980 resultados para Cloning, Organism
Insect bite hypersensitivity (IBH) is an allergic dermatitis of horses caused by bites of Culicoides and sometimes Simulium spp. The aim of this investigation was to identify Simulium allergens associated with IBH. A phage surface display cDNA library expressing recombinant Simulium vittatum salivary gland proteins was screened using sera of IBH-affected horses sensitized to S. vittatum salivary gland proteins as shown in immunoblot, resulting in the identification of seven cDNAs encoding IgE-binding proteins. The deduced amino acid sequences of these proteins showed sequence similarities to antigen 5 like protein (Sim v 1), to a serine protease inhibitor (Sim v 2), to two alpha-amylases (Sim v 3 and Sim v 4), and to three S. vittatum erythema proteins (SVEPs). The cDNA inserts were subcloned and expressed as [His](6)-tagged protein in Escherichia coli and purified using Ni(2+)-chelate affinity chromatography. Mice were immunised with the seven recombinant proteins and the antibodies tested against the recombinant proteins and salivary gland extract (SGE) of S. vittatum and Culicoides nubeculosus in immunoblot analyses. r-Sim v 1 specific mouse Abs recognized a band of about 32 kDa in immunoblots of both S. vittatum and C. nubeculosus SGE, detectable also by serum IgE of IBH-affected horses. Preincubation of horse serum with r-Sim v 1 completely inhibited IgE binding to the 32 kDa band demonstrating the presence of cross-reactive antigen 5 like proteins in both SGE. Determination of IgE levels against the r-Sim v proteins and crude S. vittatum extract by ELISA in sera from 25 IBH-affected and 20 control horses showed that IBH-affected horses had significantly higher IgE levels than controls against r-Sim v 1, 2, 3, 4 and S. vittatum extract, whereas the r-SVEP showed only marginal IgE binding. Further analyses showed that 60% of IBH-affected horses reacted to r-Sim v 1, suggesting that this could be a major allergen for IBH. Forty to twenty percent of the IBH-affected horses reacted with r-Sim v 2, 3 or 4. Combination of the results obtained with the 4 r-Sim v proteins showed that 92% of the IBH-affected but only 15% of the healthy horses had IgE levels against one or more of the 4 r-Sim v proteins. Seventy percent of the healthy horses had detectable IgE against S. vittatum extract, indicating a low specificity of the detection system used. Optimization of the ELISA system will be required to determine reliable cut-off values for the IBH-related allergens. Their in vivo relevance needs to be carefully assessed.
Endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs) are widespread in the aquatic environment and can cause alterations in development, physiological homeostasis and health of vertebrates. Zebrafish, Danio rerio, has been suggested as a model species to identify targets as well as modes of EDC action. In fact, zebrafish has been found useful in EDC screening, in EDC effects assessment and in studying targets and mechanisms of EDC action. Since many of the environmental EDCs interfere with the sex steroid system of vertebrates, most EDC studies with zebrafish addressed disruption of sexual differentiation and reproduction. However, other targets of EDCs action must not be overlooked. For using a species as a toxicological model, a good knowledge of the biological traits of this species is a pre-requisite for the rational design of test protocols and endpoints as well as for the interpretation and extrapolation of the toxicological findings. Due to the genomic resources available for zebrafish and the long experience with zebrafish in toxicity testing, it is easily possible to establish molecular endpoints for EDC effects assessment. Additionally, the zebrafish model offers a number of technical advantages including ease and cost of maintenance, rapid development, high fecundity, optical transparency of embryos supporting phenotypic screening, existence of many mutant strains, or amenability for both forward and reverse genetics. To date, the zebrafish has been mainly used to identify molecular targets of EDC action and to determine effect thresholds, while the potential of this model species to study immediate and delayed physiological consequences of molecular interactions has been instrumentalized only partly. One factor that may limit the exploitation of this potential is the still rather fragmentary knowledge of basic biological and endocrine traits of zebrafish. Information on species-specific features in endocrine processes and biological properties, however, need to be considered in establishing EDC test protocols using zebrafish, in extrapolating findings from zebrafish to other vertebrate species, and in understanding how EDC-induced gene expression changes translate into disease.
