904 resultados para Children’s humour


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Depuis le début du 20e siècle, plusieurs chercheurs (assez originaux il va s'en dire), provenant de disciplines différentes, ont exploré cette avenue de l'humour en démontrant certaines théories concernant son impact en intervention. De la psychanalyse à la sexologie en passant par la philosophie et la thérapie, pour n'en nommer que quelques-uns, tous ont mis leur grain de sel dans cet engrenage humoriste. Ainsi, dans le milieu hospitalier, on croit que les professionnels de la santé hésitent à utiliser l'humour avec les patients. Le contexte sérieux de la souffrance, l'image respectable du professionnel et la question du conservatisme religieux inhérent à la pratique infirmière constituent les trois facteurs expliquant ce fait. En psychanalyse, Freud (1929) indique que l'humour implique un processus de total défoulement. Bergson (1940), quant à lui, après l'avoir défini comme étant un geste social, nous explique que par l'humour, l'être humain réussit à se dégager émotivement de la dure réalité de l'existence, et en arrive, tout comme le mentionne la sexologue Claire Bouchard (1993), à dédramatiser les situations difficiles. Fry (1987) affirme pour sa part que le paradoxe fait partie intégrante de l'humour, et ce, dans le monde entier. Certains médecins, dont le Dr Drouin concluent quant à eux que l'humour, enfin le rire, en favorisant la synchronisation des deux hémisphères cérébraux, permet à l'humain de prendre des décisions à la fois logiques et intuitives. Et qu'en est-il de l'humour en lien avec la créativité ? Si pour Koestler (1964) l'humour constitue un type de créativité, Freud (1929) le relie au processus créateur par leur base commune, c'est-à-dire, le fantasme du retour à l’enfance. Le service social ne sera pas en reste, car aussi curieux, insolite et surtout paradoxal que cela puisse paraître aux yeux de certains, cet essai porte sur l'humour en protection de la jeunesse. Est-il possible ou illusoire de penser que cet outil qu'est l'humour peut contribuer, entre autres, à créer ou améliorer la relation de confiance entre l'intervenant et le client, et ce, dans le contexte tout à fait particulier qu'est la protection de la jeunesse ? À ce sujet, nous avons donné la parole à huit personnes (quatre clients et quatre intervenants) rattachés au Centre jeunesse de l'Estrie. Au terme de ces entrevues, nous avons analysé plusieurs éléments qui ont particulièrement capté notre attention. Nous avons relevé l’importance pour les intervenants de savoir doser l'humour. Nous avons donc défini quatre types de dosage l'humour, dont un dosage qualitatif, un dosage temporel, un dosage humaniste, et enfin, un dosage quantitatif. Nous avons également relevé un type de rapport à l'humour différent d'un participant à l'autre. Certains mettent ainsi l'emphase sur la complicité, d'autres sur le pouvoir que l'on peut obtenir par l'humour. Ah! Le pouvoir! L'humour implique donc, dans certaines situations une prise de pouvoir négative, mais aussi, et heureusement, dans certains cas, une prise de pouvoir positive. De même, l'humour procure à l'occasion une forme de protection positive ou négative (fuite) à son utilisateur, qu'il soit intervenant ou client. Enfin, ce qui ressort principalement de cette recherche exploratoire, c'est combien les participants, autant les clients que les intervenants ont un immense besoin d'humour dans leur vie. C'est une survie pour les clients face à ce qu'ils vivent par rapport à la protection de la jeunesse et à leur situation familiale, et pour les intervenants qui évitent entre autres l’épuisement professionnel.


