986 resultados para Clinical Pathology
Firstly discovered in rete testis fluid, clusterin is a glycoprotein present in most of the other biological fluids. Several isoforms of clusterin are encoded from a single gene located on chromosome 8 in human species. Among the different isoforms, the secreted form of clusterin is expressed by a variety of tissues, including the nervous system under normal conditions. This form is presumed to play an anti-apoptotic role and seems to be a major determinant in cell survival and neuroplasticity after stroke. In animal models of this pathology, both neuronal and astroglial subpopulations express high levels of clusterin early after the ischemic damage. Recent lines of evidence point also to its possible involvement in neurodegenerative disorders. It is thought that in Alzheimer's disease the association between amyloidogenic peptides and clusterin contributes to limit Aβ species misfolding and facilitates their clearance from the extracellular space. Thus, intercellular and intracellular factors that modulate local clusterin expression in the nervous system may represent potent targets for neurodegenerative disease therapies. In this review we provide a critical overview of the most recent data on the involvement of clusterin in neurodegenerative diseases with special reference to their putative clinical relevance.
Forensic experts play a major role in the legal process as they offer professional expert opinion and evidence within the criminal justice system adjudicating on the innocence or alleged guilt of an accused person. In this respect, medico-legal examination is an essential part of the investigation process, determining in a scientific way the cause(s) and manner of unexpected and/or unnatural death or bringing clinical evidence in case of physical, psychological, or sexual abuse in living people. From a legal perspective, these types of investigation must meet international standards, i.e., it should be independent, effective, and prompt. Ideally, the investigations should be conducted by board-certified experts in forensic medicine, endowed with a solid experience in this field, without any hierarchical relationship with the prosecuting authorities and having access to appropriate facilities in order to provide forensic reports of high quality. In this respect, there is a need for any private or public national or international authority including non-governmental organizations seeking experts qualified in forensic medicine to have at disposal a list of specialists working in accordance with high standards of professional performance within forensic pathology services that have been successfully submitted to an official accreditation/certification process using valid and acceptable criteria. To reach this goal, the National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME) has elaborated an accreditation/certification checklist which should be served as decision-making support to assist inspectors appointed to evaluate applicants. In the same spirit than NAME Accreditation Standards, European Council of Legal Medicine (ECLM) board decided to set up an ad hoc working group with the mission to elaborate an accreditation/certification procedure similar to the NAME's one but taking into account the realities of forensic medicine practices in Europe and restricted to post-mortem investigations. This accreditation process applies to services and not to individual practitioners by emphasizing policies and procedures rather than professional performance. In addition, the standards to be complied with should be considered as the minimum standards needed to get the recognition of performing and reliable forensic pathology service.
Tailoring adjuvant therapy in breast cancer patients relies on prognostic and predictive factors, most of which are currently established by histopathological analysis of tumors. The quality of the assessment of the former (i.e.: tumor size, lymph node status, tumor grade, HER2 status, and lymphovascular invasion) and the latter (estrogen and progesteron receptors expression, HER2 overexpression or amplification) is an essential prerequisite for an optimal therapeutic decision. If the prognostic and predictive values of multigenes signatures are confirmed by on-going clinical studies, this approach could enter the clinical practice in the coming years and result in improved accuracy of adjuvant therapies in breast cancer patients. This approach might especially allow avoiding overtreatment in patients at low risk of recurrence.
Osteoporosis is a serious worldwide epidemic. Increased risk of fractures is the hallmark of the disease and is associated with increased morbidity, mortality and economic burden. FRAX® is a web-based tool developed by the Sheffield WHO Collaborating Center team, that integrates clinical risk factors, femoral neck BMD, country specific mortality and fracture data and calculates the 10 year fracture probability in order to help health care professionals identify patients who need treatment. However, only 31 countries have a FRAX® calculator at the time paper was accepted for publication. In the absence of a FRAX® model for a particular country, it has been suggested to use a surrogate country for which the epidemiology of osteoporosis most closely approximates the index country. More specific recommendations for clinicians in these countries are not available. In North America, concerns have also been raised regarding the assumptions used to construct the US ethnic specific FRAX® calculators with respect to the correction factors applied to derive fracture probabilities in Blacks, Asians and Hispanics in comparison to Whites. In addition, questions were raised about calculating fracture risk in other ethnic groups e.g., Native Americans and First Canadians. In order to provide additional guidance to clinicians, a FRAX® International Task Force was formed to address specific questions raised by physicians in countries without FRAX® calculators and seeking to integrate FRAX® into their clinical practice. The main questions that the task force tried to answer were the following: The Task Force members conducted appropriate literature reviews and developed preliminary statements that were discussed and graded by a panel of experts at the ISCD-IOF joint conference. The statements approved by the panel of experts are discussed in the current paper.