Campylobacter rectus is an important periodontal pathogen in humans. A surface-layer (S-layer) protein and a cytotoxic activity have been characterized and are thought to be its major virulence factors. The cytotoxic activity was suggested to be due to a pore-forming protein toxin belonging to the RTX (repeats in the structural toxins) family. In the present work, two closely related genes, csxA and csxB (for C. rectus S-layer and RTX protein) were cloned from C. rectus and characterized. The Csx proteins appear to be bifunctional and possess two structurally different domains. The N-terminal part shows similarity with S-layer protein, especially SapA and SapB of C. fetus and Crs of C. rectus. The C-terminal part comprising most of CsxA and CsxB is a domain with 48 and 59 glycine-rich canonical nonapeptide repeats, respectively, arranged in three blocks. Purified recombinant Csx peptides bind Ca2+. These are characteristic traits of RTX toxin proteins. The S-layer and RTX domains of Csx are separated by a proline-rich stretch of 48 amino acids. All C. rectus isolates studied contained copies of either the csxA or csxB gene or both; csx genes were absent from all other Campylobacter and Helicobacter species examined. Serum of a patient with acute gingivitis showed a strong reaction to recombinant Csx protein on immunoblots.
Recent publications demonstrated that a fragment of a Neospora caninum ROP2 family member antigen represents a promising vaccine candidate. We here report on the cloning of the cDNA encoding this protein, N. caninum ROP2 family member 1 (NcROP2Fam-1), its molecular characterization and localization. The protein possesses the hallmarks of ROP2 family members and is apparently devoid of catalytic activity. NcROP2Fam-1 is synthesized as a pre-pro-protein that is matured to 2 proteins of 49 and 55 kDa that localize to rhoptry bulbs. Upon invasion the protein is associated with the nascent parasitophorous vacuole membrane (PVM), evacuoles surrounding the host cell nucleus and, in some instances, the surface of intracellular parasites. Staining was also observed within the cyst wall of 'cysts' produced in vitro. Interestingly, NcROP2Fam-1 was also detected on the surface of extracellular parasites entering the host cells and antibodies directed against NcROP2Fam-1-specific peptides partially neutralized invasion in vitro. We conclude that, in spite of the general belief that ROP2 family proteins are intracellular antigens, NcROP2Fam-1 can also be considered as an extracellular antigen, a property that should be taken into account in further experiments employing ROP2 family proteins as vaccines.
Human x rodent somatic cell hybrids have played an important role in human genetics research. They have been especially useful for assigning genes to chromosomes and isolating DNA markers from specific regions of the human genome.^ By employing a combination of somatic cell genetic, recombinant DNA, and cytogenetic techniques, human DNA excision repair gene ERCC4 was mapped regionally to human 16p13.13-13.2, even though the gene has not been cloned. Human x Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell hybrids selected for human ERCC4 activity and containing 16p13.1-p13.3 as the only human genetic material were identified. These hybrids were used to order DNA markers located in 16p13.1-p13.3. New DNA markers physically close to ERCC4 were isolated from such hybrids. Using amplified human DNA from the hybrids as probe in fluorescent in situ hybridization, the short arm breakpoint in the chromosome 16 inversion associated with acute myelomonocytic leukemia (AMML) was found to be physically close to the ERCC4 gene. The physical mapping and eventually, the cloning of the ERCC4 gene, will benefit the understanding of the DNA repair system and the study of other important biomedical problems such as tumorigenesis.^ To facilitate the cloning of ERCC4 gene and, in general, the cloning of genes from any defined regions of the human genome, a method was developed for the direct isolation of human transcribed genes ffom somatic cell hybrids. cDNA was prepared from human x rodent hybrid by using consensus 5$\sp\prime$ splice site sequences as primers. These primers were designed to select immature, unspliced messenger RNA (still retaining species specific repeat sequences) as templates. Screening of a derived cDNA library for human repeat sequences resulted in the isolation of human clones at the anticipated frequency with characteristics expected of exons of transcribed human genes. The usefulness of the splice site specific primers was analyzed and the cDNA synthesis conditions with these primers were optimized. The procedure was shown to be sensitive enough to clone weakly expressed genes. Studying the expression of the represented genes with the isolated clones was shown to be feasible. Such regional specific human gene fragments will be very valuable for many human genetic studies such as the search of inherited disease genes and the construction of a cDNA map of the human genome. ^