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The current study investigated whether 4- to 6-year-old children’s task solution choice was influenced by the past proficiency of familiar peer models and the children’s personal prior task experience. Peer past proficiency was established through behavioral assessments of interactions with novel tasks alongside peer and teacher predictions of each child’s proficiency. Based on these assessments, one peer model with high past proficiency and one age-, sex-, dominance-, and popularity-matched peer model with lower past proficiency were trained to remove a capsule using alternative solutions from a three-solution artificial fruit task. Video demonstrations of the models were shown to children after they had either a personal successful interaction or no interaction with the task. In general, there was not a strong bias toward the high past-proficiency model, perhaps due to a motivation to acquire multiple methods and the salience of other transmission biases. However, there was some evidence of a model-based past-proficiency bias; when the high past-proficiency peer matched the participants’ original solution, there was increased use of that solution, whereas if the high past-proficiency peer demonstrated an alternative solution, there was increased use of the alternative social solution and novel solutions. Thus, model proficiency influenced innovation.


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Historically, the health risk of mycotoxins had been evaluated on the basis of single-chemical and single-exposure pathway scenarios. However, the co-contamination of foodstuffs with these compounds is being reported at an increasing rate and a multiple-exposure scenario for humans and vulnerable population groups as children is urgently needed. Cereals are among the first solid foods eaten by child and thus constitute an important food group of their diet. Few data are available relatively to early stages child´s exposure to mycotoxins through consumption of cereal-based foods. The present study aims to perform the cumulative risk assessment of mycotoxins present in a set of cereal-based foods including breakfast cereals (BC), processed cereal-based foods (PCBF) and biscuits (BT), consumed by children (1 to 3 years old, n=75) from Lisbon region, Portugal. Children food consumption and occurrence of 12 mycotoxins (aflatoxins, ochratoxin A, fumonisins and trichothecenes) in cereal-based foods were combined to estimate the mycotoxin daily intake, using deterministic and probabilistic approaches. Different strategies were used to treat the left censored data. For aflatoxins, as carcinogenic compounds, the margin of exposure (MoE) was calculated as a ratio of BMDL (benchmark dose lower confidence limit) and aflatoxin daily exposure. For the remaining mycotoxins, the output of exposure was compared to the dose reference values (TDI) in order to calculate the hazard quotients (HQ, ratio between exposure and a reference dose). The concentration addition (CA) concept was used for the cumulative risk assessment of multiple mycotoxins. The combined margin of exposure (MoET) and the hazard index (HI) were calculated for aflatoxins and the remaining mycotoxins, respectively. Main results revealed a significant health concern related to aflatoxins and especially aflatoxin M1 exposure according to the MoET and MoE values (below 10000), respectively. HQ and HI values for the remaining mycotoxins were below 1, revealing a low concern from a public health point of view. These are the first results on cumulative risk assessment of multiple mycotoxins present in cereal-based foods consumed by children. Considering the present results, more research studies are needed to provide the governmental regulatory bodies with data to develop an approach that contemplate the human exposure and, particularly, children, to multiple mycotoxins in food. The last issue is particularly important considering the potential synergistic effects that could occur between mycotoxins and its potential impact on human and, mainly, children health.


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Child morbidity and mortality in Ethiopia is mainly due to vaccine preventable diseases. Although numerous interventions have been made since the 1980’s to increase vaccination coverage, the level of full immunization is low in the country. This study examines factors influencing children’s full immunization based on data on 1927 children aged 12-23 months extracted from the 2011 Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey. Multinomial logistic regression model was fitted to identify predictors of full immunization. The result shows that only 24.3% of the children were fully immunized. There was significant difference between regions in immunization coverage in which Tigray, Dire Dawa, and Addis Ababa performed well. In Oromia, Afar, Somali, Benishangul-Gumuz, and Gambela regions, the likelihood of children’s full immunization was significantly lower. Children born to mothers living in households with better socio-economic status, with frequent access to media, and who visit health facilities for antenatal care were more likely to be fully immunized. The results imply the importance of narrowing regional differences, improving women’s socio-economic status and utilization of antenatal care services, and strengthening culture-sensitive media campaign as a means of achieving full immunization of all children


