846 resultados para Code of ethics


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Background: This article is derived from a more extensive review of literature for a qualitative study that explored the meaning of truth-telling within the care provider-aged resident dyad in high-level (nursing home) aged care. Aim: This paper describes through the literature, work practices and the culture of the nursing home as promoting instrumental care, therefore prioritizing doing-for over being-with. The nursing home, starved of time and staff, silences and isolates the aged care resident in an environment that is, arguably, rarely homelike. Conclusion: The appraisal of the nursing home offered here means that a number of residents' rights are at risk and care providers (notably registered nurses and the personal care assistants) risk contravening the Code of Ethics for Nurses in Australia.


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In their discussion - Professionalism and Ethics in Hospitality - by James R. Keiser, Associate Professor and John Swinton, Instructor, Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Management, The Pennsylvania State University, Keiser and Swinton initially offer: “Referring to “the hospitality profession” necessitates thinking of the ethics of that profession and how ethics can be taught. The authors discuss what it means for the hospitality industry to be a profession.” The authors will have you know, a cursory nod to the term or description, profession and/or professional, is awarded to the hospitality industry at large; at least in an academic sense. Keiser and Swinton also want you to know that ethics, and professionalism are distinctly unique concepts, however, they are related. Their intangible nature does make them difficult, at best, to define, but ethics in contemporary hospitality has, to some degree, been charted and quantified. “We have left the caveat emptor era, and the common law, the Uniform Commercial Code, and a variety of local ordinances now dictate that the goods and services hospitality offers carry an implied warranty of merchantability,” the authors inform you. About the symbiotic relationship between ethics and professionalism, the authors say this: The less precise a code of ethics goes, the general rule, the fewer claims the group has to professional status.” The statement above may be considered a cornerstone principle. “However, the mere existence of an ethical code (or of professional status, for that matter) does not ensure ethical behavior in any group,” caution Keiser and Swinton. “Codes of ethics do not really define professionalism except as they adopt a group's special, arcane, exclusionary jargon. Worse, they can define the minimum, agreed-upon standards of conduct and thereby encourage ethical corner-cutting,” they further qualify the thought. And, in bridging academia, Keiser and Swinton say, “Equipped now with a sense of the ironies and ambiguities inherent in labeling any work "professional," we can turn to the problem of instilling in students a sense of what is professionally ethical. Students appear to welcome this kind of instruction, and while we would like to think their interest comes welling up from altruism and intellectual curiosity rather than drifting down as Watergate and malpractice fallout, our job is to teach, not to weigh the motives that bring us our students, and to provide a climate conducive to ethical behavior, not supply a separate answer for every contingency.” Keiser and Swinton illustrate their treatise on ethics via the hypothetical tale [stylized case study] of Cosmo Cuisiner, who manages the Phoenix, a large suburban restaurant. Cosmo is “…a typical restaurant manager faced with a series of stylized, over-simplified, but illustrative decisions, each with its own ethical skew for the students to analyze.” A shortened version of that case study is presented. Figure 1 outlines the State Restaurant Association Code of Ethics.


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Teachers and students were asked what ethics education is offered in their program. The survey of the teachers regarding ethics education revealed some differences between english and french schools. It was found that franch schools favoured ethics courses taught by philosophers while english schools favoured ethics courses taught by health care providers. Furthermore, case studies were reported to be used more often in english schools and more often in assignments. However, regarless of the differences, 87 % of teachers agreed that ethics training is a high priority and most teachers thought that ethics training in their programs was adequate. At same time, students were asked to answer some questions that involved ethical dilemmas wherein some moral decisions would have to be made. Their responses revealed their level of moral development, based on Kohlberg's theory of moral development. The impact of ethics courses in the curriculum on moral development was correlated taking into account what ethics education students actually received with what year-of-study they were in (1st year, end of program or two years post graduation). Students were presented scenarios about falsifying records, communication, student dishonesty and preanalytical impact on patient care. These are authentic issues that technologists face on a daily basis. In reply to multiple-choice questions, respondents chose, in order of personal preference, the three best answers out of six offered to complete a statement regarding ethics. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Studies), employing crosstabulations and Oneway Anova. Factors including respondents age range, mother tongue, gendre, and years of schooling were considered.