Aniridia (AN) is a congenital, panocular disorder of the eye characterized by the complete or partial absence of the iris. The disease can occur in both the sporadic and familial forms which, in the latter case, is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait with high penetrance. The objective of this study was to isolate and characterize the genes involved in AN and Sey, and thereby to gain a better understanding of the molecular basis of the two disorders.^ Using a positional cloning strategy, I have approached and cloned from the AN locus in human chromosomal band 11p13 a cDNA that is deleted in two patients with AN. The deletions in these patients overlap by about 70 kb and encompass the 3$\sp\prime$ end of the cDNA. This cDNA detects a 2.7 kb mRNA encoded by a transcription unit estimated to span approximately 50 kb of genomic DNA. The message is specifically expressed in all tissues affected in all forms of AN, namely within the presumptive iris, lens, neuroretina, the superficial layers of the cornea, the olfactory bulbs, and the cerebellum. Sequence analysis of the AN cDNA revealed a number of motifs characteristic of certain transcription factors. Chief among these are the presence of the paired domain, the homeodomain, and a carboxy-terminal domain rich in serine, threonine and proline residues. The overall structure shows high homology to the Drosophila segmentation gene paired and members of the murine Pax family of developmental control genes.^ Utilizing a conserved human genomic DNA sequence as probe, I was able to isolate an embryonic murine cDNA which is over 92% homologous in nucleotide sequence and virtually identical at the amino acid level to the human AN cDNA. The expression pattern of the murine gene is the same as that in man, supporting the conclusion that it probably corresponds to the Sey gene. Its specific expression in the neuroectodermal component of the eye, in glioblastomas, but not in the neural crest-derived PC12 pheochromocytoma cell line, suggests that a defect in neuroectodermal rather mesodermal development might be the common etiological factor underlying AN and Sey. ^
Heparanase, an endo-$\beta$-D-glucuronidase, has been associated with melanoma metastasis. Polyclonal antibodies directed against the murine N-terminal heparanase peptide detected a M$\sb{\rm r}\sim 97,000$ protein upon SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of mouse melanoma and human melanoma cell lysates. In an indirect immunocytochemical study, metastatic human A375-SM and mouse B16-BL6 melanoma cells were stained with the anti-heparanase antibodies. Heparanase antigen was localized in the cytoplasm of permeabilized melanoma cells as well as at the cell surface of unpermeabilized cells. Immunohistochemical staining of frozen sections from syngeneic mouse organs containing micrometastases of B16-BL6 melanoma demonstrated heparanase localized in metastatic melanoma cells, but not in adjacent normal tissues. Similar studies using frozen sections of malignant melanomas resected from patients indicated that heparanase is localized in invading melanoma cells, but not in adjacent connective tissues.^ Monoclonal antibodies directed against murine heparanase were developed and characterized. Monoclonal antibody 10E5, an IgM, precipitated and inhibitated the enzymatic activity of heparanase. A 2.6 kb cDNA was isolated from a human melanoma $\lambda$gt11 cDNA library using the monoclonal antibody 10E5. Heparan sulfate cleavage activity was detected in the lysogen lysates from E. Coli Y1089 infected with the $\lambda$gt11 cDNA and this activity was inhibited in the presence of 10-fold excess of heparin, a potent inhibitor of heparanase. The nucleotide sequence of the cDNA was determined and insignificant homology was found with the gene sequences currently known. The cDNA hybridized to a 3.2-3.4 kb mRNA in human A375 melanoma, WI-38 fibroblast, and THP-1 leukemia cells using Northern blots.