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Objective: Our study aimed at assessing the role of flexible bronchoscopy (FB) in improving diagnosis and management of children’s respiratory conditions in the pediatric unit of FB, newly created and unique in Tunisia. Methods: Retrospective study including all the FB achieved in our pediatric unit from 2009 to 2014. Results: We performed 365 FB in 333 patients aged 46 months on average (1 month - 15 years), often under conscious anesthesia (81.6%). FB was performed for diagnostic purposes in 341 cases and for therapeutic purposes in 24 cases. Eight anatomical abnormalities were revealed in 22 patients. An intraluminal bronchial obstruction was found in 71 FB, mainly due to a foreign body (n=36). A vascular anomaly was responsible for nine cases out of 17 extraluminal obstructions. Airways malacia was observed in 60 FB. Bronchoalveolar lavage was performed in 196 cases. It was determinant in 43.9% of the cases. FB was of great diagnostic value in 74.8% of the cases. It influenced the management of the patients in 58% of the cases. The FB for therapeutic purposes was beneficial in all cases. Few complications occurred (5.5%). Conclusion: FB is a safe tool providing precious diagnostic and/or therapeutic help for the clinician. Keywords:


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Background: Hookworm eggs identification and quantification is usually carried out by Kato-Katz method. However various structures present in the smear may be confused with eggs of such parasites. Objective: To document the presence of structures in Kato-Katz slides that could initially be misinterpreted as hookworm eggs. Method: 497 faecal samples were analysed by Kato-Katz technique, diphasic concentration technique, agar-plate coprocultive and larvae obtained were analysed by PCR and characterized by sequencing. Results: Hookworm-like eggs were found in 159 (32%) of the samples by Kato-Katz, finally identified as Caenorhabditis elegans by PCR technique. Conclusion: The diagnosis of human hookworm eggs, only by the use of Kato-Katz technique can lead to false positives because of similarities with eggs of other free-living worms, from wet soils like those of Rwanda that could contaminate stool samples.


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The aim of this study was to identify key aspects in the exchange of information and to determine how nurses communicate news to hospitalised children. For this study, we applied the critical incident technique with 30 children aged between 8 and 14 years. Data were collected in paediatric units in a hospital in Alicante (Spain) using participant observation and semi-structured interviews. The analysis yielded three main categories: the children’s reaction to the information, nursing staff behaviour as a key aspect in the exchange of information and communication of news as well as children’s experience. This article emphasises the need to promote children’s consent and participation in nursing interventions. An analysis of these aspects will verify whether children’s rights are being respected and taken into account in order to promote children’s well-being and adaptation to hospitalisation.


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Background BEIT CURE International Hospital (BCIH) opened in 2002 providing orthopaedic surgical services to children in Malawi. This study reviews the hospital’s progress 10 years after establishment of operational services. In addition we assess the impact of the hospital’s Malawi national clubfoot programme (MNCP) and influence on orthopaedic training. Methods All operative paediatric procedures performed by BCIH services in the 10th operative year were included. Data on clubfoot clinic locations and number of patients treated were obtained from the MNCP. BCIH records were reviewed to identify the number of healthcare professionals who have received training at the BCIH. Results 609 new patients were operated on in the 10th year of hospital service. Patients were treated from all regions; however 60% came from Southern regions compared with the 48% in the 5th year. Clubfoot, burn contracture and angular lower limb deformities were the three most common pathologies treated surgically. In total BCIH managed 9,842 patients surgically over a 10-year period. BCIH helped to establish and co-ordinate the MNCP since 2007. At present the program has a total of 29 clinics, which have treated 5748 patients. Furthermore, BCIH has overseen the full or partial training of 5 orthopaedic surgeons and 82 orthopaedic clinical officers in Malawi. Conclusion The BCIH has improved the care of paediatric patients in a country that prior to its establishment had no dedicated paediatric orthopaedic service, treating almost 10,000 patients surgically and 6,000 patients in the MNCP. This service has remained consistent over a 10-year period despite times of global austerity. Whilst the type of training placement offered at BCIH has changed in the last 10 years, the priority placed on training has remained paramount. The strategic impact of long-term training commitments are now being realised, in particular by the addition of Orthopaedic surgeons serving the nation.


