists were interviewed 9 to 12 months after completion of the playfulness study. They were asked to describe various scenarios of play and open ended prompts were used to elicit the therapists' perceptions of play, good play, the role or value of play, environmental and gender influences on play, play assessment and intervention, and play research, for children with and without disabilities. The participants were also prompted to discuss their experience with the playfulness study. A self-report questionnaire was also completed at the end of the interview. The results of the study demonstrated that: (a) the play research project was a good format for continuing the participants' education about play; (b) their thinking had changed about play; (c) according to self report, they had used this new knowledge in their clinical practice; and (d) the participants remembered the items on the Test of Playfulness and could use them in describing various aspects of play. This study found that participating in a play research project had been an effective method of professional development. It also highlighted the need for increased awareness of the recent literature on play and the developing role of the occupational therapist in the assessment and intervention of play.