BACKGROUND: Low p27 and high Skp2 immunoreactivity are associated with a poor prognosis and other poor prognostic features including resistant phenotypes and antiestrogen drug resistance. We investigated these proteins in two International Breast Cancer Study Group trials studying node-negative early breast cancer. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Trial VIII compared chemotherapy followed by goserelin with either modality alone in premenopausal patients. Trial IX compared chemotherapy followed by tamoxifen with tamoxifen alone in postmenopausal patients. Central Pathology Office assessed p27 and Skp2 expression in the primary tumor by immunohistochemistry among 1631 (60%) trial patients. RESULTS: p27 and Skp2 were inversely related; 13% of tumors expressed low p27 and high Skp2. Low p27 and high Skp2 were associated with unfavorable prognostic factors including larger size and higher grade tumors, absence of estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 overexpression and high Ki-67 (each P < 0.05). Low p27 and high Skp2 were not associated with disease-free survival (P = 0.42 and P = 0.48, respectively). The relative effects of chemo-endocrine versus endocrine therapy were similar regardless of p27 or Skp2. CONCLUSIONS: We confirm the association of low p27 and high Skp2 with other poor prognostic features, but found no predictive or prognostic value, and therefore do not recommend routine determination of p27 and Skp2 for node-negative breast cancer.
A cutaneous horn was observed close to the free margin of the inferior right eyelid in a 26-year-old-male patient. A minimal resection was primarily performed. Histopathologic study disclosed a precancerous keratosis. As the tumor had not been entirely excised, a complementary resection was performed secondarily to obtain the entire resection of the tumor.
A clinicopathological case of a 76-year-old male patient with a chronic inflammatory change of the inferior left eyelid is reported. The inflammation appeared as a reddish area of the inner part of the eyelid, without sharp limits, but with loss of lashes. Numerous local treatments did not to cure this condition. As some true eyelid tumors may mimic an inflammation during growth and, for example, sebaceous carcinoma may clinically present as chronic unilateral blepharitis, a surgical excisional biopsy was performed on this left eyelid. Its histopathological study showed a granulomatous inflammation, which was typical of a simple chalazion. This case clearly illustrates that the chalazion may not always appear as a limited nodular inflammation of the eyelid, but may have a more diffuse clinical presentation.
A clinicopathologic case of an 80-year-old male patient with a single cutaneous tumor on the upper part of the left eyelid is reported. It was a grayish and pigmented mass covered with a thick keratin layer, well circumscribed, and exophytic. After surgical removal, histopathology showed that the tumor had a papillomatous pattern and was growing under a thick layer of hyperkeratosis. It was a typical squamous cell papilloma. This tumor belongs to the benign eyelid tumor group and can be found on the eyelids of elderly people.
Fifty-seven patients with suspected CEA-producing tumors were studied prospectively by radioimmunoscintigraphy (RIS) using a 123I-labeled anti-CEA monoclonal antibody (MAb) (essentially the F(ab')2 or Fab fragments) and emission computed tomography (ECT). Results of RIS were compared to those of a comprehensive diagnostic study. Final diagnosis was based on surgery, biopsy and autopsy (n = 39) or follow-up findings (n = 18). Three groups of patients were defined: Group A with suspected primary tumors (n = 11), Group B with probable (n = 19) and Group C with questionable (n = 27) tumor relapse. Eighty-eight per cent, 93% and 71% of the anatomic regions studied were correctly identified as being involved, and 97%, 97%, and 87% as being free from tumor in Groups A, B, and C, respectively. In the 27 patients from Group C with no definite diagnosis of relapse, and in whom diagnosis was most difficult, 38 tumor sites were involved. Of these, 21 were detected by both prospective RIS and repeated comprehensive study, six by RIS only and seven by conventional methods only. Four sites remained undetected by both approaches. Ten of the 21 lesions were detected by RIS more than 1 mo earlier than by any other method. Among the seven tumor sites detected by other diagnostic modalities only, three were identified at the time of RIS and four became positive more than 6 mo later. Overall diagnosis was entirely correct in 30, partially correct in 16 and incorrect in six patients studied. RIS with ECT and 123I-labeled anti-CEA MAb allows early detection of recurrence or metastasis of colorectal cancer. It thus contributes to reduced delay between diagnosis and treatment.