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Black students are consistently overrepresented in categories of academic underachievement. Parent engagement has long been touted as an effective strategy for improving the educational outcomes of Black children. However, most parent engagement research reflects deficit based perspectives frame Black parents as problems that must be fixed or mitigated before they can positively contribute to their children’s education. Consequently, parent engagement research and frameworks ignore the perspectives of Black parents and the assets they use to participate effectively in parent engagement. In this case study, I draw on individual and focus group interview data, documents, and observations, to examine how fifteen Black families, collectively known as FACE: 1) define and participate in parental engagement, 2) experience barriers to and opportunities for engagement, and 3) experience benefits of engagement for their children and their own personal development. Guided by Black Feminist and Critical Race Theories, I show how Black families in this study used a myriad of engagement strategies to improve their children’s educational experiences which were invisible to schools and how they used school-sanctioned engagement activities to meet their own objectives. Ultimately, I argue that school-centered parent engagement frameworks and models are ineffective for empowering Black families and accounting for the essential ways that these families contribute to the well-being of their children. Based on my findings, I discuss implications for theory, practice and policy, and research, and make recommendations for a more family-centered approach to parent engagement.


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Field lab in marketing: Children consumer behaviour


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Dados suplementares associados com o artigo e epígrafe estão disponíveis em: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cogdev.2016.08.007


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Background: Despite improvements in child health, malnutrition still remains one of the main public health challenges in Iran. Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare under nutrition among under-five children with regard to ethnicity in rural area in north Iran. Patients and Methods: In three cross-sectional studies 7575 subjects in three time-periods including 2339 children in 1998, 2749 in 2004, and 2487 in 2013, were evaluated. All under-five-children in 20 out of 118 villages were chosen by random sampling and assessed. Under nutrition was defined as underweight, stunting and wasting lower than -2 SD (Z < -2 SD). Results: Generally, stunting was declined 17.1% and underweight and wasting were increased 0.9% and 1%, respectively during 15 years (1998 - 2013). Underweight increased 0.5% in Fars-natives and 3.2% in Turkmans and it was decreased 0.9% in Sistanis. Statistical difference in Turkman children among the three stages of the study was significant (P = 0.001). Stunting has decreased 28.7% in Fars-natives and 35.1% in Sistanis, it was increased 9.3% in Turkman group. Statistical differences among three stages in inter-ethnic groups were significant (P = 0.001 for all). Compared the group with good economic status, the odds ratio was 1.831 in poor economic group (P = 0.001). The risk of under nutrition in Sistanis was 1.754 times more than in Fars-natives (P = 0.001). Conclusions: Under nutrition remains one of the main health problems in under-five-year children in north Iran being more common in Sistani children. Stunting in Sistani children deeply decreased while in Turkman children slightly increased during the 15-year period study. Poor economic status is a risk factor for under nutrition in this area.


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Background: The latest national census reports the population of Iranian children (1 - 8 years old) about 11 millions. On the other hand, the latest population policies approved by supreme cultural revolution council (SCRC) will make this population increase faster. Childhood development is one of the social determinants of health, of which “child’s play” is a part. Objectives: This study is an effort to identify difficulties and challenges of the plays influential on Iranian children’s health nationwide, in order to present enhancive strategies by utilizing the views of stakeholders and national studies. Patients and Methods: Analyzing children’s play stakeholders, main organizations were identified and views of 13 informed people involved in the field were investigated through deep semi-structured interview. A denaturalized approach was employed in analyzing the data. In addition to descriptions of the state, interventions development, and designing the conceptual model, national reports and studies, and other countries’ experiences were also reviewed. Results: Society’s little knowledge of “children’s plays”, absence of administrators for children’s play, shortage of public facilities for children’s play and improper geographical and demographic availability, absence of policies for Iranian “toy”, and little attention of media to the issue are the five major problems as stated by interviewees. Conclusions: The proposed interventions are presented as “promoting the educational levels of parents and selected administrators for children’s play”, “approving the play and toy policy for Iran 2025”, and “increasing public facilities for children’s play with defined distribution and availability”.