^ Heparanase expression was examined using Western and Northern blots. In comparison to human A375-P melanoma cells, the quantity of 97,000 protein recognized by the polyclonal anti-heparanase antibodies doubled in the metastatic variant A375-SM cells and the quantity of 3.2-3.4 kb mRNA doubled in A375MetMix, a metastatic variant similar to A375-SM cells. In B16 murine melanoma cell, the intensity of the 97,000 protein increased more than 2 times comparing with B16-F1 cells. The extent in the increase of the protein and the mRNA levels is comparable to the change of heparanase activity observed in those cells.^ In summary, the studies suggest that (a) the N-terminus of the heparanase molecule in mouse and human is antigenically related; (b) heparanase antigens are localized at the cell surface and in the cytoplasm of metastatic human and mouse melanoma cells; (c) heparanase antigens are localized in invasive and metastatic murine and human melanomas in vivo, but not in adjacent normal tissues; (d) heparanase molecule appeared to be differentially expressed at the transcriptional as well as at the translational level; and (e) the size of human heparanase mRNA is 3.2-3.4 kilobase. ^
Expression of the differentiated skeletal muscle phenotype is a process that appears to occur in at least two stages. First, pluripotent stem cells become committed to the myogenic lineage. Although undifferentiated and capable of continued proliferation, determined myoblasts are restricted to a single developmental fate. Upon receiving the appropriate environmental signals, these determined myoblasts withdraw from the cell cycle, fuse to form multi-nucleated myotubes, and begin to express a battery of muscle-specific gene products that make up the functional and contractile apparatus of the muscle. This project is aimed at the identification and characterization of factors that control the determination and differentiation of myogenic cells. We have cloned a cDNA, called myogenin, that plays an important role in these processes. Myogenin is expressed exclusively in skeletal muscle in vivo and myogenic cell lines in vitro. Its expression is sharply upregulated during differentiation. When constitutively expressed in fibroblasts, myogenin converts these cells to the myogenic lineage. Transfected cells behave as myogenic tissue culture cells with respect to the genes they express, the way they respond to environmental cues, and are capable of fusing to form multinucleated myotubes. Sequence analysis showed that this cDNA has homology to a family of transcription factors in a region of 72 amino acids known as the basic helix-loop-helix motif. This domain appears to mediate binding to a DNA sequence element known as an E-box (CANNTG) essential for the activity of the enhancers of many muscle-specific genes.^ Analysis of myogenin in tissue culture cells showed that its expression is responsive to many of the environmental cues, such as the presence of growth factors and oncogenes, that modulate myogenesis. In an attempt to identify the cis- and trans-elements that control myogenin expression and thereby understand what factors are responsible for the establishment of the myogenic lineage, we have cloned the myogenin gene. After analysis of the gene structure, we constructed a series of reporter constructs from the 5$\prime$ upstream sequence of the myogenin gene to determine which cis-acting sequences might be important in myogenin regulation. We found that 184 nucleotides of the 5$\prime$ sequence was sufficient to direct high-level muscle-specific expression of the reporter gene. Two sequence elements present in the 184 fragment, an E-box and a MEF-2 site, have been shown previously to be important in muscle-specific transcription. Mutagenesis of these sites revealed that both sites are necessary for full activity of the myogenin promoter, and suggests that a complex hierarchy of transcription factors control myogenic differentiation. ^
