910 resultados para Collection Baby
The collection contains published materials in honor of Erna Proskauer and her career in law. Also included are speeches and correspondence pertaining to her receiving the German medal of honor, Bundesverdienstkreuz, on April 5, 1995.
The collection contains the marriage contract of the merchant Lazarus Gross and Carla Hecht from 1874. Also included is a ‘Zeugnisbüchlein’ - school certificates – from Badische Volksschule for their daughter, Meta Gross (1888-1895).
Dissertation certificate for Richard Spiegel, 1927. Photo of Spiegel as a student. Artist resume. Photographs of his artwork.
Offprint from "The Jewish Quarterly Review" on Leo Baeck's "The People Israel." Newspaper clippings referring to his appointment as professor emeritus. Manuscript on Leo Baeck. Article on the German artist Friedrich Adler.
Offprint on the "Jews in Altenmuhr" by Wielfried Jung. Manuscript commissioned by Richard Hoffman "A History of the Hoffman Family in Germany and the United States (1988). Pictures of Kleinbardorf and Massbach. Biographical material on Benjamin Hoffman. Democratic Party leaflet for Rebecca Hoffman. Report on family of David Louis Hoffman. Notes on the Heinemann branch. Manuscript by Douglas Hoffman "A History of Economic and Social Change in the Hoffman Family."
Autographs: Postcards and picture postcards (all photocopies) written by luminaries such as Richard Beer- Hofmann, Otto Brahm, Josef Floch to Paula Schmidl-Speyer, Anton Hanak, Theodor Herzl, Wilhelm Mueller-Hofmann, Arthur Schnitzler, Julius Wagner-Jauregg, Jakob Wassermann, and David Wolfson.
Names and dates of 5 members of the Mendelsohn family from Zeitz, Saxony, who were killed during World War I and during the Holocaust
27 illustrations to " Ein Kater namens William" (Photocopies)
Documents, medals, and photos pertaining to Max Strauss' service in the German Army before and during World War I:
Sabbath and Jewish holiday music copied by Fritz Erlanger for Clara Fleischer on occasion of her emigration to America, Tuebingen; 1939
Letter to various officials of the Federal Republic of Germany about Jewish life in Neumarkt; December 1990
The bulk of the collection consists of two bound manuscripts (930 + 110 pages), representing the notes of the law student Bernhard Saenger during the lectures of Prof. Heinrich Dernburg in Halle, Germany on Roman law in Germany and on Roman inheritance law (Pandektenvorlesung).
Charts of the various families related to the Lindley family: Lipschitz, Heimann, Edinger, Hochstaedter, Goldschmidt, Jakobson, Braunschweig.
Various materials pertaining to the recollections of Eugene (Egon) Katz about his life in the 1920s and 1930s in Barntrup in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
Ms. Eva Padnick, 1988.