Autoimmune glomerulopathies are an important cause of chronic kidney disease. Conventional treatments based on steroids, antiproliferative and cytotoxic agents are efficacious, but highly toxic. Because of their central role in the pathogenesis of autoimmunity, B cells have become an attractive therapeutic target. Rituximab is a monoclonal antibody directed against CD20 expressed on the surface of B cells, inducing profound depletion of B cells in the peripheral blood. In spite of encouraging results regarding the off-label use of Rituximab in membranous nephropathy, systemic lupus erythematosus and small vessel vasculitis, controlled, long-term data, and data with specific renal endpoints are currently lacking.
Peripheral T-cell lymphomas (PTCLs) encompass a group of rare and usually clinically aggressive diseases. The classification and diagnosis of these diseases are compounded by their marked pathological heterogeneity and complex clinical features. With the exception of ALK-positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL), which is defined on the basis of ALK rearrangements, genetic features play little role in the definition of other disease entities. In recent years, hitherto unrecognized chromosomal translocations have been reported in small subsets of PTCLs, and genome-wide array-based profiling investigations have provided novel insights into their molecular characteristics. This article summarizes the current knowledge on the best-characterized genetic and molecular alterations underlying the pathogenesis of PTCLs, with a focus on recent discoveries, their relevance to disease classification, and their management implications from a diagnostical and therapeutical perspective.
Antemortem demonstration of ischemia has proved elusive in head injury because regional CBF reductions may represent hypoperfusion appropriately coupled to hypometabolism. Fifteen patients underwent positron emission tomography within 24 hours of head injury to map cerebral blood flow (CBF), cerebral oxygen metabolism (CMRO2), and oxygen extraction fraction (OEF). We estimated the volume of ischemic brain (IBV) and used the standard deviation of the OEF distribution to estimate the efficiency of coupling between CBF and CMRO2. The IBV in patients was significantly higher than controls (67 +/- 69 vs. 2 +/- 3 mL; P < 0.01). The coexistence of relative ischemia and hyperemia in some patients implies mismatching of perfusion to oxygen use. Whereas the saturation of jugular bulb blood (SjO2) correlated with the IBV (r = 0.8, P < 0.01), SjO2 values of 50% were only achieved at an IBV of 170 +/- 63 mL (mean +/- 95% CI), which equates to 13 +/- 5% of the brain. Increases in IBV correlated with a poor Glasgow Outcome Score 6 months after injury (rho = -0.6, P < 0.05). These results suggest significant ischemia within the first day after head injury. The ischemic burden represented by this "traumatic penumbra" is poorly detected by bedside clinical monitors and has significant associations with outcome.
BACKGROUND: A 70-gene signature was previously shown to have prognostic value in patients with node-negative breast cancer. Our goal was to validate the signature in an independent group of patients. METHODS: Patients (n = 307, with 137 events after a median follow-up of 13.6 years) from five European centers were divided into high- and low-risk groups based on the gene signature classification and on clinical risk classifications. Patients were assigned to the gene signature low-risk group if their 5-year distant metastasis-free survival probability as estimated by the gene signature was greater than 90%. Patients were assigned to the clinicopathologic low-risk group if their 10-year survival probability, as estimated by Adjuvant! software, was greater than 88% (for estrogen receptor [ER]-positive patients) or 92% (for ER-negative patients). Hazard ratios (HRs) were estimated to compare time to distant metastases, disease-free survival, and overall survival in high- versus low-risk groups. RESULTS: The 70-gene signature outperformed the clinicopathologic risk assessment in predicting all endpoints. For time to distant metastases, the gene signature yielded HR = 2.32 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.35 to 4.00) without adjustment for clinical risk and hazard ratios ranging from 2.13 to 2.15 after adjustment for various estimates of clinical risk; clinicopathologic risk using Adjuvant! software yielded an unadjusted HR = 1.68 (95% CI = 0.92 to 3.07). For overall survival, the gene signature yielded an unadjusted HR = 2.79 (95% CI = 1.60 to 4.87) and adjusted hazard ratios ranging from 2.63 to 2.89; clinicopathologic risk yielded an unadjusted HR = 1.67 (95% CI = 0.93 to 2.98). For patients in the gene signature high-risk group, 10-year overall survival was 0.69 for patients in both the low- and high-clinical risk groups; for patients in the gene signature low-risk group, the 10-year survival rates were 0.88 and 0.89, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The 70-gene signature adds independent prognostic information to clinicopathologic risk assessment for patients with early breast cancer.