The Mixed Function Oxidase System metabolizes a wide range of biochemicals including drugs, pesticides and steroids. Cytochrome P450 reductase is a key enzymatic component of this system, supplying reducing equivalents from NADPH to cytochrome P450. The electrons are shuttled through reductase via two flavin moieties: FAD and FMN. Although the exact mechanism of flavins action is not known, the enzymatic features of reductase greatly depleted of either FMN of FAD have been characterized. Additionally, flavin location within reductase has been proposed by homology and chemical modification studies. This study seeks to extend the flavin depletion analysis in a more controlled system by eliminating the proposed FMN binding domain with recombinant DNA techniques and biochemical analysis. Two P450 reductase cDNA clones containing only the FMN and NADPH binding domain were isolated, expressed and the protein products purified and analysed. This study confirms the proposed FAD binding site, role of FAD in electron shuttling pathway and provides new methods to study the FAD binding domain. ^
Cell differentiation are associated with activation of cell lineage-specific genes. The $LpS{\it 1}\beta$ gene of Lytechinus pictus is activated at the late cleavage stage. $LpS{\it 1}\beta$ transcripts accumulate exclusively in aboral ectoderm lineages. Previous studies demonstrated two G-string DNA-elements, proximal and distal G-strings, which bind to an ectoderm-enriched nuclear factor. In order to define the cis-elements which control positive expression of the $LpS{\it 1}\beta$ gene, the regulatory region from $-$108 to +17 bp of the $LpS{\it 1}\beta$ gene promoter was characterized. The ectoderm G-string factor binds to a G/C-rich region larger than the G-string itself and the binding of the G-string factor requires sequences immediately downstream from the G-string. These downstream sequences are essential for full promoter activity. In addition, only 108 bp of $LpS{\it 1}\beta\ 5\sp\prime$ flanking DNA drives $LpS{\it 1}\beta$ gene expression in aboral ectoderm/mesenchyme cells. Therefore, for positive control of $LpS{\it 1}\beta$ gene expression, two regions of 5$\sp\prime$ flanking DNA are required: region I from base pairs $-$762 to $-$511, and region II, which includes the G/C-rich element, from base pairs $-$108 to $-$61. A mesenchyme cell repressor element is located within region I.^ DNA-binding proteins play key roles in determination of cell differentiation. The zinc finger domain is a DNA-binding domain present in many transcription factors. Based on homologies in zinc fingers, a zinc finger-encoding gene, SpKrox-1, was cloned from S. purpuratus. The putative SpKrox-1 protein has all structural characteristics of a transcription factor: four zinc fingers for DNA binding; acidic domain for transactivation; basic domain for nuclear targeting; and leucine zipper for dimerization. SpKrox-1 RNA transcripts showed a transient expression pattern which correlates largely with early embryonic development. The spatial expression of SpKrox-1 mRNA was distributed throughout the gastrula and larva ectodermal wall. However, SpKrox-1 was not expressed in pigment cells. The SpKrox-1 gene is thus a marker of a subset of SMCs or ectoderm cells. The structural features, and the transient temporal and restricted spatial expression patterns suggest that SpKrox-1 plays a role in a specific developmental event. ^
Heparan sulfate proteoglycans and their corresponding binding sites have been suggested to play an important role during the initial attachment of blastocysts to uterine epithelium and human trophoblastic cell lines to uterine epithelial cell lines. Previous studies on RL95 cells, a human uterine epithelial cell line, characterized a single class of cell surface heparin/heparan sulfate (HP/HS)-binding sites. Three major HP/HS-binding peptide fragments were isolated from RL95 cell surfaces by tryptic digestion and partial amino-terminal amino acid sequence from each peptide fragment was obtained. In the current study, using the approaches of reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and cDNA library screening, a novel cell surface $\rm\underline{H}$P/HS $\rm\underline{i}$nteracting $\rm\underline{p}$rotein (HIP) has been isolated from RL95 cells. The full-length cDNA of HIP encodes a protein of 259 amino acids with a calculated molecular weight of 17,754 Da and pI of 11.75. Transfection of HIP cDNA into NIH-3T3 cells demonstrated cell surface expression and a size similar to that of HIP expressed by human cells. Predicted amino acid sequence indicates that HIP lacks a membrane spanning region and has no consensus sites for glycosylation. Northern blot analysis detected a single transcript of 1.3 kb in both total RNA and poly(A$\sp+$) RNA. Examination of human cell lines and normal tissues using both Northern blot and Western blot analysis revealed that HIP is differentially expressed in a variety of human