980 resultados para Child welfare.


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Examination of previous empirical literature illustrates how researchers have concentrated on documenting the impact of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) on the later psychological functioning of survivors, through comparisons with those who have not had such a history. Only more recently has there been a focus on assessing the relationship between aspects of the abuse and specific psychological difficulties. This thesis investigated the relationships between CSA characteristics and women’s later psychological adjustment. The role of attributions, coping methods, parenting competency and marital satisfaction were also investigated. Qualitative data on perception of benefit and general reflections of participants were used to explore participants’ self-esteem, locus of control, decisions relating to parenting, disclosure experiences, and attributions in relation to their abuse, including the search for meaning. Recruitment through newspapers and counselling services led to 118 women volunteering to complete a questionnaire evaluating the characteristics of their CSA and their current psychological adjustment. Of this group, 33 subsequently volunteered to participate in a telephone interview that explored in greater depth issues related to the long-term impact of their CSA. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses were conducted on the data. The women reported a high prevalence of dysfunction in their families of origin. Abuse had generally commenced by middle childhood, and lasted for a number of years and often involved a number of perpetrators. Perpetrators were most likely to be intrafamilial, with stepfathers being over-represented. Sexual activities generally involved physical contact, with participation often induced by the use of coercion. Participants demonstrated significant difficulties in psychological adjustment, but attributions regarding the abuse improved over time. Some concerns were expressed regarding parenting competency, and avoidant coping methods were favoured. In general, participants were satisfied with their current marital relationship. Significant associations were found between coping methods, attributional style, beliefs and various psychological adjustment measures. Participants, in general, demonstrated low self-esteem and displayed an external locus of control. As a consequence of their experience of CSA, many participants reported they had decided not to have children. For those who did have children, CSA was almost universally seen as having had an impact on their parenting. Disclosure of CSA was usually delayed for a number of years, with poor outcomes generally resulting from disclosure when it occurred. Women with current partners rated them as very caring and not controlling. Participants were generally still searching for meaning in their abuse, despite many having accepted it. Survivors outlined an extensive range of long-term effects of CSA, and nominated a number of strategies that would assist in reducing these effects. The results of the study indicated that there are a number of characteristics associated with CSA which signal a higher risk of difficulties in psychological adjustment. Concerns of survivors regarding parenting were confirmed according to those who undertook this role. Unfortunately, concerns expressed by survivors that disclosure of their CSA would have had negative consequences was usually the case when they did finally disclose. However, the accessing of social and family support appeared to have an important role in changing the attributions of survivors regarding their CSA. Furthermore, change of attributions in relation to abuse may provide the key to resilience in survivors against the negative impact of CSA on later psychological adjustment.


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Examines the inequalities of the Aboriginal Australian and politics, government, history, legal status and the effects of Aboriginal institutions in Western Australia. The researcher found that the destruction and disappearance of documents, files and records greatly impacted the thesis.


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The thesis aimed to explore the Victorian Community's attitudes towards intimate partner homicide committed in the context of jealousy and domestic violence. Results revealed that the immediacy of the accused's actions, the gender of the accused, and the gender of the participant interacted to influence participants' verdict and blame responses. The portfolio explored the complexities and challenges that face mental health professionals in deciding the appropriate weighting of child's wishes in child protection assessments. The four case studies presented were chosen due to the attention that was paid to the child's wishes throughout the assessments.


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Examines the benefits and dangers of allowing experts to intervene in the lives of youth, and their families, on the basis of assessing them as being at-risk.  Highlights the dangers of expert promises to prevent risk by intervening in people's lives on the basis of what is perceived to be normal or good.


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Aim. To establish a protocol for the early introduction of inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) therapy in children with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and to assess its acute and sustained effects on oxygenation and ventilator settings.Patients and Methods. Ten children with ARDS, aged 1 to 132 months (median, 11 months), with arterial saturation of oxygen <88% while receiving a fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO(2)) 0.6 and a positive end-expiratory pressure of greater than or equal to 10 cm H2O were included in the study. The acute response to iNO was assessed in a 4-hour dose-response test, and positive response was defined as an increase in the PaO2/FiO(2) ratio of 10 mmHg above baseline values. Conventional therapy was not changed during the test. In the following days, patients who had shown positive response continued to receive the lowest iNO dose. Hemodynamics, PaO2/FiO(2), oxygenation index, gas exchange, and methemoglobin levels were obtained when needed. Inhaled nitric oxide withdrawal followed predetermined rules.Results. At the end of the 4-hour test, all the children showed significant improvement in the PaO2/FiO(2) ratio (63.6%) and the oxygenation index (44.9%) compared with the baseline values. Prolonged treatment was associated with improvement in oxygenation, so that FiO(2) and peak inspiratory pressure could be quickly and significantly reduced., No toxicity from methemoglobin or nitrogen dioxide was observed.Conclusion. Administration of iNO to children is safe. iNO causes rapid and sustained improvement in oxygenation without adverse effects. Ventilator settings can safely be reduced during iNO treatment.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a relação entre a cárie precoce, variáveis sócio-comportamentais e o locus de controle da saúde em um grupo de crianças de 24 a 35 meses de idade de Araraquara, São Paulo, Brasil. Foram envolvidas todas as crianças de ambos os sexos, na mencionada faixa etária, matriculadas em sete Centros Municipais de Educação e Recreação Infantil, totalizando 110 crianças. Os exames foram realizados por um examinador, previamente, calibrado para a aplicação dos critérios propostos pela OMS para determinação da condição dentária. Um questionário foi respondido pelas mães, sendo que seu conteúdo incluía informações referentes às características sócio-econômicas, comportamentos e atitudes relacionados à saúde bucal da criança, além da escala multidimensional do locus de controle da saúde. A prevalência de cárie precoce (lesões cavitadas e não cavitadas) foi de 28,2%. Observou-se associação significativa entre a escolaridade paterna (p = 0,01) e cárie precoce; não houve associação significativa entre as médias de nenhuma das subescalas do locus de controle e a cárie precoce. Os resultados sugerem que os pais não devam ser tidos apenas como provedores, mas como uma importante influência no desenvolvimento infantil como um todo.