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O objetivo central deste estudo é a análise da perspetiva dos Assistentes Sociais sobre a necessidade/ importância da criação de uma Ordem Profissional e, consequentemente de um Código Deontológico (português) para a profissão. Privilegiou-se a investigação qualitativa, construída a partir da interpretação das narrativas das entrevistas, da pesquisa bibliografia e documental. O carácter qualitativo do trabalho concretiza-se por meio de uma lógica abdutiva, que pretende compreender a realidade através da construção dos seus atores (Blaikie, 2000). Para o efeito construímos duas dimensões de análise: a primeira refere-se à análise e compreensão da necessidade de criação de uma Ordem Profissional e a segunda dimensão integra a análise da opinião dos informantes sobre a necessidade de criação de um código deontológico português. Os resultados obtidos nesta investigação demonstram de forma unânime, a importância da criação de uma Ordem Profissional para a legitimação, representatividade e autorregulação da categoria profissional. Nas razões apontadas para a importância da Ordem surgem, quer justificações que se centram na necessidade de uniformização da prática, demonstrando uma visão mais burocrática e tecnicista da profissão, no qual os métodos se sobrepõem à relação, quer razões de legitimação e de necessidade de representação coletiva junto à classe política, relacionada com uma vertente humanista, no qual os aspetos relacionais e comportamentais devem fazer parte da prática profissional de forma a uma maior adequação dos mecanismos de intervenção no indivíduo. Nas razões apontadas para o insucesso da não criação de uma Ordem Profissional, a maioria realçou motivos internos e externos inerentes à profissão. A questão interna tem a ver com a falta de associativismo e união dos Assistentes Sociais em se mobilizarem por uma causa comum. A questão externa relaciona-se com interesses políticos, bem como a questão coletiva dos profissionais. Os princípios subjacentes a um código deontológico são os inerentes aos direitos humanos e justiça social e de atitudes associadas à profissão.


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Mestrado em Contabilidade


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El present treball exposa el contingut i procediment d’una sessió emmarcada en un taller–seminari sobre ètica aplicada als àmbits professionals de la psicologia. L’objectiu de la mateixa és introduir als estudiants en els fonaments del Codi Deontològic, així com la reflexió d’alguns dels articles que aquest conté. El mètode expositiu consisteix en presentar i discutir tres situacions, èticament problemàtiques, a partir de les quals s’il·lustra el contingut normatiu de diferents articles que regulen l’exercici professional en l’àmbit de la psicologia


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La relación educativa entraña, inevitablemente, el debate entorno de la verticalidad y del ejercicio del poder. De qué modo nos relacionamos y cómo gestionamos la comunicación entre educadores y educandos, así como entre iguales. Esa tensión se ve amplificada en la medida que incorporamos lógicas evaluativas en nuestro quehacer profesional. La siguiente comunicación describe la experiencia de la metodología de aprendizaje basada en la evaluación entre iguales aplicada a la profesionalización de los y las educadores/as sociales. Tanto a nivel escolar como en el universitario hay numerosas experiencias publicadas en relación a la metodología de evaluación entre iguales. Además, existen numerosos apartados de los “Documentos profesionalizadores” donde se justifica el hecho de que se entrenen algunas habilidades que deberían darse en la práctica profesional (como por ejemplo en la definición, en el código ético, y en el catálogo de funciones y competencias del/la educador/a social). En esta comunicación pretendemos dar a conocer la experiencia de entrenamiento de futuros educadores en aspectos que tienen una relación directa con la evaluación entre educadores/as sociales. Así pues, utilizaremos una justificación académica y metodológica de la actividad, enlazándola con los documentos profesionalizadores con un fin relacionado directamente con el ejercicio de la profesión.


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El siguiente artículo describe la experiencia de la metodología de aprendizaje basada en la evaluación entre iguales aplicada a la profesionalización de los educadores/as sociales.Tanto a nivel escolar como universitario, hay numerosas experiencias publicadas en relación con la metodología de evaluación entre iguales. Además, existen numerosos apartados de los “Documentos profesionalizadores” donde se justifica el hecho de que se entrenen algunas habilidades que deberían darse en la práctica profesional (como porejemplo en la definición, en el código ético y en el catálogo de funciones y competencias del educador/a social). En estas páginas pretendemos dar a conocer la experiencia de entrenamiento de futuros educadores/as en aspectos que tienen una relación directa con la evaluación entre educadores/as sociales.