271 resultados para Charlie Hebdo
El artículo analiza un total de 1.133 noticias publicadas en la prensa marroquí francófona (Le Matin du Sahara et du Mahgreb, Maroc Hebdo International, y L’Économiste) y en la prensa española de tirada nacional (El País, ABC y El Mundo) durante la disputa territorial del islote de Leyla/Perejil en julio de 2002. Se propone un análisis de discurso publicado estructurándolo a partir de la distinción entre los principios de periodismo bélico y de paz de Jake Lynch et al. (1997). Se obtiene una alta presencia de indicadores propios del periodismo de guerra, en ambas riberas: atención prioritaria a los acontecimientos armados, polarización, hipérboles narrativas, orientación hacia las élites, propaganda e, incluso, deshumanización. Si bien existen breves destellos de periodismo de paz: sentido del humor, relativización de la importancia del incidente, seguimiento, a veces extenso, de las declaraciones de ambas partes.
The tragic, unqualifiable attacks committed last week at Charlie Hebdo’s office, in Montrouge and a kosher supermarket, which killed 17 persons, have created an unprecedented reaction from the French population. Demonstrations organised all over the country during the weekend have shown the population’s attachment to freedom, in particular to the freedom of expression.
Back Row: Fritz Seyferth, Bob Chmiel, Alex Agase, Jerry Meter, Elliot Uzelac, Paul Schudel, Jerry Hanlon, Gary Moeller, Tirrell Burton, Milan Vooletich, Lloyd Carr, Bob Thornbladh, Dennis Doornbos, Mike Gittleson
9th Row: Chuck Ritter, Jon Falk, Ken Gear, Bob Kimball, Ed Hood, Camp Fellin, Marc Shevrin, Joe Mosketti, Charlie Fromm, Russ Miller
8th Row: Pat Moons, Derek Woodmore, Greg Randall, Triando Markray, Andy Moeller, Mike Krauss, Dan Decker, Jerry Quaerna, Rick Frazer, Dieter Heren, Ben Logue, Keith Cowan, Robert Harris
7th Row: Tony Gant, Steve Johnson, Thomas Wilcher, Eddie Garrett, Paul Schmerge, Mike Reinhold, Marty Shimko, John Mihic, Mark Hammerstein, Jim Harbaugh, Dan Rice, Bob Perryman, Gilvanni Johnson, Ivan Hicks
6th Row: Joe English, Todd Schlopy, Mike Melnyk, John Ferens, Mike Sessa, John Ghindia, Sim Nelson, Gil Zimmerman, Eric Kempthorn, Bruce Brown, Dave Simon, Sylvester Ogletree, John Paciorek, Bob Bergeron
5th Row: Tom Knoebel, Mike Odioso, Phil Lewandowski, Bob Popowski, Clay Miller, Jeff Akers, Kevin Brooks, Art Balourdos, Mike Hammerstein, Brian Mercer, Bob Tabachino, Joe Gray, Jim Scarcelli, Riley McPhee
4th Row: Greg Powell, Brad Cochran, Al Sincinch, Mike Mallory, Eric Kattus, Vince DeFelice, Tim Anderson, Dave Meredith, Larry Sweeney, Mike Wilson, Nate Rodgers, Robert Dana, Rick Rogers, Fritz Burgess
3rd Row: Evan Cooper, Greg Armstrong, Don Bracken, Carlton Rose, Tom Hassell, Kerry Smith, Dave Hall, Jerry Diorio, Ron Prusa, Milt Carthens, Doug James, Rodney Lyles, Mickey Hanlon, Lou Kovacs
2nd Row: Vince Bean, Stefan Humphries, Nate Davis, Ricky Davis, John Lott, Scott Roberts, Todd Triplett, Dan Yarano, Rich Hewlett, Jeff Cohen, Jim Herrman, Steve Smith, Mike Boren, Tom Dixon
Front Row: Marion Body, Jerald Ingram, Mike Lemirande, Winfred Carraway, Craig Dunaway, Keith Bostic, Rich Strenger, Robert Thompson, Anthony Carter, Lawrence Ricks, Paul Girgash, Tom Garrity, Jerry Burgei, Ali Haji-Sheikh, Bo Schembechler