369 resultados para Cocos nucifera


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This study used paleobathymetric interpretations from benthic foraminiferal assemblages to determine the timing of the initial subduction of the Cocos Ridge beneath the Costa Rica-Panama Arc and the associated amount of uplift. Forty-seven samples from four stratigraphic sections of the Burica and the Armuelles formations yielded 217 identified species. Foraminiferal paleoecology and cluster analyses indicated paleobathymetric differences within and between the sections. Maximum and minimum uplift rates were calculated from the biochronology, elevation, paleobathymetry and estimated eustatic changes. Large decreases in paleobathymetry were mainly due to the initial middle Pleistocene subduction of the Cocos Ridge in less than 0.5 Ma. Uplift rates were uneven across the Burica Peninsula, as follows: La Vaca 4.5–0.8 m/ky, Rabo de Puerco 2.8–0.7 m/ky, San Bartolo–Chiquito 2.7–0.8 m/ky, and eastern coast 8.0–1.5 m/ky. These differences probably resulted from Cocos Ridge asymmetry and differential uplift of tectonic blocks.


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This work aims to manufacture and characterize a hybrid plastic composite with the matrix isophthalic polyester resin base and having as reinforcing glass fiber and the dry endocarp of coconut (Coco nucifera Linn) in the form of particles as filler. The composite was made industrially in Tecniplas Industry and Trade LTDA. in the form of plate, and was manufactured process made by the manual lamination (Hand Lay Up). From the plate they were prepared test specimens for testing density, water absorption, uniaxial traction in dry and wet states, and testing of bending, as well as studies on the behavior of the generated fractures, macroscopic and microscopic, in mechanical tests through. All tests were performed in order to find the most viable applications the hybrid composite manufactured. The tensile and bending tests were analyzed last tensile properties, elasticity and deformation module. After the studies, it is observed that the percentage moisture absorbed was 3.03%. The presence of moisture in the tensile test meant a decrease of 19.77% from last stand, and 5.26% in the elastic modulus. For bending tests gave an average value of 69.13 MPa flexural strength. The results show the application of hybrid composite studied in lightweight structures, indoors, which require low / medium performance traction demands, and which involve flexural requests.


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En la investigación realizada en la micro cuenca Las Marías se propuso conocer el efecto de dos técnicas físicas de captación de agua sobre el establecimiento de las especies Mangifera indica L, Citrus sinensis y Coco nucifera L. Para desarrollar el proceso de recolección de información se establecieron diseños experimentales de Bloques Completos Aleatorizados, con dos repeticiones (finca Montoya parte baja y finca Miguel parte media), dentro de cada ensayo experimental se establecieron técnicas de captación de agua (cáseo y bordes) y un testigo. En cada finca se establecieron de forma azarizada 36 plántulas de Mangifera indica L, Citrus sinensis y Coco nucifera L (12 de cada especie). A cada especie se monitorearon variables de sobrevivencias, crecimiento en diámetro y altura y humedad de suelo. De igual forma se realizaron muestreos de suelo para conocer el porcentaje de humedad, infiltración y calidad física y química. El periodo de evaluación consistió de Junio 2007 a Enero 2008. Al finalizar la investigación se encontró que la especie Coco nucifera fue la que obtuvo mayor sobrevivencia (100 %), con un incremento corriente mensual (ICM) en diámetro (0.33 cm) y altura (7.73 cm), en comparación con las especies Mangifera indica y Citrus sinencis. El ICM en diámetro y altura fue similar en los tratamientos (cáseo y bordes) y el testigo (no se encontró diferencias significativa). En el tratamiento cáseo fue donde se encontró el mayor porcentaje de humedad del suelo (22.25 %) en comparación con el tratamiento bordes y el testigo. Se encontró una correlación positiva en la finca Miguel entre los porcentajes de humedad del suelo y el ICM en diámetro y altura de las especies frutales, lo cual podría estar relacionado a la calidad física y química de los suelos.


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This research is about the use of the coconut´s endocarp (nucifera linn) and the waste of derivatives of wood and furniture as raw material to technological use. In that sense, the lignocellulosic waste is used for manufacture of homogeneous wood sheet agglomerate (LHWS) and lignocellulosic load which take part of a polymeric composite with fiber glass E (GFRP-WC). In the manufacturing of the homogeneous wood sheet agglomerate (LHWS), it was used mamona´s resin as waste s agglutinating element. The plates were taken up in a hydraulic press engine, heated, with temperature control, where they were manufactured for different percentage of waste wood and coconuts nucífera linn. Physical tests were conducted to determine the absorption of water, density, damp grade (in two hours and twenty-four hours), swelling thickness (in two hours and twenty-four hours), and mechanical tests to evaluate the parallel tensile strength (internal stick) and bending and the static (steady) flexural. The physical test´s results indicate that the LHWS can be classified as bonded wood plate of high-density and with highly water resistant. In the mechanical tests it was possible to establish that LHWS presents different characteristics when submitted to uniaxial tensile and to the static (steady) flexural, since brittle and elasticity module had a variation according to the amount of dry endocarp used to manufacture each trace of LHWS. The GFRP-WC was industrially manufactured by a hand-lay-up process where the fiber glass E was used as reinforcement the lignocellulósic´s waste as load. The matrix was made with ortofitalic unsaturated polyester resin. Physical and mechanical tests were performed in presence of saturated humidity and dry. The results indicated good performance of the GFRP-WC, as traction as in flexion in three points. The presence of water influenced the modules obtained in the flexural and tensile but there were no significant alteration in the properties analyzed. As for the fracture, the analysis showed that the effects are more harmful in the presence of damp, under the action of loading tested, but despite this, the fracture was well defined starting in the external parts and spreading to the internal regions when one when it reaches the hybrid load