cell lines and normal tissues, but absent in some cell lines examined. HIP has about 80% homology, at the level of both mRNA and protein, to a rodent protein, designated as ribosomal protein L29. Thus, members of the L29 family may be displayed on cell surfaces where they participate in HP/HS binding events. Studies on a synthetic peptide derived from HIP demonstrate that HIP peptide binds HS/HP with high selectivity and has high affinity (Kd = 10 nM) for a subset of polysaccharides found in commercial HIP preparations. Moreover, HIP peptide also binds certain forms of cell surface, but not secreted or intracellular. HS expressed by RL95 and JAR cells. This peptide supports the attachment of several human trophoblastic cell lines and a variety of mammalian adherent cell lines in a HS-dependent fashion. Furthermore, studies on the subset of HP specifically recognized by HIP peptide indicate that this high-affinity HP (HA-HP) has a larger median MW and a greater negative charge density than bulk HP. The minimum size of oligosaccharide required to bind to HIP peptide with high affinity is a septa- or octasaccharide. HA-HP also quantitatively binds to antithrombin-III (AT-III) with high affinity, indicating that HIP peptide and AT-III may recognize the same or similar oligosaccharide structure(s). Furthermore, HIP peptide antagonizes HP action and promotes blood coagulation in both factor Xa- and thrombin-dependent assays. Finally, HA-HP recognized by HP peptide is highly enriched with anticoagulant activity relative to bulk HP. Collectively, these results demonstrate that HIP may play a role in the HP/HS-involved cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions and recognizes a motif in HP similar or identical to that recognized by AT-III and therefore, may modulate blood coagulation. ^
An important question in biology is to understand the role of specific gene products in regulating embryogenesis and cellular differentiation. Many of the regulatory proteins possess specific motifs, such as the homeodomain, basic helix-loop-helix structure, zinc finger, and leucine zipper. These sequence motifs participate in specific protein-DNA, protein-RNA, and protein-protein interactions, and are important for the function of these regulatory proteins.^ The human rfp (ret finger protein) belongs to a novel zinc finger protein family, the B box zinc finger family. Most of the B box proteins, including rfp, have a conserved tripartite motif, consisting of two novel zinc fingers (the RING finger and the B box) and a coiled-coil domain. Interestingly, a fusion protein between the tripartite motif of rfp and the tyrosine kinase domain of c-ret has transforming activity. In this study, we examined the expression of rfp during mouse development, and characterized the role of the tripartite motif in rfp function.^ We cloned the mouse rfp cDNA, which shares a 98.4% homology with the human sequence at amino acid level. Such strikingly high degree of homology indicates the high evolutionary pressure on the conservation of the sequence, suggesting that rfp may have an important function. Using the somatic cell hybrid system, we assigned the rfp gene to mouse chromosome 13 and human chromosome 6. Rfp transcripts and protein were ubiquitous in day 10.5-13.5 mouse embryos; however, they were restricted in adult mice, with the highest level of expression in the testis. Rfp expression in the testis is detected only in late pachytene spermatocytes and round spermatids. In both embryos and spermatogenic cells, rfp protein was distributed within cell nuclei in a punctate pattern, similar to the PODs (PML oncogenic domains) observed with another B box protein, PML. In cultured mammalian cells, we found that rfp was indeed co-localized to the PODs with PML. Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we showed that the rfp could specifically interact with PML, and that the interaction was dependent on the distal portion of the rfp coiled-coil domain.^ We also showed that rfp could form homodimers, and both the B box and coiled-coil domain were required for proper dimerization. It seems that the proximal portion of the coiled-coil domain provides the interacting interface, while the B box zinc finger orients the coil and maintains the correct structure of the whole molecule. Our data are consistent with the zinc-binding property and structural analysis of the B box. The RING finger seems to be involved in rfp nuclear localization through interaction with other proteins. We believe that homodimerization and interaction with PML are important for the normal interaction of rfp during development and differentiation. In addition, rfp homodimerization may also be essential for the oncogenic activation of the rfp-ret fusion protein. ^
Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is an inherited retinal degenerative disease that is the leading cause of inherited blindness worldwide. Characteristic features of the disease include night blindness, progressive loss of visual fields, and deposition of pigment on the retina in a bone spicule-like pattern. RP is marked by extreme genetic heterogeneity with at least 19 autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive and X-linked loci identified. RP10, which maps to chromosome 7q, was the fifth autosomal dominant RP locus identified, and accounts for the early-onset disease in two independent families. Extensive linkage and haplotype analyses have been performed in these two families which have allowed the assignment of the disease locus to a 5-cM region on chromosome 7q31.3. In collaboration with Dr. Eric Green (National Center for Human Genome Research, National Institutes of Health), a well-characterized physical map of the region was constructed which includes YAC, BAC and cosmid coverage. The entire RP10 critical region resides within a 9-Mb well-characterized YAC contig. These physical maps not only provided the resources to undertake the CAIGES (cDNA amplification for identification of genomic expressed sequences) procedure for identification of retinal candidate genes within the critical region, but also identified a number of candidate genes, including transducin-$\gamma$ and blue cone pigment genes. All candidate genes examined were excluded. In addition, a number of ESTs were mapped within the critical region. EST20241, which was isolated from an eye library, corresponded to the 3$\sp\prime$ region of the ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) 5 gene. ARF5, with its role in vesicle transport and possible participation in the regulation of the visual transduction pathway, became an extremely interesting candidate gene. Using a primer walking approach, the entire 3.2 kb genomic sequence of the ARF5 gene was generated and developed intronic primers to screen for coding region mutations in affected family members. No mutations were found in the ARF5 gene, however, a number of additional ESTs have been mapped to the critical region, and, as the large-scale sequencing projects get underway, megabases of raw sequence data from the RP10 region are becoming available. These resources will hasten the isolation and characterization of the RP10 gene. ^
Retinoids such as all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) are promising agents for cancer chemoprevention and therapy. ATRA can cause growth inhibition, induction of differentiation and apoptosis of a variety of cancer cells. These effects are thought to be mediated by nuclear retinoids receptors which are involved in ligand-dependent transcriptional activation of downstream target genes. Using differential display, we identified several retinoic acid responsive genes in the head and neck squamous carcinoma cells and lung cancer cells, including tissue type transglutaminase, cytochrome P450-related retinoic acid hydroxylase, and a novel gene, designated RAIG1. RAIG1 has two transcripts of 2.4 and 6.8 kbp, respectively, that are generated by alternative selection of polyadenylation sites. Both transcripts have the same open reading frame that encodes a protein comprised of 357 amino acid residues. The deduced RAIG1 protein sequence contains seven transmembrane domains, a signature structure of G protein-coupled receptors. RAIG1 mRNA is expressed at high level in fetal and adult lung tissues. Induction of RAIG1 expression by ATRA is rapid and dose-dependent. A fusion protein of RAIG1 and the green fluorescent protein was localized in the cell surface membrane and perinuclear vesicles in transiently transfected cells. The locus for RAIG1 gene was mapped to a region between D12S358 and D12S847 on chromosome 12p12.3-p13. Our study of the novel retinoic acid induced gene RAIG1 provide evidence for a possible interaction between retinoid and G protein signaling pathways.