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Purpose: To verify the prevalence of malocclusion and the influence of harmful oral habits on deciduous dentition in 5- and 6-year-old children enrolled in Brazilian public elementary schools during 2010.Materials and Methods: Exams were conducted in 1385 children from 56 Brazilian elementary schools using the method recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) for epidemiological surveys on oral health. Information about the type of arch, social and economic data and harmful oral habits of the children were collected through a structured questionnaire.Results: In relation to canine occlusion, a high prevalence of Class I (74.5%), followed by Class II (19.4%), was found. Among all participants, 22% showed high overjet, 7.8% showed edge-to-edge occlusion and 2.3% showed anterior crossbite. In relation to overbite, 13.2% had short overbite, 14.3% open bite and 16.8% high overbite. The presence of posterior crossbite occurred in 14.6% of children. Maxillae predominantly exhibited the type I arch (67.9%) and mandibles predominantly exhibited type II (51.7%). In relation to harmful oral habits, 43.4% used a pacifier, 84.8% used a bottle and finger sucking was reported by 17.2%.Conclusion: There was a high prevalence of malocclusion associated with oral habits harmful to deciduous dentition.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Inquérito epidemiológico realizado pela Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de São Paulo e Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Bauru visou à realização de exames de plumbemia em 853 crianças de 0 a 12 anos, em Bauru, São Paulo, Brasil (2002), a partir de indícios de chumbo oriundo de resíduos industriais nas proximidades de uma fábrica de baterias. Os níveis sangüíneos de chumbo no grupo controle foram inferiores aos apresentados pelo grupo exposto (p < 0,05). Mediante a existência de 314 crianças com taxas de plumbemia superiores àquelas aceitáveis pelo Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (10µgPb/dl sangue), foi desencadeado um conjunto de ações com participação dos serviços públicos, universidades e voluntariado, para promover o diagnóstico e a assistência à saúde da população atingida. Ações emergenciais, visando a reduzir riscos de recontaminação, incluíram a raspagem de camada superficial das vias públicas, resultando em 1.392m³ de terra contendo material tóxico, que permanece depositada nas dependências da fábrica. Foi promovida a aspiração de poeira do interior das residências e a lavagem e vedamento das caixas d'água. O Grupo de Estudo e Pesquisa da Intoxicação por Chumbo em Crianças de Bauru, por meio deste trabalho, faz o compartilhamento de uma experiência intersetorial, multidisciplinar e interinstitucional.


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Objective: To evaluate the health-related quality of life in children with functional defecation disorders. Methods: One hundred children seen consecutively were enrolled and subdivided into three subsets according to the Roma II classification criteria: functional constipation (n = 57), functional fecal retention (n = 29) and nonretentive functional soiling (n = 14). The generic instrument Child Health Questionnaire - Parent Form 50 (CHQ-PF50®), was used to measure quality of life and to assess the impact of these disorders from the point of view of parents. The instrument measures physical and psychosocial wellbeing in 15 health domains, each of which is graded on a scale from 0 to 100, with higher values indicating better health and greater wellbeing. Ten of these are then used to obtain two aggregated and summary scores: the physical and psychosocial scores. Results: No statistically significant differences were detected between subsets in terms of demographic or anthropometric characteristics. In 14 domains, children with defecation disorders scored lower than healthy children. When subsets were compared, statistically significant differences were detected between children with nonretentive functional soiling (lower scores) and those with functional constipation. Physical and psychosocial scores for the entire sample were lower than those for the group of healthy children used as controls. Conclusions: The CHQ-PF50® was considered adequate for demonstrating compromised quality of life in children with functional defecation disorders, as has been reported for other diseases, being a useful tool for making treatment decisions and for patient follow-up. Copyright © 2006 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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This issue of Challenges examines the progress made thus far on childcare leave for parents —mothers and fathers— and turns a spotlight on pending debts in this regard. Few legislative or practical measures exist for satisfying the many types of early childhood care needs, and inequalities of origin are still rife. In order to meet those needs, the policy response must be aimed at ensuring universal satisfaction of children's right to care regardless of the formal employment status (or otherwise) of their parents, and the existing models of care from birth must be thoroughly reviewed.


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En este número se plantean avances y limitaciones en licencias parentales y maternales para el cuidado y se enfatizan las deudas pendientes. Las múltiples necesidades del cuidado en la primera infancia han tenido escasa traducción legal y práctica, y persisten desigualdades de origen. Para enfrentarlas se requiere de políticas que universalicen, más allá del empleo formal, el derecho de niños y niñas a recibir cuidados, además de un examen profundo de los modelos imperantes de provisión de cuidado infantil desde el nacimiento.


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La migración infantil en la región tiene aristas contradictorias, tal como se plantea en el artículo central de este boletín. Entre las positivas se destacan las mayores oportunidades educativas en los países de llegada y el mayor bienestar en los países de origen por efecto de las remesas; la más alta protección que se obtiene al migrar desde situaciones de violencia y riesgo social; y la apertura de nuevos horizontes para ampliar las experiencias de vida. Entre las aristas negativas se incluyen la precariedad y exposición a más riesgos en el entorno familiar cuando los padres migran y los hijos quedan a cargo de terceros; la exposición a abusos y violaciones de derechos en los procesos migratorios; y la degradación del estatus ciudadano en los países de recepción.