^ We further examined RAIG1 expression pattern in a panel of 84 cancer cell lines of different origin. The expression level varies greatly from very high to non-detectable. We selected a panel of different cancer cells to study the effects of retinoids and other differentiation agents. We observed: (1) In most cases, retinoids (including all-trans retinoic acid, 4HPR, CD437) could induce the expression of RAIG-1 in cells from cancers of the breast, colon, head and neck, lung, ovarian and prostate. (2) Compare to retinoids, butyrate is often a more potent inducer of RAIG-1 expression in many cancer cells. (3) Butyrate, Phenylacetate butyrate, (R)P-Butyrate and (S)P-Butyrate have different impact on RAIG1 expression which varies among different cell lines. Our results indicate that retinoids could restore RAIG1 expression that is down-regulated in many cancer cells.^ A mouse homologous gene, mRAIG1, was cloned by 5$\sp\prime$ RACE reaction. mRAIG1 cDNA has 2105 bp and shares 63% identity with RAIG1 cDNA. mRAIG1 encodes a polypeptide of 356 amino acid which is 76% identity with RAIG1 protein. mRAIG1 protein also has seven transmembrane domains which are structurally identical to those of RAIG1 protein. Only one 2.2 kbp mRAIG1 transcript could be detected. The mRAIG1 mRNA is also highly expressed in lung tissue. The expression of mRAIG1 gene could be induced by ATRA in several mouse embryonal carcinoma cells. The induction of mRAIG1 expression is associated with retinoic acid-induced neuroectoderm differentiation of P19 cells. Similarity in cDNA and protein sequence, secondary structure, tissue distribution and inducible expression by retinoic acid strongly suggest that the mouse gene is the homologue of the human RAIG1 gene. ^
One full length cDNA clone, designated 3aH15, was isolated from a rat brain cDNA library using a fragment of CYP3A2 cDNA as a probe. 3aH15 encoded a protein composed of 503 amino acid residues. The deduced amino acid sequence of 3aH15 was 92% identical to mouse Cyp3a-13 and had a 68.4% to 76.5% homology with the other reported rat CYP3A sequences. Clone 3aH15 was thus named CYP3A9 by Cytochrome P450 Nomenclature Committee. CYP3A9 seems to the major CYP3A isozyme expressed in rat brain. Sexual dimorphism of the expression of CYP3A9 was shown for the first time in rat brain as well as in rat liver. CYP3A9 appears to be female specific in rat liver based on the standards proposed by Kato and Yamazoe who defined sex specific expression of P450s as being a 10-fold or higher expression level in one sex compared with the other. CYP3A9 gene expression was inducible by estrogen treatment both in male and in female rats. Male rats treated with estrogen had a similar expression level of CYP3A9 mRNA both in the liver and brain. Ovariectomy of adult female rats drastically reduced the mRNA level of CYP3A9 which could be fully restored by estrogen replacement. On the other hand, only a two-fold induction of CYP3A9 expression by dexamethasone was observed in male liver and no significant induction of CYP3A9 mRNA was observed in female liver or in the brains. These results suggest that estrogen may play an important role in the female specific expression of the CYP3A9 gene and that CYP3A9 gene expression is regulated differently from other CYP3A isozymes. ^ P450 3A9 recombinant protein was expressed in E. coli using the pCWOri+ expression vector and the MALLLAVF amino terminal sequence modification. This construct gave a high level of expression (130 nmol P450 3A9/liter culture) and the recombinant protein of the modified P450 3A9 was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity (10.1 nmol P450/mg protein) from solubilized fractions using two chromatographic steps. The purified P450 3A9 protein was active towards the metabolism of many clinically important drugs such as imipramine, erythromycin, benzphetamine, ethylmorphine, chlorzoxazone, cyclosporine, rapamycin, etc. in a reconstituted system containing lipid and rat NADPH-P450 reductase. Although P450 3A9 was active towards the catabolism of testosterone, androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and 17β-estradiol, P450 3A9 preferentially catalyzes the metabolism of progesterone to form four different hydroxylated products. Optimal reconstitution conditions for P450 3A9 activities required a lipid mixture and GSH. The possible mechanisms of the stimulatory effects of GSH on P450 3A9 activities are discussed. Sexually dimorphic expression of P450 3A9 in the brain and its involvement in many neuroactive drugs as well as neurosteroids suggest the possible role of P450 3A9 in some mental disorders and brain functions. ^